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Blindsided - Judy's Downfall

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My marriage ended in a weekend.
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This story, based on a real experience, I'm using first person to describe things, but it didn't happen to me. Judy and Mike were my neighbors. I was almost afraid to post this, as it's not your typical story, but I need to get it off my chest. Per usual, I welcome comments.

It describs adultery, cuckold, divorce, cheating, drama, and is non-erotic.

Hi, I'm Mike. Nice to meet you.

My wife Judy an I were avid campers, hikers, nature photographers. We'd grown up in the same town, attended the same church, married after high school, and were best friends and the perfect match from the first. We married after graduation and had four amazing kids, 3 boys and our youngest daughter. As we approached our 15 year anniversary, we arranged for grandparents to watch our brood for the weekend, while we renewed our love for the outdoors.

Judy is tall, 5'8", athletic, brunette, her body always bounced back from childbirth quickly but her boobs stayed perfect and large. I'm 6'1", lean, fit, I drive a semi for a local farm coop, and coach soccer and football, some boxing when I can. Two years ago, Judy started at university for her masters in Social Work and woman's studies, she only had a semester left before graduation. The extra hours I had to work, and take care of the family were tough, but this is always something she wanted to do, so I was happy to help. During this time, We didn't see much of each other, but when we did it was wonderful. Life was good.

We set up camp not too far from our town, at our favorite location overlooking a slow moving river We had this down to a science and quickly were relaxing under an amazing star-filled sky, listening to the crickets and spring peepers, once in a while a coyotes cried out. We were holding hands. Judy leaned over and kissed me, and eventually we crawled into our old, cozy tent, thinking about making love before falling asleep in each other arms.

We snuggled together in our old hand-me-down sleeping bag, kissing each other with increasing passion. Judy loved having her boobs massaged, her nipples sucked, and I loved doing both of those things. We touched and explored until she reached for my hard penis and guided in into her moist vagina, gently but with a little urgency. I rolled on top of her and started to push into her tightness, a little deep each stroke, biting her neck and listening to her tiny cries of encouragement. "Yes, oh, yes! Mike! Oh, Oh, Yes! Deeper! Oh! Oh! I love you!"

She was amazing, and I rode her while she matched my tempo with her hips, I could feel the climax rising up in her. Eventually, she clenched her teeth, her hands squeezing my arms tightly, and she gasped, her head rolled back, gasping. "Oh! God, yes!!" she cried out.

I maintained my long strokes until she started to relax, the she grinned at me and rolled me over, taking her position on top. Her hips were like magic, she rode my cock, grinding her mound into my groin, kissing me wildly. Then she sat up, pulling her legs up into a kneeling position, driving my dick ever deeper into her womb, and rode me fast and hard. I loved this position because I could watch her lovely boobs bounce, playing with them, or taking her by the hips and driving her harder down onto my manhood. We rode like that until I sensed her climax building again, I relaxed and allowed my own climax to build, carefully edging and breathing until we came together. Finally, it hit her, she started to shake and her hips pumped my dick faster and faster, when she shook and sighed, I let myself cum, holding her hips tightly, forcing my seed deep into her. I grunted and I could feel her tingle as my cock throbbed and my hot semen filler her. We each said "I love you!" in unison.

By now it was very late, we kind of collapsed together and wriggled into a spooning position, my arms wrapped around her, and her hands holding me tight.

The next morning around lunchtime, we'd just returned from a hike and took some sunrise landscape photos, when we heard the sounds of a car engine revving and tires kicking up gravel. It was accented by two male voices, yelling and shouting obscenities. I looked at Judy, in puzzlement; we had hiked up almost a mile from the parking area, on purpose, there shouldn't be any cars anywhere near us. She shrugged, and holding hands, we set out to investigate.

Sure enough, we found two dumb-ass college-aged young men, in a beat-up old Outback station wagon, having driven up the foot trail (somehow) but inevitably getting stuck. Watching then flail around, it was obvious they had no clue what they were doing, just making noise and digging in deeper.

One of them was maybe 5'10", 350 pounds, pale skin, sweaty stringy red hair with a premature balding patch. His face was red with frustration, his fat hands pawing at the steering wheel as his buddy stupidly tried to push the car out. I mean, the other guy was maybe 5'2", thin, unkempt, his shaggy brown mop and untrimmed, patchy facial hair, he was awkward and it looked like any one girl scout could kick his ass for lunch money, and maybe some did.

