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Blood Moon Ch. 02

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A handshake to seal the deal.
4.2k words

Part 3 of the 10 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 01/27/2008
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Ullapool, Scotland


It had been five months since Lilith had left her village. She assumed Roderick must be married by now. The threat of tears burned her eyes as she placed both hands on her growing stomach. At least she'd have a little part of him with her always.

Lilith had been staying with her father's spinster sister all that time. A few months after her arrival, Lilith began to get sick. She couldn't keep her food down and was always tired. When her aunt found her hunched over and dry heaving, she gasped and asked Lilith if she was with child.

Lilith didn't know what to say. No one explained to her exactly how babies were made so she spoke to her aunt honestly. With some sly questioning, her aunt found out that Lilith had a lover and was most likely carrying his child. Of course her aunt was upset, thinking the man had taken advantage and discarded her innocent niece.

The two women swore they'd love and take care of the child. Secretly, her aunt was very pleased that Lilith had come to stay with her. She was growing old and lonely. A new baby would bring so much life to her cold and lonesome home. Since Lilith could read, her aunt would often have Lilith read beside the fireplace before bedtime. Her aunt wasn't rich, but she was well off to support the two of them and a babe. The garden Lilith's aunt had fed them and she would sell part of her harvest for anything else she needed.

Lilith thought about Roderick all the time and what she'd name their baby. She'd have to give their baby two names. If the babe was a girl, she'd name the baby after his and her mother. If the baby was a boy, she'd name him after Roderick and her father. Lilith smiled to herself, hoping the baby would be a boy and grow up to look like his father.

Village in Lochaber district, county of Iverness(shire), Scotland

Six months! It had been six months and no one had any idea as to what happened to Lilith. Roderick was going insane trying to find her. What caused rumor to start was that Daniel was also missing around the same time. His brother, Rowan, had already married Sara and surprisingly, the two were a very good match.

Seeing as Rowan's father-in-law had no sons, he welcomed the idea of having a second son marry his only child. That way there would be an alliance between the Andersons and the McElroys and he'd have an heir to take care of his clan. So Rowan moved to the next village to become his father-in-law's adopted son. He wished Roderick the best of luck in finding Lilith.

Roderick searched in all the neighboring villages, but no one knew what happened to Lilith. He talked to dozens of people who were at the engagement celebration. A few said they gave her a ride, but none of them knew what happened to her after that. It was almost as if she vanished.

Trying to find Lilith was wearing Roderick down. He knew she was still alive. After he marked her, that bond allowed him to know that much. But as to where she was...Roderick had no idea. She could be anywhere and he was searching all of Scotland. He knew she was alive, and he wasn't going to give up. Unfortunately, there was word that a new vampire faction was spotted in Scotland and people began to go missing. No doubt they were building their numbers to take out the weres. Roderick didn't have the time to get distracted.

Danny was sitting inside a bar, drinking himself into a stupor. He still didn't know how he'd get his revenge. Going up against Roderick McElroy was suicide. And how could he hurt Lilith? He wanted to devastate her, but leave her alive so she could live with the pain he'd cause.

"Bastard McElroy." Danny slurred.

A man from a nearby table of newcomers turned to look at Danny. He seemed like the leader and he put his hand up to silence his men.

"I'm goin' tae kill Roderick McElroy, mark my words." Danny mumbled again.

The man perked up and he felt himself smiling. As the night began to grow late, the newcomers left until there was one left. He was waiting for Danny to move and was planning on following. He looked outside to see how soon the sun would rise. Contrary to popular belief, some of them could walk in sunlight. But that was a gift to few of their kind. Only the strongest were able to walk in the sunlight, during hours when the sunlight was weak. And none of them ventured out from noon to dusk.

It would be dawn in a couple hours. The pub was closing and Danny got kicked out. He got up and drunkenly began to walk away. The man watched Danny from the shadows to see where he was headed. He wanted to have a talk with Danny, but only when the idiot was sober. For now, he'd let Danny rest.

Danny woke up the following morning with a hell of a headache. He was planning on going drinking again, but his headache kept him in bed all day. When he woke up again it was already dark. Danny made his way back to the pub when he was knocked across the head and everything went black.

When Danny came to, he heard the sound of water dripping. Shaking himself awake he found himself tied up. There were torches on the wall and a loud roaring noise. There must be water nearby, Danny thought. Which meant that he was probably in a cave. He heard footsteps and looked up at a man he'd never seen before.

