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Bloodshed - A Dark Star Tale Pt. 01


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The white clad figure raised a vicious polished looking cleaver and scraped the blade slowly down across her left cheek.

She closed her eyes, urging herself to war from this living nightmare.

Whimpering Cheri felt the sting and pain of the blade as it was dragged across her cheek diagonally. She felt the warmth of her own blood spilling down her cheek, blood diluted by the tears that streamed down her face.

She felt the first slash, her eyes sprung open at the unbearable pain, moments after she saw the glint of the cleaver raised high above her assailant's head, the searing pain again of the deep second wound inflicted on her chest trapped the air in her lungs. She couldn't scream such was her utter panic.

Slash after slash was mercilessly inflicted across her upper body and back as the white clad figure slowly moved around her. She couldn't struggle any longer she hung limp, shallow breaths gargled from her lungs, the pain transcending anything she'd ever felt in her life. Struggling to remain conscious as through bleary eyes she saw the figure in white move back before her once more.

The white outfit now smeared and stained in red flecks of blood, her blood.

Her head was tilted up by a blue gloved hand placed under her jaw.

She felt sticky warm blood spilling down over her lower abdomen, could hear the constant drip of her own blood onto the floor beneath her suspended feet.

Tears no longer came to her flickering eyes, breath barely drew into her lungs, the pain so severe she didn't notice it.

Cheri Hernandez was semi aware of the cleaver sinking deep into her stomach and the swift upward slice that spilled her intestines across the stainless-steel floor over which her body hung.

Chapter Three - Morale Building

It was a rag tag assortment of individuals left at this stage of the night Will Marchant considered as he collected nine red wrist strap passes from the cashier. Certainly not a collective he'd hand pick to socialise with.

The initials VIP printed multiple times around the wrist bands as he turned to the eight of them in a small little huddle just inside the doorway of the Dark Star night club. Technically seven of them stood together while Maya Cruz stood off to the side, in a subgroup of one. Flick beamed at him for what seemed like the four hundred and thirty third time that week as she took it upon herself to hand out the wristbands like a schoolteacher organising a class outing. Did she ever switch off? She kept a wristband for herself before handing them out individually to Mila and Una, two Slovenian girls from the packaging line, Gary Wilson, Dave Hardacre from the Invoice and Accounts team, Sonia Wilson from the Transport Team, who was of no relation to Gary as she was often at pains to detail and finally to Greg Franklyn the Northern Regional Sales Exec.

Maya stepped forward and near snatched the remaining wristband from Flick without a word. The scene reminiscent of when Lexi and Tilly couldn't agree to share the same toy. Now now girls there's one for everyone' Will thought to himself watching as Maya stepped back again to let the rest of the party head off through the main doors to find the booth that was assured reserved in their name. The reservation having been assured by Marco Mancini who Will understood to manage the establishment, as one of his various business interests.

Will Sidled up to Maya, she was looking stunning, a silver-grey coloured halter neck dress with a short hem line was complimented by a pair of fantastic looking white and black snakeskin patterned knee high boots. Her dark hair straightened to her bare shoulders.

"Guessing you've been here, before have you?" Will offered.

"No," she shook her head, "I never been able to decide if the rumours about this place made it sound appealing or like a house of horrors."

"Seems busy enough," Will continued the small talk, feeling if anything privileged to be entering the venue with her. His ego boosted by thoughts that to all intents and purpose of any strangers who set eyes on the pair of them they appeared to be together. "...What rumours?"

"You heard about the murders in basement, right?" Maya turned to him. "Then there's the live sex shows and the private rooms for torture and general debauchery."

"I've no idea what you're on about," Will stated genuinely turning to her half expecting for her to fall about laughing, to be joking with him. As they approached silver double doors the sound of the music beyond grew louder and louder, he raised his voice. "You're joking right... you'd think I'd have heard about all that ... but I'd never even heard of this place until last week,"

Maya smirked, "All attributed to previous Management I believe ...the guy responsible for it all died I think."

"Of old age?" Will offered raising his eyebrows as he held open the door for her to enter the main club, the volume of the music hit him, and the heat of the club immediately made him regret not checking his short brown leather jacket at the cloakrooms.

