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Born to Be Ch. 03


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Her expression changing to that same predatory gaze she gave him last night, when he posed for her, right before she fucked him...

"Here...maybe I can convince you if I give you a little taste of what you'll be in for at my place." Her grin grew, showcasing her lewd intent for the young boy before her. Hand still stroking her soaked cock, slathering the lubricant all over every inch for the easiest penetration. "Would you like that?" She tilted her head, coming up close to him now. The space the mattress offered was minimal as is, but she had crawled close enough that all Ashley had was a few inches of air between them. Nervously, he glanced down her own naked form. Huge heavy breasts in his face, taut ab covered tummy and strong legs that inserted herself between his own. And that big black strap on getting closer...and closer... His lips were parted, letting out nervous and shaky breaths, it always seemed like when Selena cornered him like this that he could never get enough air. Like she sucked the very breath from his lungs making it so hard to focus on anything but what she asked of him.

"Selena..." Again, all he could say was her name, the word hissing and rolling out of his mouth with a nervous shudder that reflected both at how intimidated she made him feel, and how horny as well.

And just at that moment, she spoke again, "Nod your head yes baby..."

Ashley's eyes then refocused back up at her face, her orbs looking into his with intent to defile. She was commanding him, but not in a forceful way, it was more like she was just stating what they both actually wanted. But Ashley was far too bashful to just say it aloud, so she was giving him the gentle push that he needed to just take the leap and accept. In the only way she new how of course, a sexy, dominant, order of sorts that there was no way for him to refuse.

So he did as she asked, he nodded his head slowly. "...Y...yes..." His voice barely above a whisper as he uttered the word. And it felt like he signed his life away with that single syllable.

"That's my good boy..." She replied, then let go of her large cock and moved to hook both of her arms under Ashley's legs. Her hands practically slapping themselves onto Ashley's ass and lifting him up, off of the bed and into her embrace.

"Eeek!" He squealed in response to this sudden weightless lift, Selena hoisted him into her arms, then shuffled forward again so that his back once more touched the cold wall. His legs draped over her arms by the back of his knees, and instinctively he wrapped his arms around the back of Selena's neck. "Geez! Maybe a little warning next time please?"

She giggled at his reaction, "Sorry honey, you're just so light, I love picking you up. My little love bunny."

Ashley grimaced, "Ew...that's so lame." He teased.

"Oh shush you." Selena replied then adjusted her hips to ready them for a good thrust. Aiming her fake cock at Ashley's tight, puckered star, the love hole quickly becoming the dildos favorite place to be. Then lifted her hips, bringing the black schlong up and touching it's wet tip to his entrance.

His reaction was instant, hissing at the cool contact, but not negatively. He was also quickly becoming familiar with the sensations of that defiling toy, and managed to steel himself for the upcoming piercing sensation much quicker than the previous times he had taken it. Trying to focus on Selena's large brown, lustful eyes rather than the idea that an eight inch monster was about to invade his sacred place.

Thanks to the ample lube, it only took a few seconds of gentle pushing and a light pressure in the boys tummy before he felt the distinct popping feeling when the tip broke in through his anal gate. The lube easily weakening his already pathetic defenses and powering into his tunnel, "Uunnh!" He squealed, his arms tightening around Selena's shoulders and his toes going rigid from their dangling spot over her arms. "Ohh God! Ah...it's so big. Nnf..."

It really was too easy for the rubber cock to begin slipping deep into the boys tight depths. His inner walls quickly contracting and squeezing around the girth of Selena's member the further she dug in. She bit her lip at the sight of Ashley's crumpled up face, "Nnf...how is it baby? Getting better?"

Ashley could recall all the lewd thoughts he had during their sex from yesterday, remembering that he claimed that anal sex was the perfect form of sex and it was all he wanted. That was of course in the throes of ecstasy while he was at the peak of his pleasure and not thinking clearly. Now one might think, he's not as horny right now, and his mind is a bit clearer than before so his opinion has probably changed right?


"It...still feels...tight..." His fists opened and closed behind Selena, and his feet flexed a few times. The odd, full sensations pulsing through his little body and giving him a mixture of slightly uncomfortable pressure as she sank her cock in all the way. And a few thrilling sparks of delight from the stretching and opening up feelings it gave off as well. "But...it's not...bad...just...still a little strange I guess..."