"I believe you possess some useful information for me. My name is William. Shall we talk?" His eyes were shining an impossible blue as he smiled to show elongated canines. "Now, we can do this the easy way, or the unnecessarily messy way." William flashed his fangs again.

"Yer damn English. Whit do ye want?" Danny struggled to say.

"I hear you have a grudge against Roderick McElroy. I'm here to help you bring the man to ruin."

Danny stopped struggling against his restraints and eyed William. "Whit's in it for ye?"

"Let's just say that you and I have a common goal. And that's to kill Roderick McElroy. Unfortunately, I don't know of any weakness and you seem to know him better than I do."

"That man 'as no weakness." Danny muttered.

William hissed in annoyance. "Of course he does. Everyone has a weakness."

"The only thing that could 'urt Roderick McElroy is 'urting 'is family. And when ye 'arm them, yer as good as dead. And 'e keeps a good eye on them. None go unprotected."

William growled. He may as well just kill the man before him. He served no use.

"And that bastard took me Lilith away and now she's carrying 'is bastard." Danny mumbled more to himself than anyone else.

Hearing what Danny said, William's head snapped up. "Roderick has a mated? My men spied on Roderick a fortnight ago and he has no wife."

"And who told ye 'e was married? Roderick McElroy took the virginity of my fiancée and impregnated 'er with 'is bastard."

The bloody fool wasn't making any sense! William was tempted to kill him already. But that would upset his father. And William did not want to get on his father's bad side.

"And where is Roderick's mated right now?"

"'is mated? Ye mean my fiancée?" Danny all but shouted.

Growling low, William composed himself. "Very well. Where is your fiancée?"

"She be living with 'er aunt in a yonder village. After Roderick McElroy 'ad 'is way with 'er, she ran away in shame. Her babe is tae be due soon. I saw her naught long ago. I've been watching 'er. But after what 'appened, I doona want Roderick McElroy's left overs nor 'is bastard, ye ken?"

"This woman...your fiancée, Lilith. Are you saying she's unprotected?"

"Aye, Roderick's been going mad trying tae find 'er. But 'e's no idea where she is. And I'll not be telling 'im either. I'm going tae get my revenge on Roderick McElroy and make that whore of 'is my pliant bitch."

William's deep laugh echoed through the walls of the cave. "My, my. You're quite bitter aren't you? Bitterness gets you nowhere. It just festers until you can't handle it anymore. Anger is what gets things done. It gives you the power to destroy those who dare stand in your way. Now, you're going to tell me where to find this Lilith and we'll both see to Roderick McElroy's demise." William went over to Danny and cut him loose. For a moment, both men just stared at each other before William put his hand out. Danny stared at the offered hand before taking it and sealing their deal.

Ullapool, Scotland


Lilith had been working outside in her aunt's garden when her water broke. She was laughing and crying all at the same time, unable to fathom the happiness she felt that her baby was coming. She called out to her aunt who quickly rushed to her side to help her into the house. Her aunt left to get the midwife.

For fourteen hours, Lilith was in labor until she finally gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. She named her son Bran Roderick for her father and the father of her child. Over the next year, Bran Roderick grew up to be a noted troublemaker in the house. He filled the home with laughter and love. There wasn't another boy who was as obviously loved by his mother as Bran Roderick.

Meanwhile, Danny watched over Lilith and his anger grew every day. That bastard child would grow up to look just like his father, but he had his mother's green eyes instead of his father's golden-brown. Danny didn't think he'd have to wait so long for revenge. But William assured him that the time was near. They were gathering more forces so they could destroy the McElroy clan. So Danny remained patient, watching as Lilith showered her son with all her love.

That could have been my son and my wife, Danny would always tell himself. But it was too late. He'd get his revenge.

"Whit ye got there?" Lilith asked her son as he hid something behind his back. He shook his head and gave Lilith a big smile.

"Aunt Isla." Bran Roderick replied in his best one-and-a-half year old voice.

"Ohhh, really now? A gift for aunt Isla." Lilith laughed as Bran Roderick nodded. "And ye ma canna take a look?"

Her son shook his head no again and Lilith pouted.

"Shhh." Bran Roderick warned as he revealed to Lilith what was behind his back.

