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Boston Babes, the Third Season


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"God you look lovely. Oh yummy tits."

"It's the only formal dress I own. Now I have been paid I must go shopping. Perhaps you could accompany me Saturday morning?"

"Yes for sure. Have a good evening. This script appears to be taking us in a new direction. My part has me acting like camp mother."

"Call Jack now and demand changes."

"In the morning will do."

"No that's when he'll be expecting you to call. Use tough strategy darling."

"God you not only look like a 26-year old in that dress but you sound like a female that old."

"But I'm too skinny and scare off males with my worldliness."

"Not for long babe. Wait until your first appearance is screened."

* * *

Joy Bryce answered the door. She was blonde, dressed in tight black and her big smile was very welcoming. Eva thought how could her cock-happy husband think of fucking anyone other than his wife?

"It is so lovely meeting you Eva. I couldn't believe you'd accept our invitation to dinner. You must have oodles of invitations?"

"I may have earned black marks if I'd turned down the boss's family."

"He wouldn't dare. You look lovely dear. Please come through. We'll grab a martini from the kitchen and go in and meet the others."

"May I call you Joy?"

"Of course dear."

"Joy my preferred pre-dinner drink is a beer to drink straight from the bottle. If that's not possible no problem."

"Of course, you may have anything you want. You're our guest."

"This is Eva," Joy announced and everyone in the room turned and conversations died.

"Hi everyone," Eva said, raising the beer in her hand.

"A beer drinker? Come over and join we guys," Darren said. "And welcome to our home Eva."

Joy hustled Eva over to meet her daughter Sharon and daughters-in-law Gina and Elizabeth. After the exchanges of pleasantries Darren pulled Eva over by the hand to meet his sons Philip and Raymond and son-in-law Dirk.

Eva said, "Oh hi Dirk, you were pointed out to me as director of photography and would be working on 'Boston Babes', being the principal DP in production.

"Yes that's right. And I watched your screen test so no one had to point you out to me."

"I guess you met Sharon at one of the studios?"

"Yes she was visiting her father, after money I believe, and she told me my zip was undone. That was five years ago and we got along well, married and now have two children."

The women wandered over and Sharon, the more forward of the women asked, "Why do you drink beer Eva?"

"My mother has done so for as long as I can remember and I began sipping from her bottle and when I turned sixteen she produced my own bottle that night and the habit grew."

"But beer makes you fat?"

"Yes and I was told by my Gran never to sit on a man's knee because you'll become pregnant. Some of these things are not always true for everyone. I used to sit on my father's knee and never became pregnant."

Sharon shrieked everyone into laughter.

Just then a guy wandered in dressed in black and wearing a black Stetson and black shades.

"Take your hat off inside my house Dillon."

Joy was ignored and the guy walked right up to Eva who was grouped with Sharon and Gina. He grinned at Eva and said, "And who might you be?"

"I'll talk to you if you take off your hat."

The guy snatched off his hat just as Joy, who'd come up behind him with a determined look, was reaching for it.

"I'm Eva Everett from out of Albany."

"You don't look American."

"Well you don't appear house trained so consider we are quits on insults."

He grinned. "I'm Joy's kid stepbrother. We share the same mom. My name is Dillon Fitzgerald."

"What the jazz guitarist?"

Dillon appeared quite startled. "You've heard of me?"

"Yeah, I heard you at the Boston Music Festival last year. You kinda got to me. I'm not one of these bimbos who demand musicians play numbers they recognize."

The room was hushed as this most unexpected conversation continued.

"Then want kind of bimbo are you?"

"Thanks for the compliment. I'm a musical mutant but good music rings true for me. I fancy I'm an aficionado of classic guitar and can recognize the playing of countless top exponents, perhaps twenty but that may be pushing it, within ten bars of hearing them play."

"How many of my CD's do you have?"

"You refuse to be recorded for distribution. But I do possess the unauthorized 'DF's One Hour Workshop' I downloaded from the Internet."

"That's pirated music and is illegal to possess."


"You can be arrested."

"Then arrest me but before you do so you may find it difficult finding the evidence."

"You suck."

"Oh that's charming from someone so possessive of his original music but I bet you have heaps of recordings of music from other composers. Think about that. Now fuck off and talk to someone else."

"I will and damn you."

"How is it Joy is so lovely?"

