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Borrowed Wife

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Since his wife left can Rob borrow another one?
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As I released swimsuit model Kate Upton's clitoris from my lips I shinned up to her nipples and started simultaneously sucking and massaging them. As she groaned in pleasure I moved my hips up, buried my rock hard cock in her pussy in one forceful thrust, and started undulating my pelvis. In short order she was screaming in ecstasy as I jettisoned a week's worth of cum into her eager vagina.

I woke up from my dream in a sweat. Once I got my bearings I quickly came back down from my fake orgasm and thought to myself "Shit, it doesn't have to be Kate Upton's – I'd settle for any decent pussy right now."

It had been a long time since I blew my wad without the help of my own hand, almost since my wife left. I was still very confused, stunned, and angry, not in a good frame of mind for finding a suitable sexual partner.

Many of my ex-wife's friends seemed anxious to "comfort" me; but I thought that that was creepy. Whenever I looked at them – most married – I saw her. Plus just having had my marriage ruined I didn't want to do that to someone else that I knew. Actually those are all just excuses. None of them turned me on.

Whenever my mind wasn't fully occupied I asked myself the same questions over and over again. What made her fall out of love with me – all of her friends considered me good looking, in fact better looking than she was. I am the same weight I was when I graduated from college more than thirty years earlier, with almost the same muscle tone. I have all my hair, I'm rich, and I thought that I paid attention to her, and certainly never missed a birthday, anniversary, or any other special occasion. She seemed to orgasm almost every time we had sex, and I did my best to please her orally in addition to regularly porking her.

My two adult children were supportive of me, but unfortunately that didn't help much. I don't know whether they were just being kind, or honest, when they said that they were as clueless as to their Mom's motivation for splitting as I was. In the few family gatherings since the breakup, however, they did seem to be more distant from their Mother than in the past.

Anyway, just as my questions went unanswered for the umpteenth time I spotted a car in distress on the side of the road a few miles from my lake house. There looked to be a mother and two little kids. I pulled over to help.

"Hi, my name is Rob. What's wrong?" I said as I walked toward the stalled vehicle. The Mom turned to face me – she had tears in her eyes. Unconsciously I sized her up – then chastised myself for scrutinizing a young mother as a potential sex partner. She was probably 5'8"-5'10" with frizzy blond hair and too much makeup. She was likely twenty five years younger than I was, wearing cutoff jeans, sandals, and a halter top. Her face was fairly ordinary but except for skinny thighs she had every appearance of having a smokin' body.

"My old piece of junk just stopped," she replied as she wiped a tear from her cheek.

"Did you call a tow truck or road service?" I innocently asked.

"No, I don't have a cell phone – besides it wouldn't do any good because I don't have any money to pay for a tow, let alone get my car fixed," she responded, her voice starting to crack.

"Oh," I sheepishly retorted. "Maybe I can get it going," I continued, not knowing where that came from since I am about as mechanically astute as a baboon.

"Thanks. By the way, my name is Caley," she said, her voice starting to return to normal as she held out her hand.

"Nice to meet you Caley," I said shaking her soft but strong hand. Her little kids in the car back seat apparently weren't hiding when personalities were passed out because they immediately joined the conversation.

"Hi, Mister, I'm Jonah," her little boy, who looked to be about six or seven, shouted, "ya gonna fix our car?"

"I'm Faith," her likely five year old blond daughter piped in, "sometimes Mommy lets me wear some makeup."

"Well nice to meet both of you," I smiled, "I sure hope that I can help."

As I looked under the hood pretending to know what I was doing Jonah and Faith kept up a constant banter despite Caley's admonitions to let me think while I tried to fix their car. As non-mechanical as I was it was obvious that there was a serious problem. It looked like a blown transmission.

"Sorry, Caley," I said, wiping the June sun inspired sweat from my forehead. "I can't fix it. But you know what I can do," I lied, "I have a friend who owns a garage and I know that I can get him to tow you and diagnose the problem free of charge."

"Thanks, Rob, that's very nice of you," Caley earnestly replied.