Judy whispered into my ear, snickering, "Could they look any more pathetic? Talk about coyote food." I laughed, and replied "I'd better see if I can help, if the coyotes eat 'em, it'll make them sick. Heck neither one of 'em looks healthy." Judy laughed.

We walked up and I offered "You guys need some help?"

The fat one in the car looked up and said "Duh! Do ya think?"

Judy looked over at me, shaking her head, mouthing the words "Let's go." I was about to keep walking, but I guess the nice guy in me won.

They were yelling at each other, as if acting the jackass would get them unstuck. Looking back, that was my first clue that we should have turned around and left them for the coyotes.

I pointed to the 130 pound dumb-ass, trying and failing to push his rotund buddy AND his car up an embankment. "What's your name?" I asked. "He looked up, a dumb expression on his face. It looked like he was thinking for a moment, as if a cop asked him if he had any drugs on him.. (I swear).

Eventually, he replied "Um, Will".

"Ok, Will, who's in the car?" I prompted.

"Um, That's Howie, I guess?" He said.

Talking slowly, I directed "Will, come around the front of the car with me, we'll push together. Howie?"

The fat one in the driver seat looked confused, but answered "Huh?" I glanced into the car, it was full of fast food wrappers and dirty clothes, even from here it smelled of sweat and funk.

"Howie, straighten out the wheel, put it into reverse, slowly, and we'll get you unstuck." I indicated to Judy that she might want to stand back, as god knows where this clown might go once freed. Will barely got out from behind the car when Howie slammed it into gear and stomped on the gas. The car lurched back onto the hiking trail, kicking up dirt and rocks until it stopped, precariously balanced but right across the trail. Howie killed the engine and started unpacking.

"You can't park here." I said, incredulous that they would be do dumb, and inconsiderate. Also, hoping they would go far, far away from me and Judy. She looked on with disgust, and was eager for us to be on our way.

Howie snorted "What they gunna do, tow me?"

Will just chortled, tugging a Styrofoam cooler out of the trunk.

I shrugged, making a mental note to call the rangers and report them, as soon as we had cell signal in range. Judy took my hand and we hurried away, back to our camp. "What a couple of sewer rats!" She joked. "How does anyone live that way?" I just shrugged. We just started to make lunch when, sure enough, we heard loud music coming from nearby. Yup, dumb and dumber made camp right near ours, a cheap wall-mart tent, and a couple of folding chairs, and of course, a screaming cheap speaker. I wasn't sure if the music was that bad, or the sound from that speaker was distorted, but I swear it sounded like someone put bricks and cans in a dryer...

Then, the smell. The one thing they did pack was a lot of herb, they lit up almost immediately and the smell was unmistakable. It may be legal in this state, but we were on Federal lands and that made it a felony. I noted as one more item to tell the rangers. Judy looked disgusted as well.

Judy said "Mike, do you want to pack up and move to a more remote spot?" It's as if she read my mind. "You mean, away from the farm animals?" I asked, smiling. "Vermin are not technically farm animals" she joked. There was still time to salvage our weekend. Just then, I felt a droplet hit my arm, and glanced up; the sky was overcast and a light rain had started to fall. This wasn't a big deal, as Judy and I were both used to dealing with weather while hiking. The rain got heavy, quickly, Judy and I ducked for the cover of our dining fly, next to the tent.

Once inside, Judy poked at me and joked "Maybe this rain is our luck! It might scare those two stink clowns off!" "I sure hope so!" I agreed, and we prepared as a team for the downpour. I hugged her, and we got a little propane heater going to ward off the chill. In a few minutes, we were relaxing, drinking wine, and enjoying the sounds of rain hitting the canopy.

I swear, it wasn't 15 minutes before we heard voices shouting and then "Dumb and Dumber" ran up, each holding a folding chair over their head in a futile attempt to block the rain.

"Shit!" I said, under my breath, and stood up, blocking access to our shelter. They saw me immediately, and tried to push past me. "Keep moving, you two. You'd better get to your car." Howie looked annoyed, and I was secretly praying he'd try to push me again, any excuse I could use to flatten him and leave him in the woods for the coyotes. There's something about dealing with a pushy low-life with no self respect, that gets under my skin.

