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Bound to Please

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Boyfriend gives her bondage experience to remember.
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"I've got you something..."

Kayla started in surprise at the unexpected voice, almost dropping the coffee cup she was rinsing. Placing the mug on the draining board, Kayla turned to face the owner of the voice.

"How did you get in here?"

"Your housemate was just leaving, she let me in." He paused. "I've got something for you." He said again.

Once the shock at his surprise visit had worn off, she found that the usual excitement she felt whenever she saw him was beginning to build.

"What is it?" She almost whispered, knowing from his tone that whatever it was she would enjoy immensely.

"I can't tell you that, I'm afraid..." And then he grinned.

Her heart leapt and a second later she was in his arms, their lips locked together, arms tight around each other. Hearing the sound of the kitchen door opening a minute later, they hastily pulled apart in time to see Ally one of Kayla's housemates entering the room.

"Don't mind me." She grinned, heading for the fridge.

Kayla and Rob exchanged a look, and without a word left the room and headed upstairs.

When they reached her bedroom, Kayla sat on the bed whilst Rob removed a padded brown paper packet from his coat. He made her wait as he carefully draped his discarded jacket over the back of her chair, before finally joining her on the bed. Feeling like a kid on Christmas morning, Kayla took the package Rob held out to her. Curious, she felt the outside of the package, unable to resist shaking it, but she still had no idea what was inside. Torn between savouring the moment and ripping it open, she paused to look at him. His face wore a similar expression to her own and the realisation that he was just as excited as her spurred her on. Teasing herself just as much as him, she slowly pulled on the plastic cord, opening the package an inch at a time, watching the play of emotions over his face as she got closer and closer to the end.

Finally, the paper gave way completely and reaching inside, Kayla pulled out the first thing she touched. Her heart lurched as she fingered it, turning it over in her hands, the anticipation of what was to come already building up inside her. The item she held was a length of white leather, just over an inch wide, with three metal D-rings at even intervals and a buckle fastening which she realised could take a small padlock. Reaching into the packet again she pulled out a similar piece, though it was wider, about two inches, shorter and with only one ring. Biting her lip out of a combination of nerves and excitement, Kayla pulled out three more strips each with a single metal ring and lockable buckle fastening, until she had five in front of her, one long narrow strip and four shorter wider ones. She was about to push the packet aside when she realised it still wasn't empty. Her heart pounding, she reached inside one more time.

Throwing the empty packet away she looked down at the final piece. Enclosed in a plastic wrapper was what appeared to be a long length of heavy chain and something else. Tearing a hole in it, she shook the contents out onto the bed, realising there was more than just one chain inside. Five small padlocks and a bunch of keys were accompanied by five separate chains of different lengths. One chain was around eighteen inches long, whilst the other four were divided into pairs, two foot long chains and two of about six inches in length. All five chains had trigger hooks attached to each end. There were also a few extra double ended trigger hooks, and Kayla could only wonder what they were all for.

Rob gave Kayla the time she needed to take in everything that the parcel had contained, watching as she lifted one of the leather restraints, absentmindedly stroking it as she examined it. The shop Rob had ordered from, had provided a selection of colours, but the innocence of the white on something that was so blatantly anything but, had been too tempting. And he'd known Kayla would appreciate the contradiction. Finally she looked up, catching Rob's eye with her own. For a moment neither of them moved, then she grinned, the almost childish delight in her eyes touching something inside him. He wanted to catch her up in his arms, smile and then kiss her senseless, but he knew if he did that, their fun and games would be over before they started. Reigning in his emotions, he waited until she dropped her eyes again, reaching for one of the lengths of chain, before he spoke.

"Pass me the collar, Kayla." Rob quietly commanded.

He could tell she'd been expecting the order, but still noticed the slight tensing of her shoulders as she reached for it. He watched as she took a deep breath before meeting his gaze and handing him the longest length of leather. Lifting her hair, she allowed him to fasten it around her neck, waiting patiently as he reached for one of the padlocks, opening it with one of the keys before slipping it into the loop on the collar's buckle. As Rob clicked the lock closed, something almost imperceptible changed. Kayla was still fully dressed yet the collar made her feel almost naked; as if all her independence had been stripped away, and now she was his property, to do with as he pleased. She hated it. She loved it.