"Our daddy's in jail for fooling people at a bank," Faith piped up, "Can you give us a ride in your cool car, "Jonah cheeped.

"Children, stop, already," Caley said as she winced and started to turn red.

I just laughed at her mortified expression and said "Hey, kids will be kids, no problem." I picked up my cell phone and called a garage I had brought my car to on occasion; I had programmed the number into my Android. I walked away so that Caley couldn't hear my conversation since I had only met the manager twice and wasn't even sure that I remembered his name, and certainly couldn't ask him to tow Caley's car gratis. But Caley was a damsel in distress, and her kids were impossibly cute, so I had no problem paying for the tow and inspection.

After getting the manager's assurance that he would charge me for his services and not say anything to Caley about it I had a big grin on my face as I gave Caley the good news – "The tow truck will be here in ten-fifteen minutes and they'll tow your car and diagnose the problem free of charge." She looked relieved and apprehensive at the same time.

I spent the time until the truck arrived chatting with Caley's kids. I tried to pump them for as much information as possible while Caley tried to keep them from revealing all the family secrets. It had been more than twenty years since my son and daughter were little and I thoroughly enjoyed my chat.

There was a problem, however. The more I looked at Caley, the hotter she looked. As any hetero male knows there are some women who are ultra-sexy even though it's hard to pinpoint exactly why. Caley was one of only two or three women that I had met in my life that were in that category.

As I said earlier except for her thin thighs she had a smokin' body, with a fairly ordinary makeup-overdone face. However she had intangibles that were off the charts. The way she moved her legs and arms, the way she shook hair strands from her face, the way she smiled, the way she laughed – I was becoming intoxicated by her.

Just before Caley was sure to notice that I was ogling her the tow truck thankfully arrived. The driver dutifully started hooking up Caley's car as I led the kids to my car to give them and Caley a ride to the garage. I had to put my wrap-around mirrored sunglasses on as Caley twisted her body while in the front seat, exposing more thigh – which I now determined was muscular even if thin – and some cleavage – her boobs were somewhere between big and enormous.

We had more friendly chatter as we followed the tow truck to the garage, and after initially going in to see the manager to give him my credit card to assure that Caley would not be billed or notified of the arrangement I sent her in to talk with him.

As Caley talked to the manager I continued to pump her kids for information. As anyone who has dealt with kids in the five to ten year old range knows while their perspective on things may be bizarre, they don't lie and as long as they don't view you as a "stranger" they are anxious to answer all questions even if they have been told not to by their parents.

From the kids – filtering out some things that were obviously misconceptions on their part – I learned: In fact their father had left for prison just after Christmas because he had conned bank officials as well as many members of the public. They went to see him about once a month. Their Mom cried a lot because she couldn't buy them things that they wanted. Santa Claus was so busy that he didn't have time to give them each more than one gift at Christmas. And thaat they didn't like living in the apartment complex they lived in because it didn't have a swing set like their old house had, and there were some weird neighbors.

After talking to the manager of the garage for ten or fifteen minutes Caley returned. "The manager was very nice, but not really encouraging about what might be wrong," she told me. "He said he'd know by the end of the day tomorrow what the problem was and call with an estimate then. Thank you so much for your help, Rob."

"My pleasure," I replied, "I thoroughly enjoyed your kids. They're adorable and full of life."

"That's a nice way of saying that they're challenging," she laughed.

"I'd be happy to give you a ride to wherever you want to go," I offered.

"Well we were going to the grocery store, but you can just take us home," Caley replied.

"Let me make one call," I said, "to check on the status of something and if there is no problem I can take you to the store and then home."

I could tell that Caley was apprehensive but before she could respond her kids intervened. Jonah was carefully monitoring our conversation and piped up "Hey, cool, Faith, we get to go to the store with Mr. Rob and ride in his neat car." Faith giggled and clapped her hands.

"I guess I don't have a choice if I don't want a mutiny," Caley chuckled.

I made a call to the business I was going to visit and cancelled my meeting with them. I was a potential investor and they were obviously disappointed but I assured them I still wanted a meeting and tour and rescheduled it for the next day.

