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Birthday Pool Party Ch. 36


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I let my sexy girlfriend suck on me for a few minutes. Then I decide it's time for some fucking. Using my grip on her hair, I pull Nicole off my cock. She smiles and lays back on the couch as I get between her legs. Then I push the strap of her panties aside and press myself inside her.

"Oh, Steven!" Nicole gasps.

Nicole's hand goes to the back of my head, her fingers entwined in my hair as I start thrusting. Holy shit, Nicole is absolutely soaked. I can feel pussy juice coating my cock. Her other hand claws at my shirt as I continue pounding her.

"Fuck, take that cock, Nicole!" I hiss.

"Yes!" Nicole groans as she throws her head back. "Give it to me!"

Grunts escape my lips as I enjoy the physical exertion of sex. Nicole wraps her legs around me, pulling me into her with just the strength of her legs. I can feel her panties against my cock as I push past them and into Nicole's beautiful pussy.

"You feel so good, Baby!" I moan as I stare down into Nicole's eyes and relish the feel of her pussy gripping me.

"I! Love! You!" Nicole whispers as she caresses my face while looking up at me.

After a few minutes, I decide to change positions. I pull out of Nicole and flip her onto her hands and knees. Nicole rests her hands on the couch cushion as her head hovers over the armrest. With her skirt resting on her back, I yank Nicole's panties down to her knees.

"Mm, I love when you're rough with me!" Nicole coos. "Stick it in me!"

I spank Nicole before pushing my cock up her cunt. Gripping her hips tightly, I fuck Nicole doggystyle, hard and fast. Her long auburn hair is resting on her back as she grunts and groans with each thrust.

"Oh God, I'm so full!" Nicole groans. "You're so deep, Steven! So deep!"

"You like my dick, Nicole?" I grunt.

"Yes!" Nicole screeches. "I love your big, thick cock in me!"

I release Nicole's hips and grip her ass cheeks. With a steady rhythm, I screw Nicole until she arches her back and cums on my cock. Her vaginal muscles massaging my shaft is bringing me close to my own release.

"Getting close." I warn her. "Where do you want it?"

"Pussy!" Nicole groans. "I wanna feel you leaking into my panties all night!"

"You got it, Beautiful." I reply as I squeeze her bum.

I'm ready to cum. I focus on the feelings of Nicole's pussy on my dick as I look down and watch my length disappear into her twat. Finally, I reach my limit. I slam my hips into Nicole's ass as I empty the contents of my balls inside her.

Breathing heavily, I ease myself out of Nicole and release her butt. I smile down at my girlfriend as she reaches back and pulls up her panties. Nicole then stands up, spins to face me, and adjusts her skirt while giving me a cheeky smile.

"I can feel your sperm swimming around in me." Nicole giggles.

"That's fun to think about." I grin, my softening cock still exposed.

"I agree!" Nicole chirps.

"Fuck, that was good." I comment as I put my penis back in my pants and adjust my tie.

"Glad you enjoyed. I did, too." she smiles. "But I should head to Kayla's room and spend time with the Slut-sisters."

"Okay, have fun." I reply as I peck Nicole on the lips.

Nicole kisses me back before hugging me. Then she disappears out of the main living room. I sit back down on the couch, completely satisfied. Time to watch some television until the girls are ready to reveal their dresses.

I get bored of the show I'm watching, so I take out my phone and start playing on it. I'm sitting on the couch as I enjoy a game on my phone. Eventually, Nicole reappears with a huge smile on her face. I shut down the game and sit up so I can look at her.

"Ready for the fashion show?" Nicole asks as she walks into the middle of the living room and faces me.

"Definitely!" I smile as I open the camera app on my phone.

"First up," Nicole begins as she moves slightly to the right so that the center of the room is clear, "the lovely Ashley!"

In walks a tall, beautiful blonde. Ashley's hair is wavy and falling down her back as she sashays over to the center of the room and strikes a pose. Her dress is black, and strategically cut to show off her impressive cleavage. She's wearing a necklace, and a beautiful pendant is resting between her breasts. Holy shit, her tits really are massive.

"You look great, Ashley." I say as I take a picture of her.

"Why, thank you!" Ashley smiles while stepping back.

"Next up, we have Marcia!" Nicole says.

The second girl is much shorter and has dark hair. It's amazing to see the quiet girl looking so unbelievably gorgeous. Marcia is wearing a very sexy red dress, her heels not enough to bring her to even average height. Her nice-size breasts are full and round as they fill out the dress nicely. Dangling earrings sway back and forth.

