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Born Into Darkness Ch. 12

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All Hell is breaking loose.
12.6k words

Part 12 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/16/2014
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Authors Note: So this chapter isn't edited sorry for the long way I really am family stuff got in the way and it was UGLY. This isn't edited because it's going to take forever for my editors actually read it cause they have their own lives and the don't work for me at the end of the day. So just ignore the mistakes, thank you for all the emails and support I got from you guys I read and responded to every single one of them thank you so much. Enjoy.

P.S: 13 is almost done I will have that one posted before I go back to school. And will give you guys an update in the cast list.



"So... Sophie... how was it?" Kell asked as he wiggled his eyebrows teasingly. She was in the process of making buñuelos, because Kell begged her to no end, until she said yes, so here she was.

Shaking her head she chose to ignore Kell's stupid question. It was her business and she wasn't about to gossip to Kell about how amazing the sex was or how mouthwatering Dean looked naked when he stands in the moonlight. That was for her thoughts only... she might tell Roxana, but never Kell.

She remembered him blushing when she got all sad because she didn't have Mandy anymore. Sophie wouldn't mind telling Mandy because that was her best friend, but she doesn't know how she was going to explain everything and make it sound like a normal relationship because Mandy can't know that she's not a mate to a Greek rogue Shifter that is one of the most powerful beings in Olympus. If Mandy knew she would send her straight to the psych ward.

Or Mandy would run for the hills screaming freak and call animal control on her and that would hurt her to no end.

"What are you thinking about Sophie? Because by the looks of it you look all flushed and frustrated. Do you need Dean to quench that thirst, with his big dreamy-"

Sophie grabbed a glop of dough and slapped it against Kell's chest, making her laugh, Kell should really learn how to filter his words, and he's too blunt sometimes as well as embarrassing.

"I was right wasn't I?" Kell smirked then chucked dough back at her only to end up hitting Ajax on the back of the neck.

Ajax shot up and gasped, at what had been done to him. "You fucking prick! You're going to pay for that." He quickly sobered up and used the dough that landed on his neck and just as he was to throw it back at Kell he looked down and an evil grin etched on his cute face; shoved the dough in Sophie's shirt making her squeal at how slimy it felt going down her back.

That was so typical of them, picking on the small guy; she looked over to an amused Dean and pouted. It was time to bring in the big guy for cavalry.

"Dean! Help!" Sophie continued to pout. Her mate marched in front of her and grabbed Kell's head and shoved it in a bowl of graded cheese.

Kell retaliated and tripped Dean so he landed on him back and poured a carton of milk all over him.

Sophie looked over and instead of protecting each other Roxana and Ajax were having a war of their own dough, cereal and other food items were being thrown. They also ended up on the floor.

The kitchen was a total mess and it was already noon and breakfast wasn't even made all because of Kell and his obnoxiousness. Sophie put her fingers in her mouth and whistled loudly to get their attention.

Everyone stopped moving and looked at her. Sophie placed her hands on her hips and looked at each and every one of them. "You guys, its noon and we still haven't eaten, it'd be nice if you help me finish cooking and we can eat then clean the kitchen." She said as she emphasized how messy the kitchen was by pointing to the counter then the table. Dean, Kell, Roxana and Ajax all avoided her gaze, she felt like a Kindergarten teacher who just took away their play time, it was quite comical considering it she was facing four rogue gods.

"Come one enough with the long faces, the fast you guys help the faster you get to eat." Sophie said; they all nodded in agreement.

When the last buñuelo was cooked they all sat on the floor and ate.

"Damn...Kell wasn't kidding you're cooking is freaking good. Is there more of those bun thingies?" Ajax asked as he shoved the last buñuelo in his mouth.

Sophie handed Ajax the last one when Kell slapped it out of his hand and stuffed it in his mouth; Ajax actually pouted and Roxana laughed at her mate then pecked him on the cheek, to console him. "Aw!"

Dean and Kell both gaged in repulsion.

Reaching over she pinched both of them on the arm and they bolted away from Sophie. "That was cute, stop being jerks."

Her mate shook his head. "Roxana is like our sister, its grossing me out. No offense." Dean said looking over to Roxana who shrugged off his words and went back to cuddling with her mate.