"A good strange?" Selena questioned, not yet moving her hips, and still keeping herself fully sheathed inside of him.

The petite boy in her arms thought for a moment at that, looking over Selena once again. While their was clearly lust written all over her face, there was also a hint of concern. Like last night, when he was afraid that she would be too rough with him, she quickly silenced his worries with a show of worry and tenderness. If he asked her to stop right now, he was sure she would. She said it herself that she'd never hurt him or make him do anything he didn't want to do.

At least when it came to sex and not counting the wearing a thong part.

But other than that her track record was pretty great so far with bringing him only pleasure and bliss. So he shifted in her arms just a bit, trying to get himself into a more comfortable position on her lap, then leaned in to give her a quick surprise peck on the lips. "A good strange..." He said, already feeling the warm pink color coming to his cheeks.

Selena's grin grew wide and happy at that, "Excellent." And she took that as the green light to begin moving.

Supporting his lower body on her hips, and his upper body on the wall, she pulled her hips back, drawing out the long black cock inside him. Ashley's brow furrowing and his lips forming a tight 'o' as the dildo came out. Tugging on his insides, every muscle and fold in his anal cavity trying desperately to cling onto it, not wanting to let it go. But thankfully, much to their relief, Selena then pushed her hips forward, guiding her cock right back into its home in Ashley's ass. Filling him up once more with the many inches of fake girl cock that forced a little gasp of pleasure from him.

He was thankful that it appeared the more they did this, the easier it got, as the initial pain from penetration barely lasted thirty seconds this time. And that being said, it wasn't even really pain, just some pressure that was a little uncomfy for a few seconds before it was quickly replaced by all the sweet stretching and prodding that Ashley knew he could get veeeeeeeeeerryy used to.

Carefully, Selena repeated the same motion, going at a slow and deep pace at first and maintaining a lot of eye contact with her boy toy. The pair both letting out soft gasps and breaths of pleasure and hot desire building between them.

"So...about you calling me Daddy..." Selena started, biting her lip again and not ceasing her slow rocking motions.

Ashley couldn't help but roll his eyes, "Ugh...what about iiit...ooh..." He managed to get out the question before a moan followed it up.

"I want you to do it again." Selena stated firmly.

"What? Selenaaa...that's so groo-OH!" She suddenly shoved her cock in hard, giving the boys poor tummy a good wake up punch with her tip and shooting a lightning bolt of pleasure throughout his body.

Selena just tilted her head innocently, "Oh? You think it's gross?" She giggled, "Hmmm, I don't think that's true you little liar. I think...this little thing right here..." She lowered her gaze down to Ashley's painfully hard little dicklet, already spilling out a tiny bead of precum. "Is a bit of a giveaway."

Ashley shook his head, "Nooo...no...aah...I just...like your..." He hesitated, seeming to realize what he was about to say before saying it and stopping himself to look away. His blush growing in redness and heat.

"Oh? You like what baby? heehee, you like my cock in your ass?" She said, leaning in with her teeth bared to playfully nip at Ashley's now exposed neck. "Sounds like something a Daddy's girl would say...Something like' oohhh Daddy, I love your big black cock in my little ass! Oh please gimmie more Daddy pleeeease!'" She imitated a high pitched, almost school girl like voice as she spoke. Finally managing to plant the first seed with that one sentence, seizing the opportunity and now watching for results.

"Uuughh!" Another high-pitched squeal escaped Ashley's throat and again, his grip around Selena tightened, legs flexing behind her to vent his growing arousal. "That...that's..." He panted trying to speak. "Noo...That's so...wrong...aaah..."

She nodded into the nape of his neck, "Mhm...it is isn't it?" Picking up speed in her thrusts, the delightful noise of her hips tapping against Ashley's booty starting to get louder with her stronger thrusting. "It's so wrong...so dirty...so nasty...and that's why you like it..." He could almost hear the wicked smile on her face it was so obvious. She was teasing the fuck out of him, while proceeding to fuck his ass faster and faster. "Don't bother fibbing Ashley, I know you do..."

And fuck was it working, the low lusty tune of her voice breathing hotly onto his neck, whispering such vile, naughty things and planting so many ideas in his head while he was at his most vulnerable. It was like she was corrupting him, taking his innocence and defiling it by filling it with her lustful seed. Soiling it and making it hers forever.

