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Born With A Broken Heart

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A rock concert leads to the best experience of his life.
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Fast guitar riffs driven by aggressive drum beats rang out in the venue as Jonas entered full of anticipation. He had been looking forward to this concert for weeks. Although the music of the main band only partially met his taste, he had long been raving about the lead female singer and visual figurehead of this band. The blonde and beautiful Norwegian with her angelic voice was now more than just a crush for him. He literally idolized her; her presence, coupled with her always elegant stage outfits, had already taken his lonely heart by storm years ago.

As a result, Jonas had been attending almost every gig of her band in the area ever since, as long as his time and finances allowed.

As the first support act of the evening was better than expected, the few visitors who had already arrived had gathered directly in front of the stage, so Jonas took the opportunity to get a beer without queuing and then take a look at the bands' merchandise stands. Relaxed, he sipped the beer of his choice while inspecting the new tour shirts. A chance glance to the side suddenly made him freeze. He almost dropped his drink. Surely it couldn't be? Was it really her?

A blonde lady was standing about two meters away from him, chatting animatedly with the person selling the band merchandise. Although she was wearing a hooded sweatshirt and baseball cap, he was absolutely certain. It was her. There was absolutely no doubt.

His heart was immediately pounding with excitement and his hands began to tremble. He would have loved to speak to her and tell her how much he adored her, but he was paralyzed with nervousness. Fortunately, the stall was a little out of the way, so no one noticed him staring at her, transfixed. About two minutes later, she ended her conversation, but instead of leaving the stall, she actually turned to Jonas and smiled at him. Shocked with surprise, he immediately turned white as a sheet.

When she then addressed him in perfect English, he was almost on the verge of fainting. "Hi. I think you recognized me despite my casual outfit. Isn't that right?"

Jonas just nodded. "Thank you for coming to our concert. You're here for us, aren't you?" Jonas nodded again. "Fine. I'm Sara, but I'm sure you already know that." He swallowed and nodded again. Finally, his inner blockage eased a little and a few words left his lips. "Hi. I'm Jonas and I'm a big fan." She smiled warmly at him. "You can talk after all. Nice to meet you. I like to use the time before and after the shows to talk to our friends and fans. It's very important to me. Unfortunately, these moments are usually very limited."

After some small talk about the band and the new album, Jonas became a little braver and confessed his almost boundless admiration for her. The beautiful Norwegian thanked him politely and beamed at him. "Your words really mean a lot to me. It's really good to know that your work is appreciated. After all, all my heart and soul goes into these songs and my shows. What is your favorite song? I can't promise anything, but maybe I'll get it on the setlist."

Touched, the young man told her the name of the song and made it clear that just talking to her was one of the best moments of his life. Absent-mindedly, he gave full rein to his enthusiasm and gushed that it would be the greatest thing for him to hear his favorite song live today and that he would even kiss her feet in return.

The next moment he immediately froze and turned bright red. Had he really just said that? Had he really just casually blurted out his most secret wish in front of his dream woman? The extremely attractive lady smiled at him, visibly amused. A seemingly endless moment later, she beamed at him with her deep blue eyes.

"You're sweet and thanks for the compliment. We haven't played your favorite song for a long time, but I'll see what I can do. Now I have to get ready for the gig. It was a pleasure to meet you Jonas. Have fun tonight."

As soon as she had disappeared backstage, he narrowed his eyes and shook his head in amazement. What an idiot he was. It was almost a miracle that Sara hadn't just left him standing there after his totally superfluous comment. What had possessed him? Even if it was true, of course, the comment about kissing her feet to thank her was completely inappropriate, weird and certainly totally off-putting. She probably thought he was a total weirdo or even one of those stalkers who now regularly harassed prominent ladies. He would have liked to slap himself at that moment, but preferred to go to the bar and wash down this embarrassing incident with a few beers.

Around an hour and a half and two more bands later, the time had finally come and the evening's headliner took to the stage. Excited and full of anticipation, Jonas already had a good view of the band so as not to miss a second of the beautiful Norwegian's performance. As expected, the blonde beauty was almost unrecognizable in her stage outfit and beamed down on him from above like a Nordic goddess, also perfectly illuminated.