"Stabbed to Death," Maya laughed now as she passed him, laughing out loud but with a sincere laugh "Will ... you just brought the Staff night out to the most notorious night spot around."

Will followed Maya into the crowded night club, his eyes wide with the sights and sounds that greeted them, neon strip lights illuminated the bars and the dance floors, lasers and flashing lights illuminating a sprawling dance floor, a strobe light causing a surreal slow motion feel as dry ice from a smoke machine billowed a thick mist throughout the club, the sights and the sounds reminded him of a carnival more than a nightclub. Suddenly at 38 Will Marchant felt old, felt out of his depth. The first few bars they'd visited in town had been bad enough. Their group had started as twenty but dwindled not long after leaving the first venue. Not that it bothered Will as socialising with work colleagues had proved as fun as having teeth pulled, certainly this was not his idea of relaxing, especially given everyone wanted to talk work, in truth he reflected it was the only thing that they all had in common.

Even Maya had waded in on the mundane cornering him on the rumour he'd recently looked to employ another Sales Exec, which he'd assured her was something that had happened but that the candidate had proved to be unsuitable. Her concerns a little ironic given that the evening had been planned and hastily arranged to boost staff morale as well as celebrate the business that Maya had secured with Costmark. The deal with the National Wholesaler was cover story enough for the unofficial cash injection Will had also recent agreed to secure, against his better judgement or otherwise. They were ending the evening at this place at the invitation of his new business associate Marco Mancini. Seeing everything around him now the pieces of the puzzle started to fit in place.

Putting the thoughts of the tired cliches of Mafia films to the back of his mind Will could understand the connection between a place like this and the agreement he'd made with Marco Mancini, the arrangement that only Will was aware of at Marchants Meats.

"This place is off the fucking hook,"

Maya stated genuinely impressed he could see, and he wondered how she'd never been before if that were the case. "Shall we get a drink?"

"Look at the queue for the bar." Will offered looking over to the main bar which snaked around near enough two sides of the room, but which was easily three to four deep with patrons at every point.

"Aren't you forgetting," Maya raised her left wrist around which was wrapped the red wristband: "We've our own bar."

Will let her lead the way pushing through the crowds towards the private booths, spotting the rest of their party slipping into a booth that overlooked the dance floor, which was jam packed with revellers. His eye cast up the back of Maya's legs and over here pert toned ass in the silver-grey dress as they made their way through the Club, he couldn't help but admire those shapely legs. Maya was an exquisite female, perfect in every physical way. Shaking his distraction Will was relieved on making it to the much shorter VIP Bar to discover that there was next to no queue for drinks.

"What you having?" he asked turning to Maya.

"Vodka and Cranberry," her immediate reply, he should have remembered as it was the same drink ordered two or three hours ago in the first bar in which they'd all met.

He ordered her drink and opted for a Long Island Ice Tea for himself.

"I'm impressed Will," Maya offered as the drinks were set before them. "Had you down as the old-fashioned pint of lager type."

"Never judge a book isn't that what they say," he responded to her.

Maya looked him up and down flashing him a disarming grin "True ... especially as I've never seen you out of a suit before either... you don't scrub up too badly Will Marchant."

She caught him a little off guard and he took a quick sip of his strong cocktail in an attempt to gain a little composure. "I guess none of us truly know one another... despite the fact we see one another on a daily basis."

"You don't see me on a daily basis," Maya replied.

"Which is a pity," Will instantly and perhaps a little too honestly replied, his turn to catch her off guard.

"What are you trying to say Mr Marchant?"

As he attempted to figure out if her formal use of his name is in jest or to deliberately remind him of his status as an employer, or even more so a husband, their conversation was interrupted by the excitable interjection of Flick Bowerman.

"Just thought I should let you know that Sonia and Dave aren't staying and have already gone ...that just leaves me, Gary and Gregg and the two warehouse girls who've headed to the dance floor."

Dressed this evening in a long sleeve black top, a little black pleated skirt, black tights, and little black ankle boots, it was perhaps the most conventional Will thought he'd ever seen her dressed.

