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Blood and Ice Ch. 19

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The final battle, part one.
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Part 19 of the 26 part series

Updated 09/28/2022
Created 02/09/2010
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Chapter Nineteen: The Final Battle Part One

"What's wrong father, aren't you happy to see me?" I asked him.

"You've no idea how glad I am to see you; we all thought you were dead! How come your alive?!" father asked me.

"I'll explain later father. I don't have time to explain everything, all you need to know for now is that I'm here with my army and were fighting alongside you!"

"I'm happy to hear that, as the army of the dammed is a force to be reckoned with!" father said, as he pulled me into a tight hug, and whispered in my ear, "I though you were dead! My world nearly collapsed. Please don't scare me like that again." I replied back,

"Don't worry father. I will never do that again. I promise! Where is mother?"

"She's with Drake and Alexander, and she's safe!" father said.

I nodded and turned to Peter. He looked like someone had just slapped him.

"Are you okay Peter?"

"Your alive?" he said.

I nodded, he pulled me into a deep kiss. "I love you Lex as soon as this is over I'm marrying you!"

"I love you to Peter and that sounds good to me. But, can you focus on the battle at hand Peter?" He pulled away and nodded. I replaced my helmet and rode up beside my father.

"Any suggestions on how to start the battle father?"

"What range are your archers good for?" he asked.

"Nearly three hundred feet father." I said with a wicked grin.

Father nodded. I took my bow from my back.

"Where did you get that Alexandria?" father asked.

"Again, I will explain later father."

He nodded. I loaded the arrow, lit the arrow and sent it flying into the air as a signal for the army to move into position. They moved just behind fathers men.

I sent a second arrow and the archers sent volleys of arrows hurtling toward the light raiders. Luckily for us the archers knocked out the first row of light raiders.

Gabriel screamed at them to move back out of range.

"Impressive! They knocked out a whole row of light raiders with one volley." father said.

"Their best all of the men are trained in archery and sword fighting." I said. I saw that Gabriel's men were loading arrows.

"Shields up now"! I screamed. All of the men up their shields up just in time as the arrows came raining down on us. Luckily, we had no fatalities. Gabriel looked like he had been slapped in the face.

"Do you think we should attack now father?"

"No we wait for him to make the first move. It's easer to take advantage of the situation if you wait and let him make the mistakes!" father said.

I nodded.

Gabriel ordered an other volley of arrows and again we had no fatalities. Gabriel looked like he was going to have a stroke there and then!

"You see the way he's getting worked up?" father asked me.

"Yes father I do." I said getting confused.

"Anger, spite and jealousy have no place on a battle field. If you bring those onto the battlefield you will loose as you will make stupid mistakes. You must keep your mind clear at all times. So we wait. Let him make the mistake." father said.

"How do you keep your mind clear when the lives of men depend on your actions?" I asked father.

"That is the very reason you keep a clear mind you think of those you might hurt if you do otherwise." father said.

I had never though of that before.

"I may be a bit of a tyrant at times, but there are some things I need to teach you before I step down as leader." father said as we deflected yet an other volley of arrows.

Gabriel at this point was getting very angry and yelled at the ground troops to start to attack us. That was the mistake we had been waiting for, since he had put his troops right in the range of our arrows.

I waited until they were close to us. I yelled the order to shoot. We nearly destroyed them! But, Gabriel pulled them back.

"You learn quickly, my daughter."

"I have a very good teacher, shall we attack now father?"

"Yes I think so, but keep the archers back we may need them again!"

I gave the order for the archers to remain where they were. Father yelled his order to the rest of the army and we started our attack on the light raiders army.

Gabriel wasn't expecting us to attack, so he didn't have his troops ready in time! Our attack broke through their defences with relative ease. As soon as we were in the thick of the fighting I jumped off of Spirit and started to fight.

I didn't care who I plunged my sword into as long as it was a light raider. In the middle of the fighting I met up with a very big man. He must have been nearly seven foot with muscles the size of bowling balls.

"Time to die shadow raider!" he shouted as he went for the kill. As he did I slid my sword into his hilt and twisted. I heard a load crack! I broke his wrist but I didn't care I grabbed the sword that he dropped.

