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Blood of the Clans Ch. 24

Story Info
Kin comes together, as all sides of the triangle meet.
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Part 24 of the 50 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 08/16/2013
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The bow of Sorley's birlinn crashed through the waves, sending large sprays of water up. Therese sat far back in the birlinn, avoiding getting wet by it, while Sorley sat beside her, as his son, Randal worked the rudder and sail, making the best speed he could attain.

"So ye were wi' Arabella at the convent, ye said." Sorley asked her, making polite conversation, to ease Therese's look of worry.

"Yes, we were. We shared a room together and became close friends. We are more like sisters, we share such a deep affection for each other. I have missed her so, since she left to marry Logan MacLean. I hope she is happy with him and has many children now." Therese told him, remembering the last events to take place between them.

"MacLean ye say, from Duart castle?" Sorley asked her, hoping it wasn't.

"Yes, that is the one she spoke of." Therese looked happier at the thought Sorley knew more of her friend's life.

"It grieves me tae tell ye this Lady Therese, but Logan was killed, as well as Arabella's father, in a battle wi' the Campbell's. They lost Duart tae them. Her mother died of consumption no long before that. She's had a rough go of things, she has. She's the Chieftess noo of Tioram and she's been a grand one at that. Grayson is at Castle Camus on Skye, but they share the duties t'gether and ha'e made the MacDonald's of ClanRanald a powerful clan and rule a great deal of land." Sorley explained all that had happened, but saddened as he told her, seeing how it hurt Therese to hear it.

Therese felt everything sink in and quickly went to retrieve her handkerchief, to dab at the tears that flowed. She started to cry harder and harder, thinking of the pain and loss her dearest friend had faced, since they parted. Sorley was hesitant at holding her, but found the compassion in him to comfort her. Therese accepted the offer and buried her face into Sorley's sheepskin and let her grief pour from her.

As they sailed past the Island of Coll, across from the Sound of Mull, the Ardnamurchan Point grew in the distance and signalled they were coming close to Tioram. Sorley felt great pain in his heart, at being the one to relay such heart-breaking news to Therese. Remembering all she had said she had been through so far, he felt was terrible enough and he knew this was devastating news to hear. He had no words of comfort for her and allowed her to hold him for support. Once they rounded the point, the entrance to Loch Moidart came into view and Sorley had to leave her and take a position at the prow.

As he looked back at Therese, it tossed his mind into thoughts of actions done, to consequences paid. The lieutenants he had dispatched below were only servants of a higher force of evil. In his mind and all the events he had heard so far, told him that great strife and hardship were befalling the clans. The need to help put things right weighed on him, knowing his aid and that of any others that would join with him, could turn what seemed like a disastrous outcome, into a victory.

As the mountainous coast slipped away to a small point, they rounded it, sailing past Kentra Bay and Tioram came into sight. The loch and the castle were brightly lit in orange hues, by the late day sun, but Sorley felt his heart sink at knowing what his coming with Therese was going to bring to darken it.


"Noo, I want tae stop there and let Stuart take ye's back tae Donan and what's going on there at the same time, if ye'll remember the rather morbid telling by Argus earlier." Tavish looked at Argus with a mocking scorn, then smiled.

Stuart rose, as Tavish sat and started off again. "Grayson, Iain, Stephen and Athol, were walking back tae Donan. They'd roonded the point from Loch Long and were noo on Loch Duich's shore. Grayson stopped suddenly and was gi'en an idea, an epiphany, if ye will. I'll start it off from there." Stuart told them, then looked into his memory of what Argus had told him and started in.


Grayson looked at the broad, flat land along the coast in front of him and then turned and looked back at the coastline behind him. The others followed his gaze, but had no idea of what was in his head. He turned back and had a faint glimmer of a smile on his face, from the realization of what he was thinking.

He started walking again, his stride getting more purposeful with each step he took. The outline of Eilean Donan stood out against the backdrop of mountains and water as they approached, The mid-day sun glared across the waters towards them, reflecting the golden-orange rays over everything. Grayson looked to both sides, at the men beside him and then spoke to them.

"I want ye's tae say nothing aboot this tae anyone. I need tae let her Ladyship and Lady Heather know what we've found and explain my idea fer a fitting tribute tae the fallen. I also ha'e an idea fer a tribute tae Jacob and also a way tae improve the future of the MacDonnell's, for centuries tae come." Grayson looked to each one for confirmation. "Not a word, is that understood?"

