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Nice Guys Finish Last Ch. 01

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My lifelong bully grows into a beautiful woman.
7.7k words

Part 1 of the 9 part series

Updated 05/08/2024
Created 09/24/2022
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Warning: This is a femdom story. All characters in this story are at least 18 or older. It will follow them from the end of their senior year into college and a little beyond. Also, there will be non-consensual acts done by the female character to the male character. Please don't read if this makes you uncomfortable.


Question: Do nice guys really finish last? Because in my opinion, they do. At least, that's the excuse I've settled on for my own downfalls.

A nice guy is what I call myself because I don't have many other positive attributes. I could call myself smart for always getting good grades, but I still can't figure out why these girls end up with guys who treat them like shit.

Me, on the other hand... I've always been nice to the girls around me. They ask me favors like, "Phillip, can you help me with my homework?" or "Phillip, can you help me pass this test?" Of course, I always say yes, thinking it'll get me somewhere, but when I ask them if they want to catch a movie or grab a bite, they don't have any time, all of a sudden.

I won't lie; there are other things I'm lacking besides the secret code to getting women. Girls are more attracted to athleticism than brains these days, and with me being a scrawny and unathletic runt, I don't check that box. I wouldn't be able to protect them if a threat ever approached us. Another thing is that women seem to be into tall guys nowadays and apparently five-foot-six doesn't cut it.

Yeah, I don't know what combination of my inadequacies are failing me, but girls just ignore me once they get what they want. Well, most girls do anyway... There is one girl that gives me attention... but not in a good way...

Ever since I was a little kid, there was a girl in school named Julia that would always bully me. I remember being disgusted the first time I saw her. She was big, fat, and had ugly teeth. I don't know if she was trying to make herself feel better by putting me down, but she would always make fun of how small and weak I was, and would even push me to the ground, knowing there was nothing I could do about it.

At the end of every grade year, I would pray that she would end up at a different school. Unfortunately, every time Summer ended, she'd be back again, terrorizing me and ruining my childhood.

As we got a little older, she stopped picking on me so much physically, and focused more on verbal abuse. Instead of pushing me on the ground or throwing trash at me, she would call me names and torment me for being a nerd and a weakling. Most annoying of all, she would grab my school supplies and throw them on the ground, forcing me to pick it up.

If that wasn't bad enough, she would get her friends to bully me as well. Next thing I knew, there were a bunch of girls who were all bigger than me, throwing insults my way. My life was a living hell and literally no one would do anything about it.

Whenever I told an adult, they never took me seriously. And even if they did, they would just talk to Julia and she'd apologize to them, not me. Of course, the same cycle would happen over and over, and everybody was fine with it... everyone except me.

Sadly, I began looking for my own silver linings in life. I prayed for God or karma, to eventually pay her back for the way she abused me. Unfortunately, as time passed by, I realized I was the only one being punished. Not only was my life getting worse, but hers also seemed to be getting better.

Puberty was beyond generous to her. After growing into her body, she was no longer a fat and ugly kid. She somehow became a tall and fit woman with big boobs, and beautiful curves. Of course, all the guys loved that. Hell, I would have been head over heels if it were anyone but her.

Somewhere along the line Julia got braces, which gave her perfect teeth. She also either got contacts or LASIK, and her acne cleared up too. Unfortunately, she was fucking beautiful on the outside, despite being so ugly on the inside.

If that didn't make her popular enough, the now tall and beautiful girl was also a star athlete on the swim team. The staff and students cheered her on as our best butterfly swimmer. Me, on the other hand... I couldn't swim to save my life.

Unfortunately for me, my parents somehow became friends with her mom. It's not like they would hang out a lot, but every now and then I would see them talking. Julia's mom even convinced my parents to show up to one of her swim meets. And of course, they wanted to bring me along.

I didn't think I could hold my composure around Julia's mom, so I brought a book to the meet, hoping it would distract me from even looking at her. However, for some odd reason, her mom kept tapping me on the shoulder and pointing at her, forcing me to look at the tall and athletic girl wearing her tight swimsuit.

