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Blue Bloods Meet Castle Pt. 11

Story Info
Rick, Kate and Erin resolve problems with four from Suits.
13.2k words

Part 11 of the 35 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/14/2016
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One of my readers requested adding pictures of the new characters, but this is not allowed by Literotica. When a new character is introduced, I will put in parenthesis the character's real name so you can look them up on the internet.


Friday was upon them way too soon, especially after a trying week and the previous weekend party they would never forget. Rick stayed at the loft getting ready for a very, very long night. He showered twice and had a bit to eat for lunch.

Kate arrived home early and she gave him a hot, tongue searching kiss. She reached down and felt his cock responding. She giggled, "Down boy, you're going to need your energy for later." She fixed a light snack and called the deli for a platter of snacks and sandwiches for Rachel and Mike for this evening. She followed Rick into the bedroom and watched him dress. She stripped and after he was dressed, gave him a kiss and headed into the bathroom for a long soothing bath, a little pussy maintenance and running through her head how she was going to separate Rachel and Mike this evening. She saw a picture of Rachel and loved her bi-racial features and her tight, petite body. Her fingers finished removing every bit of hair from her pussy and closing her eyes, she imagined playing with that gorgeous brunette. She tickled her exposed clit and slid a couple fingers into her juicy pussy. She came after a few minutes, thinking how Mike's cock would fill her up tonight. She leaned back and relaxed for the next half hour.

Rick, dressed in an open-collared shirt, dress pants and a black sports coat, he headed over to pick-up Erin at her office. He poked his head in and she was buried in work, "Okay ADA Reagan, I am here to officially kick off your week-end early."

She looked up at him; she was smiling from ear to ear. She put down her pen, "Now that's an offer I can't refuse. Just give me a minute to shutdown things and we can leave." She looked at the clock on the wall, "A little early aren't you?"

He took another step into her office, "I thought we could head back to your place, have a drink and you could slip into something a little more alluring. I wanna talk to you about our meeting with Harvey Specter."

She finished up and they headed back to her place, "You wanna drink while I shower and change?"

He chuckled, "How about someone to wash your back while you shower, Erin?"

"No thanks Rick, I'm holding off to sample that gorgeous body tonight."

He nodded, "Yeah, I know what you mean; I can't wait to sample Donna too."

She pushed him back to the living room, "Not her, I was talking about Harvey, but she wouldn't be too bad either. She's almost as hot as Alexis, I just love redheads."

"Mmmm, me too, but recently, I've had a very strong attraction to brunettes." He reached for Erin, who was now down to her bra and panties.

She jumped out of the way and hurried into the bathroom, slamming the door, she yelled out, "Yeah I know, you married one. Now go wait in the living room, have a drink and let me shower."

He went there and fixed himself a drink. Thirty minutes passed and Erin came out looking like a million bucks. Her hair was damp and ringed her face in a mass of slim curls and waves. Her dark eyes were alluring with just the right amount of blue eyes shadow. Her full lips were covered in a deep red lipstick. What she was wearing made Rick's cock stiffen, and he let out a groan as he feasted on her tall, slender body. She was wearing a silk and lace black shift. It looked more like a slip, then a dress. Her pert B cup breasts were threatening to leap free and it was easy to see she wasn't wearing a bra beneath it. His gaze went lower and he frowned.

Erin saw the expression, "What's wrong Rick, I can see it on your face?"

He licked his lips, "You look amazing, but the panty line, it ruins the entire look. Otherwise, if we weren't I'd be all over you. Oh hell..." He made a leap for her and caught her and pulled her to his lap. He nuzzled her neck and ran his hands up and down her long, bare shapely legs.

She fought him off and managed to stand up at arms-length. She looked back at her ass in the mirror and frowned, "I see what you mean Rick." She reached under her tiny dress and pulled her panties off. Looking back in the mirror, she smiled, "Mmmm, much better, don't you think Rick?"

He was biting his fist and let out a groan, "You are so fucking mean Erin, how about a little peak?"

She giggled and turned towards him. She was blushing and raising her dress, flashed him her fleshy cuntlips. They already had a little dew on them and she laughed out loud and dropped her dress, "Okay, down boy and relax. You said you wanted to talk about Harvey."

He took a deep breath and nodded, "Okay, but just to let you know, Kate and I are planning another party in the Hamptons for the Fourth of July weekend. I want first dibs on you, now for the matter at hand."