For the next hour, Jonas was completely blown away and forgot about the world around him. He was literally intoxicated by this angelic voice and the perfectly arranged anthemic sound of the well-rehearsed band, and had only eyes for this graceful and, for him, absolutely perfect female being, with whom he had even spoken in person shortly before. Smiling happily, he was just taking a sip of his drink when an unexpected announcement from Sara caught his attention.

"Ok. The next song is a bit older and for a special fan who I had the pleasure of meeting today. Jonas, just for you! - Born With A Broken Heart - "

He almost choked when she said his name. Was he dreaming or had she really kept her promise? Not only had she remembered his name, she had even mentioned it in front of everyone and even dedicated the song to him. The very song that meant more to him than any other and literally spoke from his soul. Completely perplexed and touched, he stared with wet eyes at the beautiful singer, who had just changed her outfit again and was now singing this song for him.

Was this perhaps the best moment of his life so far? He didn't know. All he knew was that he wanted nothing more than for this song never to end. But three minutes later, this magical moment was already over and the band ended this absolutely unique concert for Jonas shortly afterwards after several loudly demanded encores.

Most of the audience were already streaming towards the exit or the toilets as the young man continued to stare in the direction of the stage. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a muscular, heavily tattooed guy stood in front of him. Slightly startled, Jonas looked around as the guy, who obviously belonged to a band, handed him something.

"From Sara."

While the muscleman was already walking away from him, Jonas took a look at the unexpected gift and his eyes suddenly widened. He was actually holding a black plastic card with the word Backstage Pass printed on it in white letters.

Completely surprised and almost overwhelmed, the young man looked around. His heart was once again pounding with excitement. What could this possibly mean? Without being able to form a clear thought, he automatically walked towards the cordoned-off area, which was generally reserved for the bands.

When the roadie's stern look at the door immediately gave way to a nod as he showed his ID, the young man trembled with excitement. Just seconds later, he was already standing in front of a solid wooden door with a makeshift note taped to it. "Changing room Sara." His hands were still shaking with excitement when he knocked on the door and a female voice immediately invited him in.

As soon as he had closed the door behind him, his gaze fell on the slender lady, who was actually lounging casually in an already worn leather armchair with a bottle of beer in her hand and her legs crossed. Exhausted from her performance, she was still wearing her last stage outfit and the matching high-heeled leather boots that reached above her knees. With a friendly smile, she took a large swig from the bottle and looked him straight in the eye.

"Hello Jonas. There you are. I hope you enjoyed our performance?" He greeted her somewhat shyly and thanked her for the dedication of the song and the unexpected backstage pass. The blonde singer smiled. "You're welcome. I'm glad I could make you happy. But why don't you sit down first? Would you like a drink?"

While he pulled up a chair, she opened a bottle of beer with her lighter in a well-practiced manner and handed it to him.

Surprised by her very down-to-earth and rather less ladylike behavior, Jonas looked at her in slight irritation. Grinning, she toasted him.

"It's not always easy when you're the only girl on tour and you always have to watch your voice. Nevertheless, the boys seem to have rubbed off on me a bit over the years. Even if I can't party with them after every gig for the sake of my vocal chords. Well, you're probably wondering why you're here? You didn't expect that, did you?"

Without thinking, he nodded excitedly. The long-legged beauty smiled sweetly and was delighted that she had pulled off this surprise perfectly.

"It's quite simple. You seem like a nice guy and since we're not leaving until tomorrow around noon, I'd like some company. My boys will probably drink the night away and spend the time maybe finding a girl for a few hours of fun."

They both grinned. She fixed him with her deep blue eyes. "Well, I'd be delighted if you'd like to spend some time with me. Maybe we'll even take you up on your offer from before the show. Who knows? After all, you still owe me for the song. Don't you?"

He swallowed. Was this really happening? Had this blonde goddess just told him that she at least had no problem with having her feet kissed to pass the time? Unsure, he immediately replied that it was an honor to keep her company. Sara noticed his reddish complexion with amusement.

