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Blowjobs for Beers Ch. 02

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Jamie's ordeal continues.
7.6k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/19/2015
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Note: This story is a spiritual sequel to "Blowjobs for Beers," the first in a multi-story series. I suggest reading that before reading this. Readers of both will quickly recognize the change in perspective from third-person in the first story to first-person in the second. I felt like the sequel lent itself better to first-person so I decided to make the switch. I may revise the first story to first-person in the future.


Flustered by what had just happened I quickly grabbed my clothes and stumbled to the bathroom. As quickly as I could, my hands shaking, I took a washcloth and tried my best to wipe the warm sticky cum from my face. I squirted a sizeable amount of soap in my quivering hand and mixed it with warm water, splashing it over my reddened face. I wanted to make damn sure all the "evidence" was off of me.

As I washed the cum from my face, I couldn't help but reflect on what had just taken place. Why had I practically begged for Mr. Lombardo to cum on my face? God! I couldn't believe it! One hour ago I was a normal high school guy with a blonde big-boobed girlfriend, but now it was like I had been transformed into some kind of slut...for a man! Jesus Christ! I had just willfully given a hot steamy blowjob to a gross fat hairy man who was old enough to be my dad! And now I was wearing his nasty semen all over my face!

After I finished washing my face I reached for my clothes only to realize that they had dabs of Mr. Lombardo's gooey cum all over them. Having no other option I grabbed a towel on the sink counter and wrapped it around my midsection before returning to the living room. I could hear Liz and Mr. Lombardo talking outside on the balcony but the voices were too low to make anything out. After a few minutes, Liz reentered the room.

"Liz," I exclaimed happy that this horrible ordeal was about to be over. "Is he gonna get the beer now?"

"Jamie, listen," Liz said gazing downward almost shamefully.

"Liz?" I said a little concerned. "What is it?"

"Mr. Lombardo made me a counter offer," she explained. "He knows a guy down the street who owes him a favor and who's willing to part with two cases of Everclear if...," she paused, "if you'll spend the night with him."

"What!? Hell no!" I yelled. "Absolutely not! No fucking way!"

"Oh, come on, Jamie," Liz replied in frustration. "I'll still let you fuck my ass. Stop being so goddamn selfish."

"Me being selfish!?"

"Why can't you just do this one itty bitty little thing for me?" she asked. "I mean, you already gave him a blowjob. How much worse could it get?"

"Liz, you're practically asking me to let this guy rape me!"

"To be perfectly honest, Jamie, when I was watching you through the window doing...ya know...," she paused. "It kinda seemed like...well...you liked it."

"Liz, I...I can expl..."

"I mean, why would you take your clothes off?" Liz asked. "If you didn't like it?"

"Liz, please just let me explain."

"You don't need to, Jamie! I saw everything! I saw the way you licked his cock and took his balls in your mouth - how you were trying so hard to please him. God, I even saw your boner!"

I stood in stunned silence, completely shocked by what she was saying.

"You got hard, Jamie! You liked it! You liked sucking Mr. Lombardo's cock! God, for a minute there it even seemed like...like you were going to let him fuck you!"

"Liz, I would never..."

"I don't know what to say...I'm kind freaked out, Jamie."

"But...I was...for yo..."

"It's okay to admit if you liked it a little, Jamie. I mean, Mr. Lombardo does have a pretty big cock. Any straight guy could appreciate the size of that monster. Maybe you really are into this sorta thing and didn't know it."

"Liz!" I pleaded. "I'm not ga..."

"You should prolly take advantage of this situation. Ya know? Use tonight to...I don't know...explore your sexuality...see what happens. Maybe you'll even end up liking it...being with man, I mean. Don't worry. I promise not to tell anyone about this."

"B...b...but," I stuttered.

"But I'm telling you!" Liz yelled coldly. "I won't be with a guy who likes deepthroating big dicks! It's disgusting, Jamie! You were disgusting! I mean, the way you took his cock down your throat...and let him manhandle you. Jesus, Jamie, you even let him shoot his load all over your face! I would never let a man use me like that! I could barely keep from puking the whole time I was watching you!"

Tears began welling up in my eyes as Liz's icy words cut deep into my heart.

"I'll pick you up in the morning and we'll talk about it then," she said. "In the meantime, spend some time with Mr. Lombardo. It'll help you, I don't know, figure out your sexuality or whatever."

"Liz, please!"

"I called Brad and Sarah," Liz said. "They'll be here any minute to pick me up."

