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Blood & Carrots Ep. 10

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Episode 10: And I shall call you my wolf.
7.4k words

Part 57 of the 76 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 01/13/2020
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Welcome back, my lovely reader!

You know, author bias is real, and I won't deny I have a major thing for foxes. Male or female, I love a good fox character, but you know what else I love? Wolves, again a good wolf is wonderful regardless of their gender. Though I'm knot, going to deny the fun of a good male canine, ah fu fu... too much?

A-Anyway... Hey, speaking of wolves!

Let's jump right in!


Episode 10:

And I shall call you my wolf

The rain poured down atop the gazebo we were seated in as I gave you a playful grin, my ears flicking about lazily. "Has the chill left your bones yet, my sweet?"

Your nod makes me smile as I looked out upon the garden. "Much as I'm sure you would enjoy seeing my silk dress plastered to my wet body..." I gave you a knowing look. "I do not wish you to catch a cold, so here we shall remain until the rain calms."

My teasing words struke home and I showed my sharp teeth. "You poor thing, I suppose I should tell you something saucier, to make up for the imagery in your mind," I huffed playfully and pushed my chest out, letting my breasts press against the silk folds of my evening gown.

I gave a knowing smile as your eyes wander over me before I looked upon the fire and clicked my tongue. "Well then... I think this is something you've been wanting to hear about for a while..."


A few days passed since that event in the training center. Elias informed me that Val could not come to call any sooner than a week from now. I was told to use caution while training, but to continue my efforts.

I had been making it a point to try to get in some time on my own, both at the range and the sparring area. I did so for a plethora of reasons, but mostly because I wanted Katrina to be proud of me. My senses were sharpening more and more by the day. I found myself quickly becoming adept at using the guns, in both my off-hand and primary one.

On this particular day, I had lined the lanes with four targets and put the guns in the back waistline of my blue jeans I had worn. I found I enjoyed wearing pants during my days at the range, the extra pockets coming in handy for clips.

I stood back away from all four lanes and put my hands on my hips. A deep breath of focus came, then I snapped my eyes open, the irises crimson like blood. Everything seemed to be in slow motion like this, my hands grabbing the guns, leveling them towards the targets, and firing. I emptied six rounds into each of the first two targets, all the bullets finding their mark in the center chest area of the first, and the head area of the second.

I ejected the clips and they seemed to fall as if they were suspended in molasses. With a flick of my wrists, I tossed the guns into the air, their forms slowly spinning end over end, not unlike the blades of a lazy windmill on an old farm. My hands were then in my pockets producing two more clips. Once the base of the guns were in line I jammed the clips in, hearing the click.

I tried to make a fancy pose like I would see from a video game or action movie hero, bending at one knee in a kneel, before firing on the third and fourth targets. The third target had bullets in each joint, all non-lethal. The fourth had a small collection of six shots in the groin area. I gave a cocky huff and flipped the guns into the air with the intent to catch them dramatically and holster them in the waist of my jeans.

I decided to be fancy and catch them behind my back for the added pizazz of it. I turned around, to see the large wolf standing there, his arms crossed over his chest with an amused grin on his face. I gasped in shock, my ears lifting, the guns falling to the floor behind me, scattering in different directions.

"F-fuck! How long have you been there, asshole!" I snapped the words out, my fists clenched as I glared at Alex, my cheeks deep red.

"Since about... here!" He took a knee and pointed his hands at me in little finger guns. I pushed my hands to my face in embarrassment and whimpered loudly.

The wolf stood and put his hands on his hips. "Don't be so hard on yourself, I thought you were pretty cool just now!" He barked out with a playful laugh.

I cracked my fingers open on my hand to look out at him through them. "Y-you really think so?"

He gave me a wide toothy grin and held his hand up, his fingertips just barely apart. "Just a little bit, I can't let it go to your head."

I took a composing breath and smiled at him, then turned to pick up the guns. I could feel his eyes on my backside as I bent to pick them up, my cheeks darkening slightly. I grinned at him and moved to put the guns back on the weapon rack. "Why are you here, Alex? Did Master send you to fetch me?"

"Fetch? Do I look like a dog to you?" He barked the words with a grin.

"Yes." I spoke with a matter-of-fact tone, poking my nose up into the air playfully.

He gave me a gentle smile, then nodded to the corner area where the mats and training dummies were. "I try to come down here at least once a week to practice my form."

