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Black Sheep Boy Ch. 04

Story Info
Alex goes on a date.
3.8k words

Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/03/2020
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All characters are eighteen.

When Alex woke up the day after the party he found himself with mixed feelings about the new number in his phone. He realized that, other than his mother, he'd never had the number of a futa before. And now he didn't know how to feel about it. The night before he'd felt somewhat giddy about the proposition. Erika had seemed nice and cool, and he thought he'd like being able to talk to her more. But perhaps that had just been the alcohol. Now, with the light of day peeking through his blinds, he wasn't so sure. What exactly were Erika's intentions? Futas didn't just ask for a boy's number to be friends with them. They usually did it because they were after some ass. Yes, Erika had seemed nice, and it was true she hadn't flirted with him or anything, but even so. That could've all been an act.

Alex thought back to the first time they'd met each other, on the track field a couple weeks ago. At that time Erika had seemed utterly disinterested in him. If he had been asked at the time he would've said she had only talked to him out of some sense of politesse. But of course, back then he was still dressing all frumpy. Now that he'd had his involuntary makeover, now that he was all pretty, (he shuddered a little to think of himself that way) she had suddenly taken an interest in him. "Oh, what do you know, the freak cleans up nice, maybe I can get my dick wet." When he thought of it like that, it was hard not to conclude that she was just looking for a pump and dump.

But then when he actually thought about the time they'd shared in the kitchen together, it was hard for him to imagine her acting that way. She really had seemed interested in talking to him, and she really had been fun and friendly. If she was pretending she must be a great actor. Alex found himself veering between these two opinions. He had no idea what to think for sure.

As a result of this uncertainty, Alex decided not to text Erika. He wasn't sure what exactly the etiquette was supposed to be when a boy exchanged numbers with a futa, but whatever it was he wasn't going to make the first move. And for a few days it seemed like Erika wasn't either. Sunday passed, then Monday and Tuesday, and Erika didn't text him. He didn't see her at school either. He figured that maybe she'd just drunkenly asked for his number and had regretted it when she sobered up. He didn't really mind. He was happy to have the issue cleared up. But then Wednesday came along, and at last she messaged him.

He had just gotten home from school and was laying in bed, as he often did after school, looking idly at his phone. Suddenly a text notification popped up at the top of the screen. It was from Erika.

hey whats ip

Then another came almost immediately after that.

up lol

Alex just stared at the notification till at last it went away. He had no idea if he wanted to answer it. He'd figured the problem with Erika was done, that she'd just decided he didn't really want to talk to him anymore, that he'd never hear from her again. And now here she was intruding on his rest.

After a few minutes he decided he might as well just answer it. He might as well feel her out a bit more and see what she wanted from him. He sent a short reply.

Not much, just layin in bed

Another text came quickly after that.

that's cool lol. just finished up practice myself

How'd that go?

fine. nice to get a good workout think we might do pretty well this year

That's cool

The conversation continued like that a bit, the two of them just making small talk. Erika asked Alex how his day went, if he had had a good time at the party, how long he'd known Jamie, things like that. She eventually apologized for not texting him sooner, as she'd been pretty busy the last few days.

honestly I kinda didn't know what tp say either lol i don't ask for guy's numbers that often

Haha, it's alright

Alex smiled at this. Once again he found himself enjoying chatting with Erika like this. She seemed to show a genuine interest in his life and was friendly about it too. And as much as he hated to admit it, he felt a bit flattered being told something like that. The next couple messages still came as a bit of a shock, however.

so do you wanna go out then?

i know that was kinda sudden but i just wanted to finally get to it lol

Alex was surprised by this sudden invitation. But it didn't seem to phase him so much. This time he only hesitated for a moment before replying.

Yeah, sure

Erika responded saying that was great and asking if going out to eat on Friday night would be alright.

ive got a car. i can pick you up at like 7 maybe?

