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Bonded and Bred Ch. 03-04

Story Info
A shape shifter story.
3.5k words

Part 2 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/19/2015
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Chapter Three

The week rolled on, and at each lunch time, Iris left her desk at twelve o'clock and skipped off to her lunch - almost as though she was going to meet someone.

James found himself wondering where she went off to, and who she met - because it was obvious to him that she was meeting someone. Had seen how her phone beeped at her, at bang on quarter to twelve every day, and her little smile as she looked at it and then sent a quick message back.

He wanted to ask - was keen to know, but could not see how to break down the wall that existed between them; the employer - employee barrier.

"You can finish at twelve tomorrow - if you want?" he told her on the Thursday afternoon. "I shall be finishing myself, and so I see no reason for you to hang around."

Iris beamed up at him. "Oh that would be very nice," she blurted in surprise. "I planned to go home for the weekend, with my sister - we were going to catch the train together in the evening, but now we could go in the afternoon instead, before the rush hour. We can get home early and start the weekend early... I could make some scones..." She was rambling she realised suddenly and her mouth snapped shut as the colour flooded her cheeks.

James stood there fascinated, as her professional veneer slipped and he caught a glimpse of the woman behind the mask.

"Yes, well... as I said before, that's fine by me," he muttered as she looked at him uncomfortably for a moment - obviously waiting for him to say something. "I'll leave you to get on then... I have a couple of calls to make..."

He headed back into his office and for the first time this week, he closed the door on her.

Iris folded her arms on her desk and put her head down on them with a little groan.

Dear God, what had possessed her to go on like that?

His closed door told her in no uncertain terms what he had thought of her chattering. He was probably regretting letting her have the afternoon off now - or even worse was reconsidering her employment with him!

James had wanted to get behind her guard, had wanted to develop something a little friendlier - to get to know her a little better, but that one glimpse had him running scared.

The woman was just too fascinating - too distracting for his peace of mind.

He dropped down into his chair, and snatched up the telephone.

It was only as he lifted his hand to punch in a number that he realised that he didn't even know who he was calling.

He gave a little grunt of annoyance and then began thumping the keys.

The light feminine voice, which answered the telephone, eased some of his tension.

"Hi, it's me... I was wondering if you were free tonight?"

He smiled at her response. "Seven o'clock... I'll take you out for dinner... yes both of you... okay six o'clock then? Okay love you too... bye."

The idea of spending a little time with his sister and his nephew melted away his bad humour and he settled down to do some work.

An hour later he strode back across the room and pulled open the door again.

Iris was thumping her own keyboard, typing up the reports that he had dictated to her that morning.

She stopped as he strode out of his office and looked at him apprehensively for a moment.

"I was just about to make a coffee," he said gruffly - why did she look so worried? "Can I get one for you while I'm at it?"

She leapt to her feet. "I'll make it... it's no trouble!"

"Don't be foolish, you are busy with those reports... whereas I'm not - and it's me who wants one after all."

He leaned past her to pick up her mug, which of course was an idiotic thing to do since he brought them into such close proximity - too close.

His shoulder brushed against the curve of her breast, and it seemed like she froze.

James pulled back immediately and was all ready to apologise for invading her personal space, but then he saw the look on her face.

Her green eyes had darkened, and her lips seemed to have become fuller as her mouth opened almost invitingly.

James could feel the heat that was emanating from her, he could smell her heat, and he could taste her, he was so close.

She was invading his senses with her presence; he realised, and he stepped back in panic.

"I'll just make that drink," he muttered as he strode from the office.

For the second time that day, Iris sank down at her desk and buried her head in her arms with a groan.

It was awkward between them, for the rest of that day; and Iris left the office and headed home with a great sense of relief and no small sense of dread for the morning.

She really did not want to have to start looking for another job yet!

All of that melted away though, when she got back to her flat, and the first thing that she did was to phone her sister.

"Hiya - it's only me... guess what," she said lightly.

"What?" Laurie asked curiously.

"Mr Atherton told me this afternoon, that we will be finishing at lunchtime tomorrow."

"Really! So that means that we can catch the earlier train home?"


The girls sat chatting for a while, almost as if they had not seen each other for ages - rather than earlier that same day.

They sat making plans for the weekend, things that they could do, to while away the time and take their minds of the evenings.