Just then, lightning lit up the sky, followed by a loud clap of thunder. Will was visibly shaking, and whimpering like a lost puppy. I pointed to the path, saying "You'd better hurry!" Just as a second flash of lighting hit, nearby too. Judy came up behind me, and put her hand on my arm, saying "Mike, let them stay for a few minutes, until the worse passes, they they can be on their way?"

I looked at her like she was crazy. I took a deep breath, I considered that her suggestion was charitable.

Will was still shaking, but he must have heard Judy, and he added "Yea, we'll be gone as soon as we can!" Howie did say anything, in fact walked his fat ass past me and started to make himself at home, opening up his chair near the propane heater. No "thank you", nothing.

I returned to my seat, and pulled Judy's close, hoping the storm passed quickly. Will sat near Howie and used our propane heater to light up this giant doobie he produced from baggie in his pocket. He took a deep toke and passed it over to Howie.

I looked at Judy, she shrugged and so I decided against making a scene, but was certainly annoyed. Howie nodded toward Judy and said "You want to get in on this?" Judy and I were no strangers to herb or mushrooms, but we had a rule about not both being mentally 100%, especially here in the wild, and a storm. Any dangerous situation might turn deadly if we were both buzzed. Not to mention I had no intention of putting anything Howie had near his disgusting maw, anywhere near mine. I almost threw up in my mouth at the idea.

Judy reached for the joint, and took a deep hit. My mouth must have hung open with shock! I looked at her sideways, but she seemed nonplussed. She coughed and offered it to me, I declined, so she handed it back to Howie, who smirked. "That ain't free, you know!" He said. I thought "Are you kidding me? Didn't we just rescue you from storm, not to mention getting your car unstuck?" Judy looked at me and said "No big deal, just give him a few bucks." Again, I was puzzled by her sudden change of attitude toward a creep she labeled "vermin" a few hours ago. If you knew Judy, you would know those were unusual, and pretty strong words from her.

I reached into my pocket and was fishing out a few singles, when Howie reached out and snatched a $20 from my hand. "That'll do!" he gloated. That was my excuse to bust his fat, stupid head! But then, Judy put her hand on my arm and said "It's OK", before reaching for another toke.

My suspicion was rising, this was not Judy, not her typical behavior. But I couldn't figure out what was going on. As her husband, I knew her, and this was not normal. As darkness fell, Judy talked to Howie and Will as if they were the most interesting people she'd ever met. But, they were morons. They spend the day playing video games, getting buzzed, and hitting up friends or relatives for weed money. They both thought it was brilliant; getting wasted, falling down, pissing outside, stealing from sleeping people at the bus station. Judy seemed fascinated, but it was like watching a cheap rip-off of Beavis and Butthead, without the charm.

I also noted that Howie would order Judy to do things, little things, but she seemed to respond, almost obey. It was unnerving. "Move your chair", Hand me that beer", "Give me more chips". Judy was a strong headed woman, independent, not one to be ordered around. Watching her respond to his whims was making me uncomfortable. The conversation was littered with course sexual suggestions, poorly hidden innuendo, and a few outright offers to trade weed for sex. Will even confessed to sucking cock at the bus station for weed money, more than once. Judy feigned shock, then giggled at the idea. The topics were highly inappropriate, Judy would normally have had none of it, but she seemed oddly oblivious. Until Howie wagged a new doobie at her and said "This one will cost you a flash of your tits". "That's enough!" I said, sternly. Judy looked up, her expression was odd, as if she was surprised I was there. This whole evening was surreal. My inner alarm bells were starting to ring, but I couldn't exactly figure out why.

At that point, it was late, the storm had passed but it was still raining. I took Judy by the hand and let her into our tent. I turned at looked at the two drugged out slobs, and said "Be gone by morning." and not waiting for an answer, turned and zipped up the tent flap.

"Fuck, what an awful day!" I thought. I curled up next to Judy and put my arm around her, she snuggled back and was quickly sleeping. I wasn't sleepy, alert for any trouble, and I heard those two creeps plotting and making crude jokes, a few quiet whispers about tying me up and gang-banging Judy. I was fit, strong and fast, and wasn't worried. They sounded like spoiled children more than a real threat. But, in fact, I was alert for any movement outside, any excuse to introduce those two morons to an axe handle upside their heads. But it seemed all talk, and eventually it got quiet.

