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Birthday Pool Party Ch. 36


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No night can last forever. It's a sad fact, but true. I actually feel tears forming in my eyes when the DJ announces the last song of the night. Our group shares one last dance. Then the nine of us make our way outside, the couples holding hands. The limousine is waiting, and we all pile inside. Senior Prom is over, but Prom Night is just beginning.


This is the best night ever! I'm giddy with happiness as I sit down beside Josh in the limousine. Our entwined hands are resting in my lap while my thumb lightly caresses Josh's skin. He squeezes my hand affectionately, making me smile.

We're all hot from dancing, so we hand out waters from the refrigerator. I brush my blonde hair back and press the cold bottle against the back of my neck before opening it and taking a sip. Then I glance around the interior of the vehicle, taking in the sight of my friends, my family.

Marcia and Shawn are sitting side-by-side as he brushes a lock of dark hair back behind her ear before whispering something that makes her giggle. Hazel and Lexi are teasing each other, and I smirk when Lexi blows a raspberry, like she does so often. Kayla is sitting between Ian and Stephanie, a radiant smile lighting up her gorgeous face.

We have another forty minute drive ahead of us. The nine of us spend it talking about how great Prom is, how happy we are, and how we're looking forward to the after party. The company is so nice, making the drive fly by. Before we know it, we're parking in front of the mansion.

After stepping out of the car, the driver bids us a goodnight and our limousine leaves. Then we walk through the dark house until we reach the main living room. Steven is here, waiting for us with the after party all set up. There's booze, soda, and snacks.

"Welcome back!" Steven smiles widely. "How was Prom?"

Five girls rush Steven, with only Stephanie hanging back. The dark-haired girl just smiles and waves at him. The five Slut-sisters all hug Steven. He then shakes hands with the guys. We all sit down, the girls with wine coolers, except for Hazel. The guys enjoy beers as we talk about Prom.

"Where's Nicole?" Kayla wonders at one point.

"She went home an hour ago." Steven answers. "She's going out with friends tomorrow morning."

"Is she gonna tell them the three of us are dating?" Lexi asks.

"I actually don't know what she's told her friends." Steven frowns. "I just know they've been asking why she's so busy on weekends."

"Nicole did ask about what to tell her friends when you guys got together." I comment.

"Yeah, I remember." Steven sighs.

"We'll ask her about it tomorrow." Lexi shrugs.

With ten people, there are several conversations going on at once. Somewhat understandably, Stephanie and the guys are the most quiet. We do our best to draw them into our chats, and as time passes, it works better and better.

"I should head to bed." Steven says after finishing his beer.

"Oh, you don't have to!" Marcia insists.

"Yeah, you can stay, Daddy!" Kayla adds.

"I appreciate that," Steven smiles, "but you guys have fun, I'll relax in the bedroom."

"Are you sure, Baby?" Lexi asks.

"I'm sure." Steven nods and smirks. "Oh, and ladies, don't completely burn the guys out."

"No promises!" I call out loudly and confidently, making all the girls, even Stephanie, giggle.

Steven laughs and shakes his head. Then he makes his exit. I know I'm not the only girl who checks out his ass as he walks away. Turning my head back to face Josh, I kiss his cheek and give him a winning smile.

Our little party continues. Kayla puts on some soft music for background noise as we drink and enjoy snacks. It's so cute watching the guys getting used to drinking beer. They're still unaccustomed to drinking alcohol. It's fucking adorable, I love it!

I look over and catch Ian and Kayla exchanging soft kisses as they gaze at each other and laugh softly. Marcia and Shawn are holding hands, and I actually catch his eyes flick down to her cleavage. Lexi and Hazel are sitting so close that their hips are touching. Yeah, I'm getting wet.

"Well, girls," I state loudly as I stand up while raising my wine cooler, "I think it's time we show these boys the time of their lives!"

"Mm, sounds like fun to me!" Kayla giggles before taking a sip of her drink.

"What do you say, sexy lady?" Lexi asks as she stands up and steps into her heels. She then offers Hazel both hands. "Want me to lick that sweet twat of yours?"

"Yes, please!" Hazel giggles as she takes Lexi's hands and is pulled to her feet.

"What do you think?" Marcia asks Shawn quietly. Shawn is staring glassy-eyed at Lexi and Hazel, clearly trying to figure out what's happening. "Shawn?"

"Y-yeah, sounds good. "Shawn stammers nervously as he looks at Marcia's pretty face. "But Lexi's dating Kayla's dad?"

"I'll explain in the room." Marcia responds.

I look at Josh suggestively. To his credit, he's either oblivious to what's happening, or taking everything in stride. I feel a surge of pride for my formerly innocent date. I take Josh's hand and pull him to his feet.

