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Body Swap

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A girl and a boy swap bodies for a day.
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For the purpose of simplicity, I've made the gender-related words (e.g., his/her) describe their personalities and inner selves, not their physical genders. A man in a woman's body is referred to as "him", not "her".


I'm Sam. Or at least I was.

I woke up to the sound of an alarm. I'm not sure why I didn't notice at first that something was up, but the only light was a crack in the window curtains and that was on the usual side of my bed. The alarm was a different tone, but my mind was groggy from having just woken up so it didn't register. I sat up, and flicked on the light switch for the lamp to my left. I had to stretch slightly further than usual. The room filled with light and I clenched my eyelids shut, shielding my eyes with my hand. It took about ten seconds for them to adjust enough for me to be able to look around my room.

No. This was not my room.

At this my tiredness vanished. Where the hell was I? More importantly, how had I got here? I stood bolt upright, and nearly fell over. Why had I stood up so much faster than normal? I suddenly realised that I was feeling a body that was completely out of proportion. I had shrunk, that was why I had stood up so fast, because I was shorter. My arms and my legs felt stubby, and I was slimmer, too, except -


No way.

I had boobs.

I had boobs. Breasts. Tits. Whatever you could call them, I had them. I gazed down at the two lumps that I could feel hanging off my chest (I say hanging, they hardly sagged at all). My hands reached up and lightly cupped them, and I felt the response instantly - they were part of me. Being a guy (or so I thought), it didn't take me long for my worries to turn elsewhere, and my hand shot straight down to my crotch. My dick was gone. I choked with panic, plunging my hand down the front of my shorts. And, as my soft, new hand found my soft, new vagina, I barely registered any wave of pleasure as it was drowned out by a wave of shock.

My eyes darted around the room, looking for a mirror. I saw one straight away - it was a very typically girly room, complete with mirror for make-up. I bounded over to it, stumbling again from being in the new body. I glared into it, and right back at me glared Arifa.

What the hell?? Arifa?? She was a girl, in my year at college. I'd never been close to her, hardly even talked to her, and when I had it had always been in a group, a general conversation rather than an intimate one. So why the hell was she in my mirror?

I raised a hand, and at the same time, she did in the mirror. I looked at my hand, and had a double-take - my skin was brown. A bold, light shade of brown, the same (obviously) as Arifa's. The change in skin tone had less of an effect on me than the change in gender, but it was indescribably weird to have changed ethnicity over night.

I looked back into the mirror, in a sort of daze. Arifa - sorry, I, had medium length black hair, slightly wavy, and brown eyes. My body curved in a very feminine way, in at the stomach and out again at the hips. On another girl it would have been sexy, but seeing it move as I did made me feel sick.

I stood there for a few minutes, taking shallow breaths and feeling very faint. I turned around to get back to bed, but ended up spinning faster than I'd intended. I spun a full 360, my vision swam and I had passed out before I even hit the floor.


I'm Arifa. Or at least I was.

My eyes opened slowly to the sound of an alarm, but it was a different alarm, harsher than I was used to. I reached over for the light switch, but missed it entirely and banged my fingers on the wall. The switch seemed closer than usual, and my arms felt clumsily long. I finally found it, and as I flicked it on the room flared up with light.

I winced as my eyes grew accustomed, but before I had even opened my eyes I knew that something was wrong. The bed felt different, and so did I - my limbs seemed to ache, as if they were too long and heavy. I sat up, and as I did my head was thrown into dizziness. For some reason, it felt like I had further to go than usual. Had I had a growth spurt in the night?

It was the hair that I noticed first. The pressure on my shoulders had always been light, but in its absence it was suddenly drastic. I reached up, again feeling too long and heavy, and found my hair. It was too curly, and way, way too short. My first thought was that one of my brothers had cut it in the night, but it was more than that, it was a different feel, a different style.

Before my eyes had even fully grown accustomed I realised that the room was wrong too. It had less colour, and less stuff on and around the walls, although more mess on the floor. The clothes were less colourful too, clothes (I realised as my eyes became normal again) that I didn't recognise. Men's clothes.

And then I felt the dick.

It was not just the pressure against the fabric from my hard-on, but the sensation too. The tickle of my underwear was sending shivers of pleasure up my spine, a similar pleasure to that I used to get from my clit. I looked down and realised that I was topless, andwearing boxer shorts - then soon forgot that when the idea that I had a penis began to settle in.

