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Bonobo World 11 - Tell me More

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Tina and Alex retun to school, reporting about yesterday.
3.5k words

Part 14 of the 18 part series

Updated 06/07/2024
Created 04/23/2023
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Tell me more, Tell me more

[This is an exposition chapter. It introduces more of the main characters' motivation as well as their social groups. Some soft humiliation, no sex. May be skipped.]

In their two person mag-lev ball, Tina takes full advantage of going to school with her new toy. The short-trip transporter unit is filled with the sound of kissing and making out, making her pussy moist and Alex's cock, still throbbing, hard again already, despite her only teasing it through his sheer school hot pants.

"Well, well, you're eager this morning, Little Lex."

She giggles as she rubs it through the fabric.

"Do I have to worry about you having an accident with that dicklet of yours?"

"No, Ms Tina..."

Alex shakes his head, feeling his face flush.

"I wouldn't... I'm well trained. And my... Mom allowed me to masturbate under the shower."

"What a generous mother you have..."

The good son nods, as Tina gropes firmer, making his cock twitch.

"And sexy!"

He again nods, his body language shifting from awkwardness to pride.

"I really like her. I think we'll get along very well. Thank Goddess. It'd be awkward if I didn't warm up to the mother of a boy I like as much as you, Lex!"

She kisses his cheek and he feels the spot burn where her lips touched.

"Sh... she likes you too, Ms. Tina."

The young woman grins.

"Did she say that? Nice. How long did it take you to come?"

Alex is a little shook by the change of topic, but answers swiftly and honestly.

"Maybe... thirty seconds? I'm not sure... Probably less."

"My, you are a quick one, aren't you? Thank Goddess we don't have to rely on your dick's stamina to get some fun out of you."

She giggles and carries on to tease her new boy-toy, until the public transport system drops them off right in front of their school.

They walk to the entrance and right there, in the middle of everyone coming in, she again kisses him, long, passionately, both hands on his little ass, pulling him as close to her as she can. Alex is well aware she is marking him as hers. And he loves it. Word of mouth will travel fast and boys who have been claimed enjoy a special status. Especially claimed by women as pretty, smart and well regarded as Tina. She slaps his ass and sends him off.

"See you at lunch! Or... do we have any classes together today?"

Alex nods. She may not know which classes they have together yet, because she hardly noticed him before yesterday. He knows every single one. He did notice her. Always.

"Biology. But only after lunch."

She nods.

"Good. See you then, Lex!"

She turns around and waves to a group of girls she notices -- they welcome her giggling, not taking their eyes from him, he can feel the girls' gazes burning into his back. No doubt he is going to be the talk of her clique all morning. His cheeks turn red hot. He always suspects the girls talk about him when he's not around.

At least he is certain they do now. It feels a lot better knowing that Tina likely mostly has good things to say. He prays she does. But then if she hadn't, she wouldn't bother giving him a second chance today. She must be pleased with him.

The heat wanders from his cock to his face and his stomach as he enters his first classroom of the day.

Did he put up a fight?

7:45; Classroom 103: Quantum Mathematics (female only class). Teacher: Ms. Lovelace

Walking to the classroom with her closest friends, Tina leads the way. She has naturally evolved as the de facto leader, not by any kind of ostentatious dominance or power play. She has shown to be the most capable of uniting the group, finding common ground, with her kind and at the same time firm ways bonding the women together into a close, unified group of mutuals.

The others bombard their leader with questions and guesses -- she hasn't been answering messages all day, evening and night after taking off with - some boy. Of course a young woman her age has had her share of boy-toys to take home and play with, but they all feel it is not the same this time. For one, this guy does not fit Tina's usual predatory pattern when it come to picking toys. Not particularly physically impressive, shy, and from the little they do know about him from the girls who have classes with him, a bit too smart for a boy. He is not a short term plaything like that Leroy guy, he's more... and that's what causes the ruckus, Tina has not shown much motivation to pick something more serious.

Of course she has talked about feeling a bit isolated and alone, longing for long term connection in a family group, but most of the girls assumed eventually she would ask them to join on of her making. Picking a boy from another woman's group means -- commitment.