I took it, pulled his head back, and slit his throat with it. He fell to the ground dead. I felt no remorse for what I did as he would have killed me if I hadn't killed him.

I dealt with a few more light raiders when I heard commotion in the middle of the fighting. I ran forward and I saw that Gabriel had Peter cornered.

"Time to meet your princess in the after life scum!" Gabriel said.

As he went to plunge the sword into Peter I blocked him.

"What's this? Who the hell are you?" Gabriel yelled.

"I'm your worst nightmare." I said in the most menacing voice I could.

I grabbed Gabriel by the throat and threw him as far as I possible could. He landed with a thump. I turned to Peter. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, thanks to you Lex!" Peter said.

"Leave Gabriel to me okay?"

Peter nodded and joined the fighting. Father found me in the middle fighting a man twice my height and weight. Father finished him for me.

"I think we have them almost beaten." he shouted over the clashing of swords.

"No! the final battle isn't over until Gabriel is dead! That I know."

"Gabriel fled. He's left his men to fight on their own." father said.

"But that doesn't make sense! Why would he leave his men to be slaughtered?"

The fighting was quieting down. The light raiders were almost beaten. There were only a few stragglers that were soon mopped up. The council gathered round father and me.

"Is it over? Did we win my lord?" Michael asked.

"No, it's not over, not yet anyway."

"How come? the light raiders are dead!" Peter said.

"Not all of them. Gabriel fled." father said.

"Why would he just leave his men?" I asked father.

"He wouldn't! He may be my enemy but I know him very well. He would never abandon his men, not without reason." father said.

"Which way did he go father?" I asked.

"He went north I think."

"Right father, Michael and Peter with me, the rest of you get the men back into position encase we need to attack again. Where's Spirit?"

One of the men handed me Spirits reigns. I mounted him, made sure that the sword of shadows was well strapped to my waist along with my other sword, I slung my shield over my shoulders, and dug my heels into Spirit.

Off he sped in chase of the last light raider. We slowed down so we wouldn't tire the horses.

"Do you have any idea where he went father?" I asked.

"He could have gone anywhere. I must contact my father encase he decides to show up there." father said. He pulled a mirror out of his pocket. I looked at the mirror.

"This is how we contact one and other with out making the jump." father explained. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Father can you hear me?" father said.

"Yes Lucifer what is it?" grandfathers voice said.

"Have you seen Gabriel? He escaped us and we need to get him immediately!" father said.

"No I haven't seen him. Lucifer you know that only your daughter can kill him and she's dead so why try and kill him?" grandfather said.

Father looked at me.

"You never told your grandfather you were alive?" father asked me.

"No I couldn't take the risk he would tell you! For my plan to work you needed to believe I was dead."

"Father! Alexandria is alive and she's the leader of the army of the dammed!" father said.

"She's what?" grandfather yelled.

"Father I will talk to you later and explain everything then." Father put the mirror into his pocket.

"But before I can explain this to my father you will need to explain it to me." father said.

"What do you already know father?"

"Everything up to the point where you walked out onto the lake of fire. After that you will need to fill me in." father said with a smile on his face.

I explained my story up to the point where I blacked out when the black smoke came out of the gates.

"What happened after that? You're lucky that you survived the black smoke. It's known for killing shadow raiders!" father said.

"Yes, Alexander told me."

"Alexander?" father asked.

"Yes the first member of the royal family. What happened next was weird. I can't really explain it. I was sort of like in a trance. He and the rest of the royal family showed me things. How to use a bow, some sword handling techniques, and battle plans!" I said.

"You saw the royal family?" father asked.

"Yes, everyone that was killed by light raiders. They also told me that their souls can't fully rest until Gabriel is killed!"

"Yes, that was the deal when Alexander first went to my father."

"It was your father that made the deal with Alexander?" I asked.

"Yes I was only supposed to guide and help until Gabriel was killed. But instead I became too involved with the clan and fell in love with your mother." father said.

"But you did help father!" I said.

"How do you work that out? It's my fault that the clan was almost destroyed." father said.

