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Blue Moon

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Young lady takes a chance with a stranger.
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It was late, about one a.m. in the morning. She was tired, traveling since noon, needed gas and a cup of coffee. She pulled into the little diner slash gas station and stepped out into the cold night air. The scent of gasoline, oil and the pines of the forest surrounding the rural diner drifted to her on the night breeze. The only sounds at this hour were that of the engine ticking as it cooled and the hum emanating from the cold neon lights illuminating the fuel pumps.

Filling the tank she noticed that it was extremely bright out. The light from the blue moon, illuminated the night, creating spooky shadows in the woods across the road. After filling the tank, she pulled the car into the diner's empty parking area and went inside for that much needed cup of coffee.

Once inside, she smelled the familiar scent of steak, eggs and coffee that seemed to haunt every diner in the country. It always seemed to linger as if part of the quaint décor. She took a seat at a booth, looked around and noticed a man sitting at the far end of the counter.

She immediately felt a shiver of fear resulting from years of training by her parents, school, and media that had told her to beware of strangers.

Looking him over, she was not displeased at his appearance. Old worn and faded brown leather jacket, like the kind fighter pilots of old once wore. A white tee shirt, faded and slightly worn jeans, she noticed the frayed cuffs and a tear here and there. Black boots, like something someone in the military might have worn, now old and scuffed. His face was tanned and leathered as if from years of exposure to the elements. His features hard and haunting but not unpleasing to look at. His hair dark, streaked with gray was pulled back into a small ponytail.

She looked away quickly as he glanced her direction, but his eyes, blue gray with a hard tinge to them, seemed to have looked right through her, taking in her past, present and future. Flipping through her secrets as if skimming through a book with that simple glance.

Suddenly, a plump, little round women wearing a white apron and a faded light blue pinstriped dress appeared at the booth. The woman smiled a tired smile and asked if she would like to order something.

She smiled at the woman and said "Just a cup of coffee if that's ok?"

The woman tisked at her and said, "Ya need to eat somethin' honey, you don't want to be travelin' on an empty stomach."

She was about to turn the offer of food down when she glanced at the stranger again and realized it would give her an excuse to stay a little longer. She ordered an omelet and toast then watched as the little woman retreated to the kitchen.

She sat there and gazed at the window and noticed that hers was the only car in the lot. Shyly she glanced back at the stranger and looked at the floor around him and noticed an old pack lying on the faded, tiled floor next to him.

The little woman returned to pour her a cup of coffee and asked where she was headed and made small talk.

As she answered the woman's innocent questions, she caught herself continuing to glance in the stranger's direction.

The woman noticed this and winked at her and whispered "He strolled in about an hour before she did. He's not bad is he? Doesn't say much, makes ya kinda nervous but in a good way." and she winked at her. The woman sighed and said laughing as she headed back to the kitchen "If I was only about twenty years younger."

She did a quick estimation and figured twenty years would still put her in her fifties and smiled.

As she sat there drinking her coffee, she started to wonder what it would be like to pick up a total stranger and... No, why was she thinking like that? She was not the kind who picked up strangers, especially in the middle of the night. But looking at him, she still felt a twinge of excitement at the thought of a mad passionate fling with a total stranger. Ahhhh fantasy, the stuff of dreams. Smiling to herself she sipped her coffee.

Looking back out the window, taking in the vista of the deep forest, the uncharacteristic blue moon riding high over the tops of the trees, dark mountains off in the distance creating a jagged break in the dark velvety night sky. She smiled again, thinking what a naughty girl she was for even thinking such thoughts.

She was startled when she heard a low voice, just above a whisper, not to deep and not to high ask if she would like to share a cup of coffee. Looking up in surprise, she saw the stranger standing next to the booth. He was leaning casually against the post, looking down on her with a slight smile. She was frightened and shocked that a total stranger would approach her, but she was even more surprised when she heard herself answer with a quiet, "Yes."