"What do you mean... oh, god you are a sly bitch."

Dillon went over to join the men to probably sulk.

"And so you've met my charming half-brother," Joy said, kissing Eva and apologizing.

"There's no need to apologize. It was okay. He needs a good woman to train him."

Sharon said softly, "Judging by the way you handled him that good woman might be you."

"He doesn't want to screw me, at least not the way you might be thinking Sharon. All he wants is to screw my neck."

The women muffled their laughs to avoid antagonized the belligerent thirty-year-old Dillon.

Three days later Eva received her draft script and read her lines aloud. Although they sounded obscure because it was a one-way reading she was pleased. In her mind the balance was perfect. She was tentative as a newcomer but a little saucy with just a touch of toughness showing... it was very much like Darren had wanted her cast. And that was very much like who she was.

She called Jack.

He said, "Hi Eva. I'm in a restaurant having late lunch with a bunch of buddies and we've getting drunk."

"Good for you."

"Oh dear. You're still mad at me making a pitch for you?"

"Not at all providing you accepted my reason for rejecting the pitch."

"Yeah I do. It made sense."

"Then let's be friends."

"Okay. So what's wrong with your lines?"

"Nothing. I'm so naïve I find them completely acceptable and thought I should call and tell you so you can relax knowing that was me out the way and that would allow you to go out and get a little drunk."

"I'm pleased. Now you take care Eva."

"You too Jack. You're a lovely guy. Bye."

Eva yawned and lay down for a nap. She'd like to go out and get bright on booze but had no one to do that with. Tessa's boyfriend had arrived back from somewhere and she'd gone out with him and Rosemary and Megan had gone to their gym. Eva didn't do gym but thought she should resume swimming and bike riding. Well she had to do something if she wasn't getting enough sex to help her keep fit. Yeah.

Eva's phone brought her out of sleep.



"That's a pretty big apology for me."

"Is that Dillon?

"Oh, so I'm the only one who's offended you?"

Eva giggled and said he sounded somewhat more appealing when in a conciliatory mood.


"Yes but you may believe you need to be somewhat abrasive to provide an edge with your composing."

He laughed and said that may well be the most intelligent comment he'd heard all week.

"God you can even stoop low enough to become a grease ball."

He chuckled.

"Did Sharon tell you to call me?"

"God, do you have external surveillance installed? She called me three times telling me to call."

"Call to apologize?"

"No just to call. She believes you might be good for me. I was astonished to learn you are the replacement walk-on in 'Boston Babes'."

"Well someone has to do it."

"Careful, you might trip over your modesty."

Eva said she would be surprised if he watched that show.

"Well at least you don't know everything. Guys watch the show to keep up to date with babes and watching them carry on makes guys feel superior."

"May I take you out for dinner tonight?"


"May I take you out for dinner tonight?"

"I was calling to ask you that same question."

"And I thought that would be the case but then thought you might be relieved that I'd accepted your apology you might have forgotten that purpose of your call."

"Um, don't get mad but you are one very strange girl."

"And you are strangely interesting. I bet you repel most women."

"Who told you that? Fucking Sharon I bet trying to keep you out of my influence?"

Frowning over that comment, wondering exactly what he'd meant, Eva said, "No and don't be so mean. She's lively and rather nice and is fearless like me. No my instinct told me you'd frighten off a lot of your women because your intensity is racked up a little too high for them."

"And you?"

"I find you okay and assume you are capable of improvement."

Dillon laughed and said cheeky bitch. "Yeah I'll come to dinner with you tonight. Do I bring an overnight bag?"



"Earn my respect and you can sleep with me. I have quite high standards."

"Aw, I bet you do."

"I'm on the cusp of launching into a career and I don't want anything to interfere with that such as acting foolishly over any guy and I don't necessarily mean you."

"But you do mean me."


"Christ you and Sharon should be living together. It's rare to run into women who are such straight talkers as you two and who are not butch."

"Well work on your insecurity problem and things like that won't loom large for you."

"What insecurity problem?"

"We'll get around to talking about that sometime. Let's not rush it and don't get nervous at me talking like this. I'd rather you screw me than you wanting to screw my neck."

Eva gave Dillon the address and she agreed with his suggest time of 8:30.