"Ooooohhh...noooo..." Ashley moaned out, squirming in her grasp, his body was crying in happiness. It felt like every nerve in his body was lighting up with excitement from her words. But he tried to deny it, calling her Daddy...and that whole...Daddies girl thing just...it was so wrong... "I don't...noo...I don't like it oooohhhh God...aaaaaahhhaaa..." His head tilted back towards the ceiling as he felt her teeth bite down on his sensitive pulse again. Harder this time, and her hips again began to pick up the pace. Clapping his rear with her pelvis and making his cheeks jiggle. At this point, he wasn't sure what exactly he was doing anymore, refusing because it was actually the truth, he didn't like this kind of dirty talk? Or refusing because...resisting her and acting like he didn't like it was...hot...

"Mmmhmmmm...I think you dooooo..." She was being so mean, and so sexy at the same time. "I think you like calling me Daddy...I think you want to be my Daddy's girl. Don't you baby?" She asked, her tongue flicking along the side of his ear.

"Noooooooooooooohh..." Ashley continued trying to deny it, but the tingle in his loins did not lie. Everytime she whispered Daddy into his ears, the sparks of arousal roared into flames that could not be quenched. And they only grew stronger at the mention of him becoming a Daddies...


Selena laughed, this time more openly. Like an evil villain getting what she wanted, "Ohhhh yes you do...I can tell baby... " Her hips sped up some more, "We both know you love it. You like the idea of being such a good girl for me?" Her breath became heavier as well, changing to panting very quickly the faster she went. "Hmmm...I knew you were kinky baby...aaahh...I love it..." And before he could reply she sealed the gap between them with a kiss.

Locking their lips and lustfully moaning into each others mouths, Ashley openly letting out a long, practically whorish sounding one into Selena while she was almost constantly giggling with sick satisfaction at her seducing techniques.

More squirming on Ashley's part happened as well, every part of his body was tingling, especially his little boyhood. He could feel a thick wet trail spilling down his cock, a torrent of precum spilt from his smallish tip as it cried out for release. The dildo pounding his pleasure button over and over and pumping more of his desire out of him.

"Mmmmflmmm!" He moaned again, trying to convey to his tall, black lover that he was getting very close. But her lips prevented him from saying so, she just kept kissing. Beating up his smaller tongue with her own, smacking their lips and raping his mouth while she took his ass at the same time.

She only released his lips for a moment to whisper, "Say it bitch..." Startling and jolting Ashley's core. "Tell me you're a Daddy's girl..." Her voice grew husky and deep, obviously turned on by her own words as her body began slamming into Ashley's. Hammering him into the wall and creating a series of thumping sounds to echo in the apartment mixed with the sound of skin slapping skin.

It felt like the boy's eyes were going to roll back into his head, he just couldn't resist her dirty talk. She waited until he was close before she poured it on thickly, knowing he would be too weak to her charms to resist. So as she pulled back from one of their kisses, Ashley sheepishly tried to sneak in a little, "Yes..."

"Yes what bitch?" Selena said, demanding her kink be satisfied. Also bringing in some harsher words to continue pushing his kink buttons. Selena knew a kinky slut when she saw one, and she meant that in the best way towards Ashley. But still...he was a closet kinky slut.

She just needed to help him find himself.

And hearing her call him such a degrading thing again finally did it, it was no use trying to remain true to what he believed was wrong and what was naughty. So he crumpled his face, swallowed his pride, and cried out, "Ugggh! Yes I'm a Daddies girl aaah! Please can I cum Daddy? Aaahhhaa!"

That last part almost took Selena by surprise, she didn't even say he needed to ask permission, but apparently, Ashley felt he needed to. And that turned her on.

"Mmmmm go ahead baby girl...cum for Daddy..."

'Baby girl...'

Ashley practically swooned into his orgasm, eyes this time actually rolling back and his jaw dropping wide open. "UUUUHHHHFFUCCCKK!" His legs straightened out, flexing and stiffening as he felt his body hit its peak. "AAAAAAAHHAA!" He screamed in delight as his cock began to twitch.