"Liz!" I begged in tears. "Please don't leave me here!"

"I'm sorry, Jamie, but I have a reputation to keep up," she stated flatly. "And besides, Mr. Lombardo seems like a perfectly nice guy. I'm sure he'll help you work out your issues."

I continued staring at her in disbelief.

"I have to go now, Jamie," Liz said walking over to the door and opening it.

"I called my pal, he'll hook you up," I heard Mr. Lombardo say from the balcony.

"Thank you, Mr. Lombardo," Liz replied. "I can't wait. I'll be the most popular girl in school!"

"I'll be sure to show your boyfriend here a real nice time," Mr. Lombardo chimed in.

"See Jamie," Liz said before turning back to her boyfriend. "It won't be that bad."

Liz made her exit and Mr. Lombardo entered the room closing the door behind him. It made such a resounding thud that I felt it deep within the pit of his stomach. My face was flushed with fear and embarrassment. I thought I was going to be sick, like I might throw up.

"Looks like it's just me and you for the rest of the night," the man said turning his attention toward me.

I gulped.

"Now that that bitch is gone we can have some real fun."

"You won't get away with this," I threatened. "I'll...I'll report you to the police."

"Go for it, kid," he retorted with a chuckle. "You're forgetting that it was you and that dumbass skank of yours who solicited me to buy you alcohol. You're liable to get into all heaps of trouble for that."

I hadn't thought of that.

"Besides," he said grabbing his sport coat, "what would it do to your reputation if your friends and family found out you deepthroated a dirty old pervert's fat cock for two lousy cases of beer."

The more I thought about it the more I knew that Mr. Lombardo was right. I really had no choice in the matter. My reputation...God! My very life was at stake here! I would have to play along or face ruining my reputation forever.

"Shit," was all I could think to say under my breath.

"Yep, you're options are pretty limited at this point," Mr. Lombardo said with a chuckle.

"Wha...what's next?" I asked in a frightened tone. "Are...are you going to...rape me?"

"Don't worry, kid," he said trying to smooth over the awkwardness of the situation. "I promised your girlfriend I wouldn't pressure you into doing anything you don't want to."

"Okay," I muttered.

"Look, I can tell you're a little nervous," he replied. "How about we blow this joint."

"My clothes...they're ruined," I said remembering my predicament. "I don't have anything to wear."

"Don't worry, princess," he assured me. "We'll find you something when we get to my place. Just keep that towel wrapped around you for now."

"Your place?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's better than hanging around this dump any longer," he answered.

"Wha...what about your wife...and daughter?"

"They're out of town for the weekend, so we'll have the whole house to ourselves, discreet, plenty of privacy," he explained putting his gray sport coat back on. "What do you say, kid?"

I felt incredibly uneasy about going to this stranger's house alone. The motel room was a dump, but at least it was a neutral space. If I agreed to go to his house, I thought, then I'd be way out of my comfort zone - I'd practically be on foreign turf. At the same time, the old man seemed a lot nicer than he had been during the blowjob. Maybe nothing weird would happen. Besides, Mr. Lombardo had promised not to force me to do anything I didn't want to do.

"I guess I'll go...with you," I hesitantly agreed.

"Let's get going then," he said opening the door.

Five minutes later I sat in the passenger side of Mr. Lombardo's 1985 Cadillac Eldorado, the bath towel still wrapped around my midsection. The frightening thought of being an unwilling captive for an entire night along with the lingering cigarette smell in the interior of the car almost made me want to throw up. I thought about jumping out, but decided against it. All the while, the kinky grooves of the seventies' funk music blaring on the radio combined with my own lingering sexual anxiety made for a strange juxtaposition.

"I'm not gonna lie, kid, that was one of the best blowjobs I've ever had," Mr. Lombardo said taking a deep drag on his cigarette. He reached over with his free hand and patted my exposed left thigh.

I was unsure how to feel about such a comment. I felt repulsed, but also strangely flattered at the same time. In a strange way, I almost felt complemented to know that Mr. Lombardo had enjoyed the blowjob I had given him.

"You're welcome...I guess," I awkwardly uttered. I didn't know what else to say.

"Don't beat yourself up over it," he said encouragingly. "Like I said, I've turned out more than a few straight boys in my lifetime."

"Turned out?" I asked unfamiliar with the phrase.

"Yeah, you know, turned out," he said with chuckle. "Turned them into sex-crazed sluts for cock."

"I'm not a slut!" I shouted.