"Let's head upstairs." I suggest, winking at Josh. "I have certain parts that you might be interested in."

"O-okay." he nods, blushing bright red.

"Have fun everyone." Stephanie whispers.

Ian and Kayla look at each other. I feel like there's a conversation going on in their eyes, but neither one of them says anything. I'm about to speak up when I see Kayla nod. Ian nods back, and I wonder what their decision is.

"Actually, Ian and I were thinking of staying down here and relaxing with our date a little longer." Kayla says.

"Um..." Stephanie begins. "I think I'd like that very much, but isn't it ruining your plan?"

"Somehow, I think this is even better than our plan." Ian smiles.

"We'll leave you three alone." Lexi smiles as she wraps an arm around Hazel's waist and starts to lead the tall girl from the room.

"Let's go, Shawn!" Marcia smiles confidently while standing up.

"With me, sexy man!" I say to Josh.

Three couples; Marcia and Shawn, Lexi and Hazel, Josh and I. We all march out of the main living room, leaving Stephanie, Kayla, and Ian alone. The six of us are all laughing as we run through the house as fast as the girls' heels will allow. Soon, we arrive at the bedrooms. Lexi and Hazel go into Hazel's room while Marcia pulls Shawn into a guest room. I grab Josh's tie and smile at him as I drag him into another guest room.

"Nervous?" I ask with a grin as I forward to peck his lips.

"Well, it's not my first time." Josh blushes.

"Oh, someone's finding his confidence!" I comment while giving him a cheeky smile.

"I'm in a bedroom after Prom with the most beautiful woman in the world." Josh grins. "How could I not be confident?"

"Josh!" I gasp as I grab him by the back of the head and shove my tongue in his mouth.

Josh wraps his arms around me as he kisses me back with passion. I run my fingers along his bicep from outside his jacket while we make out. I can feel my pussy getting even more wet as I quickly lead us over to the bed.

"Shouldn't we talk?" Josh asks between kisses.

"After!" I moan into his mouth. "It can wait until after!"

"Not just about Lexi and Hazel." Josh explains while kissing me. "About us."

"After, I promise." I whisper as I start kissing down his neck while pulling him up onto the bed. "I need cock in me. Now!"

"O-okay. Okay!" Josh gasps as he climbs on top of me.

We're kissing again. Josh has one hand in my blonde hair while his other hand slides up my torso. I gasp and grab Josh's ass in both hands when Josh's hand reaches my breast. My entire body shivers as Josh squeezes my massive titty.

Josh and I start grinding as I slide my hands into the jacket of his tuxedo. I nibble on Josh's earlobe while encouraging him to remove his jacket with my hands. When I release his earlobe, Josh sits up and discards his tuxedo jacket. Then he's back on top of me.

"I wanna suck your dick!" I husk into his ear as we grind. My legs are spread to either side of him, my knees pulled back and my heels in the air.

"I want you to." he whispers back.

"Lay down, Baby." I coo in his ear as I think about my own words; it's time to suck out the easy one before getting him inside my cunt.

Josh rolls off me and lays down on the bed with his head on the pillow. I can actually see him shiver with anticipation. Good, he is ready for me. Knowing how great I look in my black dress, I get between Josh's legs and smile up at him.

"Mm, I love to suck cock." I moan as I lick my lips.

He's breathing heavily as my fingers caress his bulge. I can't wait any longer, I open his pants and pull out his erection. Fuck, he's rock hard and throbbing for me. I love it! I start stroking him while he looks down, watching me with wide eyes.

"Oh, that feels good!" he groans while enjoying the handjob.

"If you like that, you'll love this!" I giggle.

Without any further words, I lunge forward and capture his mushroom head between my lips. Josh gasps, making me smile wide around his tip. Then I start sucking. My cheeks cave in as I happily give head. There's nothing like a hard shaft throbbing between my lips.

"Ashley!" Josh moans, throwing his head back as he buries his hands in my blonde locks.

"MM!" I hum loudly as my saliva coats his thickness.

He isn't in my mouth for very long when I start hearing his rapid breathing. He's close. I relax my throat and impale my face on his shaft. I can't deepthroat Steven, but I can manage Josh! My nostrils flare as I struggle to breathe, then I start swallowing so my throat will massage his length.

"Holy shit!" Josh exclaims as his hips buck.

That's the only warning I receive as my mouth floods with sperm. I grab Josh's thighs as I struggle to remain attached to him. I can feel cum leaking down my chin as I swallow my first big mouthful. Then I swallow again. And again. Until the last drops trickle out and onto my tongue.

I release Josh's softening dick with a loud slurp as I look up at him. He looks down at me; I'm kneeling between his legs in my black dress, and I can feel my big titties dangling from my chest, trapped in my large bra. As Josh watches, my tongue snakes out and laps up the cum from my chin.