"Hey, don't be embarrassed. It's nice and an incredible compliment for me. If I'm honest, I really love it when people adore me sincerely and from the bottom of their hearts. It's not something I would say in interviews, but being the center of attention and being adored is certainly a major aspect of why I became a singer."

He stared at her wide-eyed as the attractive lady continued.

"Just so there are no misunderstandings, I'm not looking for a lover or a drinking buddy for the night. I'm more in the mood for some courteous company, if you understand me Jonas."

When he immediately nodded in agreement, she smiled contentedly. "Fine."

Grinning smugly, she leaned back expectantly, her eyes still fixed on him. After a few seconds, the still confused Jonas hesitantly took heart and actually got down on his knees in front of his dream woman with his head bowed. Laughing loudly, she then threw her head back.

"If you like, you can also lick my boots before you kiss my feet as promised."

To her surprise, in just a few moments his tongue was eagerly gliding over the slightly dusty leather of her very elegant leather boots. As if in a trance, he humiliated himself in front of the prominent lady and also thanked her for the honor of licking her shoes. The blonde beauty grinned with amusement as she tied up her long hair.

"You're welcome. I'll do anything for my fans. If you enjoy it so much, you can lick the rest of my shoes clean later. But for now, help me take off my boots, because somehow I have a premonition that someone is about to kiss my feet very thoroughly. Don't you think so?"

It was obvious how much she enjoyed playing with him and being in control. As soon as he had helped her out of her boots and fishnets, he showered the woman's shapely feet with passionate and loving kisses. Thousands of times his lips touched her feet, which were still sweaty and slightly fragrant from her performance, while he submissively bent his head down to the floor and complimented the beautiful lady.

Sara listened to his praise with great pleasure and let her submissive admirer kiss her feet for a few minutes. When she then crossed her feet and presented him with her sweaty soles, the young man looked up at her with uncertainty. But just one look from her later, he knew that the proud lady also wanted her feet licked clean. Obediently, his tongue immediately slid over the sweaty soles of her feet, eliciting a pleasure-filled moan from the blonde beauty.

"Oh, that's pleasant. Keep going. Lick my feet nicely."

A few minutes later, as he was cleaning the spaces between her toes with his tongue, there was a sudden knock at the door. But instead of waiting for an answer, it was pulled open a crack at almost the same moment and a long-haired guy with a full beard stuck his head through.

"Sara, are you coming with us? We want to go to a club." But she just shouted at him angrily. "How many times do I have to tell you that you have to wait for permission before entering a room! And no, you can see that I'm busy."

When the man, who was also blonde and a member of her band, saw Jonas kneeling at her feet, he began to shake his head with a grin. Sara then threw her lighter at him.

"Now get out of here! I'm going to take care of this fan."

Still grinning, he picked up the lighter, pocketed it and closed the door, grinning and muttering to himself. "Yeah, right. That's what I call fan service."

A moment later, she was already smiling down at Jonas again, who stared at her, startled by the unexpected visitor.

"Don't worry about it. He'll keep it to himself. Everything that happens on tour stays on tour. Musician's word of honor. Now get on with it. Because I kind of like it when you call me goddess and pamper my feet. Or wait. Why don't you accompany me to my hotel room? It's only two streets around the corner. I could do with someone to help me carry my luggage."

A little intimidated by the shock of the unexpected visitor, the young man hesitated at her feet. The attractive blonde now stroked his hair tenderly.

"I'm only in town until tomorrow morning and would be happy if we could continue this a little longer. Maybe I'll sing the song for you again. Just for you and without a band. You could kneel in front of me and adore me. Would you like that?"

Of course, he didn't resist her seductive words. After nodding in agreement, he gratefully kissed her feet. She smiled benevolently at him.

"That's a good boy. I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun tonight."

Five minutes later she had packed up the rest of her things and another fifteen minutes later they were already entering their hotel room together in a nearby motel. As soon as the blonde beauty had locked the door, she grinned lecherously at the admirer she had brought with her.

" So, Jonas. I'm going to read my messages and post a few pictures from the show. In the meantime, you can take care of my shoes. That's what you want, isn't it? To serve me and be useful to me. Why don't you tell me again what an honor it is for you to lick the dirt off my shoes? I love hearing that."

