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Blood & Carrots - Celestial Ep. 09

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Episode 9: A Death in the family.
7.4k words

Part 9 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 12/25/2021
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Welcome back, my lovely reader~

If this is your first visit to the Blood & Carrots series, STOP go read the first one then 'Silverpaw' next, to get the best experience. This is a direct sequel and I STRONGLY recommend reading the first ones so you're not lost. Yes, my writing wasn't as polished back then, but you seriously do yourself a disservice if you move forward without knowing the story of the first two.

Take your time, I'll wait for you to catch up. :3

And with that out of the way...

Welcome back, my lovely reader! I won't mince my words, this is gonna be a pretty drama-heavy chapter, but I think it'll also answer a few nagging questions you may have had. Oh, don't get me wrong, it won't answer alllll your questions of course.

Well, our lovely fox is going to have his paws full this episode, and not in that fun sexy way either! That's enough yammering from me though, let's jump right in!


Episode 9:

A Death in the family

"Rachel! It is of no concern, please!" I reached for her with one hand as she had turned to storm off from me.

The vixen whirled upon me, pushed my hand away, and jabbed a finger squarely into my chest. "Mayhaps to you, Ryder! How do you think I feel? Do you ever stop to think how I feel?!"

She screamed the words at me, her sharp teeth showing as I saw the fury and tears in her eyes as she continued, "I turn an eye from your other lovers, I truly hold no jealousy in my heart over them, but... to be so starkly shown our differences..."

I clenched my teeth and looked away. Rachel had been stationed in the former city Lorelai's home was in. My lover and her sister, the one known as Sarnai, returned to exact retribution upon the church. The cathedral that was built upon the site of their former home had been burned down, the entirety of the clergy murdered and left in a heap in the street as a clear message. Rachel confronted them as they left the city and, well, the results were before me.

"Even had I my wings... I know I would not have compared, to feel such overwhelming strength, to know I compete with that for your love..." She snarled bitterly and my ears lifted at the words.

"You do not compete for my love, Rachel, none of you do! I love each of you in your own ways! There are things I adore that only you can give me, likewise with Lorelai!"

"Do you speak of me to her? Do you speak of the three of us?" She prodded the topic, her eyes narrowing, looking calculating as they shifted to gold.

"I do, I have no reason to hide any of you! I speak proudly of you, Toroah, and even Charlotte, despite Lorelai having a distaste for her!" I met her eyes and sharpened my gaze upon her, showing I'd not shirk away or avoid this topic.

Rachel scowled and clenched her teeth, averting her own eyes as they shifted back to blue. "Do you think she merely spared me as a gesture to you?"

"No. Lorelai is not some mindless killer. I feel she would have done the same to any of our kind so long as the option were there." I snarled and slammed my fist into the wall in the hallway we were in. "This is all that stupid ram's fault, he knew what he was doing stationing you there! I swear I'll take his head the moment your wings are returned!"

"Calm yourself, Ryder. I knew what I was signing up for, I knew my power would be diminished to that of a cadet's when I gave my wings up. This was merely a coincidence that-"

"No! He is conniving and has more at play here than he lets on! I wouldn't be surprised if he had a hand in that burning of their home nearly a decade past either!" I folded my arms, teeth showing as I snarled bitterly.

"You overestimate him. He is my commander, but he does not have the strategic foresight of Toroah or Ichiro. It is moot, I feel even with my wings, even if I were a first like you, I do not-"

"Rachel, look at what you attempt to compare yourself to. Lorelai is overwhelmingly powerful, even I would stand no chance and I already am and have been training as a first for years now! We are very much like their kind or any other, it takes time to grow power and Lorelai has seen much of it."

"How old is she, Ryder?" The vixen frowned and folded her own arms, giving me a curious tilt of her head.

"Even she doesn't know for sure. She said she can remember back as far as the fifth century, but has hypothesized she was even around a few centuries prior. She may have just been mindlessly stalking the wilds feeding and surviving."

"Gods... so easily a millennia or more... how could she not recall the time prior though?"

"You've dealt with your fair share of them as I have, Rachel. You know some of them become mindless to the hunger and lose all semblance of themselves. Apparently, her brother was once like that but managed to rein the hunger in. Perhaps it was the same for her, perhaps an intervention brought her to her senses."