Jonah begged his Mom to sit in the front seat as we drove to the store, so I turned off the passenger's side airbag. Faith was too small to be out of a car seat so she stayed in back in her car seat, much to her dismay. Jonah had dozens of questions that he peppered me with about my car – an all-electric Tesela (not the car I had brought to the garage; that was my Ferrari), and between answering them I pretended to ask Faith for directions on how to get to the store, which she was happy to provide and most of which were correct even though she had trouble with right versus left.

The four of us shopped in the store with the kids asking for the usual stuff that responsible parents wouldn't buy, and I helped Caley out in explaining to them why they really shouldn't get them. When it came time to check out I could tell that Caley was nervous – I had noticed food stamps in her purse – and to avoid embarrassing her I volunteered to take the kids outside and wait until she had checked out before helping her with the groceries. She was relieved and readily consented to my suggestion.

Caley declined my offer to help transport the groceries from my car to her second floor apartment – again I'm sure it was because of embarrassment – and I didn't push it. I did give her my phone number, however, and told her to call me if she needed a ride someplace until her car was fixed. Jonah gave me a high five before carrying a bag of groceries for his Mom and Faith gave me a big hug when I dropped her car seat at the end of the walkway to their apartment. Caley gave me a delicious smile and a sincere "Thank you."

As I drove away several things were clear. The apartment complex Caley lived in wasn't suitable for an attractive young woman, let alone little kids. I was bowled over by how sexy Caley was and how much fun her kids were. I was embarrassed by my physical and emotional reaction to someone twenty five years my junior. I would help her out with her car without her knowing it, but I wouldn't try and contact her unless she called me. If she did call I'd do my best to establish a relationship.

I talked to the garage manager again and convinced him to call me before calling Caley once he knew what the cost would be to repair her car. He did call about 4:00 p. m. the day after I met Caley and told me that it needed a new transmission and belts but that it otherwise was in decent shape considering its age. Further he said that he could get a reconditioned transmission if Caley was able to wait a week, which would cut the cost in half. I asked him to give Caley an estimate of $99 to fix it if she waited a week, otherwise it would be $500, and that I'd pay the rest over $99. I knew that this maximized the chance that Caley would call.

I was thrilled when Caley called me the next day. "Hi, Rob, this is Caley."

"Hi, Caley, did you hear about your car yet?"

"Yes, the good news is that it is only going to cost $99 and I should be able to pay that when I get my next welfare check. But it's going to take a week and tomorrow I need to get the kids to their pediatrician, and I can't really reschedule because with Medicaid it is so hard to get an appointment. Did you really mean it when you said you could help?"

"Absolutely; what time do you need me?"

"Could you pick us up at 10:00 a.m.?"

"Sure; how long do you think it will take?"

"It might be two hours; you could leave and I could try and find another way home."

"I'll have a solution tomorrow – see you at 10 Caley!"

"Thanks, Rob."

My solution was to buy her a burner phone with $50 prepaid so that she could call me when they were finished since no matter how much I liked her and her kids there was no way that I was waiting in a doctor's office for two hours. She was very pleased with my gift. She knew how to work it since she had one before her husband got sent to the slammer and her finances tanked, so I picked her up when they were finished. I invited her and the kids to dinner, which they gave her no choice but to accept.

The next few weeks I put a low key rush on Caley always including her kids in activities. They especially liked the two days they spent at my Lake House, tubing, swimming, kayaking, and otherwise having a great time. While my rush was low-key I did do one provocative thing. Caley had no swim suit so I bought her a bikini. I apologized profusely when she put it on since it left little to the imagination, telling her that it was what the saleswoman recommended. She laughed it off since I also bought her a cover-up, but I have to say that in the bikini she could make a dead man get an erection!

About four weeks after I met Caley I went to her apartment to pick her and the kids up for another day at the lake. Since she seemed not to want me to come to her apartment as usual I called when I got outside, both her land line and the burner cell phone I had given her. There was no answer for either. That concerned me so I went to her second floor apartment.