I put my finger to my chin curiously. "A question for you. If you can turn into a big hulking beast, why worry about martial arts?"

He lifted his ears and shrugged. "Some of it I can still use in that form, not to mention I might not always be able to take the form, to begin with."

"Really?" I asked curiously, lifting my ears.

"You've got your restrictions, I've got mine. Everything from the phase of the moon, to certain elements or metals can affect it." He shrugged his shoulder, the bag he had brought slung over it.

"Like silver?" I asked.

"Yup. Some of the superstitions hold true, others do not. If we have silver strike us, we can't change forms. If it strikes us while we're in it, it can easily pull us out of it." Alex frowned and shook his head. "We are a little more hearty than mundanes and can heal pretty quickly, but we can easily be brought down if we're not in our full form."

I nodded and look him over. He was wearing a white tank top that showed off the definition in his arms and large chest. He wore workout pants and simple cross trainers on his feet. He looked very much like a bodybuilder you would see at a gym.

The wolf gave me a grin, seeing me look him over. "Kat's teaching you some tricks too, yeah?"

I nodded excitedly and flicked my tail. "Yeah!"

"You wanna spar?" He spoke the words in playful jest.

My eyes flashed a deep red and I huffed out pointedly. "Yes."

Alex frowned and blinked at me. "Ah... I- I was kidding, Alice. You've only been at it a few days now."

I grinned and squatted a few times, checking the give and stretch of my jeans. "Hmm... a little tight, but I think I can make do."

The wolf shook his head and lifted his brown ears. "N-no... I was kidding, Alice. If I accidentally hurt you, Kat would murder me, resurrect me, then kill me again!"

"Can she even do that, Alex?" I asked, folding my arms over my chest, my eyes never dulling.

"If I hurt you? She might find a way too!" He laughed and then retreated back a step before turning and walking away from me. "Seriously though. Let's wait until you've had a little more training."

I growled at the words and stomped after him. "Fine, at least show me a few basics."

He frowned, lifting his ears and tail. "Me? But isn't Kat supposed to show you?"

"Why not? Different outlooks, different perspectives. The more teachers I have, the faster I learn." I spoke pointedly and shrugged off the sleeveless vest I was wearing, the material hitting the ground with a loud thump from all the ammo within it.

I kicked my shoes off and peeled my socks away, leaving me barefoot in just my jeans and the blue tank top I had on. You could just make out the black of my sports bra where the material gave way under my arms.

"Alice... I don't think this is a good idea..." He spoke the words awkwardly and rubbed the back of his head.

I showed my teeth and made a few quick hops on my toes. My breasts probably would have bounced about, had I not had the tight sports bra on. "Come off it, you're not going to hurt me Alex. Katrina has kicked my ass plenty this week down here."

"I'm out of my mind..." The dog growled as he shrugged his bag down off his shoulder and slid out of his cross-trainers, pulling his own socks off as well. I gave a playful grin, my eyes sparkling with crimson.

The wolf gave a focused huff and set himself into some sort of stance. "Okay... what do you want to do?"

"Well... Kat just basically tells me to parry, dodge, and counter a lot. Should I parry and dodge? I-I don't want to hurt you Alex..." I frowned as I spoke, hopping from one foot to the other.

The dog barked out a laugh and shook his head. "You're not going to hurt me little rabbit, counter as you please."

I clenched my fists and narrowed my eyes at the 'little rabbit' comment. "Hrm... fine! Come at me!" I dug my heels in and bent at the knees.

The wolf gave me an apologetic look and lunged at me. He was really fast compared to a mundane, but I was already pulling from my energy and blood reserves. Like the guns earlier he might as well have been walking at me. He had thrown a punch and I pursed my lips and simply hopped to the side with a quick dart.

To Alex, it looked like I just blinked over to the side. He lifted his ears with a snarl and looked over at me. "The fuck was that?"

I gave a shrug and blinked. "Y-you told me to dodge, I did?"

He drooped his ears and growled. "Yeah... okay, let's try that again." The dog shifted and lunged at me again. I could tell he was more purposeful and quick in his movements, he was taking it more seriously this time. I saw his fist pull back and his knee come up as if he planned to kick me.

I clenched my teeth and braced, throwing both arms up to block the kick, since he got so upset I dodged the last one. It came in pretty slow looking but the impact was heavy and made my arms tingle from the blow. I had to hop back a step from the blow. "Ha... t-that made my arms kinda numb..."