I slowly undid the button on my boxers, and the dick pushed through. It was an average-sized dick, but thick and hard as a rock. As I touched it, it gave an involuntary twitch and sent shivers through my body.

I was shocked, beyond words, but I didn't freeze. I looked for my mirror but saw none. I spotted an iPod touch on the side, so I grabbed it, slid the unlock key and went straight to camera. I flipped the screen around, and the face of a stranger flipped onto the screen.

Except he wasn't quite a stranger - he was Sam. That boy from my year, loud, always laughing. Brown hair, curly. Tall, quite muscular. White. And male.

I was Sam. Okay, I was Sam. Logically, then, Sam would be me. I looked around the room, and luckily it didn't take me long to spot his phone. I held down the button on the top, and it turned itself on. After a few seconds it asked for a pin code, and I started to panic, but I tried 1234 and it let me straight in. I mashed in my own mobile number, and started to dial.

There was no answer. I hung up and rung again. No answer. That was to be expected - it wasn't his phone, after all. I rung a third time, and then a fourth, and then a fifth. Just as it went to the answer phone message for the fifth time, it was answered at the other end. There was a few seconds of silence.


It was my voice. It sounded weird over the phone, but it was my own voice. That came as a big shock - a bigger shock than anything else, for some reason. I had no idea why I was this calm. Except I don't think I was, I think I was deeply in shock, and it was just buried deep inside. Perhaps showing itself in a different way.


My voice wasn't majorly deep, but compared to what I was used to I felt husky and rough. There was a dead silence on the other end, except for heavy breathing. His voice came back faint. "Who is this?"

"This is Arifa. I'm you and you're me."

His nervous swallow was audible over the phone. "What happened?"

"How the fuck should I know? We need to talk. Meet me in the common room at college. Now, before others get there. Act normal."

"Act normal??" His voice

"Okay, as normal as possible then. Just be there in half an hour." I furiously hit the hang-up symbol, before instantly feeling bad. He was just as scared as me, maybe more so judging by his reaction. I swung my legs around over the side of my bed, and slowly stood up, making sure the dizziness didn't affect me too much. I felt so tall, so precariously balanced, like I would topple at the slightest breeze.

Clothes were strewn around the floor. I wasn't sure what was clean and what was dirty - but, as I recollected, it didn't matter, they were my body parts now. I stooped down to grab a pair of boxers, and nearly fell over. The rest of the dressing I took much more slowly, until I was clad in jeans and a plain black t-shirt.

I opened my door and looked warily out. I realised I didn't have any idea who lived in his house, or what his normal morning regime would be. I was willing to bet it wouldn't involve make-up.


I heard the beep on the other line, and lowered the phone to the floor that I was lying on.

I felt faint - unsurprising, really, considering I had just fainted. I sat up gingerly - just as well, considering the change in height. I remained still, breathing deeply, supporting myself on my short, thin arms.

There was a knock at the door and a woman stuck her head round. I stared at her. She looked like I now did, but slightly older, and with longer hair. She laughed. "Hey sis, what're you doing on the floor?"

My throat felt dry. "Just... Sitting."

She laughed again. "Okay, well I washed the outfit you wanted for today, it's in the bathroom for after your shower."

"Thanks." Shower and clothes, simple morning routine. She left as I pulled myself upwards. I realised I had no idea where the bathroom was, but when I opened the door the room opposite had it's door open, and I could clearly see a toilet. I looked warily side-to-side, and slipped through.

Sure enough, there was a shower. I was unsure of what to do, like a deer caught in headlights. I forced myself to think straight. Shower. You do that every morning, easy. Just have a shower. I reached inside the cubicle and twisted the knob. Water came spurting out. See, that wasn't so hard, was it?

Now I had to undress. I stared down at the lumps on my chest warily. Suddenly I had tits available to me, whenever I wanted, and nobody to protest. No strings attached. My state of shock began to drain out of me. I cupped a hand over one of them, and gently squeezed. They were quite big, and perfectly shaped. Soft, but firm. But what surprised me most was the response. The squeeze sent a shiver of pleasure running through my body. I reached my hand up to the other and squeezed them both at the same time, immersing myself in the feeling. I looked at myself in the mirror - Arifa was weird, everyone knew that, but there was no denying that she was hot.