"Well now. That's a beautiful flower ye got there. Ye dinna happen tae take it from aunt Isla's garden did ye?" Bran Roderick looked away guiltily at his mother's question and Lilith laughed again. She picked up her son and cuddled him. "Doona worry. I'm sure she'll be flattered at the thought. Hurry along. We have tae get supper ready. I'll race ye."

Lilith put her son down and they both began to run towards the house laughing. She let him win like she always did. It was already dark by the time they got home. When they reached the house, the door was ajar and it was dark inside. Lilith knew something was wrong. Her eyes got big as she screamed for Bran Roderick.

"No! Don't go inside! Bran!" Lilith yelled after her son, but it was too late. A man picked him up with ease as he fought back, kicking and screaming.

Before Lilith knew what was happening, someone had grabbed her from behind. He whispered in her ear to be quiet and Lilith froze.

"Danny?" she gasped as he dragged her into the house.

Lilith was pushed down to sit in a chair as another man lit the fireplace. A scream bubbled up in the back of her throat as she saw her mangled aunt lying dead on the floor. There was blood everywhere. Bran Roderick began to sob when he saw the corpse. He bit the man holding him and ran to his mother. Lilith cradled her son close and hid his face as she looked around her. There were about four men, one of them was Danny.

"Danny," Lilith's mouth quivered. "Whit 'appened?"

"This is whit's going tae 'appen. I want tae kill Roderick McElroy and ye are going tae 'elp me."

"No!" Lilith screamed. "I'll never do that." She spat at Danny's feet.

His eyes began to glow an eerie blue as he opened his mouth and hissed at her, showing her impossibly long canines. He tore Lilith's son away from her and held the boy in the air, kicking and screaming for his mother.

"Monster! Whit are ye?" Lilith asked in fear. Danny made a mock motion to break Bran Roderick's arm and Lilith began to shout and beg. "No no! I'm sorry. Please, put 'im down!"

Snorting in disgust, Danny more or less threw Bran Roderick back to his mother. "This is whit's going tae 'appen. Ye must lure Roderick McElroy away from 'is village. 'e needs tae be alone. If ye do this, we'll give yer son back and let the both of ye live."

"Whit are ye goin' to do with Roderick?"

"Whit does it matter? If ye doona do as I say, I'll just kill yer son now."

"Alright! I'll do it. Just please...doona 'urt my baby boy."

"As long as ye do whit yer told, neither of ye will be 'armed." Danny lied.

Roderick hadn't given up looking for Lilith, but with the undeniable threat of the blood suckers' growing numbers, he had to focus his energy elsewhere. He and his brothers were growing tense. They could feel a war was coming soon and they had to prepare themselves. He was going over some emergency evacuation plans for his clan when there was a knock on the door. The moment the door opened Roderick thought he smelled Lilith. He pushed the thought aside as he told himself to focus.

The man at the door cleared his throat. "My laird. Lilith Caldwell is here to see you."

Roderick's eyes shot up from his paperwork and connected with Lilith's. "Leave." Roderick ordered the man as Lilith stepped into the room.

When the door shut behind her, Lilith found herself in Roderick's arms and his lips were against hers. He kissed her roughly, almost desperately before burying his face in the crook of her neck where he bit her over two years ago. Roderick inhaled that intoxicating scent of his mated before pulling back and staring into her eyes.

"Ye bloody idiot. Where 'ave ye been?" Roderick demanded. He didn't wait for her answer before he was kissing her again, possessing her mouth with such dominance that Lilith shivered. She wrapped her arms around his neck and began to kiss him back.

A guilty pain shot through her body as she thought about her son. Their son. Lilith tore herself away from Roderick and held his head between her hands.

"I need tae talk tae ye." She said quietly.

"Later," was Roderick's reply as he pushed her against the door and began to tear at their clothing.

Lilith fought with him. "No! We need tae talk now!" She cried.

With great restraint, Roderick released her and let out an angry breath. When he looked into her teary eyes, his anger drained away. "Whit about?"

"Not 'ere. Come with me. By the river we used tae swim in." Lilith said.

"I canna do that. Things 'ave 'appened and I'm needed 'ere."

"Please." Lilith pleaded. "It willna take long. I promise."

"Fine. Lead the way." Roderick and Lilith snuck out of the village together to head to the river. The walk was very quiet and it unnerved Roderick. So he tried to strike up a conversation. "So...whaur 'ave ye been?"