Episode 1 of the third series was a breeze, the whole hour being devoted to the need to find a replaced babe for the apartment for rent-sharing and housekeeping and meal-sharing and then the selection and the initiation of the new babe into the lifestyle of the three established roommates. The lines were fairly predictable and that was understandable but there were plenty of tense moments to project drama.

The readings went well as did rehearsals and then filming followed.

The grind and the demand for nuances provided Eva with some learning difficulties but the director Muriel was almost overcome by the way the other three girls supported the newcomer.

"What is happening here is what we are attempting to achieve on film," she said, quite astonished. "I had expected to see blood on the floor."

"Well Eva happens to have quite a way with her and never gets up our noses. You can thank Darren for getting us together early to assist with the transition."

"Damn right," Rosemary said. "It's as if Eva has always been with us."

"Well I want to see conflict on-screen." Muriel said sternly. "Conflict generates drama."

"Never fear Muriel, we are actors," Tessa said haughtily.

* * *

Darren hosted a party at Skipjack Productions for everyone who worked for him or was involved in Episode 1 together with their partners. The main purpose was to view the finished tape before he took the tape to the TV network for a preview.

"This mystery guy of yours," Tessa had said. "Do we finally get to see him at the preview party?"

"Yes. I didn't want him involved with you guys and particularly with me until the stress of doing my first episode was over."

"Fair enough," smiled Megan, "and I can understand that."

"Well I don't know if I agree with that," Tessa frowned and Rosemary shared that view.

"Well I've invited him and he asked should he bring a guitar and I said yes."

"Darren has hired a band. Perhaps your guy could play during the break."

"He plays professionally Tessa."


"I have no idea."

"With whom?"

"By himself I think."

"God, you don't know. What do you two talk about?"

"Quite a lot about sex. I've held off until I'm sure of him. We mostly eat and listen to music."

"Am I to believe you have been going out with this guy and haven't have sex with him?"

"Yes Rosemary."

"God she's lesbian," Megan said and the four girls screamed in laughter.

"Where's your guitar?" Eva asked, kissing Dillon and accepting compliments about how great she looked in her new little black dress. "Where's your moustache?"

"I shaved thinking I might get lucky tonight."

"I told the girls we haven't had sex."

"You told them that, why?"

"Because I knew they would be interested and now they don't know what to expect. You will enjoy them looking at you curiously and wondering if you have a dick."

"Oh god, I'm not going in."

"Yes you are. Come on."

"I didn't bring my guitar because I don't play to rowdy groups."

"You play at festivals."

"Have you ever been to a jazz festival?"

"No, aren't they similar to rock concerts."

"Christ you have no idea, have you?"

They walked into the party. Darren yelled, "Everyone, please welcome our baby babe, Eva Everett. Christ look who's with her, Dillon Fitzgerald."

People wondered Dillon who? But Eva and Dillon were applauded as they walked up to Darren to accept their glass of champagne.

The other three babes crowded Eva, eager to be introduced. She started with Tessa and all three kissed Dillon and said they were pleased to meet him and each babe appeared very genuine about that.

A few minutes later Joy arrived with Darren's business consultant and distribution agent and their partners and everyone sat down in front of the big screen.

There was no speech. The lights dimmed and the tape played.

For the first fifteen minutes of screen time after a tearful farewell to Claire filmed three months earlier in preparation for the new season's opening, Daisy (Tessa), Dana (Megan) and Lenka (Rosemary) worked through the piles of applications from prospective roommates, scrapping over which ones were acceptable and which ones must be rejected.

Some of the dialogue had the audience laughing almost helplessly. Finally the applications were pared down to the top twenty but the babes failed to all agree on any one of them.

"Well we obviously haven't picked the right candidate," Dana said.

Lenka said, "Toss them all back on to the pile, mess them up and Daisy you draw out one and we interview that babe."

"No, if my pick gets through our joint audition and proves to be a dud you'll gang up on me."

The pile was mixed.

"Go on Daisy."


"Oh [bleep]", shouted Rosemary and pulled out an applicant's letter and made Dana hold it and Daisy took it off them, laughing as Lenka said, "This ensures joint responsibility for choosing a dud roommate if it turns out like that."

The three of them looked at the photo.

"She's not pretty."

"She's young."

"God look at her steely eyes."