Watching the mirror intently when I could, I slowly pulled my top over my head, until I was wearing nothing but panties. My tits fell out, bouncing as they were released, even though they hardly sagged at all. I threw the top on the floor and grabbed my tits again. My palm had brushed over my nipple, which hardened straight away. A bolt of pleasure, much more intense that I'd ever imagined you could get from just a nipple, zipped through my body. I let go of my tits and started rubbing my nipples.

After a minute or two, I began to feel a dull aching between my legs, and a thin bead of moisture trickling down my leg. I was getting wet. The thought was strange, but acted as an instant arousal. I wasted no time, pulling down my pants and stuffing a finger inside me.

There was a pang of pain, I hadn't expected that, but my pussy instantly loosened slightly to account for it. What was more noticeable was the rush of ecstasy. It felt amazing. Not necessarily better than wanking with a dick, but completely different. I felt it inside me, not just on the inside of my pussy but deep within me too, a throb that was like the world's most pleasurable stomach ache. My pussy was perfectly shaved, completely smooth - this body clearly wasn't a virgin one. I replaced one finger with a second, going more slowly now to deal with the pain. I let out an involuntary moan, and it came out higher pitched than I was used to. I felt suddenly very feminine, but just looked back into the mirror and imagined I was watching porn.

I stepped into the shower, letting the water cascade over me as my left hand played with my nipple while my right slowly worked in and out of my pussy. I moaned again as the lubrication from the shower played with my nipple's sensitivity. Looking into the mirror, I stopped playing with myself, picked up the soap and rubbed it all over myself like a porn video. But, fun as that was, I soon began to miss the fingering and so went to carry on. As I slid my hand down, it rubbed across an area of sensitivity - my clit. A pang of pleasure, much more similar to the pleasure I got from my dick but far more intense, shot through me like a bullet.

Forgetting the fingering, I furiously rubbed at my clit - before stopping straight away. I gasped as the sensitivity shocked me like electricity. It was intense pleasure, but too intense for so much. I resumed, but slowly and gently this time. My moans increased.

My left hand now slipped two fingers inside my pussy. The combined pleasure of the two seemed to complete me. I felt my body build up, and my fingers began to go faster, getting ready for orgasm. I almost went to aim somewhere, before remembering that I was no longer a guy. That sentence no longer seemed to bother me, I was so completely in a haze of pleasure.

The orgasm wasn't sudden - it had been building up for a while - but it still took me by shock, just because it was so difference. Instead of the climax I was used to, a rush of pleasure, a spasm and then relief, it was much more long-term. There was a 'finish', of a kind, but it just kept coming. My fingers were pumping like crazy, and my body was in complete ecstasy, but it just kept coming. My moans were loud now, only barely drowned out by the roar of the shower, and I was in a complete spasm. My hands eventually slowed down, and the bliss began to ebb away. Soon I was left standing there, panting, feel my whole body humming with a post-orgasm glow.

I turned off the shower and stepped out, nearly slipping from the still-unaccustomed height. I saw myself in the mirror - I was soaking and tired, and yet still so hot. I was tempted to start again, but something snapped me back into reality - I had to go meet up with Arifa. I rubbed the towel over my hair for some minutes, and eventually decided that I would just leave it damp. I rubbed dry the rest of my body, taking an extra long time on my tits.

I spotted a pile of clothes. A black lacy bra, matching panties, a black cotton skirt and a tight black top with the logo to some obscure band. Suddenly I had an idea. I unlocked her phone, which fortunately needed no pin, and went onto the camera. Striking up my most provocative pose, I turned to the mirror and took a snap. Grinning to myself, I rested the bra on my boobs, and struggled for a minute with the strap. Eventually, I got it to click into place - I then pulled the panties on. The lacy underwear was undeniably sexy. I unlocked her phone again, and took another snap. By the time I had got dressed, I was feeling very pleased with myself.

Warily, I pushed open the door. What should I do now? Just as I was deciding, Arifa's sister walked past again. Now that I was more relaxed (and horny), I noticed how attractive she was. She smiled at me.

"Dad's had to go to work early - your breakfast is on the table, you can eat it on the way."