The sound of Roderick's voice made Lilith jump. "I've been staying with my aunt. She lives about a fortnight's travel from 'ere."

"Why'd ye leave?" It was the question Roderick had been asking for the past two years.

"Simple. I loved ye tae much."

Roderick reached for Lilith and stopped her. Spinning her around so they faced each other, Roderick tilted her chin up. They looked into each other's eyes and Roderick wondered why Lilith looked so sad. She pulled away and continued towards the river.

When they got there Roderick couldn't take it anymore. He pulled Lilith into his arms and she began to cry. She was mumbling something against his chest and Roderick laughed lightly.

"Whit are ye sniffling about?" He teased her.

"Forgive me."

Before Roderick could understand what she said he was suddenly aware of the presence of vrykolakas. He moved Lilith to behind him with intentions of protecting her with his life. Roderick regretted not having told Lilith what he was earlier. Now she'd have to find out what kind of monster he was. When the figures stepped out of the shadow he was surprised.

"Daniel Ross?" Roderick asked, slightly confused. Lilith began to move away from Roderick and he reached for her. "Be careful! Lilith-" the rest of his sentence died in his throat as she walked right up to Daniel and wrapped her arms around him.

Just like Danny told Lilith to do, she hugged him and tipped her face up for a kiss. Swallowing down the urge to throw up, Lilith let Danny hold her and kiss her. She tried not to look at Roderick. Lilith hated herself more than she could put into words.

Pain seared his whole body at Lilith's betrayal. It wasn't until she walked right into Daniel's arms and kissed him did Roderick feel as if his heart was torn out of his chest. Looking up into the night's sky, Roderick howled as his body began to contort. Lilith fell onto her butt as she scrambled away. The others in the shadows began to attack and the beast shredded its attackers. Daniel retreated, leaving Lilith behind. Roderick advanced towards her in his monstrous form. She looked at his fearsome appearance and was scared witless. It wasn't so much the way he looked, but the fact that he probably wanted to kill her.

A scream pierced the air and the beast lifted its head in the direction of the village. Roderick looked at Lilith one last time, unable to kill the woman he once loved, before darting to his village to save his clan who was being slaughtered by the vampires.

Roderick arrived in town to find the houses being burned to the ground. Another high pitched scream echoed in the cold night and Roderick ran to the sound. He found Jenna holding a sword with their younger brothers behind her. Their brothers had just reached puberty, their wolf forms were new to them and they didn't know how to control it. And since it was a new moon, they were at their weakest.

"Roderick!" Jenna screamed for help.

As if everything was happening in slow motion, Roderick began to run towards his younger siblings as he felt blades stabbed into his sides. He was staked to the ground in his werewolf form. His younger siblings were slain before him. Kieran was busy trying to fight off the vampires before he too was outnumbered and slaughtered.

There was a distant howl before another werewolf appeared. Roderick spoke to his brother telepathically.

Rowan...our people are being slaughtered. 'Elp them.

Rowan searched throughout the village only to see that nearly everyone had been killed. He would have been there sooner, but had to gather reinforcements. Most of the blood suckers were being taken care of, but they had already wrought their damage. Rowan found Roderick staked to the ground and quickly changed back into his human form to pull out the swords. Weak from loss of blood, Roderick's body changed into his human form and Rowan helped keep his brother steady. They walked through the village, hoping to find someone alive.

There was one vampire, surrounded by the werewolf reinforcements and their followers. He was carrying what looked like to be a child. Roderick caught scent of the child and was surprised to sense the boy was of shifter heritage. Before anyone moved, the vampire bit the boy in a spiteful act. The reinforcement descended and quickly killed the blood sucker. Roderick looked at the babe on the ground. The vampire made sure to sever the jugular and the child was choking on his own blood. Roderick picked up a sword to put the boy out of his misery.

Lilith ran through the forest trying to get back to the village. Where was her baby? She reached the end of the forest at the end of the village. She ran through the place, looking for her son.

"Bran! Bran!" She cried throughout the place.

She kept running until she came across people gathered around something. Looking closely she saw her son. Roderick limped towards their baby with a sword in his hand. Lilith was about to scream when a hand closed around her mouth. She fought against the hand, tears blurring her sight as she was dragged backwards. She watched Roderick's sword fall as she felt her heart shatter.


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