Torn between her own conflicting emotions, Kayla was unaware of the effect she was having on Rob. He was watching her intently; fascinated by the effect the locked collar was having on her. He knew this was what she wanted, but he also knew it would take her time to get used to it, to the idea of relinquishing control to him completely. She had to trust him, and he had to earn that trust by not pushing her. But it was hard. He hadn't realised how much of his own restraint he would have to exhibit. Realising Kayla was now waiting patiently, if a little nervously, for his next command, he mentally shook himself, forcing his thoughts back to the task at hand.

"Kayla, I want you to strip for me." He said the words with a control he was far from feeling, but Kayla was too distracted to notice.

Nervously, she got to her feet in front of him. It was by no means the first time she had stripped for him, but this was the first time it had been on his orders. Usually it was her way of teasing him, of showing that she was in control. This was different, but she couldn't honestly say she didn't like it. Wishing she could have a drink to pacify the butterflies in her stomach, Kayla slowly reached for the hem of her top, lifting it up to reveal her pale pink lacy bra. Tugging it over her head, she felt the fabric catch slightly on her collar before it came free, and her heart beat kicked up another notch as she tossed it aside. Unbuttoning her jeans she pushed them slowly down her thighs, to expose her matching lace thong. Putting a hand against the wall for support, Kayla removed her jeans completely. Unclasping her bra Kayla pulled the straps down her arms, letting the fabric fall away from her breasts. Letting the bra drop forgotten to the floor she paused, leaving her standing in front of Rob in nothing but her thong and the white leather collar. Taking another deep breath, she reached for the waist band of her panties, but he stopped her before she could do anything.

"Come here." She obeyed his order without hesitation.

As Kayla stopped just in front of him, Rob lifted one of the cuffs from the bed beside him, reaching for her left wrist and carefully fastening the buckle. Repeating the process with her right wrist he secured both restraints with locks. Running his hands up her arms, Rob stroked her skin, caressing her arms, her shoulders, and then lower. Cupping her breasts he rolled her nipples between his fingers, tugging lightly at the taught peaks. She moaned, as with one final pull, he continued his downward path. Reaching her thong, he hooked his fingers under the waist band, and pulled them down in one motion. Stepping out of them, Kayla kicked aside the scrap of lace before resuming her position in front of him. She was acutely aware that whilst she wore nothing but her leather bindings, Rob was still fully dressed, but she knew he had engineered it that way. With him still fully dressed, Kayla felt even more exposed, more controlled. Licking her lips she waited for his next move.

For a full minute he left her standing there, until finally he reached across the bed for one of their new toys. Expecting the ankle cuffs, she was surprised and slightly apprehensive when he picked up the longest of the lengths of chain. A second later he had clipped one end to the front ring of her collar, effectively leashing her. Releasing the chain he let the cool metal swing against her body, between her breasts and over her stomach. She shivered at the sensations, even as her mind rebelled against being collared and leashed, but before she could object, Rob stood, turning her until her back was to him.

Unwilling to risk testing him so early on, Kayla stood facing forward, resisting the temptation to turn her head and see what he was doing. When he reached for her wrists she forced herself to relax and allow him to move her, whichever way he chose to. She felt him pulling her wrists together behind her back, with her elbows bent so that her arms were crossed behind her. Then she heard a click and realised what the spare trigger hooks were for. Wanting to test the bonds but still reluctant to move without his permission, Kayla stood, naked and waiting. She listened to the jingle of a chain as Rob reached for something else, and a moment later she felt him clip something to the ring on the left side her collar. As the cold metal of a chain brushed her back she forced herself to stand still as Rob attached the other end to her right cuff, repeating the process with the right hand ring and her left cuff. With the movement of her arms restricted even further, Kayla tried to calm her ragged breathing as she waited once more, whilst Rob admired his handiwork. Finally satisfied, he turned her back to face him.

