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Blood Summer Pt. 01

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Young Virgin journey to being turned into a Vampire Slut.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 11/03/2020
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This is a pure yarn. It is total fiction and several liberties have been taken. There is no sex really in the first part. Constructive criticisms always welcome.

Blood Summer Part 1:

I had just left school and I was doing a bikini modelling gig on a beach naturally when I met him the first time. I think he was the most gorgeous man I had ever met in my life to that point in time. I put him at no more than 24 or 25 years old, 6ft 3 inches or 4 inches tall, he had the saddest blackest eyes I think I had ever seen and he had long back wavy hair and 200llbs of rippling chiselled muscle. There was something darkly charismatic and dangerous about him.

I silently spoke to myself a wow when I saw him. He would be looking at me every time I looked in his direction. I couldn't decide if he was letching me or not but he was definitely staring. I had to approach him of course. I played the coquette as I always did when I caught dangerous looking and good looking men looking at me.

"Do I know you mister? You keep staring at me. It might not be good form to stare."

He smiled and gave me what I would consider a dangerous look.

"We do not know each other as would surely have remembered you even if I had the worst of hangovers but I never drink, well not alcohol at least. I would definitely remember you at a striking 5ft 9 maybe 10 inches tall, I think you come in at 35E-23-35 statistically and it is all real, you have deep dark eyes that a man could lose himself in and kiss me now lips and you have the most amazing long black hair, please don't cut it Viviana. You have an unusual but beautiful name for a beautiful girl."

I chewed my lip.

"You better not let my boyfriend hear you say that mister. He has big fists and big feet and a bigger temper and he is insanely jealous. How is it you know my name mister? Are you stalking me? Should I call security?"

He laughed.

"Of course he would be jealous. If I was him I would be as well. They all have big fists and big feet naturally. As to how I know your name well I would like to say that I can read minds at a distance of several yards but I can't. I happen to have hired the Agency that employs you for a month Viviana. I asked who you were and insisted that you be included on the list that will be going for a model shoot at the Castle Estate I own in eastern Romania in the Carpathians. I am building an eco tourist resort but an exclusive one.

I am not stalking you well not unless you want me to. I think that would be fun. You might want to call security though."

He was fast when he made his pass at me. I didn't exactly stop him and if anything as I kissed him back. I had a bad case of stampeding butterflies right round me after that. I was dumbfounded and stood frozen like the proverbial rabbit in car headlights. He made a second pass at me and I just sighed and kissed him back with a hunger and lust I had never known before. It was him that broke the carnal clinch.

He grinned.

"I am Count Arnyek Hold Sange Halhatatlan. My father was Hungarian and my mother Romanian. Viviana is a common name in Romania."

I was still struck dumb as the butterflies continued to stampede round me. He nodded with his head.

"I think that is one irate boyfriend coming to crunch me into the ground no doubt. He is just an above average photographer and graphic artist. It is the models that make him and not the other way about. He reminds me off an irritating summer insect. It has been a pleasure meeting you. We will meet again Viviana."

He was off in a flash or so it seemed and my boyfriend Peter was indeed irate.

"I saw that minx. You kissed him the bloody cheek of the bloke."

I sighed.

"Get a grip Peter. He kissed me and I liked it. He is a nice kisser. Don't get all jealous now as he is off to lord knows where. Oh and he is going to be paying your wages for a month at least and more so get a grip. You aint getting my pussy and nor is he. So settle down and don't be such an ass Peter. I think he could easily beat you to a pulp if he had a mind to."

Tara another model would distract him.

"Hey peeps I just heard we have a foreign shoot for a whole month and we get paid double as well. Oh and cash in hand tax free bonus for traveling to the back of beyond spooky vampire country."

Peter muttered something crude and I giggled.

"Calm down Peter. So he is a rich guy so what. It will buy that new camera gear you wanted wont it?"

I wouldn't forget that kiss or Arnyek in a hurry though. It had been electric. I kept looking for Arnyek but he had obviously left the scene. I was distracted for the rest of the shoot though.