"Still, her age rivals Ichiro's..." Rachel frowned as she rubbed at her chin in contemplation.

"Yes, and neither of us could stand before that even at our strongest. Do not compare yourself to such a thing. Combat prowess and power mean little when it comes to our love, Rachel."

She gave a resigned sigh and shook her head. "All the same... I must go report my failure to the Commander now and receive my lecture."

I snarled and clenched my fist. "If he steps out of line-"

"It is fine, Ryder. He has a sharp tongue but he has never been violent with me. We'll speak more later, I love you."

"I love you too..." I called out as she turned and strode from me, feeling a knot in my stomach over the whole ordeal. I was thankful Lorelai spared her, but I knew this would become a point of contingency one way or another.


Blessed Silver Weapons:

Contrary to what one may think, blessed silver is harder than tungsten and capable of easily holding up to the most brutal treatment. The blades forged by celestial blacksmiths also hold their edge incredibly well, only needing to be sharpened after heavy use over the course of several years.

All celestials are outfitted with blessed weapons upon completing basic training and ascending to the rank of Cadet. However, Celestial Knights will be presented with a personal weapon of their choosing upon being knighted. Bladed weapons are most common, but all manner of weapons can be employed so long as they are metallic in nature.

A knight's weapon is very cherished and willingly relinquishing it is a sign of deep respect or attachment. Some exchange their weapons permanently rather than rings as a sign of commitment. It is not uncommon for life-partners to wear the other's weapon as a sign of their devotion.


"You, are truly mad if you think I'll let you open a gate and go do as you please, Hagen," I sighed the words as I rested a hand on my longsword, giving the ram a level gaze. It had been five years since that incident with Rachel and she now stood next to the ram, her wings returned and the same size as my own.

"I need not humor your pitiful whimpers, dog." He sneered the words, keeping his own hand on the hilt of his katana. Rachel had a similar curved sword at her side, not her personal one, but still of blessed silver.

"Toroah will stand for this as much as I will. My personal relations aside, you attempt to plunge us straight into a war with them."

"Toroah isn't here, but by all means, go find your master like a good little whore. We both know it's your tailhole that got you that rank, to begin with." Rachel showed her teeth in a sneer at Hagen's words but remained silent, she had little choice in the matter as he had ordered her to when this first began.

"Ha... that's amusing. You know what? I've deemed you unfit for command, Commander. You plan to destroy our diplomatic truce with the Bloodstone court for your own prejudices against me." I drew my sword and narrowed my gaze as my stance set. "As a first-rank knight of the High Commander, I have the authority to demand you submit for a tribunal, but please... resist so I can finally-"

The ram blurred forward without warning, drawing that curved sword out in a wide-sweeping slash that I barely deflected. My arms shuddered from the strength of the draw and as I flapped my wings to steady myself, seeing he had already set himself in an overhead stance with the blade.

"So be it!" I barked out as my eyes widened and I sprang forward. We exchanged a flurry of blows, each of us striking and countering for several moments as Rachel stood there with panic on her face but was compelled to stay out of the combat.

"Heh... you've picked up the slack on your training, but I'm still your better, kid!" I snapped my teeth as I drew forth on the prayers to enhance myself.

Hagen seemed to acknowledge the prayer and showed me a knowing grin. "I don't need to best you in a duel Ryder, merely outmaneuver you," He cooed the words as I narrowed my eyes. I knew when someone was stalling and I didn't suffer fools lightly, I wouldn't stand around wagging my tongue while another finished their plans.

With a bark, I lunged forward but the archangel simply blinked out of sight along with Rachel. I snarled furiously as I realized they hadn't actually moved I had, I lunged straight into a fucking gate and was now in the sky gods know where.

I howled out at the petty tactic and threw open a gate to return to the citadel, getting back to the courtyard just in time to see the ram and my lover enter another portal. I slammed into the gate with one hand, my sword drawn, but of course gates could be attuned to only allow certain individuals of the owner's designation into them.

"You've had far too much self-righteous indignation, Ryder. Enough to last me a lifetime I'll add. I've bided my time for this, I'll get revenge for our flock and put your little vampire whore to the sword in the process. I'll even have Rachel do it to be poetic!" The commander showed me a mad little grin, as if he had been planning this for years, as he had no doubt been doing just that as Rachel lifted her ears in shock at his words.