He slipped into the booth with a supple grace, reminding her of an athlete or maybe a large predatory animal. He was not old, but by no means a young man. His eyes showed a slight sadness but also a hint of mischief, a remnant of younger days perhaps. His face is darkly tanned and the lines on his face showed the years confirming for her that this is a person who spent much of their time outdoors.

She noticed his eyes roaming over her and his nostrils flared slightly as if he was trying to catch her scent. She blushed at the thought. Thinking that's crazy.

He asked her, her name and what she was doing out this late at night.

Normally she didn't even talk to strangers, let alone answer their questions, but even though she still felt that little bit of fear crawling up the back of her neck she answered his questions readily.

He asked her where she was headed.

As she answered, she seemed drawn into his eyes, eyes that were looking deeply into hers.

He smiled slightly revealing sharp and what appeared to be slightly longer canine teeth than were normal. She smiled to herself thinking about the old Wolfman movie she saw on television the other night.

He looked at her with a smile and a slight hint of mischief in his eyes and said He was embarrassed to ask but seeing as how she was going the same way he is could he possibly catch a ride?

She felt a momentary urge to flee, but found herself saying "Sure."

He looked at her, speaking softly with the slightest hint of an accent. "If you want to miss the traffic at the next metropolis you should probably get on the road soon."

Without giving it a second thought, she dropped the money for gas and the undelivered breakfast and slid out of the booth.

Outside she paused to allow him to pass her and walk around to the other side of the car, looking at his rear, she smiled to herself and thought what a bad girl she was.

Soon the car was slipping through the darkness, the sounds of soft mellow music emanating from the stereo. They made small talk, where they are from, likes dislikes, small talk. After about an hour or so she felt her eyes getting heavy.

He told her that she should not push herself like that. "That's how accidents happen."

She smiled and asked him if he would like to drive for a bit, and was shocked when he said he didn't know how.

He smiled at her and said "There is a small camping area up the road a bit and she could pull in there and take a little nap, He would keep watch over her and make sure she was safe."

Thinking that this was crazy, alone in the middle of nowhere with a total stranger and even though he still frightened her a bit she trusted his words.

A few miles later she pulled into the small camping area which was nothing more than a gravel parking area and a couple of cabins closed for the season. She stopped the car and sighed deeply, wishing she had bought the model car that came with reclining seats. Squirming about, she tried to get comfortable and closed her eyes.

There was a gentle touch of fingers on her shoulder.

The stranger smiled and said with a soft laugh "Come with me, You should be sleeping in a bed not the front seat of an uncomfortable compact car."

They slipped through the darkness and approached one of the dark cabins. His body blocked her view of the door but she heard a slight metallic crunch and saw the door of the cabin swing open.

He stepped through and a moment later a small gas lantern flickered to life. The inside of the cabin had the look of a small fleabag hotel room, and all the odors that accompany it but it had a bed, she sighed contentedly.

He reached into his pack he pulled out an old green sleeping bag and spread it out on the bed. "There your are milady." He said in a tone that might be used by a butler on an old late night movie. "I wouldn't want any wee beasties bothering you while you slept."

She smiled softly and lay down on the old sleeping bag, her eyes immediately fluttered shut.

She woke up suddenly, looking across the room she saw him sitting in the chair watching her with a soft smile on his face. She smiled, and emitted a little moan as she stretched, comfortable and safe. The smell of the forest and him all over the sleeping bag she has wrapped it around her.

Opening her eyes at the sound of the chair creaking. She looked up to see him kneeling beside her, looking down into her eyes.

His strong hand gently bushed her hair away from her face, fingers running through her soft hair then lightly tracing the line of her cheek with a finger, hooking it beneath her chin and tilting it up just a bit.

Feeling a slight thrill run through her, she realized that she had wanted this since she first saw him at the diner.

He leaned down and brushed his lips lightly against hers. She drank in his musky scent, feeling the heat build rapidly in between her thighs.

His mouth covered hers, tongue slipping between her parted lips, hot and inviting.