"You're so beautiful." I smile, taking another picture.

"And you're very handsome." Marcia replies before going to stand by Ashley.

"Our third girl is Hazel!" Nicole announces.

Hazel is wearing a beautiful pink gown with delicate heels. It flows about her ankles as the tall girl reaches the middle of the room and spins to face me. She looks so beautiful with one hand on her hip. Her long, brown hair is hanging down her back in a thick sheet. No ponytail this time.

"Flawless." I compliment Hazel while taking her picture.

"Thanks, Steven." Hazel smiles as she gets in line.

"Stephanie, come on out!" Nicole gestures toward the entryway.

In walks the only girl here that I'm not intimately familiar with. Stephanie is very tall, with breasts almost as big as Ashley's. She has long, raven hair which is in an elegant braid down her back. Stephanie is wearing an elegant royal purple gown and high heels.

"You look amazing, Stephanie." I smile.

"Thank you, Sir." Stephanie blushes softly.

"You know you can call me 'Steven'" I correct her. "May I get a picture?"

"Of course, Steven." Stephanie giggles as she poses prettily.

"Thank you." I reply as I take a nice shot of the beautiful woman.

Stephanie gives me a cute curtsy before joining the other three girls in line. Ashley, Marcia, Hazel, and Stephanie are all standing in a row, looking absolutely flawless. The girls are giggling and complimenting each other on their dresses and hair.

"Fifth, we have my baby sister, Lexi!" Nicole shouts.

My love walks in, and she takes my breath away. Lexi's auburn locks are up in an elegant hairdo, exposing the entirety of her lightly-freckled face. She's wearing a light blue dress that is billowing around her ankles as she walks. A pendant with a stylized 'A' is hanging on her chest. She's also wearing earrings and a diamond bracelet.

"Wow." I can't help but whisper as I find myself standing up.

Lexi and I walk toward each other, meeting in the center of the room. I place my hands on her waist as she grips my upper arms. Gazing into each others eyes, we both lean forward. Our lips meet in a soft kiss. We don't use tongue, we just let our lips softly touch, completely lost in each other.

"Fuck, you're gorgeous." I state when our kiss breaks.

"You make me feel so loved." Lexi whispers, forgoing her usual response to my compliment.

"You are loved." I assure her.

Lexi gives me a radiant smile in response. I do get a solo picture of her, but then we have Nicole take a picture of Lexi and I together. This gives Ashley the idea of having every girl take a picture with me. Nicole obliges, taking the pictures with my phone. I then return to my seat as the five high school Seniors line up and Nicole gets back in place to make the final introduction.

"Last, but certainly not least, the stunning Kayla!" Nicole says loudly.

I have no words. My daughter, my baby girl. She's now a beautiful, young woman. Kayla gracefully enters the main living room, her raven hair framing her face in perfectly-formed ringlets. She's wearing a strapless forest green dress, that clings to her thin frame. She's wearing some of her mother's jewelry.

"You look so much like your mother, Honey." I say with tears in my eyes.

"Thank you, Daddy." Kayla replies happily.

I raise my phone and take a solo picture of Kayla. Handing my phone to Nicole, I pose with Kayla and get a picture with my daughter. Then Nicole and I take several pictures of the six girls all standing together. They're all so beautiful.

Kayla, Lexi, Marcia, Hazel, Ashley, and Stephanie all stand in a circle as the chat and giggle. Nicole and I stand some distance away, holding hands as we watch them with smiles on our faces. We're both so excited and happy for the girls.

"I can't believe it's Prom night!" Kayla gushes.

"When will the guys be here?" Marcia asks.

"Soon!" Kayla answers. "I know Ian is on his way with his parents."

"Great!" Lexi chirps.

"You girls all ready to spread your legs tonight?" Ashley inquires with a smirk.

"Fuck, yes!" Kayla breathes. "I can't wait!"

"It will be nice to have Lexi's tongue on my clit." Hazel giggles.

"I don't have a date, so my legs are probably staying closed." Stephanie winces.

"Sorry, Stephanie." Marcia sighs.

"All good. I'm, ah, not ready for that anyway." Stephanie answers. "Sorry, back to the topic of you all getting laid!"

"Ian, Josh, and Shawn are all inexperienced, hope they don't cum after two strokes!" Ashley laughs, bringing the subject away from Stephanie's trauma.

"Ashley!" Marcia exclaims.

"She does have a point." Kayla giggles.

"Just remember girls; suck out the easy one before bending over." Ashley says with enthusiasm.