"You helped because if you had never fallen in love with mother I would have never have been born. If I had been I'm quite sure I wouldn't have had a father as strong as you! You did help the clan, by falling in love! I've accepted that my life was meant to go the way it did. If I had been raised by you and mother I think mother would have had me as a princess who never fought and you know that isn't me!" I said.

"I would have accepted you as my daughter no matter what!" father said.

"Even if I became a spoiled princess instead of a warrior princess?" I asked him.

"Well, I would have liked you to become a warrior princess; don't get me wrong!" father said.

I couldn't help but laugh. Father did too.

"Well, your in luck father. there's no way I'm ever going to become a spoiled princess."

"I'm glad" father said. I didn't really pay attention to where we were going.

I heard the thunder of hoofs coming from behind us. We turned around, Michael raised his bow. The rest of us drew swords. I saw who it was before we attacked.

"Weapons down! it's Damien." I said. He rode up to us. There was blood running down his face.

"My lord we need you back on the field! Gabriel's leaving was just a diversion to get you and your daughter away from the battle! He's going to destroy the army." he said.

As soon as he finished we were away at top speed back to the battle field.

"Father I'm going to call the rest of the army. I only took the archers to start with." I said.

He nodded. I lowered my head to my chin and mentally called the rest of the army of the dammed. The rest of the army arrived on horse back. Horses black as the night. They stood behind me waiting for orders. Father rode up beside me.

"My, that is one impressive army my daughter!" he said.

"Yes! and they can never be killed since their already dead." I said, smiling at my father. He laughed, "You truly are my daughter!" he said

"And I'm proud to be so!" I said as we reached the battle field again. Sure enough, Gabriel had gotten reinforcements.

Father yelled an order. The men got back into line. I yelled at my men to charge at the light raiders. They did! Without question!

Father gave me a puzzled look.

"Their already dead so I don't have to worry about them being killed." I said.

"That's very true." he said smiling.

"Shall we join them father?" Father nodded and ordered our men to attack again! Then father and I rode straight into the thick of the battle once again.

Only this time it would be the last time I jumped off Spirit. When I got into the middle of the fighting I was met in the middle by Gabriel. I knew then that it was time to kill him once and for all.

Most of the men cleared a space for me and Gabriel. Most of the other fighting had stopped to watch the fight between us.

"So tell me who is my opponent that seeks their death." Gabriel said.

"The leader of the army of the dammed" I said.

Gabriel went white. "Army of the dammed? I thought that was just a myth!" he said.

"Well I'm here so is my army and I serve Lucifer." I said.

"Lucifer? Why would you serve the loosing side?" he asked. "

"And what would you offer me that he wouldn't?" I asked.

"Freedom from the hell that you've lived in for eternity." Gabriel said.

At this father appeared behind me. "The only hell I've been living in is the one that you created for me. I will take great pleasure in destroying you Gabriel." I said.

"If that's your choice." he said.

I looked over at father to clear more room for us. He gave the order. Everyone but Gabriel's men moved.

"Why do you need so much room?" Gabriel asked.

"You'll see." I said. I drew my sword and turned to face him. He drew his sword.

"You do know that only the master of the shadows can kill me, and she's long dead!" Gabriel said.

"We will see." I said.

Gabriel ordered his men to stand back into their original positions. Father did the same. It was only Gabriel and me in the middle of the battle field.

We circled each other for what seemed hours before he made the first move. He went straight in for the kill, but I easily blocked it. I brought my shield up and smacked him in the face with it, sending him to the ground.

He stood up and said, "Lucky shot!"

"Thank you." I said sarcastically. This angered him greatly. He threw a punch at me and knocked my helmet off.

When I looked at him, he looked like he was going to be sick.

"That's not possible! You were killed in the fire!"

"Did you ever see a body?" I asked. He shook his head.

"You should never assume that someone is dead unless you see their body!" I said, as I drew the sword of shadows with my other hand.

As I did, it started to rain.

"Even the gods are against you living today Gabriel." I said.

He turned and tried to run. As he did I clicked my fingers and a wall of fire erupted around us preventing his escape.

"It's time Gabriel!" I said, as I lunged in with both swords, one in each hand.