Iris was feeling wary when she went into the office in the morning.

Mr Atherton, was of course already in, as he had been every morning this week.

She took of her coat, and straightened her skirt, and patted her hair; and then picked up her notebook - the same as she had done every morning.

She slipped into his office, with a quiet and serene, "Good morning, Mr Atherton."

And then sat down in the chair and waited patiently for him to finish beating the living daylights out of the keys on his keyboard.

"Right then," he said suddenly, and Iris picked up her pad and pencil and began scribbling, as soon as he began reeling off his instructions.

There were a lot of instructions for things for her to do, but thankfully none if it would take her very long, Iris realised, as she scribbled and planned out her morning.

"And I think that that should be enough to keep us busy for the morning - anything else can wait until Monday."

She glanced up at him to find his gaze fixed on her, and her eyes met and locked with his...


"It is good to be home!" Laurie sighed, and she pulled the bobble from her hair and threaded her fingers through the golden strands, before letting it hang loose and free down her back.

Iris laughed. "You've only been away for a week," she mocked lightly.

"I know, but it's my first week away, and although I've seen you everyday... I got a bit - homesick."

Iris put her arm across her sister's shoulder, and hugged her. "I know love," she sympathised. "But it will be better once you start work on Monday... it's all that hanging around with nothing much to do."

Their father had met them at the train station and had disappeared into the kitchen to make a pot of tea for them all, whilst they freshened up and then settled in the living room.

"I made some sandwiches as well," he said a little smugly as he carried the loaded tray into the room.

"How many are you planning to feed, dad?" Iris protested at the pile on the plate.

"Well I'm guessing that neither of you bothered to get any lunch before you caught your train?"

They looked at each other guiltily and then laughed together. "No, we didn't... we were so eager to get home that we never even thought about it!"

"And it's a big night tonight," their father said. "So you will both need your nourishments."

"Oh, what's the occasion?" Laurie asked a little nervously, as she rubbed down her arms absently.

"Well, I know how you girls don't usually like company at this point in the cycle," their father began awkwardly. "But Bill Frawnings has his boys over for the turning, and they have some friends with them too."

"Oh god, dad, no - please tell us that you haven't," Iris said feeling truly distressed, "Boys... and strangers too!"

"Well not boys... men," their dad pulled a little face looking almost defensive. "At my age anyone under the age of forty is still a boy or a girl."

"But dad - you know how we get later - you know why we don't like visitors at this time!"

"Well, you are both of an age now - and I won't be around forever!"

He was suddenly all authority and both of his daughters sat up straight to listen properly to their father.

"Bill will be coming around in the next hour, and he's bringing his sons and their friends... and I want you both to be hospitable, and open minded."

"Why?" Iris whispered needing to know, but not wanting to look defiant.

"They will meet you as you are; they will know you as you are... and maybe you can find one amongst them, who you could like, and when the turning comes; then maybe one of them could be a mate for one of you."

The colour flooded Iris's cheeks and her green eyes glistened at the thought of what her father was proposing, and even as she thought it, an image of James Atherton - her new boss superseded any thought of any other male.

She just knew that no other man would ever measure up - that she had only known him for a week - less than a week; but that look that they had shared earlier.

With one look, Iris had bonded with her boss - with James, and now she was closed to all other males - even males of her own kind.


Chapter Four


"Daddy... please don't make us do this... not yet, please... not yet!" Laurie's face was white with terror.

And their father's look of dominance softened immediately.

"I won't force either of you to do anything that you are not ready for... but you have to understand - we are so few now, we must protect our clan and ensure our future."

He leaned forward and patted her hand, and he was once more their daddy.

"Please, meet these men, and talk to them for a while, and then I will send them all away again... but just meet with them."


Iris stood for a while under the shower, allowing it to run down over her and sooth the heat that was beginning to gnaw inside her.

She would have stayed there all afternoon - had Laurie not come a knocking at her bathroom door.


She switched of the shower and pulled a towel off the rail and wrapped it around her dripping hair, and then pulled a second one from the rail.

"Just a second," she mumbled as she stepped out onto the mat and then began to rub vigorously at her skin.

She was tingling all over when she slipped into her lightweight silken robe - the only thing that didn't seem to chafe her skin.

She opened the bathroom door and joined Laurie in her bedroom.