Peter would have a dig later as he sat and watched an old horror film with Christopher Lee.

"Hey you know that guys name translated comes out as meaning something like the Immortal Blood of the Shadow Moon. There is something very dark and vampirish about the whole business. He appears out of nowhere and loaded. His folks die in some mysterious accident and he inherits the lot even the castle called Sange castle and that means Blood Castle peeps."

I laughed.

"There is only one thing wrong with your theory and that is he was walking about in the daylight and not sizzling and bursting into flames."

He scoffed.

"It is pretty good sun block he is wearing. It wasn't exactly midday either babe."

I sighed.

"Don't be so jealous Peter. I am not going to have sex with you ever if you keep that attitude up."

Tanya another girl in the flat giggled.

"He wants the one chick he can't have and we would spread them in a flash as well."

Peter asked if I wanted to got to the pub but I told him no and that I was going to have a shower and an early night as we had an early shoot in the morning and that he should skip the pub as well. I would give him a sloppy blow job and let him cum on my face and tits to placate him and he would lick me out and the whole time he was giving me cunny I was having a fantasy about Arnyek.

I would fantasize about Arnyek the whole time I was in the shower and then again most of the night it seemed. I was shattered in the morning and the studio told me to go home and get over whatever bug it was that I had. I told them I had been feverish the whole night and I had been.

I would sleep that night quite peacefully. I still couldn't get Arnyek or those kisses from my mind though but I felt rested when I went back to work the next day. I kept hoping to run into Kiraly again.

Peter would taunt me about Arnyek though about bite marks on Sonia's neck and tits and the fact she looked pale and was sent home and told to go and see a doctor.

"I told you that your new boyfriend was a vampire and a two timing one at that it seems."

When Tanya and Dawn the models I shared a flat with turned up with bite marks on their necks and tits Peter laughed.

"You better get the Holy water and garlic out babe and start wearing a crucifix."

I told him to behave and not to be daft. I would ask Tanya and Dawn who they had been out with and they maintained they hadn't dated anybody since they started the present contract and they never mixed work and pleasure. I believed them because they never did. They were always real focused minxes.

Peter gave me a knowing smug look.

"Scoff if you want babe but there are some right dangerous creatures out there in the night and the daylight it seems."

Tanya and Dawn might have shivered about that but they set about spraying the flat and the cars with insecticide. Peter scoffed.

"That won't do any good minxes. I am going to make some wooden stakes."

Tanya and Dawn both told me they had fantasies about being bitten and turned by a vampire but since no such creature existed they were safe fantasies. Peter would start wearing a crucifix when two of the male models turned up with bite marks on their necks and looking rather pale and were also sent home to recuperate.

I would tease Peter as I laughed about it.

"It seems my non existent vampire boyfriend swings both ways. Maybe he fancies you more than me. He really is a real nice kisser Pete. You could try it."

He definitely didn't like that idea of being arse fucked by a vampire or any bloke and fled from me as I laughed.

The next day it was Caroline and Catriona turning up at work with bite marks on their neck and they would be sent home. It would be two male models Josh and Dan who had the tell tale bite marks the day after.

There would be a three day break from more shoots and everybody went home except for me I suppose. I was going to Oxford University after the summer holidays and my parents who were Academics lived in the city. It was during that three day break I would run into Arnyek again and he told me he was doing the tourist thing in the UK. He invited me out on a date. I didn't blink or dither over saying yes as the butterflies stampeding round me controlled my mouth at that point in time.

I would wear my six inch red stilettos and my ridiculously short red silk mini dress with its halter top. I gave him a twirl when he picked me up and he asked for a second and then a third one and exclaimed.

"You are absolutely ravishing."

I had to return the compliment.

"I think every woman in the city is going to hate me tonight. I like that feeling. I like your car. Thank god it's sunny and warm tonight."

He grinned.

"I don't thank god for anything. I don't have a good relationship with him or any of his slavish servants."

I thought I better watch what I said because despite the grin there was a sharp edge to what he said. There was obviously a serious side to him.

