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Boy Sent to Bloom

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Daniel is sent to Bloom at a special academy
10.3k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 05/25/2024
Created 04/28/2023
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All characters in this story are the age of 18 years or older. Specifically all the student are 18 years old. I wrote my first story because I was bored but had a lot of fun doing it and had some good feedback so I decided to try again, I hope you like it.

Chapter 1

Robert just got off the phone with Dr Knight, confirming the arrangements for the "package" and making sure his money was paid in full. He really needed it, while his job paid well enough, he was a pretty successful corporate lawyer, he had run up a sizeable gambling debt and had a trophy wife who liked to spend money like there's no tomorrow. He even made sure her useless son had a roof over his head, for now. He married Linda a few years ago, she was hot and desperate, just how he liked them but she came with a son too. Robert thought he could just send him off to a boarding school but she wouldn't let him, too worried he would be picked on I suppose. She fawned over the boy but her solution to everything was to throw money at it, Roberts money. His mother was on a night out sponsored by Robert so she wouldn't be around to interfere and he had a story prepared for her return.

He wasn't a bad kid but he was a bit of a dud, pretty small build and chestnut hair with a fringe, he kind of looked like his mother, same soft facial features. He had not long turned 18, dropped out of school and all he did was lock himself in his room, playing video games and beating his meat to women he'd never get all day long. Robert felt a little guilty about using him to get money but he had convinced himself that it might actually be good for Daniel, that Dr Knight was going to take good care of him, she wouldn't pay so much if she wasn't.

Robert knew the good Doctor through work, he helped her silence a few lawsuits, "helped" people sign over the power of attorney and change people's legal identity, all pretty shady stuff but she had deep pockets and Robert was glad of the connection.

Daniel was in his room as usual, laid back in his bed, playing a game on the TV when he heard his door opening.

"Come with me. I want to talk to you." Robert spoke, turning and leaving the room.

Daniel sighed and got up from his bed and followed him down the hall into Robert's office, where he motioned for him to sit in the chair across the ornate wooden desk and pouring them each a drink, handing one to Daniel and taking a seat.

"You're wasting your life."

"What?" Daniel said surprised.

"You know exactly what I mean. You never leave your room, you have no friends, never had a girlfriend." Robert listed off.

"So? What's that got to do with you?" said Daniel getting defensive.

"You're also a drain on my limited resources, clothes, video games, TV's, food. You cost me a lot of money over the years, so has your Mom but at least I get to fuck her, so I've come up with a solution to both of our problems." Robert said then sipped his drink.

Did Robert want Daniel to get a job? To move out? He figured he'd let Robert keep talking to at least get a little information. He took a swig of his drink, the alcohol burned his mouth but he did feel calmer after drinking it.

"Someone reached out to me. The headmistress of a prestigious academy called Bloom. Her name is Dr. Knight and she has hand picked you to be a student at her school. They are very selective of who can join. Once you graduate doors will be opened for you and you can do what ever you want." Robert said.

Daniel took another swig from his glass, he wasn't much of a drinker and this was hitting him hard.

"Reached out for me? Why?" Daniel was starting to slur his words

"Apparently you fit their criteria perfectly and I might have put in a good word." said Robert with a weird smile.

This was all too weird but Daniel's head began to fog over, what was in this drink?

"How long do I have to think about it?" Daniel could barely get the words out, his eyes half closed.

"I never said you have a choice, you leave tonight." Robert said calmly.

"Wha-" was all Daniel could get out as the glass slipped from his hand and he slumped over in the chair.

"Take it easy, your going to have a little nap while we wait for my friends to pick you up. Speaking of"

As Daniel tried to fight the sleep that was overtaking him the last thing he heard was someone entering the room.

"Yeah he's ready. You got my money?"

"Right here." said the mysterious woman, handing Robert an attaché case filled with cash.

"Thanks. Don't worry kid I'm sure you'll love it." he laughed.

Daniel slipped from conciousness and into the shadows of sleep. There was no way to know how long he was out or how far he travelled but eventually he would arrive at his destination.