The position he had forced her into, as well as her desire to please him, had her standing very straight, her chest pushed forward, and Rob took advantage, cupping her breasts and stroking them roughly, teasing her. She moaned and he instantly withdrew. Frustrated, she opened her mouth to protest, but the look on his face silenced her before she could even begin.

"You will speak only when spoken to." The authority and control in his voice sent shivers of anticipation down Kayla's spine. "And you will address me as Sir. Is that clear?"

"Yes Sir." She whispered, mortified that she was allowing him to treat her that way, even as she felt the wetness pooling between her legs.

"What was that, slave?"

"Yes Sir." She forced her voice louder.

"That's better."

As a reward he squeezed her breast and this time she bit back the moan of pleasure.

"Now, I want you to kneel for me."

Knowing there was no answer required, Kayla did as she was told, carefully dropping to her knees on the carpet. The manoeuvre was much harder without the use of her hands to balance herself, but she managed it with a little help from Rob.

Once she was on the floor, Rob took the opportunity to fasten and lock the remaining cuffs around her ankles. Reaching for a pillow Rob placed it about a foot in front of her, by the end of the bed, and motioned for her to move onto it. Already grateful to have something soft to kneel on compared to the rough carpet, Kayla shuffled forward onto the cushion. But it was a short lived comfort. Once she had settled, Rob looped the chain from her collar around the bar at the end of the bed and clipped the trigger hook back on to the chain. It was not especially secure, but without the use of her hands, she wasn't going anywhere fast. As if he had read her mind, Rob reached for one of the remaining six inch chains, and fastened her ankles together. Moving back, he admired his work once more. Briefly he tapped the inside of her leg until she opened her thighs a bit further, then seemingly satisfied he got to his feet, and left the room.

Kayla wasn't sure how long Rob left her there alone, but it was long enough for her to test each one of her bonds, and realise there was no escaping. Her ankles and the leash were merely clipped, and easily undoable, but the position of her hands prevented her from undoing anything. Instead she was forced to remain where she was, waiting for Rob's return. Finally she heard the sound of the door opening behind her. She longed to turn her head but still unwilling to displease him, she remained as she was, mentally checking that her body was still in the same position in which he had left her. He moved into her peripheral vision and she couldn't help turning her head slightly. She watched as he reached into his jacket pocket for something and a moment later pulled out an envelope. Too curious to remember to look away, it wasn't until Rob spoke Kayla remembered she wasn't supposed to be looking.

"Is there something you wanted?" His voice held a trace of amusement over the steel control.

"No Sir." She dropped her eyes, blushing furiously.

"You sure about that, slut?"

The term didn't bother her as much as she thought it should, but it embarrassed her even more.

"Yes Sir."

Her discomfort seemed to have no effect on Rob as he finally released her from the bed post, wrapping the chain of her leash around his hand.

"Now, are you going to be a good little slave?" He tugged slightly, forcing her straighter.

"Yes Sir." She nodded.

"Good girl." He patted her head and the fact he was treating her like a puppy in need of training did not escape her.

"Now, if you do as you're told like a good little slut, you'll be rewarded, but if not, I'll have to punish you. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir."

She was beginning to feel like a broken record, but for the meantime at least, it appeared that Rob had tired of asking her questions.

Releasing her leash to swing against her naked body, Rob moved across the room, heading for her wardrobe, and opening it, pulled out a bag from the back of one of the shelves. Instantly she recognised the Ann Summers bag in which she kept her toys. Walking back to her, Rob upended the bag on the bed. Returning anything he wasn't interested in to the bag, he carefully selected a small selection of items and left them at the end of the bed, before returning the bag to the cupboard.

"Now, what first..." He said, more to himself than to her.

Her heart pounded as he rifled through the collected toys before he eventually chose one, but he was careful not to show her what it was. Moving the selected item out of sight, Rob returned to stand in front of her.

From her position on the floor her head was at the same level as his fly, and she realised instantly that was his intention. She licked her lips in unconscious anticipation, as he unzipped his trousers and pulled out his hard cock.

"Is this what you want, slut?"

She moaned in response, automatically leaning forward.