Alex clutched his shin and showed his teeth, his eyes looking a little wet. "T-that..." He fixed me with a glare and stood. "Kat's been teaching you quick... fine, we spar together as she and I do."

I lifted my ears and felt the excitement build in my chest. I offered him a cheerful answer. "Y-yeah! That sounds fun!" I clenched my fists then set myself.

"Fun... yeah, let's go with that!" Alex snarled the words and his white tanktop tore apart as he shifted to his full form. The pants must have been designed to accommodate because they just stretched to match his form.

I hadn't seen him shift since that quarrel we had a while ago. My mundane mind couldn't handle it before, but in this moment, I felt excited. I gave the dog a wide grin, feeling his energy flowing off him, infecting me with his desire for combat, much like energy affected my libido. "Yesss... I wouldn't have it any other way, my puppy!" I cooed and raised a hand, beckoning him with my fingers.

He snarled at my confidence and lunged forward. This was different, now he was really fast. I widened my eyes and felt him on top of me in a heartbeat. I tried to sidestep but he was already expecting it. I felt his massive paw grab me by my shoulder and simply shove me face-first into the mat. I yelped out from the impact but quickly rolled away and hopped back up.

"Pretty good, Alex!" I felt his energy push into me and gave him a wild grin. "Let me try too!" I launched off my feet and lunged towards him before my trot became a dash.

I saw the confusion on his face, well what I assumed would be confusion on the face of a full-on wolf. I willed my energy and blood to work in tandem to fuel my approach. The wolf snarled and took a swipe at me when I was before him. I quickly dodged it, making a jump over him. I planted my feet on his shoulder and kicked off him. The force of the move sent him toppling to the ground with a heavy huff of breath upon impact.

He growled furiously and righted himself, turning to face me, his teeth bared in challenge, "You think this is a game, rabbit?!" His words were snarled in a deep growling rumble of a tone.

I held my hand up and wagged my finger. "Sure do, and we're one and one." I lowered my ears and gave him another smile. "Wanna try to break the tie?"

Alex slashed his large brown tail through the air and bounded upon me, galloping at me on all fours. I grinned and pushed will into my body and then he was on top of me. The wolf took a swing at me, I ducked it. He took another and I hopped over it. He howled out and tried to grab me. "Stop dodging!"

"Okay!" I held my hands up and let him grab me by my arms. The energy upon him grabbing my skin was instant and both of us felt it. He paused and so did I.

He shook his head and barked into my face. "Seriously! Y-you... are using that!?"

"I'm really not trying too!" I spat the words out and clenched my teeth before pushing my will out. "J-just let go of me already!"

His body reacted and he released me before retreating back several paces. I also backpedaled a few steps, trying to calm myself, a heavy pant on my lips.

Alex clenched his teeth and shifted out of his were-form, glaring at me as he rubbed at his shoulder. "Alice... how could you? After the other day and-"

"Fuck you! I-" I clenched my teeth and stomped my foot at him. "I wasn't trying to do it, asshole! No one said you would be shifting either!" I spat out, feeling anger building in me. Mostly the anger was at myself though.

Alex hissed through his teeth and rubbed the back of his head. "You seemed to want me to keep up... I was just doing what seemed right."

"Y-yeah so was I..." I sighed and shook my head. "I was... I could feel your will and energy, it was just... it was spurring me on. That's why I let you grab me when you told me to stop dodging. I guess it just slapped us both in the face when we locked."

"You... do you even know what you're doing with yourself? Do you know how to control that power at all?" I gritted my teeth and folded my arms over my stomach at his words.

The words dug in deep and I shook my head. "Obviously not... I'm just a threat to everyone I care about and myself."

The wolf lifted his ears and held a hand out. "Hang on, no need to get all crestfallen here. That's not what I was implying."

"Then what were you fucking implying?" I spat out with a glare. "It seems every step forward I take, I make five back!" I clenched my teeth and cut my red eyes away. "I was stupid... I thought we could finally do something together..."

"That's what this was? You wanted to spend time with me?" Alex spoke in confusion.

"Of course I did! I wanted to show you! Show you didn't have to worry about me trying to use my powers against you!" I held my hands out and snarled. "But here we fucking are! All I did was fuck up again!"