Erin's eyes were sparkling and interrupted him. She stood up and came over to him, she sat on his lap, "I guess we can mess around a little bit." She wiggled her butt and she could feel his cock poking against her bare ass.

He placed his hands on her tiny waist, ran his hands up to her gorgeous tits and squeezed lightly. He turned her towards him and shook his head, "You're right Erin; we have to wait. If I started now, I couldn't stop, you'd be back in the shower, redoing your make-up and we'd be late. Just wait; we'll have our time again later."

She bit her lower lip and licked her lips and let out a deep breath of air, "You're right." She got off and saw the huge lump in his pants, "Oh God, you've made me so wet."

He shook his head, "Sorry Erin, wait for Harvey, he should be more than adequate. Now for the issue at hand, Harvey and Louis really need and want Mike Ross at their firm. After all of the problem they had and losing Jessica Pearson, they are having problems making ends meet. You and I both know that the DA's office can do without him."

She nodded, "I know Rick, and I don't have a problem letting him go, but I heard one of the stipulations of him getting his law license, he had to work for at least six months as a public defender. I also heard he wasn't interested in returning to Harvey's firm. He said he was done fighting on the wrong side."

I heard that too, but Harvey and I came up with a solution. I wanted to run it by you first and see if it was agreeable to you."

She crossed her legs and she giggled when she saw his eyes drift down to her crossed legs and juicy pussy. She shook her finger, "Eyes up here Rick! So what is your solution?"

"With most of their associates jumping ship, they have a lot of open office space. Harvey agreed to bring the entire group of lawyers Mike was working for on board. Louis and Harvey would work with Mike on a few cases every month pro-bono. They would give advice and coach them and sit-in on any cases that were over their head. Instead of six months, they would do this for an entire year. By then, the green lawyers would have enough experience to either go on their own, or join Pierson, Specter, and Litt. What do you think?"

She was smiling from ear to ear, "I think you should abandon your PI agency and become an arbitrator, you'd make a fortune. It's a deal, but I want that in writing and I'll present it before my boss. I don't see any issues, oh one thing."

He looked at her, "What's that Erin?"

She stood up and came over to him, she dropped to her knees, "Pull it out, let me suck it and I'll agree."

He watched as her lips wrapped around his growing cock and closed his eyes, "Just a little Erin, I can't cum now. I have a busy night before me."

She lapped away and sucked on his cock, "Mmmm, I love your cock Rick, but you're right." She stuffed his cock back in his pants and hurried to the bathroom to repair her make-up.

They arrived at Harvey's apartment and he answered the door and both Harvey (Gabriel Macht) and his assistant Donna Paulsen (Sarah Rafferty) were dressed in their work clothes, Harvey was still in his dark blue suit, minus the jacket and Donna was in a sexy, tan dress. It has a very low cut neckline, showing off her luscious tits. Her arms were bare and the dress ended below her knees. The skirt was full and was she shifted on the sofa; she drew her feet up under herself. Before Harvey even closed the door he called out, "Anyone care for a drink, or any other refreshments?"

He got them all some white wine and invited them to sit down. He was sitting close to Donna and placed a hand on her bare knee. He turned to Erin, "So did Rick give you the lowdown on our proposal?" His hand slid higher up Donna's thigh, under the full skirt.

Erin watched eagerly as his hand disappeared beneath her dress. She shifted uncomfortably beside Rick. She saw the tent rising in Harvey's tailored slacks and licking her lips, she looked up to Harvey's eyes and saw him smiling, "Aw yeah, I'm fine with the proposal, as soon as I see a signature on it, I'm a go with it."

"Well, I'll sign it and as soon as Mike signs it, it will be finalized."

She shook her head, "No, I can't approve it until I have both of your signatures on it."

Rick cut in, "Listen Erin, I'm meeting with Mike and Rachel at my place this evening. I'll have him sign it and run over to you tomorrow. I promise and you know me, my word is gold."

She nodded, "Okay, I wouldn't do this for anyone but you Rick. Bring it over here and after we both sign it, as far as I'm concerned, it's a done deal."

Harvey hopped up and signed it before her and she did too. She handed it to Rick, "Guard it with your life or Mike's deal will fall through." Harvey was ecstatic and turning to Donna, "This calls for some champagne. He turned to Donna, "Would you do the honors Donna, I wanna show Erin my collection of jazz records. Rick told me you were a big fan."

Erin stood up and followed him, "Yes, yes I am."