Alex told her that would be alright and she said she'd seem him then. And that was the end of the conversation. But Alex stayed on his messages screen for awhile, just looking at the texts in front of him. It surprised him now to think of how quickly he'd said yes to her asking him out. He'd never in a million years have thought he'd one day accept a date with a futa, let alone do so that quickly or easily. Once again, with the deed done he felt a sense of doubt creep up on him. Maybe this wasn't a good idea. Maybe he should just text Erika again and tell her that he forgot he was going to be busy that night. Then he could just ghost her and move on like nothing had happened. But for some reason, he didn't do this. There were a few times where he even picked up the phone and started to type a text message out, but he always ended up deleting it. He just told himself that he felt bad about going back on a promise like that. Even if it was a promise to a futa.

Whatever the reason, Friday rolled around Alex still had a date that night. As he walked home from school he got a message from Erika, asking if they were still on. He looked at it for a moment, then responded with "yeah, sure," and then continued on home, knowing it would only be a few hours before Erika would be pulling up in her car.

Alex didn't tell his parents he was going on a date, instead saying he was just hanging out with Jamie. He didn't need them fussing over this the way he knew they would, especially his father. Sitting around in before Erika showed up, he thought about whether he should wear something nice. He'd never been on a date before, after all. He had no idea what Erika would be wearing, or what she would be expecting him to wear. He'd gone to school that day in what had become a fairly normal outfit for him, a gray pleated miniskirt, with black thigh high socks, and a tight black turtleneck sweater. Underneath he wore purple cotton bikini panties, and a plain blue bra. Looking in the mirror (something that had become more difficult for him now, what with his new appearance,) he decided his outfit was fine. He didn't even want to put on more make up really. After all, he had no interest in putting on a show for Erika or anything, and he knew that if he overdid it, his parents would know something was up. So he just waited for seven o'clock to come.

Erika ended up showing up a few minutes early, texting him that she was waiting outside in her car. Alex hurried out the door, quickly saying goodbye to his parents, not wanting them to talk to him or notice that it wasn't the usual car picking him up. He found Erika parked on the curb, driving a shabby looking black sedan. Alex opened the door and climbed into the passenger seat, holding his skirt so he'd be sitting on it in his seat, and smoothing it down when he'd gotten in, as he'd learned to do over the past couple weeks. Erika smiled at him as he sat down. "Hey! How's it goin?" she said, jovially. To Alex's relief she was just wearing jeans and a short sleeve collared shirt, nothing special.

"I'm alright," Alex responded, hoping his voice wouldn't betray his nervousness.

"You look really nice," Erika told him, giving an awkward grin.

Alex turned away a bit for fear he was blushing. "Thanks. Um, you look pretty nice too."

Erika scoffed a little and smiled as she started to pull away from the curb and drive on. "I was thinking we could go to this place called the Red Tavern, down on Lake Street. It's not super fancy but it's better than like a Chili's or something," She said. Alex told her that was fine and off they went.

At the Red Tavern they had a nice little dinner. Erika had a steak sandwich and Alex had chicken tenders. Once again, Alex found it easy to talk to her. She was funny and kind, and seemed to really listen to the things Alex said. It turned out they had quite a bit in common. Although Alex wasn't as interested in sports as Erika was, the two of them did have pretty close taste in video games. They were both big fans of Tomb Raider (although Alex suspected Erika admired Lars Croft for different reasons than he did) and they both liked fighting games a lot too. Most importantly, Erika loved horror movies, especially cheesy slasher flicks, just as much as Alex did (although, again, Alex was pretty sure Erika liked watching dumb bimbo guys run around naked and get axed for different reasons than he did.)

When the meal was over Erika made like she would pay the whole thing, but Alex insisted they should split it. Erika acquiesced, smiling. "Y'know," she said, "all the futas on the team always razz me when I say I'm taking a guy out to dinner. They tell me pretty guys only want to get my money. I guess that's not true in your case though."

Alex smirked a little, picking up on Erika's subtle way of calling him pretty. In any other instance he would have recoiled at that word being applied to him. But tonight he found himself in a playful mood. "Well, I guess not all the pretty guys are like that, huh?" he said, trying to play it coy.

Erika grinned at him. "I guess they aren't."