"Ugh I'm going to leave before I throw up, and also to devise a plan on how I have to kidnap Sophie so she can cook only for me," Kell said as he looked at her then to Dean. "Don't worry Dean I'll make sure to refill her bowl every day and take her out for long walks."

Dean snarled at Kell as he pulled Sophie into his lap and nuzzled her neck causing sparks to erupt all over her body.

Sophie looked over at Kell and gave him a bored look. "Did you really have to say that?"

Kell laughed. "It's my job to piss him off." Then walked out of the kitchen and the lovely Roxana and Ajax followed him.

Sophie was left alone with her very possessive mate who was unrelentingly nestling her mark. There was nothing she could do when he was like this so she wrapped her arms around his shoulders bringing him closer to her and he growled; abruptly felt his erection pulsate under her butt.

Not that she didn't like what he was doing right now, because she did, but she needed to tell him that she has two days left here... she has to go back home.

She needed to get back to New Orleans because her time here was almost up. And if she stayed here MIA everyone will think something is up and send out a search party.

Wiggling out of Dean's lap only to end up being pinned down to the kitchen floor and her mate nibbling on her mark.

"You shouldn't have done that mate." Dean growled in her ear.

Sophie hissed in pleasure when Den slithered a hand down her body and into her tights to cup her soaking mound. Telling him about her leaving was going to be harder than she thought. She had to get it over and done with; like a band aid.

"Dean, I'm leaving to go back to the city in two days." Sophie announced.

Her mate froze; he moved his face away from her neck and looked into her eyes with his now narrowed glowing amber eyes. "You're leaving me just after I made you my mate? You did this on purpose."

Hurt ran through her very core. How could Dean think that? He had to have known that she had to leave back to New Orleans at some point; her life isn't here in a bunker she has to work to make a living, she isn't rich like Dean. Why was he acting like, this isn't like him.

Sophie opened her mouth to speak, the only sound that came out was a squeak when Dean yanked her off the floor by her wrists and pressed her up against the marble counter.

Pain erupted all throughout her body. Sophie tried prying Dean's hands only to have his grip tighten around her wrists.

"Let go, please." She pleaded as she looked down avoiding his gaze.

This was not her Dean, he would never hurt her, he promised her that he would never hurt her like Danny did.

"Was this your plan all along, sweet innocent Sophie? To have me fuck you and make you my mate only to walk away, just like that!" He said as he tightly grasped Sophie's chin roughly with two fingers. "Were you after my money? Or just have me tied down to you?"

Sophie shook her head. "No! Not at all, I love you Dean, I just need to get back to the city because I have a job."

Why was he saying all of this? His words felt like tiny acupuncture needles piercing her heart.

Dean laughed humorlessly and backed away from her.

She tried reaching out to Dean only to have him latch a hand around her throat and squeezed.

Sophie was starting to panic and tried calling out for help; tried using her powers, but was terrified, nothing worked. Her body was slowly growing numb, her body ached, and especially her back and lungs that were now straining for air.

His grip tightened even more.

Tears spilled from the corner of her eyes; she was wrong about Dean. She couldn't trust him, she couldn't love him and she can't trust him. He was just like Danny.

"I thought you were different." Sophie said while Dean continued to strangle her.

Dean clacked him tongue at her, as if he were punishing a child. "You think your tears will work on me? Well think again, Eris did the same thing and I'm not about to let you do the same." His fingers caressed her face only to have them bite into her jaw a second later, forcing her head up to look at him.

Her eyes went wide when she saw Dean's eyes have a haze in them. Maybe Dean maybe was in some sort of trance.

There was still hope.

Sophie felt Dean's hand loosen a little around her neck she breathed in and channeled all the powers she possessed and concentrated, and by some miracle she blasted Dean causing him to slam against the kitchen wall. Taking the opportunity Sophie ran through the living room and into the hallway and called for the guys.

All three came out ready for battle; they looked at Sophie confused. She didn't dare try and waste time talking knowing she would sound hoarse, instead she pointed in the direction she ran from and Dean appeared.

"Sophie it's just Dean." Kell stated.

Sophie shook her head. "There's something wrong with him, look into his eyes they're hazy." She said and indeed her voice was hoarse, no thanks to Dean.