When he immediately dropped to his knees in front of her, kissed the tips of her boots and thanked her, she began to laugh heartily again.

"Oh, you're so cute when you're so submissive. Kind of reminds me of a little puppy. I think I could really get used to having my feet kissed and being called goddess. But what woman wouldn't like that, to be adored and desired from the bottom of her heart?"

Relatively soberly, she searched through her suitcases and shortly afterwards held a worn pair of sneakers under Jonas' nose. His surprised look gave her a broad grin.

"You thought I only wore high heels? By the way, these are my absolute favorite shoes. Not suitable for the stage, but incredibly comfortable. I've probably worn these old sneakers more than all the rest of my shoes put together. What do you think? Are you a sweetie and clean them for me?"

She had barely spoken these words when his tongue was already cleaning the worn and slightly dirty leather of her casual shoes. The beautiful singer watched him for a moment, fascinated, until she disappeared into the bedroom of the hotel room the next moment, grinning and shaking her head. When the self-confident Norwegian returned about half an hour later in elegant and incredibly high strappy sandals, she stopped in the doorway in surprise and held her hand over her mouth with a girlish grin. In the meantime, Jonas had surrendered to his extremely submissive tendencies and was actually crouching on the floor of this hotel room completely undressed and licking the soles of her old street shoes with great enthusiasm.

As this sight was not without a certain comedy, it was no wonder that the beautiful blonde couldn't stop laughing for a moment. She enthusiastically reached for her smartphone and captured the spectacle on video.

"Don't worry! The video is just a souvenir for myself. After all, it's not every day that someone licks the soles of my shoes naked and on his knees. I've already had one or two special admirers, but no one has ever done anything like this for me before. Wow!"

Ashamed, the young man looked down. What was he doing here? In the frenzy of his lust, he had probably overdone it. Fortunately, Sara was flattered rather than shocked by his absolutely brainless and spontaneous action of stripping naked while licking her shoes.

Still giggling, her eyes now began to sparkle. "Now you've made me curious. Go on. Crawl over here and show me your penis! Then you can kiss my feet."

Jonas froze in a fraction of a second. This young lady was apparently more self-absorbed and sensationalist than he had thought. He was slowly getting a little carried away. She actually wanted to look at his genitals and apparently even wanted to film him kissing her feet naked and on all fours. Where was this going to lead?

Nevertheless, at that moment he couldn't help but comply with her request. His inner compulsion to please this woman was simply too great. With his head cocked, he crawled towards her with his penis now erect and immediately presented his genitals with his legs spread, ashamed and exposed.

Enthusiastic, amused and still grinning, the blonde beauty now looked at, photographed and filmed him from almost every possible angle and also joked about him.

"So, your little friend really likes it when you're on your knees in front of me? Don't you think so Jonas?"

When he only looked down in humiliation, she started laughing loudly and heartily again.

"Oh, it's so much fun with you. And because you've been such a good boy, you can kiss my feet now. That's what you want, isn't it? What did you call me again earlier when you licked my shoes clean? Come on! Say it again."

Completely devoted, he bent his head down to the floor and kissed her toes intimately and lovingly, while the attractive singer was still recording every second on her smartphone.

"Thank you. Thank you for letting me kiss your feet. Thank you Goddess Sara. Thank you for the honor of letting me lick your shoes clean. Thank you. Thank you very, very much Goddess Sara."

She listened to his words with a grin. Somehow it almost seemed as if she was enjoying being worshipped by him more and more every minute. In any case, by now she was almost completely absorbed in her new role.

"Yes, kiss my feet you little creeper. Kiss your goddess's feet and thank me for allowing you to lick the dirt off my shoes."

Excited, she put the phone aside shortly afterwards, threw her long hair over her shoulders and looked down at him with her big blue eyes.

"Wow, I wouldn't have thought it, but somehow that really turns me on right now. Why don't you quickly clean your mouth and tongue in the bathroom and then join me in the bedroom? Your goddess is in the mood for some more intimate pampering right now. You can continue kissing my feet later."


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