In one movement he grabbed her leash and forced her head up to look him in the eye.

"Answer me, slut."

"Yes Sir, it's what I want." Her breathing was ragged as she felt him tug on her collar a little harder.

"Beg for it, slut."

Kayla wanted to defy him. Wanted to object to the names he was calling her, to the rough way he was treating her. But she couldn't.

"Please Sir," She begged, her eyes locked with his. "Please let me suck your cock. I'll be a good slave I promise."

In response he loosened his grip on her leash, taking a step forward until the tip of his erection brushed against her face. Opening her lips, Kayla greedily sucked him into her mouth, stroking her tongue over him, using every trick she knew to give him pleasure. As she licked and teased, Rob ran his fingers through her hair, murmuring encouragement.

She moaned as he pulled out, moving out of her reach and carefully zipping up his trousers. She longed to have her hands free so she could feel him beneath her touch, but she was painfully aware that even if her hands had been free, any disobedience would be punished. Still not sure how far he would go, Kayla was tempted to push the boundaries a little. She knew he loved her, knew he wouldn't hurt her, but this was a side of him she had never seen before. They had experimented with bondage plenty of times in the past, but he'd always been gentle. He'd used scarves or ribbons or fur covered handcuffs, and he'd never left her tied up for long. The leather and chains were a new experience, one she had to admit she was enjoying. And though he'd talked dirty to her in the past, the new crudeness of his language was affecting her much more than she was willing to openly admit.

Deciding to leave the boundaries in tact a little longer, Kayla waited patiently for Rob's next instruction. After a long while, which she suspected was calculated intentionally to provide her with a false sense of security, or else a growing sense of unease, Rob reached for her. Helping her to her feet, he moved her over to the bed, lifting her and placing her down in the centre, kneeling once more. This time he attached the leash to the headboard, before retrieving the envelope he had taken from his coat. Shaking the contents in to his hand Kayla craned her neck in an attempt to see what it contained. But her actions did not go unnoticed.

"You're a curious little, bitch, aren't you?"

The dog reference did not escape her and she found herself blushing yet again.

"Sorry Sir." As she said the words she realised she'd unknowingly pushed one of the boundaries she had been contemplating just moments before.

"I'm going to have to punish you, you know that don't you?" He stroked one of her breasts as he spoke.

He sounded almost sympathetic as if he truly felt sorry for having to punish her. Then she caught the gleam in his eye and realised he'd been waiting for her to slip up.

"Yes Sir." She took a deep breath as she answered his question, unable to hide her excitement, despite her apprehension.

Giving her breast one last squeeze, Rob reached for something he had left on her bedside table. Again he was careful not to let her see what he held, and this time Kayla held herself in check, unwilling to add to her punishment.

"Do you know what happens to curious slaves, Kayla?" His voice held a light teasing note as he ran a hand over her ass.

She shook her head "No Sir."

"They have to be taught not to be."

At his words a shiver of apprehension shook her. She still had no idea where he was going with this, but she was too excited to care. He moved behind her and Kayla forced herself to remain facing forward. She felt his hands as he began to caress her ass cheeks, squeezing her just a little harder than was necessary. She couldn't help herself as she pressed herself back against his hands, enjoying the feel of his palms on her naked skin.

She was beginning to notice the free way in which he kept touching her, a stroke here, a caress there. Like he was petting a puppy. The thought entered her mind unbidden and she almost scowled before she remembered herself. More and more she was feeling like nothing more than a play thing. His little bitch to act as a slave to his every whim. And she was. As the full realisation of her position sunk in she had to bite her lip to keep herself quiet. She was completely and utterly under his control. She couldn't even move without his permission. Suddenly everything went black and she cried out in surprise. She'd been so lost in her own thoughts she had near forgotten about her upcoming "punishment", and she was totally unprepared for the blindfold which he had quickly secured over her eyes.

With her sight impaired, Kayla instantly found her other senses increased. She could hear the sound of Rob's breathing behind her and feel the soft tickle of his breath on her shoulder. The bed shifted as Rob moved and Kayla almost lost her balance, but his hand on her shoulder steadied her.

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