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Blind Leading Blind Ch. 05

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Wrapping it all up.
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Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/26/2022
Created 08/19/2011
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Stephany's divorce is final today. It's a good thing too, because our first child is due to be born within a few weeks. When Stephany came up pregnant, I offered Rickey a deal. I would not break any more of his bones if he signed the divorce agreement and left town. I was not surprised when he refused. That evening he was limping home on his still healing knees. When he stepped into his dark house he caught his crutches on the threshold, fell, and broke his collarbone, nose, and jaw.

I visited him at the hospital and reoffered the deal. This time he signed.

I hadn't realized how very interesting my life was to become the night that Justine invited me to dinner.

Before I finally let the girls into my bedroom, we had a long talk about their relationships with Rickey. I wanted to know why two such beautiful and intelligent women had found themselves at the mercy of such a scum bag. Talking to Aaron I learned some of Cathy's story, about how she was a submissive personality that needed a dominant in her life an how Rickey had discovered that and taken advantage of it. I needed to hear it from her though. I threw up twice during her talk, and there were several walls that needed to be repaired afterward. Blakely just thinks that my interference in his life will be over when he leaves town. I'll let him stew for a while, and then find him again. Before I am done with him he will be glad to die.

Stephany's story was a whole 'nother kettle o' worms. I met Stephany one night during Junior high. I was sitting across the street under a bush watching Cathy in her nightgown. I had a crush on her that never quit. I was startled when Steph slid in under the bush and sat down next to me. She was sympathetic to me and over time we became friends. I was so focused on Cathy that I never really gave her little sister a thought. What I did know about her was that she was an intelligent and determined girl. I wanted to know what had happened to her to give Rickey such control over her.

What she told me curdled my stomach. Stephany was two years behind Cathy and me in school. When the prom came around she had just turned sixteen and had not dated much. Rickey was getting tired of Cathy and had put the word out to the guys who would be likely to date Steph that he would look unfavorably on potential suitors. I hadn't heard about it at the time because no one suspected that I even knew who Stephany was. She was thrilled to be asked to the senior prom as a sophomore after having so few dates to this point. Her Date must have spiked her drink in some way, because near the end of the prom she was suddenly dancing with Rickey while her date and her sister were nowhere to be seen. She said that the next few hours, to include the rape in Rickey's car, were pretty much of a blur. He apparently took her home because the next thing she knew she was at the hospital with her parents while the doctors worked on Cathy. They never did identify the drug that had been given to Cathy, and in the tumult Stephany had let her own drugging slide.

Her parents had wanted to hush up Cathy's assault and had her put into an institution when the police declined to investigate. I was going to have a look at the records on this, but I'm pretty sure what I will find. In the bad old days before Rodney King the police acted as they wished with little or no oversight. I would hazard a guess without looking that several of Cathy's attackers that night had fathers on the police force. They never did find out what drug Cathy was given. The best guess was a mish-mash of acid, fake Spanish fly, and a variety of other drugs mixed together with grain alchohol.

Cathy was still in the looney bin when Stephany came up pregnant. Her father wanted to get the guy who took her to the prom to marry her, then remembered that Rickey had brought her home. When Rickey offered to marry her, she was quickly dropped out of school and handed over to him. Blakely thought that he was going to get another submissive like Cathy, but Stephany surprised him and fought him at every turn. I asked why she had gone along and married him when she knew what kind of man he was? She said that she was confused and scared. Blakely had threatened to kill her whole family if she didn't do what he wanted. Her life from then on was close to hell, but she did what she could to make Rickey miserable as well.