Rick got up and followed Donna, "I'll give you a hand with the bubbly Donna, if that's okay with you."

"That's great Rick, nice to see there's a gentleman in the crowd."

Erin smiled when she heard her, but Harvey ignored her snide remark.

Donna popped open the bottle and handed it to Rick, "If you would do the honors, I get another bottle out and find some glasses." She stepped closer and ran her fingers across his semi-erect cock. She got onto her knees; I think the glasses are down here." She didn't look for the glasses, but deftly unzipped Rick's pants and fished into his pants and withdrew his huge cock, "Oh my, so much larger than Harvey's. I'm going to love sucking on this."

Rick looked down and saw the top of the redhead's head lowering and then he felt her plush red lips close around his cock. He gripped the open bottle and nearly spilled it. He looked towards the living room, but only was Harvey's back. He was leaning over Erin, showing her, his record collection.

Rick knew immediately that Donna was an expert cocksucker. With a mixture of warmth, wetness, suction and licking; Donna had Rick's cock stiff and at full length within seconds of taking it in her hands. She moved halfway down the length of his ten inch cock. Rick looked to see Erin and Harvey were still preoccupied. He knew it was more than just looking at records. He saw Harvey's lower body swaying from side to side behind Erin's bent-over form.

Donna let out a gagging noise that made Rick's cock jump and stiffen even more, if that was possible. She took him deep into her throat, he wanted desperately to watch, but a veil of red hair covered his lower body and he wasn't about to move and risk losing her mouth on his cock. She swirled her tongue around and drawing partway out, she began bobbing up and down at a furious rate. Her gag was lessened now and she pulled back and looking up into his face with those gorgeous dark blue eyes, she smiled and puckered up. Her tongue flicked out and ran around the edge of his cockhead. She focused those "fuck me" eyes at him and getting out a tiny giggle, resumed sucking on his cock. Her previous innocent look suddenly turned to sultry and she swallowed half of his cock again. She tried to deep-throat him, but wasn't able too. He hoped Erin could teach her, being an expert with huge cocks, she wouldn't have any problem with Harvey's cock.

Harvey now had his hands on Erin's hips and there wasn't any doubt he was grinding his cock against her unprotected, bare pussy. Rick even heard Erin let out a gasp and returned to watching Donna do her best. If he could hear Erin's tiny gasp, he knew the couple in the living room had to hear what Donna was doing, down on her knees.

Harvey turned and saw the look on Rick's face and not seeing Donna, he knew she must have been on her knees. He returned to Erin and now his hands left her waist and moved higher towards her breasts. He beamed at Rick and nodded his approval.

Rick was beyond excited. After the fun in Erin's apartment, seeing her glistening pussy and now seeing Donna looking up at him again, staring into his eyes with just the head of his cock pursed against her lips, he lost it and began to cum.

She twirled her tongue around the shaft and felt his balls tighten; she closed her lips over the exploding cock. Her tongue continued to swirl and she stared up at Rick like an expert cocksucker, her mouth contracted and she began swallowing his thick load. She drank down his entire load and she opened her mouth and showed a couple drops left. She let them roll off her tongue into the generous cleavage she was showing, "Mmmm, I'm saving that for later lover boy!"

Rick looked to Erin, she was half turned and she was running her hand up and down the length of Harvey's super stiff cock.

Harvey was still gripping Erin's firm tits and he groaned out, "Holy shit, she's hot!"

Rick lost any sense of control now and yelled out to Erin, "Are you ready for some fun Erin?"

Erin yelled back, "I sure am Rick! Where the hell did Donna go?"

Donna stood up; her face was flushed, as well as her neck and upper chest. "I'm right here, looking for glasses for the champagne."

Erin chuckled, "From the looks of it, you already started drinking and you didn't seem to need a glass, did you?"

Donna blushed even more as Erin approached the kitchen, "How could you tell?"

Erin pointed to her lips and her cleavage, "It seems you sorta dripped a little."

Donna smacked her lips, "Not really, I was saving some for later."

Rick pulled her against him, his cock still hanging out, "No need saving some, I can always produce more if you'd like." He looked over at Erin, "When you have some spare time, I think Donna here would love to learn how you deep throat. She tried best she could, but just couldn't get it all down."

Erin moved over to Donna and cupped her back of her head; she pulled her to her slender body. She kissed her rich, plush lips and pulled away, "So you wanna learn how to deep-throat huh? I'll show you later, right now I have to show your boss here how I can do it to his." She flashed Harvey with those dark sultry, "fuck em" eyes and Rick had to smile when he saw Harvey shiver.