The agreement of nods and an, "Aye," came from them, giving Grayson a bit more hope, that he could turn a heart-breaking moment, into one of heart-felt pride. They made it to the bridge and Grayson stopped, the others following suit, as he looked up to where the Ladies would most likely be. He drew in a deep breath and exhaled, steadying himself for what he had to present to them.

He entered the keep and turned, going up the staircase to the top floor. Every step he took, seemed to be heavier than the last, his heart filled with trepidation at facing them now. He stood at the door and looked at it blankly, knowing just beyond it, were his kin and his heart. He raised his hand with the effort of moving a mountain and forced himself to lightly knock on the door. The sound of Lady Anne bidding him come in, made his knees grow weaker, as he opened it and entered. Seeing Anne and Heather in chairs by the window, Grayson weakly smiled at them as he approached.

"Grayson, good to see ye. Is everything going well?" Lady Anne asked him, her face finally showing some peace in it.

Grayson saw it on her face and the affectionate smile Heather was giving to him as well. His spirits and strength took a blow, but he found the power in his voice to speak.

"The castle is secure, Anne, we're well prepared fer an attack." He hesitated, looking at them with growing sorrow, as they looked at him, the joy in their hearts, once more to be slain and lowered his eyes from theirs. "I ha'e news that weighs heavy on me, but I must say it. Anne, Heather, we found Kyle's body in the woods. We've left him at Jacob's cottage on the far coast."

The faces of Anne and Heather went into immediate grief at his words and in tears, Heather rushed to her mother and they held each other. Grayson's own grief welled up in him at seeing what he knew would happen and he wept with their sadness freely. Anne was first to notice and then Heather, how broken Grayson looked and knew it tore at him to tell them the news of Kyle. Heather rose first and came to him and Anne followed close behind.

They held him and comforted him, allowing him the chance to show his pain, without diminishing him as a strong man. He put his arms around them, as they did to him and the three shared the initial shock and loss together. Once past, Anne finally asked him what concerned her.

"Why is he at Jacob's, Grayson?"

Grayson had tried to think of a way to tell them and there was nothing but the truth that

would suffice. He looked at them both, his face straining to keep a semblance of composure, then he breathed in deeply.

"He's no fit tae be seen, Anne. I don't know hoo long he's been dead, maybe since the very beginning, I just know, it's been tae long. Just remember him as he was and keep him in yer hearts like that. I washed him and Iain cleaned his clothes. He's covered wi' robes inside the cottage, but he's no fit tae lay yer eyes on him again. I'll go and re-dress him later for the tribute. Anne, Heather, I was thinking of something befitting of a young laird, tae gi'e him the respect he deserves. It would be my greatest honour that I could do fer him and all the family that's been lost tae ye."

Anne and Heather each took one of Grayson's hands and held it tightly, looking up at the face of someone who wanted to bring closure and respect to their family. Once more they hugged him in bonded affection, for his show of love to them. Anne asked him for his idea, her eyes speaking with a trust and hope in them, he would bring back a sense of pride and honour for her family and clan.

"What do ye want tae do, Grayson?"

Grayson silently bade the women to sit and listen to his idea. He explained how the dead were somewhere in the loch, resting in peace there and that Kyle was the only member to show a proper ceremony for. To pay homage to him and everyone else, he suggested a massive pyre be built on the tiny island in front of Jacob Dornie's cottage. He explained that being out in the water, it would serve to honour those above and those below. He told them he would send for his piper Gregor to play the dirge and ha'e the pyre draped in as much of the clan tartan they could find.

By the time Grayson finished telling them his idea, they were both in tears of gratitude to him. Both knew that a finer tribute to the Laird, his son and all the clan that perished, couldn't be made. Grayson was given their approval and after a sincere expression of his condolences, he left the chambers and went back to the courtyard. He saw the three men standing silently by themselves, keeping to their word of silence and his heart felt great pride in them. He knew what he was about to ask, would once again put a strain on the sanity of the men.

"Men, ye've made me proud tae call ye's kith and kin. I won't do anymore than ask ye's tae help me this one last time, tae finish what we started wi' Kyle. I'll understand if ye's say no and I'll still honour ye's and say no more aboot it."