"Thanks for the update," Will offered and she didn't get the sarcasm dripping from his words, although from the stifled smirk Maya did.

"Well, I just wondered if you were joining us?"

"Yes Miss Bowerman" he mocked unnoticed by her again, "We'll fall in line."

"Really ...are we really choosing to socialise with Gary Wilson..." Maya offered, the regard in which she obviously held him was not an unusual trait, especially among the female staff, "...what a night."

Will noted the sharp stare thrown briefly at Maya from Flick at her statement but she bit her tongue on whatever she was about to say.

"C'mon..." Will interjected slightly annoyed to have lost the conversation with Maya despite my uncertainty on the direction our brief exchange had been headed.

Following the two girls towards the seating area Will spotted the enigmatic Italian walking through the club towards the three of them. His wide seemingly sincere smile etched across his face as he held his hands out wide. He made a beeline straight towards Will who caught his brief glance in the direction of Maya as he passed her.

"Will ...Will ...Will ...so glad you could come join us," by anyone's standards Will could tell he would be regarded a handsome man, immaculately dressed in a dark fitted suit over a crisp white shirt that glowed as it caught the rays of an ultraviolet light somewhere in the Club. Will couldnt help but note how both Maya and Flick cast glances in his direction as he confidently strode towards him abd took him in an embrace while heavily slapping his hands across his back. "What do you think of the place?"

"Impressive," Will sincerely offered.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your night but have you some time to spare... to discuss our arrangement?"

Silently Will cursed but inside he knew that the cash flow he was offering couldn't be risked.

"Sure," Will stated looking over and catching Maya's eye briefly with an apologetic smile at leaving her in the company of the individuals she had been reluctant to join in the first instance.

'Gimme five minutes,' Will mouthed to her.


Taking a sip of his drink before setting his glass down on the rich dark wood of the desk Will took a seat opposite of Marco Mancini in the dimly lit office, they'd travelled up a staircase from behind the main bar to get to. The heavy base sounds of the music from the club filtered through the walls and the floor with a constant gentle vibration.

"It is an impressive set up you've got here," Will sincerely offered.

"It's technically my Fiancées place," Mancini replied sitting back in his black leather chair and unbuttoning his suit jacket. "The club used to belong to my family then ... well let's just say then there was a brief change of ownership prior to Arabella's name ending up on paperwork."

There was something a little morose about the brief explanation Mancini offered, like two brief sentences didn't do the complexity of that story justice. Surely not a further dark twist to the history of the venue Maya had briefly outlined as they'd arrived. Will felt it best to not to pursue the subject matter.

"Anyway, to have access to such a venue can have its perks ...not least in entertaining."

"I'm sure," Will offered not entirely sure he did comprehend exactly what the Italian referred to. This was a world and a working environment that was all together foreign to him. Dark and murky was the best he could say for it and he still questioned his better judgement for instigating plans with Marco Mancini so soon after first making his acquaintance. The speed in which the Italian had taken the initiative had also surprised Will, the promise of two hundred and fifty thousand pounds to be paid over three-monthly instalments has certainly turned his head though. The first one hundred thousand already deposited to Marchants accounts via Mancini's holding business 'Impero Limited'. Will couldn't apply the brakes now if he wanted to, he felt.

"So are we all set for Monday" Mancini offered pouring himself a neat glass of bourbon from a bottle sat upon on the fairly cluttered looking desk.

"All good to go..." Will offered again having had no real input in the planning "...I think."

Mancini smirked as if reading his mind, "You've nothing to worry about Will ...my staff working at your location will control all aspects at ground level... they'll ensure your drivers know of the additional delivery points on their routes... the less you know the better in many ways."

"Plausible deniability," Will countered.

The Italians smirk became a dark laugh, "Something like that... you're astute Will I'll give you that."

Mancini raised his glass in salute to Will, in turn will raised his own glass to the Italian and the two men leant forward and tapped glasses before both taking a swig of their respective drinks. Will couldn't help but feel the toast came with a sense of foreboding. What had been set in motion had been set in motion though, it felt it was already too late now the new business associate had a foot in the door at Marchants Meats. The need to keep the company afloat against the very real threats on the horizon had led to decisions that went against everything the business had stood for in its close to 130 years of trading. Times change he'd pondered, needs must he'd justified to himself, fully aware that four generations of family who'd run the business likely turned in their graves at the prospect of the illegal activity that he had agreed to enter in to.

