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Born to Be Ch. 03


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"I still can't believe you built this whole place." Ashley admired her as they headed to the sliding glass entrance. During one of their conversations, Selena told him about how she opened up the Gym, being titled as founder, owner, and operator.

She shrugged, "I had a lot of time and resources. I've wanted my own gym since I was in high school so it's always been a dream of mine."

Ashley smiled at her but then checked is phone, looking at the clock and frowning. "Hey, I didn't make us late did I? Maybe I should've skipped the shower..."

But Selena shook her head, "Honey no, no. Of course not, again, being the owner of the place has its privileges. Can't be late when your boss is the one keeping you from going in, and it's fair to say I took up a good portion of your morning." She cheekily said. "I rarely ever close or open up the gym, I've got people to do that for me anyway."

The couple walked side by side through the front doors, immediately heading to the left to the front desk. Ashley saw that Selena wasn't kidding about people already being here, the gym was already in full motion with people on the machines and that same lady sitting behind the computer desk who Ashley briefly met a few days back.

"I'm sure you've already met the one who mans the computers!" Selena said, gesturing to the tan skinned woman typing away at one of the computers as they approached.

Vanessa's eyes lit up upon seeing the two, then seemed to scan the pair for a few seconds putting two and two together. "Well that explains why you're late!" She said grinning, "Toting the new boy along with you huh?" She stood up and leaned forward over the desk.

"Ashley, Vanessa, Vanessa, Ashley." Selena formerly introduced them, stepping to the side so that they could shake hands.

Ashley nodded, accepting the invitation and reaching out to take the other ladies outstretched hand in the common greeting gesture. "Yeah, we met once."

"Mhm!" She nodded, "Sooo are you here to be my minion and finally give me a break from these computers?"

Selena laughed, "Noooope, I am not trusting my boyfriend with you honey."

"Oh? It's official? Already?" She asked to which Selena nodded proudly, "Daaarn...too bad. You're a cutie." She smirked at Ashley again.

And already he felt a brand-new blush beginning to form on his cheeks, after he worked so hard to force his face back to its normal color because of all the embarrassing activities of this morning.

But before Ashley could reply, Selena tugged on his arm to get him to look at her. "Okay so I may run the place but I do have some stuff to do up in my office. Which you know where it is." She briefly glanced over her shoulder at the glass door by the top of the left staircase. "If you need anything or have any questions that Vanessa can't answer you can come right up and talk to me. But really any questions you have should be answerable by this bimbo." She teased, pointing at her receptionist who casually gave her a cutesy smile in response.

He nodded, "Okay, I've worked a few register jobs and stuff before so I think I should be okay."

Selena cupped his face, "Oh you're gonna do great honey." She leaned her head in for a nice kiss on the lips, "And remember you're just shadowing for right now, so don't worry, it'll be easy." He nodded again and smiled back up at her. "Okay, be good, and listen to her. I make fun of Vanessa but she's actually a really good friend, so she'll be good to you." Selena released his face then began to step away, "I'll see you after my works done okay? Have a good day baby!" She waved at him, doing the old, 'keep looking over her shoulder and waving' routine, not wanting to look away.

Obviously this was just a puppy love thing most couples did, she told Ashley on the drive here that the shift would probably only be a few hours, so they weren't exactly never going to see each other again.

But still, like many new couples do, they dragged out the goodbye as long as they could until Selena finally made her way up to the top of the stairs and let herself into her office.

Ashley still staring at the door after it closed, feeling the urge to sigh dreamily and just follow her up there, desperate to spend another fun day with his tall, busty, beautiful girlfriend.

But eventually, he was broken out of his lovey dovey stare by Vanessa clearing her throat, "Are you gonna come back here at some point?" She playfully said, causing Ashley to flinch and rapidly apologize before darting around the side of the desk to come up beside her.

"Sorry! I'm here!" He said rushing up to her side and standing beside her chair.

She waved her hand towards the seat beside her. "Go ahead and have a seat."

Ashley obliged and planted himself, then scooted in, neatly folding his hands on the desk and looking over the desk before him. Two computers, a few notepads, some post its, complimentary energy bars and snack packets. Stickers, pens, pencils, the whole enchilada, " does this go? What do I need to do?"