As Daniel awoke he could gradually take stock of his surroundings. The first thing he noticed was that he wasn't alone, in a room with no windows there were a bunch of other boys around his age sitting at desks in pairs. They were all naked and after looking down so was Daniel as well as the worried looking boy sitting next to him. They also had something fitted around their necks, Daniel felt his neck and felt a smooth metallic collar comfortably wrapped around it.

As he looked around the room there was a woman in front of them, she was an older woman with a wrinkle here and there and the odd grey hair in her mostly platinum blonde straight shoulder length hair but she was a natural beauty. She was wearing a black leather skirt that came down to her calves and a matching black leather waistcoat with a white blouse underneath.

There were also several women sitting at the back of the room, they were clothed as well but in more casual and trendy attire. They also appeared to be younger than the woman up front, maybe mid to late 20's and each drop dead gorgeous. The blonde woman at the front patiently waited for all the boys to shake off the effects of their sleep.

"Welcome everyone, my name is Dr Knight and I am the Headmistress here at Bloom Academy. For the next three years this will be your home. Bloom Academy is a very exclusive school and we only accept those who fit our very selective criteria, you have no idea how lucky you are to be here." the commanding older woman spoke.

"We know everything about you, we have access to all your records, every internet search, every little secret. We know that some of you are runaways, others that have been kicked out from your home or given up from care for a moderate donation, it doesn't matter. You all have one thing in common, no one wants you, no one is willing to help you or provide for you." said the Dr Knight.

All the boys in the room looked around at each other but none said a word, she continued

"No one except us, we see the potential you have inside yourselves but the problem with potential is that its useless if its not nurtured. We will nurture your raw potential and guide your development onto the right path. You are here because you are special. You might not be fully aware of it yet but deep down you've always known that you were different. We have the resources, the knowledge and the experience to take what you are now and like our namesake, we will help you bloom into the flowers you're meant to be. With that being said you will have rules to follow, some of them may be hard to understand at first but they are all for your own good." Dr Knight spoke plainly but with a hint of compassion.

One of the boys raised his hand with a terrified look on his face.

"Question? All right, what?" she said.

"What are the rules? And what are these things around our necks?" he asked.

The whole room stared at Dr Knight, their alertness not dissimilar to meerkats. Every one of them desperate to know themselves but apparently too scared to ask.

"You will learn all the rules in due time but here are some of the more common ones.

You will address me as Dr. Knight.

You will address your Trainers with respect.

You will address you teachers as Mistress or Professor, whichever they prefer.

There's no fighting, temper tantrums, swearing or disobedience tolerated. If that happens you will be punished." answered Dr. Knight.

Every boy in the room must have gulped when she mentioned punishment, what would they do? Do they want to know? They were going to find out.

"Which brings me to these." Dr. Knight pointed at her bare neck. "Those collars are capable of delivering a paralysing and painful shock, we can even use electricity to control your muscles and movements to a degree. It also has a microphone and when we use it along with the electricity we can stop you from using certain words or take away talking privileges altogether. It will monitor things like pulse, blood pressure and hormone levels." she said calmly.

All they boys had a frightened look on their face now.

"They also have your new names on them if you care to look." she added.

New name? What did he need a new name for? Daniel instinctively looked down, trying to see his but from the angle it was impossible.

"Hey, I'll read yours if you read mine?" the boy next to me asked.

"Yeah sure, lift your chin and let me see." said Daniel looking at the collar to find out what his new friends, new name was.

There it was, embossed along the centre was the name "Sabrina."

"You're not gonna like it." Daniel said to him.

"Why? What is it?" he asked a little worried.



"You new name is Sabrina." Daniel said.

"This is too weird, let me see what yours is."

Without asking "Sabrina" grabbed Daniels chin and lifted it up to reveal what his new name was.

"Dani, yours is Dani." he said. "Why'd you get the normal one?"

"Nothing about this is normal." Daniel said.

As the rest of the boys had found out their names they were all visibly confused and the boy who previously raised his hand to ask a question did so again.

"Yes?" Dr. Knight asked.

"We all have girls names but we're not girls. Why?"