As soon as Dean heard Sophie talk he turned his head in her direction and charged at her only to have Kell step in between them.

Dean growled viciously. "Move you good for nothing sack of shit."

Inhaling sharply at her mate's cruel words, Sophie was about to apologize on Dean's behalf when Kell's laughed stopped her.

He stopped laughing and just smirked as he crossed his arms over his chest. "You have to do better than that boy."

Sophie gulped. Kell truly had a death wish. She cleared her voice and her throat felt better than before. If she had to guess she'd say that it were her healing abilities kicking in. If she weren't in trouble she would've been celebrating and the sudden disconvery.

"I'm going to slice your fucking head off." Dean materialized a sword and swung at Kell only to have him deflect it. Dean kicked Kell in the stomach and he went flying and crashed into the wall. Ajax jumped in and used his powers to press Dean against the wall.

Sophie ran to Kell and helped him up. "You see now?"

Kell nodded as he wiped the blood that was running down the corner of his mouth. "I do and I've seen that before. It's a poison the god's band all together; it would turn any god into a fucking killing machine. Who did you piss off Sophie?" He said as he looked down at her harshly.

"I didn't piss off anyone, I swear!" Sophie said in a panicked voice.

It was a good thing Dean forced her to look into his eyes because she was ready to fault him of being exactly like Danny, however she was so glad Dean wasn't the monster she thought he was and that everything he said to her before today was a façade, nevertheless scared shitless that her mate was a 'fucking killing machine'.

Kell laughed. "Relax, I'm just fucking with you Sophie, I know you're not that type of person to go provoking people for no reason, because one, Dean would've never mated with you and two, provoking people is my job," He cracked his knuckles. "Lucky for you, I know what to do." Kell said with the uttermost confidence and marched over to Dean; where he was punching Ajax to a bloody pulp and had Roxana pinned to the wall forcing her to watch. Kell fisted a hand into a fist and punched Dean on the back of the head knocking him out.

Sophie gasped and ran to her mate, she checked his body and he was ok. She left him on the floor to check on Ajax and Roxana. Roxana was fine; Ajax not so much, his face was all puffed and one of his eyes were swollen shut. Roxana placed a hand over his face and a glow emitted from her hand and started healing him.

Walking over to Dean she sat down and looked at him, then looked up at the guys. "I'm so sorry you guys! This is entirely my fault." Sophie said as she placed Dean's head on her lap.

Raking her hands through Dean's hair Sophie felt guilty that all of this was happening to them ever since she came into the picture. None of this would have happened if she never met Dean or the others, they were better off without her.

"Nonsense, it happens Sophie. Plus, it's a good training exercise to keep us on our toes." Roxana said as she got up from the floor and dusted off her pants.

Sophie looked down at Dean and gasped when his body disappeared. "What-"

"Chill Sophie," Kell blurted out before she got a chance to freak out. "I flashed his fat ass back to his room, I'm not about to break my back carrying him." Kell muttered under his breath.

"I second that notion." Ajax said as Roxana smothered him half to death as she checked for more injuries to heal. Sophie smiled at them; they looked like newlywed couples that were still in their 'honeymoon' stage, with the goo goo eyes and the kisses they gave each other whenever they thought that no one was looking.

Sophie sighed as she brushed the stray pieces of her curly hair away from her face distraughtly. "Guys, who would do something, like this? Kell is prob right, who did I piss off, I don't know any gods."

Kell rubbed the back of his neck. Sophie knew the giant brute of a man was hiding something.

"Kell... Spit it out." Sophie said placing her hands on her hips.

He sighed and slid against the wall and plopped on the floor. "I have a theory. What if it's a pissed off lover of Dean's and she's out for revenge?"

Sophie growled. Everyone took three steps back away from her. "Eris. Le voy a cortar la cabeza y lo doy ay ese perro con la tres cabezas." [I'm going to cut her head off and feed it to that three headed dog.]

That bitch managed to wrecks everything, why can't she understand that Dean is her mate. Her's! Fucking her's.

She broke Dean's heart. Who would do such a thing to such a sweet man? Eris is so cruel and has a stone for a heart.

And now as soon as Eris finds out that he moved on she suddenly wants him back? Fucking bitch messed with the wrong girl. Sophie would never wish bad intentions on anyone, but this was something totally different.