Vanessa raised and lowered a shoulder, "Kick back and watch Youtube or check your Facebook for a bit until somebody comes up." She said matter-of-factly.

"Huh?" Ashley looked at her confused.

But Vanessa just reclined back in her chair and smiled, "Honey, you scored basically the easiest job in the world. And the boss is banging you so that just makes it even easier on you." She joked, half serious. "Really, all you do is relax here at the desk until someone either shows up to sign in, start a membership, sign out, or has a question. Really it's easy."

"Oh?" Ashley tilted his head, "I figured we'd be entering stuff onto the computers or...running numbers for something or...something..."

"We're not a bank honey." Vanessa said examining her polished nails. "This is pretty different from a standard clerk job. Everything is automated these days so that you and the casual bystander have as little interaction time as humanly possible."

That caused Ashley to snicker a bit at her attitude, but shook his head remaining serious. "Well, I love interacting with people, so I can handle any interaction I'm sure."

Vanessa quirked a brow at the naive boy, "Sure, but that doesn't mean they feel like interacting with anyone. A lot of people will walk up to the desk, you ask 'signing in?' they tell you their name, you find it in the computer, click them in. And most of the time they'll just walk off without saying a word after that." Ashley mouthed a silent, 'oh' upon her revealing this, but she went on, "Don't worry it's not like a bad job or boring or filled with rude people or anything. Like I said, it's easy and simple. I'll walk you through it when somebody comes up, but until then we can just chill and do whatever here."

She kicked her legs up under the desk, there was a little rest bar beneath it so she could rest her high heel clad feet without bringing them up into full view of the people in the gym.

The boy was a bit wow'd after that, like he said he had taken a few part time jobs before during high school that were definitely not as laid back as this one appeared to be. He could remember his first job at a small convenience store down the street from his house was terrifying. The person he shadowed for his first week acted like every mistake was life or death and it terrified Ashley.

He wasn't expecting the worst based on the reasurances that Selena had given him, but he was also mentally prepared for stress. So seeing very little of it in his work area definitely came as a surprise.

" we just...wait until someone comes up?" He asked.

Vanessa nodded, "Mhm! Yup, but we don't have to like sit in awkward silence obviously. We can talk or like I said you can use the computer or your phone. The wifi here is free."

Again Ashley nodded, "Okay um...what are you?" He asked, it was the only thing he was able to come up with on the spot, much to his embarrassment. He wanted to facepalm, 'how are you?' Really?

Seeming to feel the awkward levels rising from his pathetic attempt to start conversation, Vanessa looked up from her nails with a smirk. "I'm doing quite swell, how are you on this fine day young chap?" She spoke with a fake British accent, teasingly mocking his formal stature. He chuckled a bit at this but still felt a little sheepish with his first crappy conversation starter. Thankfully Vanessa knew a common ground they could begin on in order to better keep it flowing, "So...I'm pretty sure you only met her a few days ago but already in with the boss huh?"

"What?" Ashley asked confused for a moment, but quickly caught onto what she meant."Oh! Um...yeah we uh...we got together..." He nervously twirled a lock of his long brown hair.

Vanessa sat up, "Well, she's lucky, cuz I for damn sure was gonna try to be all over you if you got a job here. Bitch beat me to it." She laughed, Ashley however immediately looked away, feeling the heat in his face intensify from her statement. "Whaaat? I like cutie petooties." She continued teasing the young boy, much to his further embarrassment.

" umm how long have you known Selena?" Ashley asked, desperate to steer the conversation away from him before his face lit up in pink flames.

She knew he was trying to deflect her flirts, and Vanessa was okay with that. She did find him insanely cute, but it wasn't like she was going to try and steal him away from Selena or anything. So she took his bait, "Oh geez." She ilted her head back and closed her eyes, appearing to be deep in thought. "Gotta be a couple of years now I think. She's founder of Lunar Lifters and ran the place ever since I started working here which is how we first met."

"So you've been working here for that long?" Ashley inquired.

"Mhm! Yup, still as boring as it was on day one, but it pays good. Steady hours and I get to work with one of my besties." She shrugged, "Lots of ups and not too many downs, you can ask her that. But you're the first boy toy she's ever actually brought to work in all the years we've been here.." She playfully nudged Ashley's side with her elbow. "So I think that's a pretty good sign."