From over his shoulder Will heard the door they'd entered swing back open. He took another swig of his drink as he instinctive turned to see who entered the room.

She entered confidently, dressed immaculately in a pair of tight-fitting black leather trousers over little black ankle boots, a black bra slightly visible as the only clothing worn under a white tailored jacket button across her midriff accentuating her toned physique.

"Using my office, again are you?" she rather curtly offered to Mancini. "I should start charging you rent"

There was an edge to her statement that suggested while she was part joking there was also a seriousness to her words. Mancini sat back offering a smile.

"Arabella meet the new business associate I mentioned William Marchant... William this is my Fiancée Arabella."

Will looked up into her crystal blue eyes her angular beautiful face framed by short cut platinum hair that hung to her jaw line but seemed a little shorter at the back. He made to speak but words almost caught in the back of his throat, such was her beauty. She had an air about her, a sense of no-nonsense and confidence. Even as she stood there a little coldly staring at Mancini rather than Will it couldn't detract from her physical appearance, she instantly seemed to be a woman who got what she wanted and took no prisoners along the way. No doubt a legacy of dealing with Marco Mancini on a day-to-day basis.

"Will please ...Will's just fine," he offered slightly mesmerised while raising from his seat a little as he offered a hand which she took in her slender hand and shook briefly and shortly. Will found himself half hovering, half sitting before he slipped back into the chair.

"So, Will ... you're his new drug runner," she didn't pull her punches. "Welcome aboard I guess... and please ignore Marco's tendency to over formalise names ...I sometimes think he's jealous having a short name ... you can call me Ari."

Will didn't look to Mancini he barely heard the rest of what she said, such was his shock at her blunt summary of the agreement he had with Marco. He hoped that the reason she knew about their arrangement was purely down to the confidence spurred by the closeness of their relationship and mutual knowledge of the murkier business world they operated within. Perhaps it was testimony to the trust they both held in one another. A trust he could never see him having with Kelly, he could only begin to imagine her reaction were he to confide in her what he'd gotten himself involved with. Divorce lawyers would no doubt be involved, and he'd be legally fighting for half his possessions and custody of the girls, despite the fact she did little and contributed even less.

"Keys," Ari thrust out a manicured hand in Marcos's direction. "I'm heading home ...I wasn't even supposed to be here tonight."

Will watched as Marco plucked a set of car keys from the chaotic paperwork and junk strewn across what now transpired wasn't actually his desk. He handed them to the blonde, "I won't be late."

"I know you," she responded.

There was an unspoken tension that seemed to build on that simple exchange alone. Will looked away busying himself with nothing as he felt caught as a bystander to a conversation he didn't want to be a part of.

"Good to meet you Will... I'm sure we'll be seeing more of you," She offered as she stepped away."

"Yeah... yeah I'm sure we..." Will slightly stumbled on his words again conscious not to let her or Mancini catch his eye fall on her pert ass wrapped in the tight leather trousers just below the hem of her jacket.

Without so much as looking back she slipped back through the office door letting it swing shut behind her. Will turned back to Mancini who ruefully grinned back at him offering a shrug of his shoulders, "The Women in my life cause me so much trouble."

His use of the plural was almost telling but Will not for the first time didn't wish to elaborate, all the same offered, "I've at least three girls that dictate mine."

"Ah yes ...married with children ...there must be benefits." Marco said sincerely, "Family is everything."

'Maybe for you Marco ... Maybe for you' was the thought that played thorough Will's mind, before he corrected his own thoughts. As his family the girls were the most important thing in his life, he regretted the lack of time he spent with them. Kelly on the other hand was the dark cloud in the blue sky that cast a seemingly permanent shadow over his own family life. He couldn't agree with the sentiment he often found himself saying out loud about not having it any other way, he would have it another way, he'd have it the way where he and Kelly had what they used to have for the sake of his family. He knew he was being idealistic.

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