He would take me to a restaurant and an expensive one and he insisted on paying for everything since he could afford it and he was old fashioned that way. I kind of liked that as well although I wouldn't admit to it. He really didn't drink alcohol. He told me.

"I never drink and drive and I like my car too much to wreck it. I had to wait 6 years to take delivery of the Morgan. That is my go to social car when I am in England."

He would take me for a drive to the river and then on a slow punt in the gathering twilight. He continued to entertain me with all sorts of tales. He was quite a wit and a bit of a raconteur I suppose. I would find out he could dance as he took me dancing after that. He did that very well as well. I thought he had to be older than he looked. I asked him how old he was and he grinned.

"I won't ask you that question if you don't ask me that question."

I teased him.

"But that isn't fair. You already know how old I am because you have been stalking me."

He just grinned.

"All is fair in love and war Viviana. Yes I know but I am a very rich and thus a very eligible bachelor. I check out all the sexy girls that I encounter and take a shine to. I know that your father is an archaeologist of some renown and your mother is also an anthropologist also of some renown. You are the product of two brilliant people in their own fields.

I also know that you are going to Oxford University because you are not only very stunning but very bright. I also know that you are good at sports. You have black belt second dans in Judo and Karate. I also have black belt fifth dans in both those arts. I see from your resume you are also accomplished at fencing. It is another thing we share in common Viviana. I apologize for checking you out as that might sound a bit off if not a bit creepy. The rest of my family would check you out as par for the course when it comes to me."

I chewed my lower lip.

"I will forgive you this time as long as you don't do it again and aren't you getting a bit ahead of yourself as I know virtually nothing about you Arnyek. You have talked a lot but not much about yourself."

He replied.

"Well I will tell you a little since I don't want to give you all my secrets. I am not going to tell you how old I am because you wont believe it but I will let you whittle that out of me in the future. You already know I am quite old fashioned. I am a real live Count and loaded since I inherited a fortune from my now deceased mother and father and uncles and aunts and the generation before then and the generation before that. My family fled the Nazis and the Communists and made good in the west sort of. I have two baby sisters who are touring Ireland and Scotland right now.

I have now come back into my family inheritance in Sange Castle well now that the Communists have gone that is. They absolutely trashed the place. I am still having it rebuilt and refurbished. Oh and don't ask about my parents deaths. It is still a sore spot with me Viviana. I think they would have liked you. My mother would have liked your brilliance and my father well that rogue would have wanted to bed you. I couldn't blame him for that.

I will keep my other secrets for another time. I see my man has delivered the car."

The burly looking guard handed him keys and Arnyek smiled.

"I have made enemies in this life as my father did and my grandfather before him and my great grandfather before that. That is another of my secrets you have found out Viviana. Jack is former SBS. He is quite gentle really. I hire only the best people though."

He nodded.

"I will see you back at the hotel Jack. I think I might be quite safe from Viviana. I think she likes me."

He would drive me home which I didn't expect. I expected the pass he made on me at my door though. Whole colored galaxies if not the whole universe would swirl psychedelically in my head when he kissed me. I didn't want him to stop. The out of control stampeding butterflies were even worse than before. I would invite him inside to do whatever he wanted to do to me.

He declined.

"I have a very early business meeting. I have to work at staying rich Viviana. I also need the eco tourism project to succeed for political reasons and not just economic ones. We will meet again. That is a promise. I have tasted some sweet nectar and it is quiet addictive. I will want to taste it again."

I had guarded my virginity and I had offered it up with no catches and he declined to take it. I was left at my door catching flies.

He told me.

"I will accept that invitation when I have told you all my secrets. You might not want to invite me into your home ever again when you have learned all my dark secrets Viviana."

I protested.

"I am the one that is supposed to be hard to get, not you. You might not get a second chance."

He just smiled.

"I might be playing for more than just a one night stand. I will take my chances that you are patient enough to let me remove my veils one by one. I will trust to the fact that you have never met a man like me and nor will you."