He leaned away and chuckled a little, "Really? She's never had another boyfriend come in?" The thought that Selena had been single for years in a row was almost comical. There was absolutely no way such a stacked babe like her could go a day without having every guy on Earth clambering for her affection.

Vanessa shrugged, "I know she's had plenty of dudes at her beck and call over the years..."

"My point exactly."

"But you're the first one she's introduced me too. And bragged about. Quite a bit actually." She picked up a small water bottle she kept beside her computer and took a sip from it.

Ashley glanced up at the taller woman, "She's bragged about me?"

"Ohhh yeaaah, wicked." She grinned, "So to answer your question, we've known each other long enough and have gotten friendly enough to talk about boys over the phone."

His hands fiddled with the hem of his shirt. "...What...what did she say?" He asked cutely. His curiosity as to what Selena was raving about him was. Obviously, since Ashley had never been in a relationship before, he had never had the fortunate knowledge of knowing a girl was talking good about him. So a natural curiosity was to be expected.

"Oh you know, the usual stuff when a girl is falling heeeeead over heels for an adorable boy toy. 'Oh he's so perfect!'" She did her best to imitate Selena's voice, creating quite the comedic slightly deeper tone. "He makes my heart fill up with butterflies! He's so cute! His eyes are soooooo angel like!" She flipped her hair dramatically, Selena didn't even do that much but it helped play up the mock of a girl fawning over a boy.

Ashley couldn't stop his little giggles from coming out as she went on, "Wait really? Did she really say that?" He scooted closer to the edge of his seat, feeling excitement and a little giddiness bubbling up within him. So he wasn't the only one who practically drifted into his apartment with love sick eyes after their first date.

"I can show you the texts if you want?" Vanessa added, producing a smart phone from next to the computer as well. How many things did she have hiding back there? But she went on, "Oh he's so sweet! He makes me cum sooooooo hard!" Suddenly she threw in.

And Ashley's head practically dropped down to the seat, his eyes rapidly glancing about to see if any one of the guests had hear Vanessa say that rather loudly. "Geez! Vanessa! You and Selena don't seem to understand the concept of public modesty!" He scolded her.

She found that to be an even more adorable trait, "Oh relax you nun, look around nobody cares what the two receptionists are yapping about up front. They're too busy benching nine thousand pounds and listening to eye of the tiger or some shit on their phones." She flashed him a white grin, "But anyways, yeah, from what I hear you're a pretty good lay."She raised her eyebrows at him.

Ashley was full on flushing red now, "I...I..." He wasn't sure how to respond, did he tell her that it was the truth? That when he and Selena had sex he was pretty sure she came hard, but as long as it was with her shoving a big black cock up his damn butt? Did she know that, that was how Selena and he made love?

"No! No, Selena wouldn't tell anybody that. That's our personal private business...right?" HE thought a little worriedly.

"Heehee, guess it just makes me have all the more reason to be jealous. Damn amazon bitch got you before I could." She joked again...well...mostly joked, but he didn't have to know that. "But yeah, sounds like you guys are rocking the bedroom pretty hard based on what she's said."

Ashley was forcing his eyes to look all over the room, anywhere but at Vanessa right now. Scanning the large industrial lights on the ceiling and the equipment up on the second floor while he just nodded in response with tight sealed lips. "Mhm! Mhmmmm!" All he could manage to reply with. Unable to further comment on what was being discussed, was this really appropriate coworker conversation for this workplace?

Vanessa then scooted closer and rested her elbow on the desk beside them, "She also tells me that you look pretty damn good in a nice pair of yoga pants."

"What!? She told you that too?" Ashley burst, unfortunately a little louder than he probably should have, but he calmed himself and ducked his head behind the computer again. "That was just last night? She told you that already?"

The busty brunette grinned, "We're girlfriends Ashley, we tell each other eeeeeverything..." She then gave him a coy, 'knowing' look. "And I mean, eeeeeeveryyyyythiiiiing..." Her smile was so evil, so cruel. It send such an icy chill up the boys body as he practically folded in on himself.