They ended up staying at the restaurant for awhile after they'd finished, just chatting and having a good time together. Alex really couldn't believe he was having this much fun just talking with someone, especially a futa. He couldn't even blame it on the alcohol this time. They didn't leave until around nine-thirty. They continued chatting on the drive home, and even a little bit after Erika had parked back on the curb in front of his house. "Well," she said at last, "I guess this is where you go."

"Yeah, I guess it is," Alex said, unbuckling his seat belt.

"Before you go," Erika continued, "do you want to kiss?"

Alex looked up at her, surprised. He didn't know why he was surprised exactly, after all this is what people went on dates for. He supposed he'd just been having such a good time, he'd forgotten he was with a futa. But even so, he didn't even have to think before giving his answer: "Sure."

It only took a second for him to feel Erika's lips on his. He'd never kissed anyone before. It was a strange feeling, intimate and pleasant. It only lasted a few moments, little more than a peck really. But he enjoyed it. It was only when Erika drew away that he realized something: her hand was on his thigh. She had put it right at the end of his thigh high, her thumb resting on the bare skin of his thigh. When he looked down at it she drew it back, smiling awkwardly. "Good night, then," she said.

Alex smiled and returned the good night, and got out of the car. His little cock was rock hard in his panties, and he hurried away in hopes she wouldn't notice. Once he was in the house he said a quick hi to his parents, who were watching TV in the living room, and then rushed upstairs to his room, closing the door behind him. He rushed to pull the drawer on his nightstand open and took out his butt plug and lube. In a flash he stripped down to his panties and bra. After lubing up the plug he tugged his panties down to his knees and bent over his bed, slowly inserting the plug into his ass. He gave a feminine moan as the broadest part of it popped through his anus. Normally this would've embarrassed him but he was so horny right now he didn't care.

With the plug inside he lay down on his bed and immediately started tugging his little dick. He closed his eyes and imagined Erika standing over, fantasizing that it was her hand wrapped around his cock, her fingers in his ass instead of the plug. It only took half a minute for him to cum, his whole body shaking a bit as he involuntarily moaned, and semen splattered over his body. When it was done, he just lay there panting slightly, looking down at his cum covered body. It was the biggest orgasm he'd had in months.

The next day Erika texted him in the morning to tell him she had had a great time the night before. He agreed, and the spent much of that day chatting over text. The two of them quickly made plans to go out again the following Saturday.

Over the next few days, Alex didn't really see Erika. The two had much different school schedules and didn't cross paths. But they texted every day, from the time Erika got out of practice to when Alex went to bed around eleven. It seemed like they would never run out of things to talk about. Often times Alex would keep talking with her after he knew he should be going to sleep, he just enjoyed it so much. It was on one of these days that the subject of Alex's clothes came up. Erika was telling him how good he'd looked in the outfit he was wearing on their date.

honestly those thigh highs were awesome, they made your legs look great

Haha, thanks. I only started dressing like that recently really

yeah didn't you used to dress different before?

Alex paused at this. He was a bit uncomfortable talking about this subject. He liked Erika a lot but a part of him was still wary about her intentions. If he hadn't started dressing differently would she still like him? Or was she just attracted to his new look?

Well, yeah, I used to dress more plain. But I got in trouble and my mom made me get all new clothes

oh thats kinda shitty

Yeah, honestly it sucks. Like I've kinda gotten used to wearing this girly stuff, but I'd much rather wear what I want to wear

yeah i know what you mean it sucks being told what to do like that

Alex smiled at this. It was nice to know that Erika could see where he was coming from here.

I just don't get the point. Why can't I just wear whatever I want?

weell if it makes you feel any better i think you look really hot in them

Alex blushed at that, despite himself. Erika had never called him "hot" before. She'd said he was pretty or that he looked nice, but never hot.

Thanks. Honestly a lot of the clothes aren't so bad by themselves, it's the underwear that annoys me the most

the underwear?

Yeah, I used to wear boyshorts all the time, now I have to wear like, bikini briefs and thongs and stuff, they're not as comfortable


Yeah, they're like a little pair of boxer briefs kinda

oh yeah, I know what you mean

Alex paused for a moment as he thought about what to say next. But before he could even start typing, he got another text from Erika.

well im sure you look good in thongs and bikini briefs too lol

Alex stared at the message for a moment. Suddenly, he felt that old devilish feeling come over him again. But it was different now, like it was being channeled in a different direction. It didn't take him long to decide what to say now.