All six girls burst out laughing, even Stephanie. Though I do notice the tall, raven-haired girl shooting me the occasional nervous glance. Nicole squeezes my hand tightly, then I look over at her and smile. Yeah, tonight is gonna be crazy.

"Ian's here!" Kayla exclaims upon checking her phone after it goes off.

"I'll show him and his parents in." I offer. "You girls get the boutonnieres out of the refrigerator. Looks like the guys will start arriving."

I head to the foyer and welcome Ian and his parents. Ian looks very nice in his suit. He's holding a corsage for Kayla. His father offers me a handshake, which I gladly accept. Ian Sr. and his wife Susan are polite enough, but I know they disapprove of Lexi and I. Good thing they don't know about my relationship with my daughter.

Ian and his parents follow me through the mansion. We arrive at the main living room, and Ian audibly gasps when he sees Kayla. I don't blame him one bit. I watch with Ian's parents as Kayla and Ian exchange a soft hug. Then Ian presents Kayla with a corsage while Kayla pins a boutonniere on her boyfriend.

Nicole grabs drinks for everyone while the rest of us chat. There's a really cute moment where Hazel and Lexi exchange corsages. I make sure to get a picture. Kayla also has a corsage for Stephanie, since Stephanie doesn't have her own date.

Ian's parents take a few pictures of Kayla and Ian posing together. I do the same. I feel tears forming in my eyes as I gaze upon my lovely daughter. Mentally, I flash forward to her in a wedding dress, standing next to a man in a tuxedo. The selfish part of me wants to keep her in the nest forever, but the greater part of me is looking forward to seeing her soar on her own. I hope the amazing woman she's becoming saves a spot in her heart for her old man.

We all spend a few minutes getting to know each other. I notice a look of disapproval when Lexi and I hold hands. Yeah, I'm forty, she's eighteen. I get it. I'm just grateful that Ian's parents aren't trying to keep Ian and Kayla apart.

It isn't long before Josh and Shawn arrive. When they do, corsages and boutonniere's are exchanged, then we move the entire group outside. That's where we get pictures of everyone individually, as well as couples shots. Kayla and Ian, Lexi and Hazel, Josh and Ashley, Shawn, and Marcia. Kayla pulls Stephanie into a group picture with her and Ian so she doesn't feel left out.

The parents arrive. Everyone's parents arrive as couples, except for Stephanie's parents, who are divorced. In total, there are twenty-three people. It's quite the crowd! Even our driveway can only hold so many cars, so a few people are parked on the grass or street.

Understandably, the parents all want to get their own pictures of the young adults with their dates. After that, we mingle. I shake hands and make small talk. It's tough; I soon learn that Shawn's parents and Josh's parents are unaware of my relationship with Lexi.

Shawn's parents grab him and pull him aside. The three of them enter a very animated, hushed discussion as Josh's parents look between Lexi and I. Josh's mom looks extremely uncomfortable as she nudges her husband and gestures toward us.

"She's kinda young for you, isn't she?" he asks me with a nervous laugh.

"She is, but we care about each other very much." I reply, squeezing Lexi's hand reassuringly as I try to keep the mood light.

"She's a child!" Josh's mom hisses, unable to contain her emotions any longer.

"I'm eighteen!" Lexi insists.

"The adults are talking." Josh's mom glares at Lexi.

"Don't talk to her like that!" Nicole angrily interjects.

Everyone is listening to the conversation now. Josh is standing next to his parents, shifting from foot to foot as he looks around nervously. Shawn and his parents are standing a bit away, watching carefully. The rest of the group is spread out, their conversations over now that they're listening to us.

"Let's calm down." I say firmly. "There's no need to argue."

"Don't act like you're the reasonable one." Josh's mom rolls her eyes. "You're dating a child, pervert."

"I don't think it's a good idea that Josh stays here tonight." his dad adds.

"He's an adult, it's his decision!" Ashley shouts, joining the argument as her parents stand on either side of her.

"Ashley, don't get involved." her mother instructs.

"They're the parents, Josh lives under their roof, it's their decision." Ashley's dad explains.

Several arguments break out. Ashley is yelling at her parents, insisting that the high school Seniors are all adults. Shawn is firmly insisting to his parents that he is staying over tonight. Stephanie and her parents just look uncomfortable as they whisper to each other. I can see Stephanie shaking her head. Ian's parents also look upset, but they aren't getting involved. Same for Marcia's parents, though her father looks like he wants to say something. Nicole is standing beside Lexi and I, trying to comfort her younger sister.