They gather around their small group's quasi matriarch's table as the enter the classroom -- Nubia, her deep black skin shining in the sunlight, hair in dreadlocks, de facto second in command of the group; Boudica, red hair unruly as usual like an explosion around her freckled face; Dyani, best endowed and most confident about her body, her DD's almost bursting out of her school blouse a usual; and Priya, shy, nerdy, smart, the brain of the group.

As Tina sits down, Nubia grabs a chair, sits on is backwards straddling its back, resting her elbows on it, grinning at the blonde woman.

"Come on, out with it, what happened last night with that boy?"

The leader grins at her second.

"Well, what yo you think happened, Nu?"

"No, no, don't give me that spiel, I know you didn't just take home to have fun with him as you do with your boy-toys. I tried to call you."

"Maybe I just didn't want to answer."

Dyani leans over to Tina, her big breasts floating feely in front of the blonde's face.

"You're telling us you got sidetracked by a boy enough to not answer your best friend's calls?"

Tina shrugs. Also, deep inside, she's glad the other girls so freely call Nubia her best friend. She agrees, but she never mentions it to them. Which is an unnecessary worry, jealousy not in the DNA of world in this world. Literally.

"Furthermore...", Priya interjects.

"I have my doubts that you would freely share this new conquest of yours with us."

Tina makes a shocked face. And she is.

"Of COURSE I'd share him. I WILL share him. Eventually."

"That's why I said 'freely'. I know you will, but the way you looked at him in the hall. I bet you want to keep him for yourself for some time first. Am I not right?"

Tina snickers. As usual, Priya saw through her and her defences.

"Well. Maybe..."

"I knew it!"

Nubia chuckles and lets her flat hand slam onto the table.

"Who are you and what did you do to our Tina?"

"OK, enough with the teasing, Nub."

Boudica lets her warm smile brighten her pale face.

"What's his name, let's start with that."

Tina smiles

"Lex. Alex."

"And where have you been yesterday all day?"

"We were at his family's place. Studying."

The other women chuckle and coo.

"We Really did. For a while. Spent a lot more time doing other things, admittedly."

"Was he good?"

"Does he have a big dick?"

"At his place? Is he still living in his mother's family?"

Tina raises a hand.

"OK, OK. One at a time, right. Yes. He's still in his mother's family group. A REALLY cool group by the way. Totally nice."

Nubia smiles. She knows better than any of the women her friend is looking for a home where she is not living alone.

"Did you meet his mother?"

"Yeah. You'll Never guess who she is!"

The other women look at each other. She suddenly seems more exited than when she talked about the boy.

"A celebrity?"

"Totally! Sandrine Jordan!

Confused looks among her friends.

"Oh, come on. Seriously? She was an anchor for WNW?"



"I don't know, ten years ago?"

Dyani shakes her head.

"Why would I know who read the news ten years ago?"

Tina sighs in frustration.

"It's not just that. She's in the management now, one of the top heads of FIN Ltd.!"

"The Media company?"

Tina nods enthusiastically.

"So she's a big fish. Still - Why are we talking about Her and not her boy you picked as a toy?"

Boudica asks with a smile

"I don't know, I'm just saying, she's cool. Meeting her was..."

Nubia grins.

"Better than playing with her son?"

Tina chuckles.

"Well. No. Maybe... Pretty close."

"So then enough of the old lady. How is HE? DOES he have a big cock?"

Dyani repeats her question.

"Dy, you need to get over that obsession. That's really one of the least important things about a man."

"So he doesn't?"

The olive skinned beauty puts on a mock pout.

"No, he doesn't, he's quite small, really."

Nubia smiles knowingly. She has taken a lesson or two from Tina's play-book.


Tina grins.

"But he REALLY knows how to make up for it. He's the best licker I ever had! And best thing is, he doesn't even realize how good he is, so he's super eager an grateful to be allowed to even touch my little Tina!"

Woos and cheers from the group, louder this timed, arousing the curiosity and attention of other girls in the room, loud as it is.

"And he knows how to use an enhancement sheath. I came eight times last night!"

Open mounted silence replaces the woos.


Priya's brown skin blushes as she licks her lips. Nubia's eyes shine brightly.

"OK. I grant you some time with him alone, but you DO have to share him eventually after that praise!"

Tina nods.

"I will. Lots of time for that."

"So it's a bit more serious, then? You want to keep him?"