He didn't look too sure of himself at the last remark.

I would spend half the night being feverish again and playing with myself to get some relief. The next day I would get a delivery of the Reddest flowers I think I had ever seen. There was a note from Arnyek saying he would be busy for the duration of his stay in England and that he hoped to meet me again at his Resort. Tanya and Dawn would giggle about that when I saw them next and Peter was predictably boorish about it. I would tell Peter that I was no longer his girlfriend and I wasn't particularly nice about it as he was so boorish about things.

I told him.

"You might as well know now that I went on a date with Arnyek and if he asks me on one again I will go with him yet again. I even invited him in but he declined the invite. I would invite him in again. It is over Peter not that there was much in the first place. He excites me in a way that you don't and never have."

Peter would move out of the flat that day but it was easy enough to get another of the Oxford University bound models to take his place before that day was out. I guess he really did have reason to be jealous of Arnyek in the end. I got exasperated when he left his sci-fi and horror collection of books and DVDs behind and told me to watch them.

Peter was angry and he would almost snarl.

"Vampires are real and he is one of them. Don't ever say I didn't warn you. Forewarned is forearmed. Heck even his dilapidated castle looks like a lost set from the Hammer House of Horrors. You can get photos of it online."

I would taunt Peter though.

"Well if he is a vampire then maybe I will get him to turn me mister since you are now obsessed with him and the idea. Oh and he doesn't melt in the sunlight asshole. Get it into you head that there is no us."

He wanted to have the last word though.

"There is a species of them that are called day walkers."

I thought at that point that Peter had lost the plot and I was thinking about a restraining order against him because he was coming across as not just bitter and angry but disturbed and needing psychiatric help.

I would look out for Arnyek every day I was modelling but he never showed up to my disappointment. Peter though would use the fact that several models male and female would turn up with bite marks on their necks and the females would also have bite marks on their breasts against Arnyek. I thought he might have been a little bitter without any real reason to be.

Peter would look unreasonable to other and not just me when models male and female continued to turn up with bite marks on them. Peter became apologetic but he never came to collect his collection of sci-fi and horror books and DVDs. I thought it would be petty of me to throw them out. I thought some of his books were first editions and worth a little bit.

Tanya and Dawn and the new girl Tessa would watch the films almost to annoy me and tell me that some of the male vampire leads were really hot and they wouldn't mind being turned by them if they were real. I noted they would read the books as bed time reading as well.

I think the three minxes also decided in the weeks after the split to help Peter get over me by spreading their legs for him. I knew they all fancied him. He would have a gloat when they told me that he was actually stacked and knew how to use it. I didn't get jealous and I told them that they were welcome to him. I endeavored to be civil to Peter as I still had to work with him. I could tell from the way that he looked at me that he still wanted between my legs.

I had to be content with Arnyek phoning me every other day to ask about my days and how I was. I would tell him that I was happy that he had phoned and hadn't forgotten about me.

I would be gobsmacked to learn that my father and mother had both met him and he hadn't told me. My father told me effusing.

"He has granted me permission to conduct a dig on the Sange Castle Estate which is huge as it is some 100,000 acres in size and even crossed the border into the present day Ukraine. He has cleared it the Romanian and Ukrainian authorities to conduct digs at three separate locations where there is evidence from satellite imagery of early Celtic and La Tene cultural settlement that excites me archeologically and is also my specialty.

One site is Neolithic I believe and the other I believe are Bronze and early Iron Age respectively. Count Arnyek is even sponsoring the digs dear. He is also planning to build a museum dedicated to those Era's. Your mother and I will be working together on this project almost I will let her tell you her news in her way.

The Count has a great interest in and knowledge of the early Iron Age and periods historically earlier than that. It is surprising in one so young. He is a most impressive young man. He also spoke very warmly about you dear. He would be an improvement on that barbarian and deadbeat Peter. Your mother will want to speak to you no doubt."

I protested.

"Dad I have split from Peter. I have only been out with Arnyek once and it sounds like you have seen him more than I have. Are you and mum back together?"

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