"Hagen! I swear to the gods, you are a dead fucking ram! I will find you and I will kill you!" I roared the words into the gate as it shut in my face. I howled out in fury and focused my senses, I couldn't find Toroah anywhere in the citadel, why was this even happening?

I didn't have time, I had to do something and so I opened one of my personal gates and dove in, coming out high above the Straits of Gibraltar, near the new home of my lover. She had moved her family to the city of Ceuta five years ago. I knew she had been planning a trip to Seville but this was as close as I could get.

Focusing my senses I felt her presence, my eyes widening as I felt Rachel and Hagen already there with her. Snapping my teeth I flew as hard and fast as my wings would carry me, but it would still take time to cover that distance.

While in flight I felt another presence appear as well, Toroah's. "About fucking time you showed up!" I barked out to myself in fury as I closed in on the location, my wings pushing so hard it felt they'd tear apart in the gale.

My mouth gaped at the scene when I arrived. Rachel was torn up pretty good, her wings looking broken but she was on her feet and I watched her set her arm. Lorelai and Sarnai were standing together with another vampire I didn't recognize, a massive bull that wielded a claymore as if it were a longsword. Sarnai had somehow disarmed Rachel and was now welding the blessed silver katana with an improvised grip of some of her shredded gown.

Toroah was just there high above the whole scene, his wings keeping him aloft as he frowned upon it all.

"Toroah! Are you out of your mind? Why are you just floating there letting this happen?! He means to plunge us into war!" I moved to the rabbit, panting as I spat the words into his face.

He clenched his teeth and looked away. "I apologize, Ryder, I'm oath-bound to stay out of it."

"Are you insane? Why would you give your word over something like this?"

He sighed and rubbed at his temple. "Hagen twisted the words around in a manner that didn't imply any of this, that's the short of it. I cannot interfere, though I wish to."

"Then to hell with you, I'll do it myself!" I hissed the words as I dove but then I felt my wings snap out and stop as if they weren't mine. I gave a sudden bark as I felt my body simply move back to Toroah and hover there as my wings flapped.

My eyes widened as I glared at the rabbit. My words came out with fury laced in them, "What... is... the meaning of this!"

"My word included my subordinates... I'm sorry Ryder, I'm desperately trying to think of something, but he's no doubt been plotting this for decades, the wording of the agreement is quite tricky to get around." Toroah furrowed his brow as if in deep contemplation for a way to break the agreement.

"Enough of this!" Hagen snarled out as I felt him send forth his divine light. I winced at how powerful it was, it was easily twice the strength of my own and it showed.

Lorelai and Sarnai each dropped to a knee from it and I cried out in panic. "Lorelai! Gods, no!" I whirled around to face Toroah once more. "Do something about this! It's your fault I can't go to her! If something happens to her-"

"I know! I'm thinking! I'm sorry Ryder, I truly am! It was a moment of weakness and poor judgment, know it was not my intention!" Toroah spoke the words back to me, his eyes looking wet as he shook his head and tried to focus.

I watched as Hagen commanded my own lover to execute the other vampire right before Lorelai and Sarnai. I heard my lover's pained cries at the loss of her brother and felt her overwhelming fury as she started to stand through the light, my ears lifting at the sheer will she was exerting.

"Gods... so much pow-" I winced as the vixen staggered to her feet as well, my eyes widening as bloody flames rolled off her, the sight of them and the sheer force behind them making my stomach twist.

It was over in just a few seconds. Sarnai snuffed the divine light with the flames, then turned them on Rachel and Hagen. Lorelai was atop him in a blink of an eye, fangs in his throat. I shuddered as even I felt the ram's lifeforce fade, an archangel dying was something that any being nearby with an attunement to the supernatural would feel.

"Gods... you stupid bastard... you had it coming but still..." Toroah shook his head and I could see the tears on his face, he then lifted his ears as I did my own, seeing Sarnai getting ready to do the same thing to Rachel.

"Rachel!" I started to dive forward but Toroah pushed a hand out. "I will deal with this, stand down knight!" He spoke the words and I felt his compulsion take hold as I snarled with fury, but had no choice but to obey.