Laurie had also showered, although much quicker than Iris, and was covered in a similar robe.

Her hair was still damp and she had combed it back ruthlessly.

Iris sat down on her bed and unwound the towel on her head.

Again she rubbed vigorously until her hair was all frizzy and almost dry.

It fell in soft auburn tangle around her face, and Laurie sighed enviously.

"Here," she murmured holding up a brush. "Let me do that for you."

It was Iris's turn to sigh as she felt her sister's gentle hands on her hair, slowly pulling the brush through the snags and snarls and lifting it up to give it volume.

"Are you nervous, Iris?" Laurie sounded so timid that Iris turned to look at her sister.

"A little," she admitted. "But daddy will protect us; he won't make us do anything that we don't want to do."

"But it's like he said earlier, daddy won't be around for ever and without his protection - we will be..."

"Aunt Trudy always managed ok without a male, and I don't think that she would just abandon us," Iris tried to sound defiant and flippant, but she knew that Laurie realised as much as she had, that the only reason that aunt Trudy had survived, and retained her independence was because of her brother's - their father's protection.

"She would be as vulnerable as us!" Laurie whispered.

"Daddy is still strong and healthy - he's just trying to pressure us into making a commitment of some sort."

"But why?"

Iris shrugged her shoulders, and rubbed at her arms. "I don't know... maybe he's just tired of having to be responsible for us, all of the time?"

"Do you really think so?" Laurie sounded gutted at the thought, and Iris reached out to hug her.

"Don't be silly," she begged lightly. "Daddy will always want to take care of us - even if either of us does find a male - a mate, who will take us on!"

She laughed and was rewarded by Laurie's tearful laugh. But then her sister sighed again. "It might be nice though," she mumbled. "To have someone to love me, who is not family?"

"Yes," once again the image of James Atherton flashed before Iris's eyes. "Yes it would be nice."

Their little reverie was stalled by the loud chiming of the door bell, and the sisters looked at each other knowingly.

They would have liked to have remained upstairs and out of the way, but their father had issued instructions and they would follow them.

The light robes that they wore did not conceal much, and so Iris pulled on a long woollen cardigan, and then offered another one to her sister.


The sun was already beginning to drop in the sky and the itchiness and, and discomfort would only increase.

The silken robes helped since they were so light, but for the sake of modesty the sisters were prepared to endure the scratchy discomfort of the cardigans.

They could hear voices downstairs, loud and boisterous and very definitely male.

Testosterone fuelled males, if Iris was any judge.

"Iris - Laurie!"

Their father was summoning them and they would attend.


"Hi, you must remember me and my brother, I am Ben, this is Mark and these are our friends Ray and Phil."

The large burly man leaned down and drew Iris into his arms, for a great big bear hug.

He inhaled her scent, and his nose wrinkled as he smelt the fresh soap, and he nuzzled at her hair, but was again disappointed at the fresh clean smell.

He liked his females to smell like females - that earthy sweaty smell, these sisters were just too feminine - but they were so beautiful too.

He could feel the stirring of his blood, but Iris were just too human, it made him feel uncomfortable.

He stepped back with a little sigh of regret and half bowed at Laurie who had just looked on in terror as her sister had endured this mauling.

He could see no point in testing the younger one; his eyes told him enough.

He stepped back and allowed his brother Mark to greet them.

Mark seemed to want to greet Laurie, but Iris stepped between them and held out her hand.

"Hello again, Mark; it has been a great many years, since we climbed those trees together and fished in the river hasn't it?"

Mark grinned down at her as he took her hand and pulled her into his bear hug.

"You haven't grown too much, Iris - but you have developed nicely... very nice indeed." He nuzzled her hair and breathed in her scent, and then stepped back to watch her reaction.

She smiled coolly but he was disappointed that she showed no reaction to his touch or his smell.

"You have grown a lot!" she laughed but there was an edge to her laugh, and he stepped away with a sigh of regret.

He looked again at Laurie, but even as he stepped closer, her eyes widened with distress and the smell of her fear, doused his passion before it could even stir.

Iris was aware of her father watching them intently - but she was relieved to see that he was not angry... so far.

She looked to the newcomers and smiled warmly.

"Hello, my name is Iris Beaumont, and I welcome you to our home."

The first one stepped forward, a big burly bear of a man - but then they all were, and Iris held out her hand again.