She kissed him deeply. She felt his hand slip slowly down her body to cup her sex.

His fingers rubbed her along the heated and slightly moist crotch seam of her jeans.

Her hips rose slightly, rolling in pleasure as his tongue tasted her and explored the inside of her mouth. She reached up, wrapped her arms around him, wanting to feel his warmth against her, his body, his strength.

His hand reached to unbutton her blouse, slowly exposing the soft flesh of her breasts to the cool night air. His hand then slipped down and over her abdomen, his sharp nails sent a shiver through her.

Unbuttoning her jeans, she raised her hips slightly allowing him to slip them over her hips, she kicked them to the bottom of the bed as her passion mounted.

He kissed her eyelids softly, her cheek, chin, sharp teeth nipped the front of her exposed throat, kissing it gently to counter the sting. Then slowly worked his way around her neck to her shoulders.

She rolled a shoulder back and wrapped her fingers around the back of his neck and pulled him to her breast, desperate to feel his lips on her upraised nipple. She gasped in pleasure at what felt like fangs gently brush along her soft flesh as his lips took the nipple in his mouth, sucking, nipping, blowing his hot breath across it, causing it to swell and strain within his lips. She slid her hand across his abdomen to the front of his jeans and felt his heat and the hardness residing there.

His hand cupped her sex again. His finger pressed into the thin now dampened panel of her panties. His finger separating the lips and pushing the material gently between them.

She felt the wetness seep out of her heated sex. Faster and faster as he caused her excitement to reach a fevered pitch.

His mouth traveled from her breasts and down her stomach, nipping and kissing. His tongue leaving a hot wet trail which cooled rapidly in the night air, renewing her excited shivers. As his mouth slipped slowly across her pelvis, she felt her panties being ripped from her, his hot breath immediately bathed her wet sex.

Spreading her thighs, wanting to feel his mouth, his tongue. She fumbled at the buttons of his jeans desperate to feel his hardness in her hands. Unbuttoning and unzipping them, she freed his cock, wrapping her hand around its hard thick length and felt the moist pearlescent drop at its tip.

His mouth enveloped her sex, tongue slipping between soft lips, then into her momentarily to taste her sweetness, her excitement. He sought out the tiny bundle of nerves and sucked gently, causing her to writhe uncontrollably. Grasping her hips in strong hands, he steadied her. Then pulled her further into his mouth to suck and lick every inch of her sex.

She gasped as his teeth tugged gently on those delicate lips.

He took each in turn, sharp little stings followed by pleasurable gentle sucking.

She squirmed and moaned as he set her body alight with flames of pleasure.

His eyes flashed with a hint of silver and emitted a deep resonant growl from deep within his chest which she assumed was his way of letting her know he was enjoying her. However, the vibrations from the growl vibrated through her to trigger an unexpected orgasm.

Her fingers entwined themselves in his hair and pulled him tight against her sex as wave after wave of pleasure washed over her.

He stood slowly and she noticed the effect she was having on him too. As he seemed a bit unsteady on his feet.

He removed the rest of his clothing while she gazed appreciatively.

Her eyes roamed his now naked body. He was lean, not skinny, muscular, more like that of a gymnast than a bodybuilder. She lay back reaching for him, thighs parted to accept his manhood.

Climbing lightly onto the bed, his head dipped down to lick her one last time as he stretched his frame against her soft body. Kissing her softly, his shaft slipped along her soaking furrow, separating those delicious nether lips, his length pressed tightly against her mound, rubbing pleasurably against her exposed clit.

This caused her to writhe and grind wantonly against him. She whispered "Please, I want to feel you inside me."

He slid slowly against her, finding her soft opening he slipped in gently. An inch at a time, slowly stretching, filling her.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, gasping in pleasure. Her knees come up and out, offering him deeper access. Her heels pressed against the back of his thighs to urge him deeper.

Once his length was completely within her, he ground against her, feeling her tight velvety heat envelop him, causing another deep resonant growl to be loosed.