"Coulda fooled me, kid," he retorted tossing his cigarette butt out the window. "You were practically begging for my cum back there. For a second there I really thought you and I were gonna do the nasty...you know...go all the way."

"Wha...what!?" I stuttered. "I would never! Not with you!"

"Oh, but if it was with some well-oiled bodybuilding stud, then you would?"

"I...I'm not...gay!" I yelled in protest.

"You don't think I didn't see that boner you were sporting? And did I catch you pleasuring yourself there at the end?"

"No! It was just...uh...the sensation," I blurted out.

"You mean the sensation of having a man's cock between your lips?"

Flustered by the conversation, I refused to respond, remaining in stunned silence as the car lurched forward. I couldn't believe Mr. Lombardo had seen my boner! I had tried so hard to hide it but failed. Frankly, I didn't know why I had gotten so hard back in the motel room. Was it just the primeval sensation of skin against skin? Was it the depraved eroticism of kneeling before a man old enough to be my dad? Or was I really into this "sorta thing" as Liz had said?

"You know, kid," Mr. Lombardo said. "You could really take advantage of your new-found abilities."

"What do you mean?" I asked a little curious.

"Well, lots of old guys would pay top dollar for a hot piece of ass like you."

"So, you're saying I should become a whore?"

"Hey, it's not all bad. If you get in with a rich crowd there are a lot of benefits."


"Sure, they'll buy you shit, cars, penthouses, you name it, all you gotta do is put out and they'll treat you like a princess."

I didn't know what to make of his suggestion. The notion of performing sexual favors for perverted old rich guys seemed completely out of the question. I wasn't gay for god's sake! However, I didn't come from a particularly wealthy family and the idea of getting paid a lot of money for "helping out" some rich guys carried a slight appeal, but I quickly blocked the idea from my mind as we continued our ride.

Mr. Lombardo guided the car into a secluded suburban neighborhood. After a few minutes of driving down the quiet street he pulled into the driveway of a brick ranch house with white shutters. There was a large oak tree featured prominently on the well-manicured front lawn. I noticed that the mailbox read: "Lombardo, 217 Milton St."

"Home, sweet home," Mr. Lombardo said turning the car off. I climbed out of the passenger side door, tightly holding the towel around my waist, and walked to the front door. Mr. Lombardo took out his keys and threw open the front door. He led me through the doorway into a narrow hallway.

"Follow me," he said putting his hand on my naked back and leading me down the hallway until we came to a door.

"Go on down," he said holding the door open for me.

"Where are you going?" I asked nervously.

"To slip into something a bit more comfortable," he replied.

"What about me? You said you'd let me borrow some clothes."

"Don't worry, princess, I'll get you something," he assured me. "You just head on down and make yourself at home."

Mr. Lombardo disappeared down the hallway and I descended a wooden staircase into the basement. When I got to the bottom I noticed a spacious fully-decked out man cave that looked like something straight out of the 1970s. Wood-paneled walls, shag carpet, and even a disco ball hanging from the ceiling. There was a pool table that occupied much of the center of the room. A bar sat in the corner with ample amounts of liquor and wine bottles displayed. On the one side there was a long red velvet couch with a wide purple ottoman sitting in front of it, and on the other side a large flatscreen TV was mounted to the wall.

Unsure of what to do, I sat down on the couch and waited. After about two minutes I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. When he reached the landing I noticed that Mr. Lombardo had changed into a shiny silk black robe.

"Uh...what are you wearing?" I asked a little uncomfortable.

"Can't a man get comfortable in his own house?" he said walking over to the bar.

"Do you have clothes for me?" I asked in a bratty tone.

"Sure do," he said reaching into the pocket of his robe. "Here you go."

He tossed a lump of pink fabric onto the ottoman in front of the couch. From what I could make out it was a glossy pink babydoll nightie.

"What is that?" I asked.

"It's my wife's," Mr. Lombardo explained. "I want to see how your body fills it."

"You can't expect me to wear that," I stated.

"How about we flip for it?" he offered pulling a shiny silver coin from his pocket. "Tails, I'll drive you home right now, no questions asked, and I promise you'll never see me again."

"What if it's heads?"

"Heads, you put on that nightie and have a drink with me, deal?"

I hesitated for a few seconds. In truth, I felt a little weirded out at the prospect of wearing women's clothes. I had thought about what it would feel like many times, but never went through with it. In the end, though, I decided that the chance of getting to leave was worth the risk. Besides, it was better than wearing nothing at all, right? Reluctantly, I agreed to the terms.