"ENOUGH!" I roar, using a much louder version of my board room voice. "That is enough! Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Greene. Look at your son, look at Josh! Because you think you know how everyone should act, you're spoiling the memory of your son's Prom. Is that what makes you happy? What Lexi and I, and any adult for that matter, does of their own free will is their choice, and their choice alone. Lexi is my girlfriend. That is not up for debate. Further, anyone who feels they can't keep their mouth shut about their judgment of my relationship can kindly leave right now. So, that's your choice; shut up, or go. NOW!"

Silence. Absolute silence follows. I'm often a hard-ass at work, I hate being one at home. Still, I have no choice right now. I can't just let some judgmental assholes bully me and my girlfriend. A few people look nervous, a few look angry, and a couple look at me with approval.

"For the record, he didn't pursue me, I pursued him." Lexi confidently speaks up. "I'm a brat. I know I am. I act immature, and I don't think before doing things. I can be really crazy. It got me in a lot of trouble. Some of you know about it, most of you don't. I'm not going to go into it now, it's not the point.

"The point is that this man loves me! He balances out my craziness. He's a great man. A kind man, but a sad man. A man who had dedicated himself to his daughter, and his work. Who gives of himself endlessly to make others happy. Who deserves so much happiness, but it was ripped away when his wife died.

"Do you get to decide how an adult finds happiness?" Lexi looks around, meeting the eyes of each parent. "No! You don't! You have no right to condemn this man back to his quiet sadness! You have no right to make me go back to hating myself and feeling unloved! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT!"

Lexi is breathing heavily her hands clenched into fists as she looks from person to person, glaring intently at them, almost daring them to contradict her. No one does. Sure, some of the parents still look incredibly pissed off, but a few are looking at her with respect as they consider her words.

"All I can say," Susan, Ian's mom adds, "is that my son has never been happier. I have Kayla to thank for that. Steven has done a great job raising her. I don't approve of his relationship with Lexi, but I can tell he's an amazing father who loves his daughter very much. I know Ian is safe here."

"I'm Lexi's big sister." Nicole states as she walks up and stands beside Lexi. "She got into a lot of trouble, there's no denying it. Rather than support her, our parents kicked her out while her brother and only sister ignored her. I'll regret my part in Lexi's pain for the rest of my life.

"When our brother and I found out about everything, I judged Steven. I thought he was a predator." Nicole sighs heavily before continuing. "Then I got to know him. I realized that I was being just as judgmental as my asshole parents. Steven is a kind and generous man. He genuinely loves Lexi, and he genuinely loves me."

"What does that mean?" Mrs. Greene asks with a frown.

"It means that I'm his girlfriend, too!" Nicole answers, causing several gasps of shock. "Yeah, I never saw it coming either, but this man won my heart. Despite all that, I was stupid. I hid my relationship from my friends, but I'm not doing that anymore! I have a boyfriend who loves me. There's nothing to be ashamed of."

"You have nothing to be ashamed of." Marcia's mom agrees. "It's the twenty-first century, how about we act like we know that? We all have a past, and maybe some of these relationships won't last, but so what? We can't shelter our children forever. They have to stumble so they learn to get back up. A very wise young woman reminded me of that."

I can see tears in Marcia's eyes as she hugs her mom. Her mother hugs the dark-haired girl back tightly. The two women hold each other for several moments while Marcia's father looks on. Then they break apart, and Marcia's mom looks straight at Josh's parents.

"Marcia is safe here. I have no doubts. I'm perfectly comfortable with her staying over tonight." Marcia's mom insists. Her dad looks less sure, but I see her mom slyly squeeze his hand, and his concerned look swiftly changes to one of support.

"Well, I don't want Josh exposed to this level of depravity!" Mrs. Greene screeches.

"What depravity?" Shawn's father laughs as he gets everyone's attention for the first time. "We're all adults, we've all done things we're not proud of. That's okay. Shawn insists that this is a safe environment, and we believe him. I'm sorry that I ever doubted him, he's right, he's a smart eighteen year old adult. He can make his own choices."

"Mom, Dad, I know you're worried about me." Stephanie speaks up. "And you should be. There are days where I struggle just to get from one moment to the next. But here? Here I feel safe. This is a house of love. And security. Look at the two of you; you always fight, you don't love each other anymore. Here, everyone loves each other unconditionally. It's beautiful. I'm safe here."

"You can stay." Stephanie's mom nods and smiles.

"I don't know..." Stephanie's dad says.

"She's right, you know?" Stephanie's mom says while looking at her ex-husband. "All you and I do is fight, who are we to judge them for how they find happiness? We failed, maybe they won't."


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