She looked into his eyes and noticed a slight glow that excited her but that she attributed to a trick of the light. Grinding back against him, she felt the waves of pleasure begin to spill over the dam once again.

His head dipped down to take her breast into his mouth again, sharp teeth pressed into soft flesh, softly kissing and sucking with little bites.

She felt the wetness flowing from her as her orgasm grips her causing her to shake uncontrollably.

He held still, deeply embedded within her and waited for her orgasm to subside. As her breathing slowed and started to return to normal, he began to pump slowly. Long slow strokes, grinding at the end of each.

She wrapped her legs around him, wanting to feel him, urge him on, she whispered "Yes, faster."

Thrusting deeply, he picked up the pace, causing her to gasp, her head rolled from side to side in with wanton pleasure. His hands cupped the cheeks of her upraised bottom, squeezing as he thrust deeper and deeper, faster and faster, his breath came in ragged gasps. His mouth attacked her flesh, nipping and sucking, kissing with wild abandon, tongue licking her from neck to breasts.

She felt him swell within her, as her hips raised to meet his powerful thrusts. The sound and feel of their pelvises driving together wetly set off yet another orgasm, she couldn't remember the last time she has felt this good, her own mouth sought his flesh. She bit and sucked at him with animalistic fervor.

As her orgasm began to subside, it seemed as if his was starting to build, he was more agitated, a wildness began to enter his lovemaking, frightening and thrilling her at the same time.

Panting heavily while a fine sheen of sweat glistened on her heaving breasts he attempted to match his urgent thrusts.

Growling, and with wild eyes he pulled out of her and quickly flipped her over. Grasping her hips and yanked them in the air, causing her to gasp in surprise. He entered her quickly and deeply, thrusting as if possessed.

She thrust her bottom back against him, feeling his pelvis slap against her. The force of the thrusts caused the bed to shake dangerously. She began to lose control herself, even let a little guttural growl escape from her lips.

Lost in the thought of this sex being animalistic, so wild and passionate. Her eyes caught the image of their shadows splashed across the wall and it appeared as if she was being violated by a large wolf, but attributed it to a trick of the light, gasping as another orgasm gripped her in it's vise like jaws.

She felt him thrust one final time deeply within her, his hot fluids flooded her and sent her over the edge once again, her consciousness began to slip away from her.

Suddenly there was a bone chilling, glass shattering howl. Her heart stopped momentarily in fright as she realized it came from within the cabin. She teetered on the brink of unconsciousness as she turned to look over her shoulder to see if he heard it or if it was a trick of her imagination...she looked back and saw...nothing, everything suddenly went black.

As she finished packing his old raggedy backpack for him, she looked around the room once more and wondered if it was all just a dream? She sighed and closed the door to the cabin but could not lock it, as it seemed to be broken. Gravel crunched softly under her feet as she crossed the little semi-circle parking area. She slipped into the driver seat and rocked the key forward in the ignition causing little four-cylinder hum to life. Smiling contentedly she pulled back onto the highway, headlights cutting a swath in the early morning darkness, she reached over and scratched him behind the ears as his huge wolf head hung happily out the window, tongue lolling as the wind whipped into his large muzzle...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Sweet, nice wolf, n the lady too - love to have both in my Family, Yukimi

NefatiriNefatiriover 12 years ago
Love it!!!!!

Very hot wolf! Yum. P.s. Wolves don't respond to petting as dogs do......they prefer a snarl/smile thing with your noses pressed together. Random. Have been watching way toooooo much Dog Whisperer:) That said, I loved the story and the ending. I would stab my Imam with a pork chop to get a wolf of my own!!!!! This particular one actually. Thanks, that was a great way to start my day.

mearanachmearanachabout 13 years ago
Good read!

The ending took me by surprise, LOL

fantasyreveiledfantasyreveiledover 16 years ago

I loved the words you used, awesome!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

great pace for the story... kept me enthralled straight through! now i just have to convince hubby to act this one out with me!!!

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