"Like I said, we have hand selected each and every one of you, all because you're a perfect fit for our academy. You aren't real men, never have been, never will be. You just don't have the genetic make-up for it, your bodies aren't built for it. You're soft and delicate little creatures, you probably disliked that about yourself before now but that's because you've been fighting simple science. You were assigned the "male" gender at birth and expected to live up to what a man should be and that's just unfair. With modern science we now know that because of a certain genetic make up in your bodies you were "denied" access to masculine traits, enhancing feminine traits." the Dr. Said.

This was all so confusing, Daniel looked around the room at the faces and naked bodies of the other boys. He couldn't help but notice they all had small builds like him, no defining muscles, smooth features. Shit, this was making more sense that he liked. He raised his hand.

"But I only like girls, I not gay or anything." Daniel stammered.

The rest of the class were interested in the answer as well.

"Who you like and who you are are two separate things but does it have to be a binary choice? If you're attracted to women are you attracted to every woman in the world? What if the woman had a cock? Would it make a difference? What about a guy with a pussy? See individuals for who they are, not the boxes they can be put into. No one is forcing you to do anything here but we do ask that you have an open mind, don't put yourself in a box, you're better than that." she answered kindly.

Again the boys exchanged looks but didn't dare speak. This was so weird but it was all starting to make a scary kind of sense. Daniel couldn't remember how many times he would dismiss something as "just gay", like underpants instead of boxers or even listening to certain music. He actually got worried if there was a "girly" song he liked. Sure he didn't like guys or anything but he was so quick to protect his fragile masculinity.

"The person next to you will be your dorm mate and there will be one Trainer for each pair of you. Their job is to oversee your time here, make sure that you're sticking with the program, keeping track of your milestones and generally providing any support you will need. They each have a welcoming gift pack for you."

As Dr Knight finished speaking the Trainers each moved to their tables and introduced themselves while handing out little pink bags. Daniel and his partners Trainer was a young, red haired woman named Ruby. She gave them both a hug and kiss on the cheek before presenting them with their bag. Inside the bag was a rubber looking toy, some kind of cage, a pair of white cotton panties and a small bottle of liquid. Daniel held the panties, feeling the fabric between his fingers, it was nice and soft.

"What the fuck? I'm not wearing these! And. I'm. Not. A. Girl!" one of the boys said and everyone silently looked between him and Dr Knight.

"Those are the dress code for this academy, any student caught not following the dress code will be punished." Dr Knight said in a stern voice.

"I'm not wearing them and you cant make me." the boy had stood up from his chair.

His bravery was to be short lived however as when Dr Knight tapped a button on the metallic wristband she was wearing, the boy screamed and collapsed on the floor, convulsing. He lay on the floor for a minute before being helped to his unsteady feet by his Trainer, who's name is apparently Tina.

"Tina, bring her to the front. Since it's your first day I'll be lenient on you, five strikes for disobedience and five for swearing. You will learn to keep that mouth clean."

Tina grabbed him by the hair and bent him over the desk at the front of the room, still limp from the shock he put up no fight as he was exposed to the whole class.

"This is for your own good, you'll realise that sooner or later." Dr' Knight said taking the long leather strap from Tina and positioning herself behind the poor boy.

With a mighty crack they heard the leather slapping against his bare skin, he cried out in pain as the class winced in their seats. She did it again and again, each time sounding just as bad and leaving bright red streaks all over his bum and upper thighs. By the time she was done he was a whimpering wreck.

"Now are you still refusing to adhere to the dress code?" she asked lightly.

"No Dr. Knight, I'm sorry." he sobbed.

"Good, thank you. Tina use some soothing cream on her, it should help with the swelling and cool the area down."

They watched for a few minutes as Tina gently rubbed some of the cream into her boys red buttocks as he quietly sobbed. When she was satisfied with her work she wiped away the boys tears and gave him a reassuring rub on his arm.

"All right class, those nice looking plastic toys are called butt plugs. They are to help with your posture, you'll walk and move more ladylike. Start with using plenty of the supplied lubricant, I'm sure it will be a new sensation for you but they shouldn't cause any pain when inserting. If you need any assistance your Trainers will help you."