"How was that, Cutie?" I ask with a big smile.

"So good!" he gasps weakly.

"I'm glad." I reply as I lean forward and kiss his cock.

"Ashley?" Josh inquires nervously.

"What's up, Baby?" I respond while still absentmindedly stroking his half-hard dick.

"O-only if you want me to..." Josh stammers. "If you want me to, I'd l-like to return the favor."

"Oh!" I exclaim as a sly grin crosses my face. "Does someone wanna eat my pussy?"

"If you want me to, yes." he swallows, showing his anxiety.

"Are you kidding?!" I laugh as I squeeze his shaft in my soft hand. "I'd love to get eaten out!"

"Really?" Josh asks, looking like he can't believe he's about to get his face in my box.

"Really." I nod excitedly. "C'mon, let's get naked!"

The two of us stand up. In my heels, I'm as tall as Josh. I smile at him as we both begin to disrobe. First, I kick off my heels. Then I shimmy out of my dress so that I'm standing in my bra and panties. I notice Josh eyeing me as I unhook my bra.

"Which one do you like better?" I ask as I throw my bra aside. I hold one tit in each hand. My right hand pulls my a breast up, while my left hand pulls my left titty down. I then alternate several times in quick succession.

"Both!" Josh breathes, his pants around his ankles and his erection standing proud for me. Yeah, he's hard again already. He is eighteen, and I'm smoking hot blonde with big tits!

"Good answer!" I giggle.

Once we're both naked, I climb up on the bed and lay back with my legs spread. Josh is frozen, his eyes locked on my exposed womanhood. I giggle and crook my finger, inviting him up onto the bed. My other hand caresses my massive mammary gland, lightly squeezing it as Josh devours me with his eyes.

"Come join me." I whisper in a seductive voice.

Josh nods rapidly as he gets on the bed. He stumbles a bit and blushes. I just give him a cute smile. Fuck, he's adorable. Wanting to encourage him, I grab my legs behind the knee and spread myself open wide. Josh may be shy and inexperienced, but even he knows what to do; he gets between my spread legs, his face inches away from my vulva.

A soft moan escapes my lips when Josh reaches out and lightly runs his fingers along my labia. I want to speak, to tell him to hurry up and lick me, but I resist. Josh isn't a virgin, thanks to me, but he's still never gotten a real good close up look at a pussy. I decide to be patient and let him examine me.

"Feel how wet I am for you?" I coo while still holding my legs back.

"You're soaked." Josh replies, clearly in awe.

"All for you, Baby!" I moan as his fingertips spread my labia. "All for you!"

Josh and I reach our limit at the same. Just as I'm about to beg for him to lick me, Josh leans forward and extends his tongue. I groan loudly when he takes his first lick of my slit. He licks me again. And again. Soon, he is gripping my thighs as his tongue laps at my cunt.

"Yes!" I hiss, my back arching, causing my huge tits to point toward the ceiling. "Fuck yes, lick me! Eat me!"

I can hear Josh moaning softly as he eats me out. Fuck, he's enjoying this as much as I am! I try and wiggle to show him exactly where to lick, but the shy boy is having trouble getting the message. He spends most of his time shoving his tongue inside me, ignoring my clit. Yeah, it feels fucking amazing, but I won't cum like this.

"My clit!" I moan loudly. "Lick my clit!"

"Mm, okay." Josh nods as he licks higher, coming close, yet somehow missing my clit completely.

"It's right here, it's right here!" I tell him while releasing my legs. I slide one hand between my legs. I touch just above my clit, pointing out my love button. "The little nub!"

Josh starts licking my clit, and I see stars. My toes clench at the blanket as I pull my legs back. Gripping Josh's head, I buck my hips, practically suffocating him with my pussy. I can feel my juices leaking out of me, soaking Josh's face. Then, I explode.

"Josh!" I scream as I claw at his head. "I'm cumming! I'm cumming for you! Josh!"

I don't give Josh a chance to breathe. As soon as I settle down after my orgasm, I reach down and grab at his shoulders. I start pulling him up, encouraging him to get on top of me. Josh obliges, and soon his muscular chest is squishing my double-D's as we make out.

I can taste myself on Josh's tongue, and moan into his mouth as he runs his tongue along mine. Josh starts rolling his hips, his cock head poking me as he tries to find the hole. I start to reach between us to help him when an idea occurs to me.

"I wanna ride you." I husk into his ear as I roll us over.

"Okay!" he gasps as I get on top of him.