Grayson's eyes bore into each man with a strong hope, that they could find their strength to subject themselves to the sight and smell of death once again. Iain took a step towards him and stood as strong and proud as he could, before crossing his arm to Grayson.

"My Laird, whate'er it is ye ask of me, I'll do it willing and wi'oot question. I pledge my oath tae ye it is so." Iain finished and then genuflected before him and bowed his head in complete respect.

Stephen and Athol heard and saw the deliverance and knelt to him as well. Others stopped, at seeing the display and came towards them. Grayson turned and saw the attention he was garnering and once again finding his strength of command, turned to face the mass of men.

"Assemble in the courtyard here, I want every man and woman present."

Grayson watched as men ran to inform the others and women did the same. He walked to the battlement wall and strode up the stairs without effort, his power and strength returning to his limbs again. He stood looking at the gathering assemblage, then cast his eyes skyward and silently thanked God for the strength and conviction to carry out this deed. His voice was strong and sure, as he spoke to them.

"Everyone, listen tae what I ha'e tae say tae ye's carefully. We are going tae pay homage tae Laird Hamish, his son Kyle, and everyone who was lost tae the MacRae's slaughter. I want all the men tae gather wood tae build a massive pyre on the small island by Jacob Dornie's cottage doon the coast on Loch Long. Women, I'll need all the clan tartan ye can muster tae dress it wi'. I want this tae happen by nightfall t'night, so haste is needed tae do this. I call upon yer honour and pride in yer clan and respect fer the dead, tae do this. Make Lady Anne and Lady Heather prood tae know the fallen will be honoured and grant peace tae them. The souls of the dead wait at the bottom of the loch and need us tae send their souls tae heaven and be at God's side. Noo, tae work and fulfil this deed."

Grayson no sooner finished speaking and the crowd of people dispersed quickly, going to where they knew the elements needed were. Grayson descended the stairs and came back to his three men of choice.

"Iain, Stephen, Athol, I ha'e tae go back noo and re-dress Kyle. I ask that one of ye's accompany me tae do it. I'll no hold it against ye's if ye refuse, I know what a wound tae the soul it is tae do, but I must ask ye's."

Grayson's soft words struck an instant dread to them, but Iain once again drew upon Grayson's strength and honour, for his own.

"I will go wi' ye, my Laird Grayson. It is my honour tae serve ye in any way I can."

Iain looked at Grayson with all his inner strength being cast from his eyes. Grayson saw the show of respect and laid his hands on his shoulders.

"I'm prood tae call ye a true friend, Iain. I'll ne'er ferget this day and what ye've done. I will see tae it, ye are gi'en merit and due respect fer yer deeds. Ye tae as well. Ye all deserve tae be treated tae a show of respect and it will be done, ye ha'e my word." to which Grayson crossed his fist over his heart and bowed his head to them.

"My Laird, I will do what ever ye ask of me." Athol spoke out, finding his courage in Grayson's and Iain's.

"Ye ha'e my word as well, Laird Grayson. I tae will do as ye ask of me." Stephen acknowledged with conviction.

Grayson saw the willing strength of the three men before him and wished that every man could show as much fortitude in them, to give their all for a cause. He shook each man's wrist with great admiration and stood proud among them.

"Iain, ye come wi' me the noo. Ye tae, I want ye tae lead the others, once they ha'e gathered the wood and cloth. Ha'e them bring it in carts, on horseback or carry it in their arms, but I want tae build the biggest pyre seen, fer them."

Stephen and Athol bowed and left them, understanding their position to complete the task required of them. Carts were being brought in and loaded with materials that were needed to erect the structure, while dozens of men and women, along with older children went out to the woods and started to gather the wood need to build it.

Grayson and Iain mounted horses and rode out of the castle, along the bridge to the shore and galloped towards a date with an undesired re-union with Kyle.


Stuart could see tears welling in many of the people's eyes, hearing how dedicated the men were, to paying an honour owed, despite what conditions of abhorrence were present.

"I'll gi' ye's a moment tae gather yerselves a bit, before we go on. I know this is a bit hard tae take, but as Argus said before, it's what happened back then. There was'ne any mortuaries or people tae send yer loved ones tae. They had tae do it themselves and pay the cost in their souls. That's what made them the strong people they were."