I must have dozed off, but woke with a start, suddenly realizing Judy was gone. In a panic, I leapt up out of the open tent flap, It had stopped raining, I heard giggling and looked over toward the sound. Someone had dragged my propane heater over to the washed-out campfire, and I saw several figures silhouetted against the red glow. Getting closer, I first noticed the heater, they had stupidly left the gas line laying across the flame, dangerously close to burning through. I grabbed it and cut off the gas in a panic, they were very close to causing an explosion that would have killed them.

The second thing my brain registered was that my wife, Judy was topless, lap dancing on Howie's fat pasty lap. It took a second for me to understand what I was seeing, then I noticed Will has his pecker out and was masturbating. It's funny, I actually did a double take, as his dick was smaller than his finger, and at first it looked like he was pinching his own thumb.

"What the hell is going on?!" I bellowed, staring a Judy, my wife, who was not even covering up.

She said "I couldn't sleep, so I we were just having a little fun!" As if she was perfectly fine with dancing topless in front of crude strangers.

My instincts screamed at me, on one hand I was dying to beat both these cretins to death, on the other I was almost certain they had drugged Judy and I had to get her out of there fast. I took her arm, and in one motion, picked up her shirt and almost ran back to the tent, picking up my clothes and my axe for good measure. Forget our tent, our gear, I had to get her help. The rest was kind of an adrenaline fueled blur, I remember dragging or carrying her while I almost jogged from the campsite all the way back to our car, almost a mile, then tossing her into the passenger seat and getting dressed.

My wife, Judy looked over at me, and asked "Why are you in such a hurry?" I glared at her, looking for any clue to explain her behavior, but she stared back, mildly annoyed, then shrugged and looked straight ahead. I put the keys into the ignition, then took a deep breath. The road back was treacherous in daylight, it was dark and had rained. I felt we were safe here in the car, and locked the doors, determined to head out at first light, and get her to an emergency room for evaluation. Roofies? Peyote? I had no idea, but this was not Judy. She has 4 children, taught Sunday school. This was odd and unusual behaviors from my wife and best friend. I felt sick.

Judy pulled her top on, then snuggled with me, to my surprise. I couldn't help myself, I turned to her and asked "What were you thinking?" She shrugged. I continued "Topless? In front of those creeps?" She sighed and said "I know, Howie told me to flash Will, it just felt like harmless fun, they were so into me, and I felt alive!" At that point, I felt it pointless to continue, and making sure the doors were locked, held her as she fell asleep.

I woke up at first light with a start and again, she was gone. Kicking myself, I felt like an idiot, "I should have risked the road in the dark!" I thought, or tied her up, or something. This time, I picked up the axe, determined to bury fat Howie and his creep pal, Will, for real.

I listened. I heard that little creep Will's voice, and crept toward the sound. I didn't need to go to far, what I saw haunts me to this day. Judy was naked, straddling what at first looked like a gross, white and splotchy red beach ball. It was Howie, he was lying on the ground and she was humping him. I swear, even with all that had happened up to this point, I was stunned, literally frozen as my brain took in the sight. Until I heard Will chanting "Fuck that whore, Fuck her good, Howie!" and my brain exploded. I ran up, knocking Will back 10 feet easily, and pulled Judy up by the arms. I looked down, Howie's limp dick was barely poking out from his stomach fat, his nuts looked shriveled or un-descended. It was so pathetic, I almost puked.

Judy looked at me, as if I was interrupting her, an annoyed look on her face; "What are you doing? I was just having fun!". Will must have had the wind knocked out of him, he was on the ground gasping and grunting. I looked at Howie, ready to kill him on the spot, again, and this time I moved toward him, gripping the axe by the blade so I could beat his skull in with the handle.

Judy stood in front of me, her hand on my chest. "Let's just go!" she said, sternly. I looked at her, as if she was an alien, but she turned and started walking to the car. Howie was rolling side to side, spitting and gasping from the effort, trying to get up, it would have been funny if it wasn't so disturbing.

I turned and followed Judy, picking up her discarded clothes on the way. We rode silently down the mountain, I was honestly afraid that if I started talking, I'd wind up screaming at her. What had happened to my wife? It seemed like a 100 years since we drove up this same road, but it was less than 24 hours.

We did stop at an emergency room, even as Judy protested. She complained "I'm not drugged" but let them draw blood anyway. The doctor told me there was no sign of anything usual, the cannabis level was low, no roofies, no hallucinogens. My jaw almost hit the floor, what explained her actions?


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