Would you like to see?

like a picutre you mean?


lol yeah sure

Alex got up out of bed. It was almost eleven-thirty and he had to be up at seven-thirty but he didn't care. He was only wearing one of his old pairs of boysbhorts that hadn't been thrown away. His mother had bought him a few nightgowns to wear to bed but he preferred using his bedtime as a respite from his new feminine wardrobe. But he didn't want to show those to Erika. He opened up his drawers and searched through his new collection of bras and panties, looking for something suitable to wear for her. At the very bottom of the drawer, he found it. The old lacy pink thong and matching bra his aunt had bought him for his birthday. He pulled them out and looked them over. They were from Victor's Secret, the PINK brand. The color was a powdery shade of pink. The band at the top of the thong was solid cotton, with the little PINK logo in cursive on the left side of the front. The rest of the thong was a partially see through lace, with round, bubbly looking shapes patterned into it, and a lace trim on the sides. The bra was similarly designed.

Alex hesitated looking at them. He figured they were the kind of thing futas liked to see a guy in. Erika would probably love it. But a part of him was afraid that putting them on would be going a step too far, that he'd be sacrificing a part of himself just by putting them on. But, on the other hand, he was just going to take a picture in them. It's not like he'd be wearing them outside really. A few minutes couldn't hurt.

Hastily he slipped off the boyshorts he was wearing and slid the thong up his legs, the strip in the back nestling between his cheeks, a feeling he had gotten more and more used to, to his chagrin. He looked at his ass in the mirror, and noted with some satisfaction that the skimpy thing did make it look very nice. He then slid the bra on, and again checked himself out. He had to admit, he looked pretty good in the set. He snatched up his phone and, turning the lights in his room on, tried to decide how he should pose. He sat down in front of his mirror and tried to think of how models posed. He tried to pout a little, and pose sexily, but he just felt embarrassed. At last he just sat on his knees, making sure the whole set was visible, and quickly took a shot. He looked it over for a minute, decided it was alright, and sent it to Erika, with a message explaining he didn't do this kind of thing very often and apologizing if it was bad. It didn't take long for Erika to message back.

holy shit

you are so sexy omg

you looks so good in that wow

Alex blushed intensely. He felt his cock grow hard in his panties.

Thanks, haha

do you want a pic of me

Alex hadn't expected that. But he knew what to say nonetheless.


After a moment he got what he wanted. His mouth dropped a little as he looked at the pic. It showed Erika, naked except for a black jock strap, taking a pic in the mirror of the futa's locker room. She had a bored look on her face, and her hair was undone and fell to her shoulders. Her large breasts were completely exposed. Her lithe, muscular body was on full display, her hard abs and her well defined limbs. But the real sight was the bulge in her jock strap. It was huge. Alex could hardly believe that the strap could actually contain it. It didn't even look like her cock was hard. He texted Erika the only thing he could think to say.


haha you like?

Yes, lol

i took it a few days ago haha. bored in the locker room

You look great

thanks haha

The two of them chatted a little more and then Erika announce she had to get to bed. Alex said good night and then scrolled right back up to the picture. He couldn't stop staring at it, at her body, at her breasts, at her bulge. His little cock was still rock hard. He knew what he wanted to do. He grabbed the lube and the glass dildo out of his nightstand. Lowering the pink thong he quickly lubed his hole up, and began easing the dildo in. He moaned as the circular head broke through his anal ring, and the shaft slid into his ass. Once it was all the way in he on his back with his knees in the air, and slowly starting pumping it in and out, jerking off his little dick as he did so. And then, for the first time in his life, he started fantasizing about being fucked by a futa.

In his head, Erika was looming over him, it was her cock in his ass, thrusting in and out of him, jerking off his cock too, slowly picking up speed. It was her making him moan like a bitch, her making him feel this good. Even knowing her dick was much bigger than his six inch dildo, it was driving him wild.


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