The first boy to start inserting their plug was the one who moments ago bravely said he wouldn't, even with his sore ass he was trying to make it up to Dr. Knight. One by one they all started to lube up the plugs. Daniel and his partner both tried as well, it wasn't easy but eventually with patience and after a few grunts and moans Sabrina managed to ease the plug in while Daniel has much more trouble with the intruder.

He didn't want to ask for help in case he was given a shock but he just couldn't get it in without feeling too weird and uncomfortable.

"Need some help?" asked Ruby noticing his struggle.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I can open up so much." Daniel aswered nervously.

"It's fine, you just need to relax a little. Bend over for me." she said lubing up her fingers.

She slowly inserted her middle finger into Daniel's tight hole then gently began making a circular motion to widen his hole. It was a strange new feeling but just as Daniel gradually got used to the sensation, Ruby slid in another finger, slowly fucking them in and out of his loosening hole.

"Hows that? Does it hurt?" she asked.

Daniel just shook his head from side to side. This was good enough for Ruby and she pulled her fingers out while he gave a little whimper and then he felt the rubber tip of the plug enter him. This time, with Ruby's warm up, it slid inside and out of him without much problem and with one final long groan and shaking legs it came to rest in his butt.

"All done." Ruby said giving his cheek a playful spank.

Sitting back down in the chair felt so strange and Daniel could see the other boys fidgeting in their seats having all inserted their plugs. When she was satisfied Dr Knight resumed speaking

"Good work, I hope you are all quite comfortable. Next up is what's called a chastity device, we don't want your little privates distracting you from your studies and becoming bad habits do we? They can be tricky to put on so your Trainers will do that for you."

Ruby began with Sabrina, first applying a little lube to the device and his rather unimpressive cock then slipping on the ring before enclosing his dick in the sheath. It looked even smaller now it was crammed into a tight space and his little balls were tucked in behind it. Next it was Daniel's turn, he knew his chances of fucking a girl were slim to none but he didn't relish the thought of not being able rub one out while thinking about one. At the same time he didn't want to be on the receiving end of one of those shocks or worse, being hit with that leather strap. He let her lock away his dick without any protest other than a sigh when she was done.

"Excellent, finally you get to try on those lovely looking panties." said Dr Knight.

They were plain cotton panties with a small bow on the front, they were very different from his normal choice but he couldn't deny their softness. As he slid them up his legs they hugged his caged cock so all that was left was a small bulge.

"Very nice everyone, you all look great." spoke Dr Knight, taking them all in. "Now your Trainers will show you to your dorms, get a good nights rest because classes start tomorrow."

Ruby and the other Trainers got their students on their feet and led them out of the room. Upon exiting the room they were led down a hallway that opened up into the foyer then past a few doors and down another hallway they arrived at the dorms. Ruby led them to the door marked Dani & Sabrina and led the two boys inside. The room was on the small side with two beds with pink sheets, nightstand's, wardrobes and shelves with a desk and chair. The room was decorated in a baby pink colour and there were no windows, instead there were some posters. One was of a pretty young woman who appeared to be naked except from wearing a pink apron and matching chefs hat working away at a mixing bowl and licking the creamy mixture from her fingertip while the caption read "Life is what you make it. Make it sweet!" Another one was of a group of cheerleaders, all huddled together with big beaming smiles and the letters "Teamwork Makes The Dream Work!"

"Alright this is your room, it has everything you'll need. I'll come get you tomorrow morning. All you have to do is behave yourselves and I promise your time here will go smoothly, you'll make some friends, learn some life skills and you'll even have some fun. Now its time to get ready for bed, lights out in ten. Goodnight." said Ruby.

"Goodnight." the boys said in unison.

With that she left the room and they were alone for the first time. Daniel glanced around the room then at his new room mate, sitting on the bed in nothing but a pair of panties. He had the same slim build Daniel did but his light blonde hair was in contrast to Daniel's chestnut brown hair. He caught Daniel staring at him, flustered he spoke

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