We danced around each other sparks flying from our blades at every possible point. I looked towards father. He was waiting at the top of the battlefield. He looked very nervous.

As I glanced at father Gabriel took his chance to try and kill me. But he missed. As I pulled away at the last second. But he dragged his sword down my face. I felt the warm blood run down my face. I looked at him. I was going to finish this once and for all.

I took my ordinary sword, slid it in into him to the hilt, and twisted it. He gave a yelp of pain. When he did this I took the sword of shadows and plunged it in through his heart. He screamed in pain. I twisted the sword just to be sure it hurt. Then pulled it out with a torrent of blood.

"I may have failed to kill you, but my son will not!" he said. At his last dying breath I could hear the light raiders scream.

I stood in the rain for a few minutes. I felt the blood run down my face freely. I knew that killing Gabriel wasn't enough. We needed to get his son! The light raiders were trying to get through the wall of fire.

I mentally called a few men to deal with them and they were easily disposed of. I let the wall of fire down. Father came riding down.

I excused the army of the dammed. I knew they would come if I called them.

"My daughter, you did it! You killed Gabriel. It's over. We're free!" father said.

I was handed Spirits reigns. "Father we need to convene the council immediately! It's not over yet!" I said as I set off for the castle.

Father caught up with me. "What do you mean its not over, Gabriel's dead." father said.

"I know that father, but we need to talk urgently!" I said.

As we reached the stables I handed Spirit over to a stable hand and headed to the council hall.

I sat down and waited for the rest of the council. They arrived a few minutes later. Father sat down next to me, Peter on my other side.

"I know that Gabriel's dead, but there is something that we didn't see or deal with! We need to, because if we don't we will be destroyed completely." I said.

"What is it Lex?" Peter asked.

"Gabriel has a son! He told me with his last breath. I don't know how old or where but we need to find him. If we don't he will grow up and destroy us!" I said.

"Are you sure Alexandria?" father asked.

"It was his dying breath." I said.

"Very well, we'll start looking for him in the morning. But tonight is for celebration. Gabriel is finally dead and we have been fighting him for as long as anyone can remember.

Alexandria will you come with me to collect your mother?" father asked. I nodded.

"Very well, we will leave now. Your mother will be worried sick, but glad to see you!" father said.

"Shall we go then father?" I asked.

He nodded. As he stood, everyone else stood as he left.

"I'll meet you down in the stables in a minute." I said.

"Don't be long!" father said.

Everyone else went to leave but I held onto Peter. "What's wrong Lex?" he asked.

"I haven't seen my fiancé in a very long time. What do you think is wrong Peter?" I said with a glint in my eyes. With that he slid his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him and kissed me very deeply. He gently pushed me against the council hall wall.

"Peter" I said.

"Lex, I missed you so much." he said as he kissed down my neck.

"Not that I'm not enjoying this Peter, but father is waiting for me. Can we continue this when I get back?" I said. He nodded, but before he let me go he bit me on the neck and held it for a few seconds. When he let go I gave him a puzzled look.

"I'm just marking you as mine that's all." he said as he kissed me and let me go. When I got down to the stables father was already on his horse. He looked at my neck and smiled.

"So it's official then?" he said.

"I don't know what you mean father?" I said trying to act innocent.

"You know full well what I mean Alexandria. The mark on your neck, where did you get it?" father asked. I turned crimson red as I mounted Spirit.

"Peter gave it to me, why?" I asked.

"Then your engagement is official as he has marked you as his!" father said.

"Can we just go and get mother, please father?" I said changing the subject.

Father laughed as we set off to the mountain. It took us longer than usual because father wasn't about to let me off the hook with the mark on my neck.

"So when are you going to get married?" father asked.

"I'm not sure father. Once everything calms down but not until after Gabriel's son is killed!" I said.

Father looked at me. "Can you kill a child that has committed no crime?" father asked me.

"I don't like the idea, but if we don't kill him he will kill us. He'll rebuild the light raiders and all the men who gave their lives today will have died for no reason." I said.

Father nodded. We tied our horses up at the foot of the mountain and started to climb. Father started to complain when the climb started to get higher and higher.

"You were the one who suggested mother hide here." I said.


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