"Look, there she is, walking on the deck," her mom would say, forcing me to look at her once again. "Hasn't she turned into such a beautiful woman?"

"Yeah, sure," I would respond, trying to get away from the conversation as quickly as possible. However, somehow my eyes had found her at the worst possible moment. The swimmer was walking away, and her ass cheeks were bouncing as she made her way across the pool deck. Her suit was so tight it was riding up her crack, and I couldn't help but stare before reality set in, making me realize who that beautiful butt belonged to.

Even though it's just a small memory, and I don't even remember how well she did at the meet, this was a pivotal moment in my life. As I watched her doing her normal things; walking around on the pool deck, taking her swim cap off to let down her long and dark hair, giggling with her friends, and prancing around and her little swimsuit, for the first time ever in my entire life... my bully gave me a boner.

I fucking hated myself for even being physically attracted to her in that moment. The reality that there was a terrible person on the inside should have over-rode any physical appeal, but I was so pathetic, I found myself struggling to hide my hard-on as I was surrounded by my parents and her mom.

Even after the swim meet was over, and I saw her walking up to her mom fully clothed, I struggled to not get a boner because I now had a glimpse of what she looked like underneath. Luckily, when she saw me, her face went from smiling to disgust before turning her head away. This helped me remember how terribly she treated me. And just like that, my boner was gone, and we were right back where we started.

Despite no longer having that issue in my pants, it proved to be a moment that would change the rest of my life. The way her demeanor changed when she looked at me was a reminder that she was still my bully, and the only reason things didn't get worse was because people were around.

When I finally got back home, I was glad that nothing further happened between us. I was sure she would return to the evil bitch she was the next time I saw her, but I was glad to get through one night of being around her without a major incident. However, what I experienced next was much worse.

That night, I began getting images of Julia in my head. I'll admit, I had a dirty mind at times, but I was absolutely disgusted with myself for thinking about her curvy body in that tight swimsuit.

On the surface, I was gritting my teeth, getting angry at myself for thinking about her in a positive light. But below the belt, I was having the same problem I did earlier; I was absolutely rock-hard thinking about her body.

The more I tried to push away the image, the more my mind wandered onto even worse things. I began imagining her in the shower, cleaning the chlorine from her skin and her beautiful hair.

Fuck! Why does her body have to be so nice?! I groaned to myself, falling onto my bed in frustration. But the more I thought about it, the more I had to face the reality that it wasn't just her body, her face and her hair were amazing too.

Then I remembered her on the pool deck, laughing and giggling with her other friends. I guess I hadn't really noticed how pretty her smile was, since she was always glaring at me with disgust.

That night, as my erection only grew stronger, I ended up doing something unspeakable. After hating Julia my entire life, I somehow submitted to my own disastrous cravings and relieved myself to an image of her.

As ashamed as I was, there were a few things I told myself that made me feel a little better. I somehow tricked myself into thinking it was okay, because I imagined her actually being nice to me. Even though it was in the image of Julia, this difference in personality made her almost a whole different person.

The other thing I told myself didn't make much sense, but I found it helpful for some reason. I knew the real Julia hated me so much she would never want me to think of her sexually. She would probably be absolutely disgusted, so the unforgiving thoughts in my head were so far from the truth, it didn't seem like it was as big of a deal.

I tried to tell myself it was a one-time thing and that I would never be that weak again. However, from time to time, I would mess up and have to find some excuse to make myself feel better. As long as I knew she wanted nothing to do with me sexually, I could convince myself it wasn't really her that was providing me so much relief.

This is what made me feel better... This was all just my imagination... At least that's what I thought...


Chapter 1

I remember it clearly. It started on a Friday, the day before senior prom. Even though I would have liked to have gone for sentimental reasons, I decided not to because I would have looked sad showing up without a date.

There was no point in even asking any of the girls. I had already been rejected for other things like dinners, froyo dates, movies, and anything else that didn't involve me helping them with their academics. I knew I had no shot in hell when it came to something romantic like prom.