The blonde leader smiles.

"Probably. It all fits together. He's not just great at making me cum, he's docile, obedient, kind. Pretty smart for a boy...."

Dyani harrumphs.

"Don't dismiss, it Dy. As long as it doesn't get into their head, a little bit of brain in a boy has its advantages. And it doesn't get into his head, he's a good boy. Knows his place. And as I said, his family is cool..."

"Are you thinking about joining them?"

Priya gets again straight to the heart of the business.

"I... haven't really been thinking about..."

Nubia puts a hand on her friend's shoulder

"Come on, girl, you know you can talk to us."

"You known I'd never give you girls up, right?"

"Of course not. We're friends!"

Tina nods.

"Yeah. It might happen. I - can really see myself in that family..."

Nubia leans forward and hugs her.

"I'm happy for you, Tina. Yo deserve a nice place. I know you feel lonely."

They put their heads together and the other women join in a group hug, binding them together in a firm, serious and meaningful way only women can form. As the bell rings, the group splits up into their respective classes and Tina turns her attention to Ms. Lovelace. She loves quantum mathematics. She doesn't plan to become a scientist, but the way it makes her understand life, the universe and all the rest makes her feel like everything is in order. This world is a perfect one.

Was it love at first sight?

7:45 Classroom 305 Basic Algebra (Male class only), Teacher: Ms. Newton

As Alex walks to his seat, the flock of boys he calls his friends follows him to his classroom to gather around his table.

Tahatan, olive skinned self proclaimed leader of their little group, athletic and well hung; Halif, smarter than Alex and letting him know it at every opportunity; and Aamu, pale, meek, small. Even less endowed than Alex, and always moody.

"So, Lexi..."

Tahatan knows how much he hates it when a boy uses his mother's nickname.

"What's with that gorgeous lady who brought you to school today, huh? Tina Harding? You?"

He giggles and so do the other boys.

"How did that happen?"

"I don't know. She just.... asked me to study with her and..."


"Well, she told me, but..."

Halif scoffs.

"Harding is one of the smartest women in school, why would she learn with a pea brain like you!"

"I'm not...

"Maybe she wanted his huge dick to play with. Oh wait. You don't have a huge dick! That's me!"

Tahatan chuckles and Aamu lets out a loud, shrill laugh.

"As a matter of fact..."

Alex raises his voice -- unusual for him and smiles broadly. Making the other boys shut up.

"She Did let you do her?"

Tahatan looks at him with squinted eyes.

"You're telling me Tina Harding, one of the best women in school picked - you to be her boy-toy for last night?"

Halif growls, but Alex only grins.

"If I was JUST her boy-toy do you think she'd have taken me to school today?"

Axel feels his heart race. He sits up in his chair with a different poise. He loves this look on his friends' faces but also hates himself a little. His mother taught him to be docile, humble, modest. Bragging is a male weakness she trained out of him, but he has too many thoughts not to and his -- his friends give him too many reasons.

"What else could she want from you?"

Aamu looks up at him frowning.

"She'll have her reasons. We will meet again, anyway. l And that's that."

The other boys stare at him, he can see jealousy in their eyes gleaming. He has to admit he would probably not have reacted very differently. Hates himself for it but that's how men are. Emotional, unreliable, jealous, weak. He still cannot believe Tina actually likes him enough to tolerate his shortcomings.

"Look at you grinning. What is it, are you in love or what?"

The other boys giggle.

Alex opens his mouth to deny it. It is reflex, what boys do, you don't LIKE woman like that. He can't deny. He tries to admit it -- at least too himself, but no. Not yet, either.

He can't talk to his friends about his real feelings. That's not what men do. Not emotionally equipped for it, or mentally. Not even remotely. So he just closes his mouth again, and sulks.

"You're all just jealous jerks because I was picked by a real woman for some real servicing and all of you only get picked as boy-toys. If at all..."

Tahatan slams his fist on Alex' table.

"Now listen, fuckface, I'm a real man, I can be picked by any woman, because real men..."

"What about real men, boy?"

Tahatan's eyes widen as the mature woman's voice from the front of the class addresses him.

He turns around to face Alex's maths teacher.

"Noth... I... Sorr... I mea..."

The tough guy act melts like an ice cube under the woman's firm stare.