Mr. Lombardo took the coin and flipped it into the air. It landed on the palm of his hand and he placed it on top of his other hand to reveal a heads.

"Shit," I whispered in frustration.

"I believe you owe me something, princess," Mr. Lombardo said.

I reached down and grabbed the pile of fabric from the ottoman. I took the nightie by the straps and pulled it up. Out from under the hem fell a skimpy fuchsia-colored thong.

"You want me to where this too?" I asked holding the small piece of fabric in front of me.

"Of course," Mr. Lombardo responded. "I think that bubble butt of yours will fill it out nicely."

"I don't know Mr. Lombardo," I hesitated. "I'm not sure how I feel about wearing it."

"Come on, Jamie," he prodded. "It's perfectly harmless. More of an experimental thing. Besides, I know a lot of guys who'd cum buckets just by looking at that beautiful ass of yours."

"You really think so?" I asked a little flattered by the compliment.

"Absolutely," he answered. "I mean, if ya got it, why not show it, right?"

"Fine...I'll do it," I sighed.

"Good, I'll go pour us some drinks," he said walking over to the bar in the far corner of the room.

I stood up and unwrapped the towel from my waist letting it fall to the floor. With both hands I stretched the thong out and lowered it to my knees. With each leg I stepped into it and inched it up until I felt the g-string nestle snuggly between my ass cheeks. I was surprised by how tightly it hugged my dick and balls. Next, I took the silk nightie and slipped it over my head. I pulled it down over my smooth chest and belly until the straps grew tight against my collar bones and allowed the bottom hem to fall listlessly to the middle of my creamy white thighs. The glossy fabric felt like velvet against my smooth skin and the thong, tightly wedged between my butt cheeks, gave me a slight but undeniable feeling of pleasure.

"You look incredible, princess," Mr. Lombardo commented walking over toward the couch with a tumbler of whiskey in each hand. He motioned for me to sit down and obliged. The velvet couch felt nice against my legs and ass.

"What now?" I asked with a hint of nervous panic in my voice. Strangely, I felt more naked wearing the thong and pink nightie than I had being completely nude.

"Here, take a sip of this," Mr. Lombardo said handing me a tumbler of Scotch before plopping down next to me on the couch.

I nervously took a sip. The whiskey tasted both bitter and sweet at the same time on my tongue. I swallowed. My face winced as the alcohol burned my throat. As the brown nectar made its way down to my stomach, I felt a soothing sensation of warmth throughout my body.

"Good, isn't it?" Mr. Lombardo asked stretching his arm out and nonchalantly putting it around my shoulder.

"Yeah...I guess," I answered meekly feeling uncomfortable by how handsy he was getting with me.

"Ever drink before?" he asked cupping my dainty shoulder with his large hand.

"No...never," I responded taking another sip of Scotch.

"There's a first time for everything, right?" he asked pulling me closer to him so that my right hip rubbed up against the side of his belly.

"Mr. Lombardo?" I asked almost whispering. "You're making me feel uncomfortable."

"I'll tell you what," he said taking a swig from his glass. "Let's flip again. The offer still stands. Tails, you can leave."

"And if I lose?"

"If you lose, you have to give me a lap dance," he said bringing his free hand to my leg and tracing his fingers along my exposed inner thigh.

"Uh...I'm not sure about this, Mr. Lombardo."

"It won't be that bad," he said patting his hand against my leg. "It's just a little harmless fun between us guys. Nothing to worry about."

"I don't know...it sounds kinda weird," I said. "I've never done anything like that before."

"It's easy. You just have to move your butt up and down against my crotch. Don't worry. We both have clothes on, so it won't be a big deal."

"Uuggghh," I groaned.

"I mean, you already gave me a blowjob and let me cum on your face, how bad could sitting on my lap be?" he asked.

"Okay, but if I win, you'd better take me home," I reasserted.

"Sure thing, kid," he replied. He took out the coin again and flipped it into the air allowing it to land on his open palm. He flipped it over to the topside of his other hand and revealed the coin. Heads again!

"Fuck'n A! Imagine that!" he shouted overjoyed.

"Oh, fuck," I whispered under my breath at the realization of what I would have to do next.

"Get to it, sweetheart," Mr. Lombardo prodded laying his hand flat against my lower back urging me to my feet. "I can't wait to see that limber teenage body of yours in action."

"I don't know what to do, Mr. Lombardo," I said standing up. "I've never done this sorta thing before."

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