Within two weeks of the girls moving in with me our life settled into a very strange pattern. Cathy needed a dominant, and I was not really comfortable in that role. Stephany was more than willing and took over. I suspect that she also took out some old aggravations on her sister as well. She never participated in lesbian activity with her sister, but the things she made Cathy do for me could get very weird. With the domination taken care of at home, Cathy was able to interact with men professionally with no trouble. I'm sure part of that was due to the fact that the men she dealt with now knew me, and knew that I had a force of trained guards working for me. Cathy and I were married three months ago at a small service in my parent's church. Aaron and his crew attended, and he acted as my best man. Stephany was already pregnant, but wasn't showing much yet and acted as Cathy's bridesmaid. I thought the pastor was going to faint when my workers gave us a twenty-one gun salute as we left the church.

Having my offices in the top floor of the old barn on my property made commuting to work easy on both Cathy and me. Part of the setup cost of starting by business had been the conversion of the barn with offices on the top floor, and a garage on the ground floor. The workers used to sleep in one of the spare rooms in my house when they were on call, but after the girls moved in we had bought a small mobile home and parked it behind the barn for the workers' use.

Bethany and Cathy were beside themselves with joy at the new baby coming soon. Cathy made me agree to give Stephany one more as well. My grandpa's old house was going to feel as crowded as Wilson's place. Well, that may be pushing it a bit. The last time we were over to visit them there were already four kids, and Diane was talking about getting pregnant again.

I had an interesting phone call yesterday. A friend from my Army days called me. He was working on the police force in Indianapolis, and they had arrested an interesting person for DUI. The reason he was calling me was to get some background on this man and see if any leniency should be used. The man's license showed Lafayette as his home of record and my friend wondered whether or not I knew him. I gave him an abbreviated version of what I knew for sure about Rickey. Several hours later he called back and I was informed that Mr. Blakely would not be back in town for several years. It seems that after my friend and I talked Rickey got into some trouble in the jail to the extent of causing himself and several others some serious damage. Judges don't look too kindly on drunken brawlers. When he gets out of jail, I have a few friends I can call on to make his day for him.

My business has taken off in the past few months. I don't know how I managed before Cathy quit the insurance company and took over the public relations and new customer acquisitions for me. Grandpa's house has been well cared for too as Stephany has taken charge of it. One of these days I may be able to pay back Aaron for what he did for me, but I'm not holding my breath.


I was in the kitchen having a snack and taking a break from the computer one Friday when Madge asked to talk to me.

"Sure thing Madge. What can I do for you?"

"I have a favor to ask of you Aaron. I have a niece who has a problem you might be able to help with. She is a lesbian in a committed relationship and she and her partner would like to have a child. They would never qualify for adoption and they can't afford artificial insemination. They both have some real trust issues with men and need someone who they can expect to treat them with care. After talking to Diane and Justine about it, I have offered your services, as long as you are willing. They have both talked to Diane and Justine and think that you might do. Would you consider it for me please?"

"You don't ask for small ones do you, Mom? You say that you have already discussed this with Diane and Justine and they are OK with it?"

"You don't think I would approach you unless they were, do you?"

"No, I guess not. I will need to talk to them first, but I don't see a problem helping out your niece. Is there anything else I should know before saying yes?"

"There are a few things you probably should know. For one, both she and her partner were the victims of rape. When she was thirteen my niece Angel was grabbed on the way home from school by a serial rapist who took her to an abandoned house and brutally raped her several times. He liked to leave a sign to recognize his victims on the street, so he scarred her face horribly. She has a livid red scar running from her left eye to her mouth. When the doctors in the hospital offered to fix it she refused. She said that she didn't want to be pretty anymore. She didn't want any man to be attracted to her again. Despite years of counseling and being committed several times, she still doesn't want anything to do with a man. She spends a lot of her time lifting weights and doing martial arts. There is still a cute little girl in her, but you have to look very deep.

"Now we get to the hard part. Her life partner is a victim of prolonged abuse. Her father started molesting her when she was four, and no one knew about it until she killed him when she was ten. She was in a mental institution in Indianapolis until she was eighteen. She met Angel in there before she was released and they became fast friends. Later on, they became lovers. Angel worked to help Kim through college and now they both work at Home hospital. They have been together for five years now and look to last forever. They love each other very much but would like to have a child or two. You can see how they might have trust issues with men."