He took it with a smile, and drew her closer. "Hello," he said gruffly, and he breathed in her scent and nuzzled at her hair.

He stepped back and Iris smiled again coolly, but again he was disappointed at her lack of anything, attraction, pleasure, disgust - anything would have been better than this indifference!

He stepped quickly across to Laurie, and pulled her gently into his arms, and just as quickly released her again.

Laurie stepped back with a whimper and nothing but terror in her soft blue eyes.

He felt nervous for her, and knew that anything happening between them would be a mistake. He would always worry for her, be too afraid to even touch her.

No she - they were just too human for him - but they were so incredibly beautiful - so vibrant, he could almost see them as they assumed their alter egos.

He sighed regretfully, either of these two would be a prize - for the right mate!

The last man came forward, and he pulled Iris roughly into his arms, before she could even speak, and held her tight as he breathed in and then began to touch her, too slide his hands down her soft curves.

Iris instantly tensed and put her hand to his shoulder and tried to arch away from him.

"And that will be enough of that!" her father snapped and growled.

The man released her immediately, and gave her a slightly sheepish little smile, and a hopeful lift of his eyebrow.

"This meeting is done!" her father declared. "Nothing further can be achieved here."

"We will go, but I'll talk to you tomorrow, Greg," Bill declared angrily.

"Aye, you do that, but for tonight, Bill; take you pack, and keep them away from my lands, and my girls."


The room was silent after the large burly men had all left, and Iris sank down onto the sofa with a shaky sigh.

She looked up at her father who still looked furious.

"I'm sorry, dad, but I did try... honest!"

His eyes softened and he strode across the room to sit beside her and take her hand.

"You have nothing to reproach yourself for, Iris. It's me who is sorry for subjecting you to that..." his lip curled with contempt. "That travesty."

Laurie dropped down on the other side of him.

"So you're not angry with us?" she asked anxiously.

Greg turned around and pulled her into his bear hug, and Laurie went willingly.

"Bless you girl, no I am not angry with you!"


The day was drawing to a close, and the girls were growing more and more agitated.

"You see, if you made the change more often, then it would not be so bad for you both," their father lectured them - again.

The girls had discarded the long cardigans almost as soon as their guests had left.

And now they were sitting in their simple robes, and trying not to scratch as the itching and burning started to ripple across their flesh.

"Yes, I know daddy," Iris said through gritted teeth. "We really need to come home more often in time for the full moon, and connect with our inner souls."

She was quoting him from his repeated lectures and her father grinned at her.

"You may mock me my girl, but do you see me struggling the way you two always do?"

"No daddy," they both said in union, and their father's grin widened.

"You are good girls, though!" he exclaimed fondly.

They both blushed and their eyes brightened with pleasure, and love for their father.

And the moon slowly began to brighten in the sky.

"It is beginning," he sighed with satisfaction.

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ZZchromosomeZZchromosomeover 6 years ago
The Plot Thickens

Things are heating up, I'm enjoying this very much. I'm looking forward to finding out what they turn into.

I also liked this: "her eyes widened with distress and the smell of her fear, doused his passion before it could even stir." I liked the fact that her distress was a turnoff for him. It makes me think this is going to be a good story with relatable characters.

cantfightfatecantfightfateabout 9 years ago
enjoying this.

looking forward to more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

This is one of the most well-written stories I've read. Deeply appreciative of the good grammar but I do wish there was more to each chapter. Can't wait to read more!

jpz007ahrenjpz007ahrenabout 9 years ago
Clarification from...

A reader. As I understand it, anyone in the family Must be a changeling, if they've made babies with one. The only thing about the two girls is, out of respect and love for his departed wife, and maybe a bit of overprotectiveness, their father has raised them more human than were. They don't change as often, since its not as powerful a need or something completely involuntary as other stories. Since they don't change as often, their were self isn't as strong, or as comfortable with other weres.

Iris_Eve03Iris_Eve03about 9 years ago

So enjoying this story so far! but I am slightly confused about the girls, they aren't were, but they are feeling the affects of the moon? back-story please!!! Other than that I can't wait to see what happens next!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

I'm enjoying reading your story :) I got excited thinking one of the visitors might be her boss!! Can't wait for more.

mftz1mftz1about 9 years ago

Enjoying your story. Thank you.

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