Stuart could see the dawning in their eyes, just how hard life was back then. The fighting

and killing aside, he wanted them to know what kind of people their clan was made from, where they drew their pride and honour from. He turned to Tavish and quietly asked if he could finish telling of Sorley Boy, once the guests had calmed a bit. He needed to excuse himself and left the hall and went to his office.

Tavish sat with Argus and discussed the details of the funerary service, making sure he had all the event set out right for him. The guests seemed to be calmer again and Tavish looked at Tom and Deb, still cuddled tightly together and pondered if they ever realized how much of their future, was held in their clans' past.

He tapped his spoon against the side of his crystal glass and the ringing brought the attention of everyone to him.

"Okay, let's tie up a few loose ends here and get this story t'gether. As ye were just told, Sorley Boy and Therese were just coming up tae Tioram, while all that was happening o'er at Donan. The mood at Tioram was'ne all that good either, at the time. Arabella is heart-broken, Garreth is feeling doon on himself as well, fer allowing that tae happen between them. The men are on high alert fer an attack and ready tae spill blood. Things could'ne ha'e been worse fer Sorley and Therese tae show up."

The narrow gap to Moidart passed, Randal started weaving his way past the sandbars, avoiding grounding out on them. In the castle, a call of, "Sails," went out by the lookout on guard and without hesitation, archers were positioned along the wall and more around the castle base. When Arabella heard the alarm, her grief was quickly put aside and she raced from her place of solitude in the last room of the second floor. She made her way to her chambers and threw open the door.

Garreth sat in wonderment at hearing the action beginning to happen about the castle and looked at Arabella for an answer.

"There's a sail coming in tae the loch, Garreth. Ye stay here and don't move. Yer no ready tae do battle and I won't ha'e ye putting yerself tae risk." her words and face making it clear he would face dire consequences at disobeying her.

She fetched her father's sword once more and prepared herself tae fight once again. As she made for the door, she looked back at Garreth, the pain of what happened quickly showing, then turned and ran down the stairs.

As the birlinn neared, no one recognized the sail, or any of the men on board. As it closed to the shore, a nervous archer's sweaty fingers released his arrow at them. Before a hail to the men on shore could be made, the arrow found the chest of Connor MacDonnell, Sorley's cousin. He grabbed at the arrow and lost his footing, falling into the shallow water.

"Hold yer fire." Sorley shouted out to them, seeing dozens and dozens of arrows pointed at them.

Robert MacDonald approached cautiously, "Friend or foe?" he asked Sorley, his sword pointed at him and ready to attack.

"I'm yer kin, MacDonald. I'm also the kin of Lady Anne MacDonnell. I'm Sorley Boy MacDonnell, son of Alexander, Lord of Kintyre and Islay. I've come tae offer my help." he told him, his voice and look in his eyes declaring a truth.

"Stay yer weapons men! Ye tae, attend tae that man at once." he ordered two soldiers.

The men quickly pulled the wounded Connor out of the water and laid him on dry ground. The arrow had pierced his upper chest, puncturing his lung and causing him to spit and spew his blood, as he tried to breathe. One of the soldiers pressed his hand to the wound, trying to stem the flow of blood, while a call went up to the castle for a litter to carry him there

"I'm Robert MacDonald, oldest cousin of Lady Arabella and Laird Grayson. We'll see tae yer man at once and ha'e him taken care of." he assured him and offered his hand to Sorley.

Sorley reached down from the boat and shook his wrist and then jumped from the side. Arabella was clearing herself a path between the men and making her way to the boat. She stopped dead at seeing the man before her talking to her cousin.

"Sorley? Sorley Boy, is it really ye? I hav'ne seen ye since we were all wee. Dear God, he's shown us a comfort in bringing ye here. Ye've no idea what's happened." she told him and then hugged him tightly.

Sorley looked out at the men around him, a bit taken back by Arabella's affections as she pressed herself tight to him, then returned the show of affection weakly. He waited until she released him, before he shared his news with her.

"I do know what's happened, Arabella. Someone ye know came and told me. I've brought her here, at her request, despite the troubles she's faced." he told her and turned back to the boat.

Therese stood up amid the men surrounding her and they parted for her to disembark.

Arabella laid eyes on Therese and felt the stunning shock of realization slam her hard. Her knees weakened and she fell to her knees, tears of extreme joy at seeing her sisterly friend again, spilling in torrents from her eyes.


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