Standing outside the door I could hear two men yelling, and what they were yelling about alarmed me. I banged on the door as hard as I could shouting "Caley, open up, it's time to leave." I could hear a man in a stage whisper saying something to Caley and then she spoke in a halting voice. "Sorry, Rob, our plans changed and we can't go with you today. I'll call you tomorrow."

"Hell no, Caley. I heard male voices yelling at you. If someone doesn't open this door in fifteen seconds I'm calling 911."

Shortly thereafter a slimy looking guy with a gun in his waistband opened the door and said "You're sticking your nose where it don't belong. Get the fuck out."

"Actually, shithead, you're the one who's leaving," I shot back with one hand on my phone and the other ready in case he went for his gun. "Caley is my grandniece and I run two of Jimmy Parker's legitimate businesses – you've heard of him haven't you shit for brains?"

Jimmy Parker was the crime boss in the closest big city, about fifty miles away. Of course I didn't really run two of his businesses, but I did know him from a charity board which he tried to use to enhance his image, and he did know who I was.

The slime ball's face got ashen when I said that. Without giving his pea brain time to think I quickly continued. "I have Jimmy on speed dial and once I press this button you're toast, now I'm coming in and you're leaving."

I quickly walked past him. I was pleased to see that the kids were not in the main room and that what was likely the bedroom door was closed. The second guy was even slimier than the first one. As they started to depart with angry looks on their faces, swearing under their breath, I saw a bruise on Caley's face and tears in her eyes. I picked up a wine bottle that was on a counter, hit the second guy over the head with it, and then hit the first guy in the nose with it obviously breaking it. I grabbed the barrel of his gun as he grabbed the handle, and twisted it, breaking his thumb and causing him to cry out in pain.

"You broke my fucking nose and thumb you bastard," the first slime ball kept moaning as he lay on the floor in pain. The second guy was groggy but not unconscious. I rolled him over, didn't find a gun on him, then dragged him out the door and threw him down the stairs. I then put the gun in the first guy's mouth and said "If you or any of your slimy associates even so much as look at Caley or her kids again I will guarantee that Jimmy will have you killed. Got that!"

Now terrified, the first guy nodded. I pulled the gun out of his mouth and said "Now get out" as I yanked him to his feet, pushed him out the door, and closed it behind him.

Caley had a look of both terror and relief. She started sobbing and came up to me and hugged me, crying on my shoulder. I set the gun down on a counter. The bedroom door opened and both kids peeked around it, their eyes wide and tears in their eyes too. "It's OK, kids, everything is all right," I said. They ran up to me and held onto my legs.

When everyone calmed down I told Caley "You need to pack bags for you and the kids and stay with me the next couple of days. I have no idea what those guys will do and you don't want to be around if they come back."

I got no resistance. They packed quickly and Caley asked me to take the kids in my car and she followed me. Once we got to my house I convinced her that we needed to call the police.

Two policemen came out to my house and took both of our statements; one of us played with the kids down by the dock while the other one gave his/her statement. I handed the gun to the policemen and told them that they could find my prints on it and those of the owner. Caley knew one of the guy's names and by running the gun's prints they could find the other guy.

The kids seemed almost back to normal by bedtime. Caley was not. She felt the need to tell me that the guys had threatened her kids if she didn't work for them as a hooker – something that I had already gathered from what I heard outside the door. I assured her that I would do everything in my power to make sure that they never bothered her again. After almost a bottle of wine, and being completely emotionally spent, Caley finally seemed to relax. I helped her into the second guest bedroom while her kids slept in the first, and then went to bed myself in the master bedroom.

Early the next morning – it couldn't have been later than 5:30 – I woke to someone rubbing my shoulder. It was Caley – naked – with the most awesome body I had ever seen! "Caley, what..." was all I got out before she kissed me, and then whispered "You helped me, now I'm going to help you – enjoy yourself."

With that she took the sheet off of me, pulled down my boxers – which is all that I had on – and started sucking my already half-hard cock. It took her all of ten seconds to get it rock hard, and despite my half-hearted (actually it was more like one-tenth-hearted) objections shortly after that she had mounted me and slowly impaled herself on my stiffy. Once I was completely buried she started bouncing, twisting, and pulsing her pc muscles in earnest, all at the same time.


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