"Thought so. Real men know how to be seen, not heard, don't you think? Do you know how to do that, boy?"

"No, Ms. I mean, yes Ms... Sorry, Ms..."

"Then stop making a fuss and get out of my sight!"

"Yes, Ms."

"Get your tight ass to your own classroom at once, before I find out which class you're supposed to be in right now and send a note to your teacher."

The athletic boy scrambles to get his stuff and hurries out of the classroom like a beaten dog, joined by Aamu and Halif, all not daring to look a the mature teacher.

Alex sighs, glad that they are gone. He may consider them his friends, but he can hardly bear their presence for more than a few minutes at a time. Men are so... stupid. He wonders why women even bother with them. But then again they good at keeping them under control and not letting them act up. As Ms Newton just very impressively demonstrated.

"Well then, Now that that nuisance is removed, let's begin, shall we?"

Alex sighs again, frustrated this time. He hates maths. What would you ever need that for in life. Real life? His brain just isn't made for this complicated stuff. As his eyes fixate on his teacher's firm ass in her tight pants when she turns around to the board, his mind wanders off to more amusing things the did yesterday...

Fortunately, nobody will really ever cares if a man knows any of this stupid brainy stuff as long as he's docile and treats his women well. This world is a perfect one.

If it wasn't for maths. Only once does Ms Newton pull him out if his daydreams, but that one is memorable. After hearing his name -- it seems she said it more than once, judging from her expression - Alex jumps, stands up, faces the board with the equation. Of course he has no idea, doesn't even know what it's about. And despite his better knowledge -- always admit ignorance, no one expects anything else from a male - he's still too dazed and confused from his daydreaming not to blurt out something.


Some of the boys giggle, even those who don't know the answer, either. Most just know that's not it. An some only hear "69", which is enough to amuse their simple little reptile brains.

The teacher frowns, then sighs, makes a note and just gestures him to sit back down. He does, face flushed bright read, his heart beating in his ears. Only now does he notice that he - of course - has a noticeable, if tiny, boner from his daydreaming that everyone got a good look at.

After class, he tries to sneak out as fast as possible, but Ms Newton stops him.

"That was a stupid answer even for male standards, Alexander. We all know your skills lay in other areas - even more than for most boys, but what in the world were you even thinking?"


"That was a rhetorical question, young man. Do you know that that means?"

He nods. Women ask those a lot in his presence, not expecting him to know any answers.

"You might fail this class, which - given ho unbelievably simple the maths curriculum is for you boys - is quite an achievement. We trying to make sure you boys learn the very - very -- basics, appropriate for your mental capacity without having any impact on your school career. You know - not preventing you from learning more important things."

The mature woman looks at him firmly, making him tremble. A nervousness that is - as always when a woman looks at him like this - mixed with fear and -- other things.

She is pushing sixty, her hair has gray highlights mixed with the brunette, her body is lean, almost wirey and her small breasts press perkily against her tight blouse. As women in this world do, she ages gracefully and has a natural aura of power authority and confidence that gives her a very special sexiness. She doesn't cause familiar feelings like more voluptuous mature women do that remind him of his mother, but Alex cannot deny that he does have a little crush on her - like he does on most of his teachers, really. Which does not help him to find an appropriate reply. She is not waiting for him to come up with one.

"Lucky for you, I got a note for Ms. Marsters yesterday."

He looks up at her, wide eyed.

"Like all of your teachers, I believe. You have an appointment with her today?"

"Yes, Ms Newton."

"Good. You're a lucky boy, young man, the little projects my colleague picks usually make it through graduation pretty well."

He lets her eyes wander over him.

"Not sure what she sees in you, but she's usually showing a good hand in her choice. And I usually..."

She licks her lips.

"...participate in her programs, so you might just as well pass my class, anyway!"

She winks at him and grins.

"We'll talk again next time. Now go, you'll be late for your next class."

As he turns around, she slaps his little ass and he feels his cock grow again in his shorts. He isn't exactly sure what Ms. Marsters has in mind for him, but he begins to think it is a bit bigger than what he assumed.

Which reminds that he hasn't told Tina about the appointment yet. He shivers a little, hoping she won't mind that it took him so long.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I think Tina will mind,not enough to dump him but more than enough to punish him.I hope so anyway.

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