Straddling Josh, I lean forward and nibble on his earlobe as I grind on top of him. I can feel my tits dangling, swaying lightly, hard nipples scraping across his chest. Sitting up, I look down at the shy boy, who looks back up at me in awe. My blonde hair framing my face, my huge tits on full display, my flat stomach and tight, tall body; I feel like a sex goddess.

I lift myself. Next, I reach down and grasp Josh's shaft. Giving him several strokes, I aim his harness straight up and at my pussy. My eyes never leave his as I can feel my wet labia start to part in anticipation. We both let out a gasp as I lower myself onto his cock, engulfing him with my warmth.

"Ashley, I-" Josh begins when he's fully embedded, his eyes locked on mine.

"Sh, not yet." I whisper as I place two fingers on his lips. "It's too soon. But, thank you."

With my hands on Josh's chest, I start to ride. In fact, I go full cowgirl. I bounce on Josh, lifting my body so high that his cock almost falls out of me. Then I slam myself back down, surrounding his entire shaft in wet, vaginal flesh.

"You feel so good inside me, Baby!" I coo. "So good!"

"Ashley!" is all Josh can manage to gasp.

My tits are jiggling like crazy on my chest as my blonde hair flails about. Josh's hands are gripping my hips as he just tries to hold on for the ride. Soon, the boy's eyes leave my face; I smirk when I catch him watching my big titties bounce.

"Grab 'em, Baby!" I beg as I claw at his chest.

"What?" he asks in confusion.

"My titties!" I crow. "Grab my big titties!"

Josh reaches his hands up my body and takes my breasts in his hands. My boobs are so big, he can't even get his fingers around the entirety of the round orbs. A smoldering look appears on my face as I start grinding in his lap.

"Pinch my nipples!" I hiss as I lean forward and grab the headboard with one hand.

Josh squeezes my boobies and pinches my nipples. The entire time I'm bouncing in his lap, riding him hard and fast. I'm close. Oh God, I'm so close! Gripping the headboard with one hand, I reach my other hand between my legs and rub my clit.

"I'm cumming!" I announce. "Cum with me! Cum inside me! Fill me with it! Cum for me, Josh!"

Josh groans as he squeezes my tits and bucks his hips. My vaginal muscles are going crazy on his cock, driving him to orgasm. I tense and cum again as hot cum floods my insides. I can feel each pulse of his shaft as Josh ejaculates inside of me.

"You cumming, Baby?" I coo as I lift my hips slightly before taking him back in me. "I can feel it! I can feel that cum!"

"Yes!" Josh hisses as he releases my tits and reaches down to grab my ass.

Josh holds me all the way down on him as he shudders one last time. I squeeze my vaginal muscles tightly, massaging his shaft and giving him as much pleasure as I possibly can. Then, it's over. I roll off of Josh and lay down beside him as he draws me into his arms.

"So, now that you've gotten me twice," I begin with a giggle as I nuzzle his chest. "is pussy better than your hand?"

"Uh, yeah!" Josh exclaims.

"Good!" I laugh as I press my bare breasts against him.

"As much as I'm enjoying the moment," he says as he reaches down to squeeze my butt, "we do need to talk."

"W-what about?" I ask nervously as my body tenses.

"What's going on?" Josh asks slowly. "Hazel is pregnant and Steven's the father. He's with Lexi. Lexi and Hazel hooking up? Nicole also dating Steven? You girls just seem really used to this, and I don't understand."

"I should have told you a long time ago." I sigh.

"Told me what?" he wonders as he brushes a lock of blonde hair out of my face.

"Kayla, Lexi, Hazel, Marcia, and I all made a pact." I answer. "Lexi's sister, Nicole, joined us later on. We call ourselves the Slut-sisters."

"You call yourselves sluts?" Josh asks in confusion.

"Yeah, I mean, it's not in the derogatory way like some people use the word." I explain. "It's sort of like we're reclaiming the word. The six of us make love. Often. And, of course, it's about so much more than sex. We will always be here for each other, always support each other, always come first."

"Which means that, if I want to date you, I have to accept it." he finishes for me. It isn't a question.

"Yes." I confirm. "Just like your dad accepts Jennifer."

"That's one woman, not five." Josh points out. "Still, what hurt my dad was the fact that my mom was hiding it."

"I'm not gonna hide anything from you." I say with sincerity. "There's more."

"You're sleeping with Steven, too." he says, revealing how observant the quiet boy is.

"I am." I nod.

"And you don't want to stop." he sighs.

"No, I don't." I agree. "But, I will. For you, I will. It's just, I won't stop sleeping with my Slut-sisters. I'll stop with Steven if you want, but not them. I need them. I always will."

"What hurt my dad the most was the secrets." Josh answers carefully. "He even told me that he was fine with Mom being with Jennifer. I don't need details, but do you promise to tell me about everyone you're with?"


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