It was almost like she was trying to telepathically convey, 'I know your girlfriend fucks you up the ass you little pervy bottom boy slut. Oh yeah, I know and I can tell the whooooole world. What would mommy and daddy think of their precious baby boy when they find out he likes cock up his ass? Nice thick, big black cock!'

Or maybe that was just his anxiety.

But was this what his life was going to be like at this job? Under constant flirtation attack both here and at home from two stacked women that just couldn't go a day without pushing his buttons?

"" Did he really dare to ask? Did he even want to know what this woman knew? If she did what did that mean? If she knew that he liked it up the butt from his dominant girlfriend, would that affect his job here? Would she use it to humiliate him somehow? So many questions, so much fear, Ashley was on the verge of exploding.

But Vanessa seemed dead set on making this boy blow, "Ohhh you know...just..." She trailed her finger in a circle on the desk, fingernails painted a cute pink color. " you look in a nice tight thong..."

"Okay stop!" Ashley raised his hands to his ears, eyes squeezed shut desperate. She knew...she had to know about what him and Selena had done. And he mentally noted that he would need to have a stern talking to her later on over the topic of privacy in relationships. But he digresses, Vanessa knew, at least about the thong underwear and the girly yoga clothes. And just that information alone was enough to make Ashley wanna dash out the front door and never look back. "Please! This is so embarrassing!"

Immediately Vanessa leaned off the desk, "Oh I'm only kidding Ashley, I'm just trying to play around to pass some time." She reached out and patted his shoulder, "Don't be so embarrassed."

"How can I not be?" He weakly whined, "I did it for Selena, I swear I'm not...I'm not a pervert..."

"Ashley..." She started, narrowing her eyes on the boy and raising a more serious tone to her voice, "You're not a pervert you dummy. You're a good boyfriend, you're accepting of your girlfriends fetish and having fun with her in a perfectly healthy, normal, and safe way." Her hand continued to rub his shoulder comfortingly, "Listen, I know you've only known her for a few days, but I've known her for years. And she's very picky with her boys because, as I'm sure you've noticed, she likes very particular things."

"Ain't that the truth." Ashley thought.

"But this doesn't make you weird, or perverted or anything bad at all! It makes you perfect for her." She explained, enough so that Ashley slowly started to lower his hands from his head and open his eyes.

"What do you mean?" Clearly he wasn't yet convinced that he was safe yet. And Vanessa suddenly found herself thinking that maybe she should've saved this conversation for a day other than his first day shadowing her.

But the damage was done, and there was no turning back now so might as well help him get through it. She needed to let him know her intentions were only for the good of Selena's happiness, and his too! She meant him no trouble, maybe a little tease every now and again, but she only wanted to help.

So she continued to explain. "Selena hasn't had a good, long lasting relationship for quite a while, and honestly, in the last couple of days, this is the happiest I've seen her walking around here than in the last six plus years." Vanessa told him honestly, seeming to draw more of Ashley's attention out of the little bubble he tried to hide in for a moment. "In my book, that means she's found someone that she reeeeeally likes, and really makes her happy. And apparently gives her some epic orgasms. That's something to be proud of Ashley, not something to be embarrassed about." She explained.

Her words slowly settling into Ashley's head, it did make sense that he was being accepting of her own fetish and letting her experience pleasure just in the same way she gave it to him. It does make plenty of sense that he was dressing up in those tight pants and tight thongs for her, not for his own pleasure.

Definitely not...for his own...

The memory of how tight those thongs fit him almost made him bite his lip. He hated how embarrassed it made him feel but...he really enjoyed they made him feel too.

Of course he couldn't let her know that though so he simply said, "I guess..." Pausing for a moment then continuing, "I mean...the pants weren't uncomfortable or anything but...the thong...I'm still not sure about." Still sounding a little unsure of himself though.

Vanessa slumped a little still looking at him with a look of comfort and also a little mockery. As if she found his embarrassment over Selena and his antics to be silly. But that's when a light bulb lit up above her head.

Her gaze then changed to a quick scan over Ashley's body, sizing him up and trying to guess what size he was, and what certain clothes in her mind would look like if they were on him. She definitely had a better eye for fashion than Selena, she was all gym shorts and sports bras, Vanessa loved dresses, girly clothes and high heels.

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