The reality was that I was going to be sitting at home doing homework for fun while others were out partying and having sex. I had already accepted that fact, but of course, someone just had to come around and rub it in my face.

As I was standing by my locker, she just had to come by and make everything worse. I cringed the second I heard her voice calling out, "Hey, Nerd."

There she stood in all her glory. All five foot nine inches of her, looking down at me with her hazel eyes. There was a smile on her face, but it wasn't because she was happy to see me. She only smiled at me when she had a devious plan to torture me.

"Hi... Julia," I finally responded, sounding just as weak as she probably expected. "How are you?"

I tried to be cordial with her, but it never worked. Whenever I asked how she was doing or any other question to get to know her, she would just ignore it and move straight to picking on me.

"You're not going to prom, are you?" she asked, blowing off my question just as I expected.

"No, I wouldn't want to go to something like that..." I lied for some reason.

Rolling her eyes, she laughed before pointing out, "Of course you're not going. Who'd want to show up to prom with a skinny little boy like you?"

"Look, I just have a lot of homework to do this weekend. Can we just leave it at that?"

"That's a great point to leave it at," she responded as her eyes lit up. "I have this math packet that's due next week. We had a month to do it but I haven't even looked at it yet. I figured since you'll be staying home all weekend while I'm busy at prom, you can just do it for me."

"How does that make any sense?!"

"It makes total sense to me. What else do you have to do? It's not like you'll be busy with a girl."

"Julia... I'm not even in the same math class as you..."

"Yeah, your class is way harder than mine. You're a little math nerd, so it'll be easy for you to do my homework."

Even though I had given up on standing up to her, I just couldn't take it anymore. I knew I only had a few more weeks with my childhood bully, but this was degrading beyond what I could handle. Clutching my fists, I shot back, "I'm not doing your homework while you're out having fun! That's not fair!"

Julia stood there for a moment, just staring at me like I was such an idiot. Then, with a little chuckle, she said something that sent shock waves through my soul. "Oh, by the way, my mom told me something funny. Do you remember when you came to the swim meet a couple of months ago? Well, she said you had a hard-on the entire time. What a little creep!"

"What?! No!!" I reacted, panicking as I shriveled up on the inside. "That's not true!"

"I always knew you were a creep but God damn! Showing up to my swim meet just to get yourself off to all the girls? What a pervert!"

"It wasn't like that... I swear! She invited my parents and they forced me to go!"

Laughing at me, she teased, "I didn't know a little boy like you could even get an erection. It must have been so small! So shocked my mom even noticed!"

Truthfully, I knew it was small. That somehow made things even more humiliating, knowing how inadequate my embarrassing erection was, combined with the fact that she knew about it. I just stood there, blushing in shame.

"Now that your face is all fucking red, I know the little boner story is true. I can't wait to tell all my friends about what a little creep you are!"

Although I was relieved my bully didn't seem to know the exact cause of my untimely erection, I still didn't have her telling everyone about it. Hell, it sounded even worse the way she put it; Mee at a swim meet checking out all the girls like some kind of psycho.

"Please don't!" I begged, as my eyes went wide open. "I'll do your stupid packet. Just please don't tell anyone!"

With a satisfied look on her face, Julia slapped her math packet right into my chest until I grabbed it from her hand. But then, as I put my head down in defeat, accepting my fate as a loser, she did something that made me almost jump out of my shoes.

Giggling to herself, she tapped me gently on my crotch, barely hitting the tip of my penis. Then with a wink, she walked away, saying, "Bye, Pervert."

As I watched her leave, still in disbelief that she actually patted my dick, I started to notice that sensation coming back. I was getting unbelievably hard, and I hated myself because that evil bitch was responsible for it.

Trying to take my mind off the problem I was having downstairs, I looked at the packet and groaned to myself, "I can't fucking wait until I leave for college so I never have to see that vile woman again!"

However, as I looked back up, and watched her curvy body walking down the hallway, with her hips swaying from side to side, I began to think about her in that swimsuit again. In a moment of weakness, I thought to myself, I can't believe a woman that looks like that... touched my penis...

