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Blowjob from Wife in Bed 750 Words

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Blowjob from Wife in Bed 750 Words.
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My wife's hand rubs my chest as she leans over me and kisses my face, my cheeks, my lips, and she purrs happily as she brings her hand down to my boxers.

She tosses the duvet aside and pulls my boxers off and kneels down and takes my softness into her mouth, the warm moistness making my cock awaken.

My dick hardens as she bathes it with her tongue, her lips locked tightly around my growing shaft, her soft hand gripping me at the base as she bobs her head up and down lovingly on my expanding girth.

She starts caressing my hardened cock with her hand, lubricated by her excess spit flowing freely from her mouth, her tongue swirling and twirling around my bulbous head as she plunges her head downward onto the throbbing veiny tower of my resplendence. Her long hair veils her face and I gently pull it back and bundle it into a ponytail so I can see her as she eagerly works her mouth onto me.

"Good girl. Keep doing that." I say encouragingly.

She responds by moaning happily and deepening her thrusting head onto me. I groan in satisfaction as my tip meets the soft barrier of her throat. She hums deeply as she bounces her head freely up and down my length, pounding my wide head forcefully against her throat. She gasps for air as she raises her head up along my slick rigidity, her tongue stroking my skin before she plummets her head downward ravenously, engorging my entire cock in the tight purse of her mouth, her nose slamming into my body as the squelches and squawks of her ravaged throat rises from her, her heavy nasal breathing mingling with the debauched sounds of her worshipful indulgence.

I feel an exquisite torturous tingle rise in my pulsing pillar as her head feverishly traverses my wet length, up and down, the soft enclosure of her beautiful mouth conjuring a delightful thrilling thrum throughout my ravished and engorged column of depraved desire. I grip her hair tighter in my fist and hold her head in place over my stiffness, my tip now deep in her throat as she instinctively jerks her head upwards against my powerful unmoving hand, her face reddening alarmingly as I press my cock deeper into her throat as the piercing torment of my orgasm spreads in my dick, the wet cushion of her mouth twitching in distressed pleasure against my tender shaft, the hot tight orifice of her throat contracting on my hefty tip and I groan loudly and ecstatically as I come in her, my fist straining against the back of her head as I unload my pleasure into her grateful quivering throat, my penis bursting with eruptive carnal delight as my frenzied climax reaches my tip causing my wife to involuntarily wretch and wetly gag on my fleshy hardness. I feel her swallowing hard with her throat on my cockhead, sending stinging flutters of vibrating delight throughout my crotch.

I release her hair and she raises her head, breathing hard as she releases my rapidly softening manhood from her mouth, thin strings of spit and cum bridging her lips to my cock. She turns her reddened face to me and smiles. Her eyes are wet from pleasure and exertion, her lips glistening with her spit and my cum.

I stroke her face softly with my palm.

"You're amazing." I tell her.

She smiles at me with her wet eyes, tears rolling down her face. She lowers her lips onto my penis and kisses it reverentially, once, twice, three times. She moves her mouth to my tip and puts her lips around it, licking it slowly around, taking the excess leaking cum from it and swallowing hard before tenderly kissing my nutsack once.

She takes my hand and raises her leg to straddle me, her damp warm cunt on my belly, her breasts in front of my face. She puts her arms around my head and brings my face into the warm fragrant cushion of her luxuriously soft tits. She strokes my hair as I breathe in the bouquet of her aromatic cleavage, the rude hotness of her pussy broiling my belly as the wonderful perfume of her arousal rises and mingles with the scent of her bosom. I close my eyes and savor the incense of the body of this woman I love as she kisses the top of my head and whispers words unknown into my hair.

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LechemanLecheman6 months ago

First 750 word story I've read in a while where the ending properly occurred.

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShades6 months ago

Thanks for your writing.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Ever see the episode of mash where Radar wanted to be a writer? There’s a lesson in there for you.

26thNC26thNC7 months ago

At least she blew her husband. That’s a good thing.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

What a ridiculous comment from sbrooks103x! Why can’t he write a “moment in time” story in the present tense? It’s a stylistic choice from the author and quite acceptable.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Not much story but a true loving wife

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

a loving wife in the LW category. No cuck crap.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103x7 months ago

Don't write in present tense.

DessertmanDessertman7 months ago

A lovely story that combines love, eroticism and sensuality. A rar combination in Loving Wives.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Is his wife foreign, why does she "whisper words unknown".

lc69hunterlc69hunter7 months ago

belongs in EC, but very good

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