"Yes I do. When can I meet with them to see if they would find me acceptable? I don't know who is likely to be the most nervous, them or me."

"Of course, Dear. I have asked them to dinner tonight if it is alright with you."

"Let me talk to my wives first, but they can come to dinner regardless. They are family after all."

"Thank you Aaron. I'm sure that you won't regret this."

I went in search of Justine and Diane and found them in the family room playing with the kids. I asked them about Madge's niece and they both agreed that it was something they approved of.

"I have known Angel most of my life Aaron, and when she was attacked I spent some time with her while she recovered. She is a year younger than I am and she liked to be with me because I couldn't see her scar and wouldn't spend my time trying not to look at it like everyone else did. I think her scars were even deeper inside than they were outside. She is a very scared little girl inside and she needs someone as kind a gentle as you help her. You may have to work hard at not causing her pain, but you will gain a couple of true friends for your efforts."

"What about her partner? What is she like?"

Justine answered this time. "She is probably even worse than Angel. Kim was very badly abused by her father. She lived in fear of him for years, and then one day she snapped. She took the restraints he used on her and tied him to his bed. After that she got her the lighter fluid out from under the sink and squirted it all around him on his bed while he slept. Then she took the cap off and dumped the rest of it on his crotch and used his own lighter to touch it off. He died in agony while she watched and laughed. It took several years of therapy for her to be allowed out in public. Once she met Angel she attached herself to her and hasn't let go since. She is going to be the harder of the two to convince that you are harmless."

"And you two are willing to turn me over to these man-haters?"

"Yes, we are dear. They need help and they are family. These two have a lot of love to give to a child but they can't get there normally. They need a very special man to help them, and we think that you are just the one they need."

This was a lot to think about. I went back to the den, but was unable to put much concentration in on work. I didn't want to do anything that would harm my relationship with my wives. Even though I was married to Justine and not Diane, I considered them both to be my wife. They were apparently OK with this, but I wasn't so sure. I also wasn't sure about the idea of placing a child of mine into a house run by two man-hating women. What would happen to the child if it was a boy? Would women always dominate him? What about a girl, would she become just like her mothers? I had to talk to these women. I couldn't make a decision without further information.

By the time I had gotten to this point, it was almost time for dinner. Justine came in to the den and asked if I was ready.

"I think so dear. I have some serious questions for our guests though."

"I hope that you have thought it out dear. Don't let your dick decide for you."

"My dick is not even in the conversation dear. I lack for nothing with you and Diane here, and that is not why I would consider this request. I am trying to think of the future of the child. I may have some fun siring the babe, but not as much as I had with ours."

"Thank you dear, that is good to know, but I've got to tell you that Kim is a very pretty little heifer. Her father was black and her mother Korean. Angel might not fit most men's definition of beauty with her scar and the body from weight lifting, but Kim has an exotic beauty that is quite striking."

By this time we were at the dining room and we just stood around waiting for the women to arrive. The doorbell rang then and Madge went to welcome our guests. She walked into the dining room and introduced them.

"Aaron, I would like you to meet my niece Angel, and her partner Kim."

I walked over and shook their hands. Angel was obviously a butch. She was almost as wide as she was tall and it didn't look like fat. She was a dirty blond with her hair cut short. The most obvious thing was the bright pink scar running from her left eye to the corner of her mouth. It was jagged and the scar tissue was shiny. There also wasn't much in the way of a smile. Kim on the other hand was a cute little dark haired girl with an olive complexion and the slight epicanthic fold of a half oriental. Her round face also seemed to be lacking a smile.

Madge bustled around getting everyone set to eat. I helped Diane and Justine to get seated, but when I motioned to do the same for Kim she jumped away from me. I moved toward Angel and she growled at me.

"What the hell is that for? I haven't done anything to warrant that kind of reaction. I was just being courteous. How am I supposed to get you pregnant if you won't even allow me to hold your chair?"