A moment later he was there, speaking to both my lover and her sister. I clearly could hear the exchange. Sarnai mercifully looked like she was already considering sparing Rachel before Toroah even intervened, but I gave a sigh of relief when the vampire climbed from her and even helped her up.

He healed Lorelai who had been badly burned from feeding upon Hagen, then there was talk of war and retribution, Lorelai was furious as she had every right to be. I clenched my teeth at the next exchange, talking of a duel with him and her, that if he won she'd put off war, but if she won, that was the end of him.

Toroah agreed to the terms and he sent Rachel back to the citadel with Hagens body, leaving me there high above the whole thing. Was this how it would be? Was I fated to watch one of my lovers die today one way or another?

Sarnai parted from them at Lorelai's orders, leaving a final threat to Toroah over Lorelai's safety. After several moments, the sheep folded her arms and glared up into the sky right at me, even though I was concealed. "Is he in shock, or is that your doing?" She spoke dryly.

"My apologies, I wanted to smooth things over, I knew Ryder would be too emotional in the moment." The rabbit gave me a nod and I felt the compulsion end.

I landed immediately and looked between the two. Lorelai's outfit was in shambles, with slashes and cuts through the fabric, but most of the injuries healed thanks to her natural abilities and what Toroah had done. I wanted to rush to her and embrace her, but the look she had told me I'd end up with a well-placed punch to my face for the gesture. He was right about me being too emotional though as the first thing I ended up doing was sending my own fist right into the rabbit's jaw.

"You son of a bitch!" I screamed out as Toroah staggered back, wiping blood from his chin but saying nothing.

"That was not what I expected. Would you care to bring me up to speed, boys?" Lorelai frowned at the two of us as I glared daggers at Toroah.

Torah sighed and rubbed the back of his head. "Hagen ensnared us both in a convoluted plot he'd been planning out for years now. Using well-choreographed words, he managed to manipulate me into giving my word to stay my hand while he embarked on this little endeavor of his."

"You should have let me kill the bastard, years ago," I spat the words bitterly while giving my rabbit a furious glare.

"Ryder, love. I'm sorry, I really am. I never wanted to put Lorelai or Rachel in jeopardy like this." Toroah offered another apology and bowed his head, the display just making me all the angrier because of how helpless I had been.

"Ryder, give your lover a break, no one on your side lost anything of worth this day by the sounds of it." Lorelai folded her arms and frowned upon Toroah. "That being said, I hardly feel the scales are balanced now. If anything it appears I've done you a service. Can you possibly offer anything to make up for the loss of not only the head of our family but my oldest friend?"

Toroah frowned and met her eyes, I growled as I realized he was actually staring at them rather intently, staring at them as he stared at... mine. Lorelai acknowledged the look and clenched her teeth, hissing through them. "Stop staring as if you are smitten and answer me!"

"I thought you requested a duel to settle this, Archvampire Lorelai?" Toroah spoke diplomatically as he bowed once more.

"Stop calling me that!" She spat out and then put her hands on her hips. "I made that agreement under the pretense both our sides had lost something of merit, but I suppose you wish to not be alone in being trapped in an agreement that was more one-sided."

"Wait, that was not my intention at all! Hagen was troublesome but he was still a valuable member of our military. Also if we can come to the common ground without violence I'm all for it, Lorelai." Toroah raised his hand towards her as he tried to explain.

Her eyes were red now as she drew the cutlass she had been wearing. "I feel there is no recourse for us at this point, you have little to offer and-"

"I know I have little say in this, but please don't kill one another! I'm begging you two!" I finally spoke out between both of them before Lorelai could finish. She and Toroah both gave me long contemplative stares before the sheep sighed and stepped away from the two of us.

After a few moments, she looked over her shoulder with a glare, "Draw your swords, both of you!"

"Lorelai! I can't raise arms against you!" I called pleadingly to her as I took a step forward, then saw her turn and point her own blade towards me.

"You wished the terms changed, fine. I will absolve your family of this crime against mine but the two of you must fight me and do so without holding back. No magic or tricks, just martial ability." Her eyes met mine in a hard glare before she sighed out, "A non-lethal duel, but you had both better hold nothing back, or I retract my offer and we go to war!"

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