Once again, I suffered a raging boner at the hands, literally, of the woman I hated the most. Even though she only did it to tease me, I was just so pathetic I could hardly move from how stiff the humiliating act left me.


There I was, a typical Saturday evening for me. The only difference this time was that while I was at home soaking in my own self-pity, everyone else was out at prom having the time of their lives.

It was hard to convince myself to study, and it was even harder to find something to distract myself with, like playing video games. Neither academics nor a fantasy world could make me feel like less of a loser in that moment.

Before that night, I could cheer myself up, knowing I had an opportunity to be the class valedictorian. Even though that wasn't something that would make the girls fall for me, it would at least gain me some respect amongst my peers. The other great hope it gave me was that I was going to a good college to start a whole new life. I could have gone to an even better institution, but since it was a state college, I had already received a full scholarship.

Eventually, I found a way to lower my own self-esteem once again. The reality was that unless something changed, what happened to me in high school would happen to me in college as well. And it didn't matter how book smart I was. I just wasn't smart enough when it came to dealing with women.

As pathetic as it sounds, I started watching videos on YouTube for advice on girls. Unfortunately, that only made things worse. Watching a tutorial explained by some handsome guy with a great jawline and physique wasn't relatable at all. That and the fact that it just felt like they were bragging about all the women they slept with only pushed me further down the rabbit hole.

"Be confident," the videos would say. "Don't be such a wimp. Play hard to get." Yeah, easy for those guys to say when they were born on third base thinking they hit a triple. Me, on the other hand, I'm too scared to even step in the batter's box, nonetheless take a swing.

"Look at me," I whispered to myself amid dead silence in my bedroom. "Can things get any worse? I'm about to start on my bully's homework, who ended up turning into a really pretty woman despite torturing me my entire life. And while I'm doing that, she and all my other classmates are out having fun with their dates."

The more I thought about it, the smaller I felt. I realized that even if I was lucky enough to be in their shoes, I wouldn't know what to do with a woman, anyway. I'd probably just embarrass myself even more, I concluded.

It wasn't just sex I was afraid of. I'd never even held a girl's hand. And despite how much I would have loved to have been dancing or kissing my hypothetical prom date, I had no idea how to do those things either.

"This is my life," I said, letting out a long gasp. "This is how it's always going to be..."

Then, as I pulled out Julia's homework, I noticed my phone going off. It was so rare for people to call me the ringtone startled me, almost snapping me out of my funk. I didn't recognize the number, but it was unusual for me to get a call that late, so I thought it might have been an emergency. But once I answered the phone, I realized it was the last person I wanted to talk to in that moment. The last person I ever wanted to talk to at all.

"Phillip, what the fuck are you doing?!" Julia asked, giving me an attitude despite never doing anything to her in my entire life.

"Uhh, nothing..."

"Are you just sitting around at home by yourself?"

"Yes," I admitted, after failing to come up with a lie.

Bursting into laughter at my sad and pathetic life, she responded, "I knew it! I knew your lame ass would be sitting at home doing nothing. What's wrong? Couldn't find a girl desperate enough to go with you to prom?"

"I just didn't want to go, okay? Besides, I have to do your homework, remember?"

"What a lame ass excuse! You're even weaker than I thought. No wonder there are so many girls who'd rather go to prom alone than show up with a little guy like you."

"Look, I'm already doing your homework for you! What else do you want from me?!"

"I called you because I knew someone as boring as you would just be at home doing nothing," she explained, bringing me even lower. "Since you're at home sober, I need you to come pick me up."

"Pick you up? What do you mean?"

"I'm at a hotel party, but I'm ready to leave. My friends and I are too drunk to drive ourselves home, so I need you to pick me up since you're not preoccupied and you don't have any friends."

"Why would I want to pick you and your friends up?" I asked, sounding offended at everything she had just said to me.

"Not my friends," she corrected, returning the same amount of attitude right back at me. "They're staying at the hotel. I just want to go home, though."

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