"We don't like men." Angel said as she seated Kim and sat herself.

"Then why do you want a child? You have to realize that it might be a boy. Are you going to treat him like a monster too? Are you going to raise him like a wolf cub?"

"No, we wouldn't do that. We just think that a child would be the next logical step in our relationship. We want someone else to love."

"Then add a third woman to your family. That is not a good reason to have a child. This may be a mistake and I don't know that I can help you."

"What do you mean you can't help us? All you have to do is fuck. You even have your darling little slaves' permission. Can't you get it up for damaged goods?"

"That is not the point. I am only thinking of the child. This would be my child and I don't want him or her brought up in a man-hating household. I want all of my children to become productive members of society, not wimpy brow beaten boys or overly aggressive girls. If I were to grant your request I would have some conditions attached."

"What kind of conditions? Do you want him to have his own harem like you do?"

"That is uncalled for. The fact that I live with two women does not make them a harem. They love each other just as much as they love me. This is a three way marriage, not a harem.

"The conditions I'm thinking of would include you being able to put aside your hate for men in general to think of the welfare of the child. I know that you can't do it entirely, and I would not expect you to, but I want you to let the child know that your hatred is not natural or normal. I would also expect to have some role in the child's life. I would not try to wrest custody from you, I just want the child to know that I am its father and why we did things this way. I would also like it to know its half brothers and sisters. Visit from time to time. I want my name on the birth papers. Just so that should anything happen to you that the child would come here to live, not be farmed out on another relative. If this is too much to ask, then I'm afraid that you have wasted your time."

"You would care for the child if we can't?

"Of course I would. I already have four children from two mothers. One from another mother would be no problem at all. He or she would fit in very well and I know that Diane and Justine would treat him or her the same as our children are treated. There is enough love here for everyone.

"Let's eat the meal that Madge was good enough to prepare for us and you two can think about it for awhile. We can talk of other matters if you wish, or we can answer questions if you like."

Kim looked over at Justine and asked, "Is he always a little tin god like this?"

"Not at all. Aaron will usually do as we ask, but he puts his foot down when it comes to the welfare of the children. For one thing, he insists that they never set foot in a government school. If we can't find a private school we think is worthwhile, we will home school them. There will be no liberal indoctrination of our children."

"Isn't your lifestyle pretty liberal?"

"We may not be in the range of normal, but we are also not wild or libidinous. Our life is very sedate and geared toward family. Aaron is very loyal to us and would not consider going out on us. Have you heard the story of how we got together?"

"Madge told us all about it when you got married. She said that Diane had tricked him into getting her pregnant, and then he found you while looking for someone to read to her. I don't understand how that turned into him having two wives, but I can live with it if you can."

"No Angel, that is not quite right. What we have is a three-way marriage. Aaron didn't ask Diane to join us, I did. I love her as much as I do him and she feels the same. We are together as a family and it works for us. Aaron gets two women to love, but we each get a man and a woman to love too."

"Do you mean that you two are bi?"

"To some extent, yes. But it is why we are willing to share Aaron with you to help you out. We already share him with each other and we can understand how you can be in love with another woman."

I had to get back into the conversation. "All of this is beside the point. Are you willing to agree to my terms? I know that it seems a little like a power trip for me, but I don't want to just put children into the world indiscriminately. I want to know that any child of mine will be in a loving home that has only the best interest of the child at heart. If you don't feel that you can provide that kind of home, then I must refuse your request."

"I think that we can live with that, but there are one or two more things you should know. One is that Kim's daddy hurt her real bad; in fact he destroyed her chance of having kids. This means that you will have to have sex with me. Also there is the fact that the son of a bitch who did this to me," she was pointing at her facial scar, "took a trophy as well." She pulled up her shirt to show that her left breast had an angry red scar similar to the one on her face instead of a nipple. "The police found my nipple stuck onto a wall with three others. The doctors said that they could reattach it, but I refused."

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