"Sophie!" Kell bellowed, snapping her out of her thoughts. She looked at them and they were cowering away from her. Looking down she saw her hands glowing a vibrant white. Sophie flicked her hands as if there were on fire to make it stop but it didn't work the glow ran up her arms and surrounded her body, she felt no pain no nothing she was completely fine.

Was she going to blow up or something? Was she mutating? Was this a prank? Sophie tried wiggling her arms to try and knock it off, but it just kept moving, like white lightning in her skin, that was as best as she could describe it.

"Sophie it's inside you, it's not a spider." It was either Kell or Ajax who said in the background then laughed.

"This isn't funny guys. What's happening?" Sophie asked them, yet there was no reply from them as they still hid from her like scared mice.

Suddenly the glow wormed its way into her body causing her to double over in pain; the pain plagued her whole body, but thank goodness it was bearable. Sophie clenched her teeth and gradually it subsided.

After a short time, Kell ran to her helping her off the floor. "Princess you good?"

Sophie smiled widely at the nickname. She was starting to wonder when he was going to call her something other than Sophie meanwhile she gave him fifty different nicknames. It was only that one time he called her Princess. Hearing him say that warmed her heart.

Kell winked at her and helped her to the living room. "You call me Kell Bear; it's only fair that I call you Princess."

Sophie hugged the giant tightly then, let go at the sudden thought popped into her mind. "Kell if your theory is right about Eris and there is a war coming, what are we going to do?"

Kell evilly smirked revealing his small dimples she never knew he had, they were cute, making him look younger and childish.

"We, my tiny princess are going to teach you how to use your powers and how to fight. And find some old friends... We have a war to declare." Kell laughed as he grabbed Sophie and twirled her around the room.

Sophie should've been offended at the 'tiny princess' name but truth be told she was a cub in a room full of viscous bears; besides the tiny remark, the whole going to war thing gave her a bad vibe. She wasn't ready for a war, but she it was inevitable from all the things Dean and Kell have told her about the council and they were not nice things; the council seemed like a group of popular kids at a high school and they bullied the others into making them submit, it wasn't right.

"Kell, how is going to war a good thing?" Sophie asked kind of frightened, now realizing if they do go to war they were going to fight against other gods.

She's immortal, not really considered as a god. She never really fought anyone... well Eris was an exception, but at that she only got in a good punch; besides any girl would fight back against whichever bitch that tries to come in between their man.

"We gods look forward to war. Shall we start your training?" Kell asked as he evilly rubbed his hands together like a mad scientist on drugs.

Sophie was scared to say yes from the look Kell was giving her, but she does like the idea of being able to fight Eris again. The thought brought a smile to her face.

"Oh... I like that look." Kell said than laughed like the mad scientist in Frankenstein. Everyone stopped to look at him.

"What? Can't I be excited for once, you know I'm not always serious," Kell said offended. "That's a lie I'm always serious... but it has its perks with the ladies, it turns them on." He said winking at Sophie.


His body felt sore as if he was lashed with one of Zeus' bolts, and that shit hurts like a bitch. He was once beaten with one when he was young for talking out of turn.

Zeus was a selfish son of bitch.

The light from him laptop that was sitting on his night stand shone right in his eye making him groan and roll over to the opposite side of the bed.

Jerking up into a sitting position he looked around; he knew for a fact that he didn't go to sleep, he never would, at least not without his mate; because let's face it he never knew what sleep really meant until he woke up the day after he marked her, he slept like a baby. But the question still stands why woke up in his room?

Dean closed his eyes and used his powers to sense his mate. He got up to wash his face and walked out the room and into the hallway, making his ways towards the gym.

Walking in, he first noticed Roxana throwing knifes at a moving target, whereas Ajax was messing with Dean's tech gear in the corner. He's going to have to have a word with the rogue as soon as he sees that his mate was ok.

A small yelp alerted him and Dean spun and saw Sophie's white fox form being pinned down by Kell's saber tooth form. He saw red; Kell was supposed to protect his mate, not hurt her.

Morphing into his primary form he rammed into Kell and knocked him off of Sophie. He growled at him warming him to back off and looked down to see Sophie getting up from the floor where Kell had her pinned down and rubbed against his legs.

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