"Alice, this isn't your fault... and... if you want to hang out we can! We don't have to beat the hell out of one another to have fun!" He barked the words out at me, his tone of voice sounding sincere and worried.

"Alex..." I frowned and looked away again. I shook my head and looked back at him. "I thought I could do this, but I can't. I'm still a threat to you."

"A threat... is that why you've been avoiding being alone with me?" He asked curiously.

"Ah, you noticed?" I shook my head with a bitter laugh. "Of course, you would, you're so perceptive... Yes, I've been avoiding you. I didn't want to hurt you."

"Sparring and hanging out are two very different things, Alice. I... I want to be your friend, ya know? I really like you." He rubbed the back of his head, then gave me an earnest smile.

I blushed at the words and showed my teeth, my eyes still red. "I wanna be friends too, Alex..."

"Cool, then don't stress the details!" He barked cheerfully and wagged his tail. I stepped closer and looked up into his eyes. The dog bit his lower lip and looked back at me. "What is it, Alice?"

I took a deep breath of him, smelling his musk and scent all around, even on me from when we had grappled. "You wanted to hang out, yeah?"

His heart was thumping in my ears, I had seen his eyes looking at me this whole time, both during the sparring and all this drama. He gave me a quick nod. "Yes, of course, I do. Anytime..."

I cut my red eyes to his and gently pushed my hand to his chest, feeling his strong powerful muscles against the tattered shirt. "You wanna grab a shower together?"


The wolf shoved my small body hard up against the wall of the shower, the water cascading down my fully exposed form. He pushed close and dragged his tongue up my throat, leaving small nips against it. I moaned excitedly and dug my nails into his shoulders. My feet weren't even touching the ground, he simply had me pinned to the wall, a hand under my rear holding me there.

"I've wanted you for so long..." He growled the words before shoving his mouth to my own.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, pushing my chest to his, feeling my breasts squeezed against his hard beautiful form. My tongue rolled with his before I pulled from his mouth. "Then have me... I'm right here my wolf, all yours..." I panted, feeling his free hand kneading at my right breast while the water flowed over us.

An excited gasp escaped my throat as he leaned down and shoved his mouth to my left breast. I cooed into his ears and rubbed them along with his sandy brown hair, feeling his tongue lap at my sensitive nipple. "Ha... you've not been able to keep your hands and mouth off them... I can see you're breast guy..."

Alex pulled from my chest and met my red eyes with his amber ones. "More like an Alice guy... I just really like you!" He barked earnestly and moved to my other breast, rolling his tongue along it before shoving it into his mouth, suckling hard upon me.

I grinned at his genuine, almost childish claim of liking me. I rubbed his large brown ears and sighed into them hotly. "I like you too Alex... I've wanted you since that first night..."

He pulled from me and dragged his tongue up my throat once more. "You should have said something..."

"I wanted to be able to control myself. I didn't want to hurt my cute little dog..." I moaned lovingly while rubbing at his ears.

"Cute and little am I?" The wolf gave me a cocky grin and slid both hands under me, spreading my legs wide and lowering me down the wall. He brought me down just enough that he could shove the underside of his heavily swollen length between my legs.

He rubbed the belly of his length against my wet folds, my hand drifting to squeeze the tapered tip of it gently while looking up at him. "My apologies... my very... very, big cute dog..."

His tongue showed in a heavy pant, my hand squeezing and teasing his cock while it rubbed up and down, grinding against my sensitive pearl. I shuddered from the stimulation, feeling him tease a release out of me after several moments. "Alex... put me down..." I hissed the words in a pant.

The wolf complied and I turned from him. I gripped the safety bar of the shower and stuck my backside out, lifting my wet little fluff of tail. Glancing over my shoulder I looked into his eyes. "Take me properly... take me as a dog would..."

Alex growled excitedly and grabbed my wet curvy hips in both his hands, hoisting me up from the shower floor. I gasped out, feeling my feet aimlessly kick in the air then winced as he shoved his throbbing tapered head right up against my entrance. My tongue lolled and I blinked back at him, feeling him grind eagerly until the tip popped into my entrance, with some effort.

I hissed and folded my ears, feeling him force his way in, my tight walls clenching and being forced to spread every inch of the way. Finally, he bottomed out deep inside me. I let out a throaty groan and pushed my forehead to the shower wall. "By the gods, I don't know how I'm taking all of you..."


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