Savannah Mitchell (Eva), new to the city, was formerly interviewed by the three babes next evening and surprised by projecting as being calm and very pleasant.

"What are your interests in order of priority?"

"Oh gosh... hanging out, shopping, drinking in moderation, taking in romantic movies, making out with a guy, laying half asleep listening to music, chatting. That's about all.

Daisy, Lenka and Dana looked at one another, most impressed, suggesting they shared those same interests.

"Do you pass wind?"

"I never hear it if I do."

"Do you like expensive foods?"

"Nah, not really. They usually are fattening. Oh on special occasions, yes of course."

"Do you snore?"

"I've never had a complaint."

"Are you tidy?"

"Yes but no excessively."

"What is your sexual preference?"

"A hunky guy who knows how to move his hips."

The three interviewers went into a huddle looking at Savannah who had picked up the four coffee mugs and was washing them at the kitchen sink.

Daisy looked at her two fellow babes. They nodded. "We invite you to take up the vacant bed."

"Okay providing the bedroom I'm to share is with one of you who is committed solely to men."

The three babes rolled around laughing.

The scene shifts to Savannah on the phone talking to her mom.

"I'm found a share apartment with three other young women, all a little older than me."

"Oh darling, do be careful. Are they of loose morals?"

'How do I determined that?"

"Well are they on drugs and have tattoos and untidy hair?"

"I don't know. But they are open, vivacious, appear intelligent, look healthy and appear apprehensive about me."

"Well darling. It appears you've hit the jackpot. I'm so pleased."

The scene switches to the four babes waiting outside a restaurant on Tyler Street in Boston (pre-shoots of the street and restaurant being included).

"We'll be waiting here for an hour," Lenka moaned. "Look at the line ahead of us."

"Give me five bucks each and I'll tip that bitch who decides who goes in and when."

Daisy snorts, "Twenty bucks? Savannah, are you crazy? A hundred might get us a table PDQ."

"What's PDQ?"

"Pretty damn quick."

"Oh Daisy, you'll have to excuse me. I'm from Albany."

The girls laughed and watched Savannah walk forward confidently.

Savannah says to the tough-looking woman managing entry, "We've scraped together twenty bucks to get us priority."

"Oh yes. That might just get you to the bathroom."

"I'm from Albany."

"Oh yes, so is my grandmother."

"Look, when you came to Boston for the first time and you knew nobody, can you remember what it felt like... hungry, just you and a couple of friends from your rooming house, the whole world against you, or so it seemed?"

"I'd have to struggle to remember that. I'm Boston born and raised."

"Oh [bleep].

"Oh [bleep]. Slip me the twenty, gather your pals and come on through."

Daisy smiles and says, "This really is impressive. This is a premium table. How did you do it? That dame looked tough."

"I offered her my body."

"Oh no!" screamed the three other babes.

The maitre 'd rushed over and asked them to calm down.

"No just kidding. I piled on the charm."

"Savannah, you might be from Albany but I think you are going to suit us to a 'T'," said Daisy. "You are so interesting, so lively and I'm thinking you'll pull us into a new direction."

"What's that... prostitution?"

The scene ended with the maitre 'd hurrying over again to the table to reprimand the table of unruly women.

At the end of the screening the invited audience, friends of the production house, clapped and hooted and called out to Muriel the director and the four babes who were standing alongside Darren. It was obvious that the reaction was genuine. He then made a short speech.

"Thank you everyone, your reaction warms my heart and underlines my belief in selecting this young woman from Albany to be Claire's successor. My gut feeling is she will really grow into her role."

"Watch our client network tomorrow at 7:30 when Daisy and Savannah appear on Maggie Innes' program Stage and Theater Intermission. The entire program will be devoted to our new season's production and this is a wonderful pipe-opener for us. An eminent media critic who has seen this Episode 1 tape will present her review."

"Now everyone please fold your chair and take it and stack it against that long wall over there. We'll have an hour's dancing and socializing with more cocktails before we go into B Studio for a buffet. Thank you for your attendance and support."

"Oh, one more thing. Our band leader Gus Chivers understands Dillon Fitzgerald is in our midst. While you are being served your cocktail Gus invites Dillon to pick up Gus' guitar and take his place to play three jazz standards, beginning with 'Caravan'."

Dillon, who was telling Eva how impressed he'd been with her performance looked up and snapped, "No way."

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