I decided to go over the top. "Thanks, sis!" I said with a beaming smile. She just laughed, with a bemused expression on her face. I smiled to myself - this was going to be fun.


I slipped into the bathroom and shut the door behind me.

So far as I could see, his house was much bigger than mine - at least, it was a house rather than a flat, with more than one floor. His bathroom was bigger too. I took in a deep breath. How long would this last? A day? A year? For the rest of my life? I had long since decided that it was way too real to be a dream. The thought scared me, so I focused my mind on the task at hand.

I was holding some clothes under my arm - boxers, a red chequered shirt that I'd seen him wear a few times and some jeans. I stared at the shower nervously - should I skip a shower? But no, I smelt of sweat, I needed the shower. His shower was part of a bath, so I had to reach my arm round to turn it on. My arms were a lot longer than I was used to, however, so I could easily reach it. I flipped it on, and pulled away before it could spurt water onto me.

I swallowed, before pulling down my boxers. I was already semi-erect, and thinking about it only made it grow harder. I felt it grow harder, this thick cock attached to me. I blushed a deep red, and screwed my eyes shut against this too-weird sensation.

I took a deep breath, and forced myself to open my eyes. I had to face this. I stared down at my dick. It looked just like in a porn film, but it still weirded me out. I tentatively reached up my hand and wrapped it round my dick. It bucked involuntarily, and I felt a twitch of deep pleasure. Without thinking, I slowly began to stroke it up and down, before stopping straight away - what was I doing? This was an invasion of his privacy! I couldn't do that.

I jumped into the shower and covered my face with water. The lack of hair tickled my neck, but under the water I soon got used to it. Gradually the water helped to ease the panic away. I had been rational, but now I was calm.

I groped for a bar of soap, before realising that he had a liquid dispenser. I squirted some white cream onto my hands, before rubbing it into myself. I rubbed over my armpits, cringing slightly at the armpit hair that I wasn't used to. I lathered myself in soap, my torso, arms, legs, thighs, everywhere but the dick. Then slowly, hesitantly, I rubbed the lather onto my rock hard dick. Again, it gave a small buck, and I felt how good the lubricating soap felt against it.

The head of my dick throbbed with the pleasure of the foreskin rolling over it, like playing with my clit, but it was a deeper, more wholly pleasure than that. I rubbed my soapy hand up and down along the shaft, occasionally caressing the head with a slippery finger. It felt so wrong, and so weird, but at the same time so good. My rubbing increased, until I was going at it fast, breathing in time to the steady noise of soap against dick.

As my pace increased, my hand began to slap lightly against my balls. To avoid any pain, I reached a hand down and held onto them. Instantly my dick strained backwards and a wave of pleasure rolled into me. I squeezed lightly and another wave hit me - not individual pleasure, just adding to the pleasure I was getting from my dick. I pumped harder, gently putting pressure on my balls in time to it.

After a few minute, I began to feel a sensation that felt as if a ball of energy was building up in the head of my dick. I continued to pump, and the ball grew, so that my dick automatically clenched to hold it back. I kept going, the feeling getting more intense, until I was twitching and bucking under the pleasure. I held it in as long as I could.

Eventually I could hold it no longer, and I reached climax. Huge drops of cum were pumped out of my dick, draining all my energy. My body went into spasm and I moaned, a deeper, more masculine noise than I was expecting, as I was filled with pleasure. My dick continued to throb, throwing out drop after drop of sticky white cum. I moaned again with each one, until the cum had subsided and the energy had all seeped out of me.

A sudden wrap on the door startled me, and a female voice came through. "Sam, stop wanking and get out of the shower! I need to go to college too, you know." I flushed bright red. Sam's sister, Katie, also eighteen and yet younger than him by eleven months. They were close, you always saw them in the same group. I'd never got the chance to speak to her before now.

I punched off the shower and stepped out. Grabbing a towel on the side, I hurriedly rubbed myself over, socked at how easily my shorter hair dried. After a few minutes I wrapped the towel around my waist and stepped out.

I had to remind myself that I had no boobs, and being topless wasn't a problem, but I still felt exposed. Katie raised an eyebrow at me. "Every morning? Really?" She laughed and squeezed past me into the bathroom. I hurried back into Sam's room, red faced. I had to get some clothes on.

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