Selena glanced down at it to watch the show of her little boy toys climax, loving how it throbbed and tried so hard to shoot out its seed. But from the constant anal stimulation, it was beginning to adjust to the change of orgasm type that Ashley was experiencing. Rather than squirt out a huge helping of spunk, shooting out in hopes of finding an egg to impregnate, it instead just spasmed, twitching and flexing while his little nuts tightened up. A thicker colored liquid beginning to softly leak out the tip and dripping down his prick quickly, only once did it actually spurt a little bit, but not very high at all.

She grinned, his body was adjusting more to prostate orgasms, or more lewdly known as, sissy orgasms.

"Aaah..." Selena sighed happily, rocking her hips a few more times. The lube making sweet squishy sounds in his ass as she milked out his little anal induced load. "That's a veeeery good..." She paused and leaned into Ashley's ear, "Giiiiirllll..." Then leaned away, biting her tongue with a teasing grin.

Ashley heaved for breath, his head still looking towards the ceiling. "H...ho...holy shit..." He never knew how talking so dirty, and saying something so taboo could be so exciting! When her warm breath whispered 'girl' into his ear, it sent a shiver down his spine and yet another forbidden tingle into his little dick. "Ohh...fuck...Selena that's...that was so dirty..."

His girlfriend giggled, "I told you you'd like it." She leaned in once again and gave him a peck on the cheek. Ashley smiled, still a little embarrassed over the situation and what he said, but the orgasm does not lie. And his prick felt like it was absolutely covered in his jizz. "Oh and by the way, I like it a lot too, so I think you should definitely just call me Daddy from now on."

The spent boy snickered at that, "Haa...yeah right...there's no way."

Selena quirked a brow, "Oh?"

He shook his head, "Ah uh...nope...Maybe..." He added suddenly, both to his own and Selena's further surprise. She knew that he would probably come around to the taboo eventually, but Ashley definitely wasn't sure about it at first. Only by achieving such mind melting orgasms whenever he uttered any phrase involving Daddy during sex...it was quickly swaying his opinion.

She chuckled at that, "Well...I certainly won't mind calling you my little girl if you start calling me Daddy."

"I'm a bo-" He started, ready to say that phrase for the thousandth time, but Selena lifted a finger to his lips and shushed him.

"Sssshh...I know baby, that's what makes it kinky. And that's what makes you a kinky slut" She winked, "My sweet little, naive...baby girl." She teased him more, pretending to snap her teeth at him like a predator.

Ashley rolled his eyes once again, "You're gonna be the death of me you sadistic weirdo." He fired back playfully.

"Heehee! Oh quite the contrary baby. I'm bringing you to life." She smiled, "Now let's untangle ourselves and get dressed. Today's your first day shadowing Vanessa!"

Ashley blinked, "Oh crap! I almost forgot about that."

"Well, that's probably a little bit my fault too, you couldn't think straight with my cock up your butt after all."


Lunar Lifters

The couple hastily got out of bed after a few more playful teases tossed back and forth, Ashley insisting that he needed to take a shower before going to his first day. Both to look presentable and to wash the residual lube out of his booty.

The possibility of Selena joining him for said shower was also tossed out there, until she saw the size of his tiny corner shower booth in the bathroom. She'd be lucky to fit half her body in there, let alone both him and her. So she politely allowed him the privacy to shower and change, unfortunately into some normal-ish looking clothes for work since he was not doing anything yoga related just yet. But Selena assured him that would change veeeeryy soon before they headed out, once again in Selena's sexy car, to the fitness center.

On the way there she filled him in on what his role will be, shadowing and training for at least a week at the receptionist position that way he could start making some of his own money right off the bat. Selena definitely wanted to get him into the yoga position as soon as possible too, but she could concede with that fact that he wasn't ready.

One sexy yoga session with some stretches and downward doggy wasn't enough to begin teaching a class, she's have to prepare him more for that before he was ready to take up that mantle as well.

And she also reminded him that he wouldn't have to take the equipment manager position, that was more of a custodial job and she didn't want Ashley to have to work with sweaty gym equipment all day.

Plus if he did take that position, he'd have three jobs at the fitness center eventually, he'd get burned out super quick and besides she didn't think it was physically possible to do that anyways, so the equipment position was swept under the table in favor of the more obvious choices.

After only about three minutes on the road, they arrived at Selena's business and parked in her labelled parking spot. Being the owner of the gym obviously had lots of benefits for both herself and Ashley.

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