He looked at Donna, "Tell me Donna, did you just give Rick here a blowjob?"

She was smiling and blushed again she nodded, her long red hair floated across the tops of her luscious tits, "You know I did, my God Harvey, he's huge, a lot larger than you are."

Rick pulled Donna's luscious body against him. His semi-erect cock pressed against her ass. His hands slid up and down her flat belly. He didn't know which directly to head, up to her luscious tits or down to her pussy and gorgeous legs. He couldn't believe how tight and soft her body was. He couldn't wait to undress her and ravish her milky white body. He let out a groan when he felt her ass press against his steadily growing cock and leaned back. Rick swept her hair from her neck and started to nip and lick at her long, slender neck. He captured one of her earlobe between his teeth and tugged at it.

Harvey watched as Rick turned Donna's taut body to mush. Her eyes closed and her lips parted as her breathing increased. He watched as she turned her head and planted her lips to his and he groaned out as her tongue slipped out and ran along his lips and darted into his mouth. He closed his eyes and let out a groan. He felt Erin's nimble fingers working on the zipper on his dress pants. He opened his eyes and looked at Donna. Her eyes were tiny slits and she groaned out, "Oh fuck Harvey, Rick is grinding his stiff cock into my ass, I think he likes ass fucking. Should I let him fuck my ass?"

Rick's hand left her belly and moved to cup her huge tits. They were perfect, delicious orbs of creamy white skin. He dipped his fingers in the top of her dress and teased her ripe nipples. He moaned when he found she wasn't wearing a bra and he had free reign on them.

Donna's head was rolling around on her slender neck and she stiffened when she felt Rick dry humping her tight ass. She pressed harder against it. It was now once again stiff as when she sucked on it. She let out a moan of frustration when she felt him release her tits. Donna let out a gasp when he reached up and pulled at the thick strap holding her dress up. He peeled it down to her waist, releasing her gorgeous, pink and white fleshy tits.

She spun around and gripped his stiff cock, she looked back at Harvey, "I don't know about you, but I need this in the worst way." She stroked Rick's cock and her knees began to weaken. Her lips came down and covered his and breaking the kiss, she led him by the cock, back into the living room.

Erin and Harvey were quick on their heels and when they reached the sofa across from Donna and Rick, they fell to the sofa, locked in a torrid kiss too. Erin broke the kiss and began working on his tie and shirt. She opened it and began ravishing his chest. She fumbled with his pants, getting the zipper open; she tore off his pants, shorts and socks. She licked her lips, "I'm going to fuck you till you can't see straight Harvey. You wanna fuck me first, or do you want me to show you what an expert cock sucker I am?"

Across from them, Rick couldn't get enough of Donna's mouth. She could suck great, but her kissing was that of an expert. She tongue-fucked his mouth and in between, she sucked on his tongue. She moved from his mouth to his neck as she worked on removing his shirt.

Rick ran his hands up and down her tapered back, squeezing her ass through her dress and moved around to her flat belly. He moved back to her freed tits and hefted them, sucking in the ripe morsel and watched the nipple turn from a pale pink to blood red. He loved how her hands trapped his head to her tits. He couldn't get enough of her, wondering if the two of them would be open to joining them for the Fourth of July party. He moved back to her mouth, the feel of her tongue was better than the champagne they sampled.

Erin, across from them was on her back and Harvey was on top of her, grinding his stiff cock against her tiny dress.

Donna's dress was now on the floor and she was grinding her pussy up against Rick's stiff cock. He was as naked as she was. Hovering over her, he looked down at her peaches and cream body. He shivered as he saw that veil of red hair spread out around her head and upper body. He saw those dark blue eyes gazing up at him. He moved back to her heaving tits and attacked them. He was having a difficult time breathing. Donna pressed his head to her tits as he licked and sucked on them. He pulled away and she attacked his mouth once again.

Rick's hands ran up and down her body, exploring every inch of her exposed flesh. She was hot and goose bumps popped up as he caressed her flesh. He moved down to her luscious pussy. It was covered by a trimmed bush. Her juicy lips were framed in red hair and it was already dark. It was saturated with her juices. He dropped his head and began tracing her lips with his tongue. She gripped his head and guided him to her wet hole. Her long slender legs came up and wrapped around his head as she threw her head back and arching upward, driving her pussy harder against his active mouth.

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