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Boy Toy

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Elizabeth and Julie share a boy toy.
6.7k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/21/2021
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Boy Toy

The country house was the perfect place for a weekend retreat. Elizabeth worked hard during the week and was determined to enjoy her Saturdays and Sundays the way she liked. In the isolated chalet she could do whatever she wanted without fear of compromising her image. Because the fact was, she liked sex, lots of it, and in great variety.

Elizabeth ran her own business, and she ran it as an autocrat. Employees and customers alike were a bit afraid of her, but she paid well and delivered the goods. Personal relationships were never allowed to interfere. She shared her innermost thoughts and sexual escapades with only one other person, her best friend, Julie.

Forty years old, an attractive brunette with a great figure, Elizabeth received lots of male attention. In fact, a bit too much. Men were always hitting on her, trying their luck, and when she indulged her sexual appetite they would become possessive, wanting to call the shots, be in charge. The resulting competition for control always created problems. And concern for her reputation kept her from pursuing her kinkier desires as much as she wanted.

It was after work on a Friday, a time when Elizabeth and Julie usually met at the upscale bar in the downtown hotel. In contrast to Elizabeth's voluptuousness, Julie was a petite blonde with perky breasts and expressive eyes. She was also graced with what writers call a 'generous mouth', full lips that seemed made to be kissed. Elizabeth had known her since college, and there was nothing they hadn't shared, including boyfriends.

Elizabeth was anxious to tell her the exciting news. "I've found us the perfect place."

"What do you mean?" asked Julie.

"A small, furnished house we can rent and where we can be anonymous and party on weekends. It's perfect. Only an hour from here, but very isolated. It's on the top of a rise at the end of a long driveway, woods all around, grass and flowers next to the house. No neighbor for at least three miles. We can invite whoever we want and do whatever we want."

Julie smiled. "Sounds interesting. Tell me more."

"It's small and rustic. Open ceiling with exposed beams. Only two bedrooms and one bath, but it has a good-sized living room and well-equipped kitchen area. There's a dining alcove with a heavy wooden table and six sturdy chairs. The living room has a well-used couch, a couple of stuffed chairs, and a few tables. The bedrooms both have double beds with reasonable mattresses."


"No electricity or phone lines. There's a big propane tank that is piped in for heating, cooking, and hot water. Lighting is from camping lanterns hung from the beams. Charming.

"Umm. What's the rent?"

"Eight hundred a month for a year lease, propane not included. We split it fifty, fifty."

Julie's eyes widened. "I'm in. When do we sign up?"

"Already done," exclaimed Elizabeth. "Under the fictitious name of Sandra Henderson. I even took the precautions of altering the numbers on my license plate and using a burner phone number. I want to feel completely free in this place, without worrying about jeopardizing anything in my normal life".

"Just like we've talked about. I can't believe you've actually done this."

"First and last month's rent paid. I knew you'd go for it. I'm going up this weekend to check things out."

"Damn. I can't go this weekend. Family commitments."

"It's so close. You could come up late Sunday. There's a bus to Centerville that leaves at 3 pm. I'll pick you up there. We can drive back together on Monday morning."

"Deal. I'll bring you a check for my share."

"One other thing," added Elizabeth. "The owner has engaged a yard boy to cut the grass and maintain the plantings. He comes every weekend."

"Uh oh, there goes our privacy."

"I'm sure we can have him come during the week instead. His name is Brian. I'll meet him tomorrow. If he's cute and controllable we may like having him around."

Julie laughed. "You're so bad. Just make sure he's eighteen."

"For sure. Old enough to be legal, and young enough to be dominated by women like us."

"Yum. Just like in that femdom movie we watched last month."

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves," said Elizabeth. "He's coming over on Saturday. I'll feel him out, so to speak."

"Our very own Boy Toy."

"Could be. Just remember, my name is 'Sandra'."


Brian was nineteen, a muscular six-foot-high school dropout, cute, but shy. Elizabeth liked him immediately and saw possibilities, imagining a virile young man with little sexual experience. She could have fun with him, provided he could be intimidated enough to keep his mouth shut. The last thing she wanted was for an irate parent to show up.

The July day was clear and warm. Brian was working shirtless in the garden, kneeling in his tight jeans as he pulled weeds. From the kitchen window Elizabeth admired his shoulders and tight buns. She visualized running her hands over him, feeling the hard muscles, turning him on. His teenage hormones would come rapidly to a boil.

Why not? she mused. He's old enough. But I don't want to cause a nervous breakdown. I'll play it by ear. The first thing is to test his interest. For all I know he could be gay. Let's see how he reacts to seeing me in something sexy.

Quickly she went into the bedroom and changed out of her work clothes into an outfit that was guaranteed to attract the attention of any red-blooded male. The deeply scooped neck T-shirt molded her bra-less breasts into cone-shaped mounds that seemed ready to burst. The friction of the cotton hardened her nipples and made her tingle in anticipation of what she was about to do. Short shorts and high-heeled sandals did for her lower figure what the T-shirt did for the top. The beginning bulges of her ass cheeks peeked out from the shorts, capping the slender curves of her long legs. A touch of lipstick and a quick brush of her short, dark hair, and she was ready. She looked at herself in the full-length mirror and smiled. Not bad for an old broad. My teenage boyfriends would have loved to get their hands on something like this.

Back in the kitchen she looked out the window. Brian was standing at the edge of the garden wiping the sweat from his brow. Perfect, she thought. He's thirsty and needs to get out of the sun.

She poured a glass of water and went out on the front porch. "Brian, come get some water."

He looked toward her. She adopted a sexy pose and held out the glass. For a long moment he didn't move, just stared. "Come on," she laughed. "I won't bite."

"Okay," he grinned, starting toward her. "It's just... you look different."

"How so?" she teased, handing him the water.

"Your clothes."

She smiled and twirled, giving him a view from all angles. "You like? It's a hot day and I wanted to be comfortable."

"Okay with me," he said with a grin.

"Now don't get any ideas. Do you have a girlfriend, Brian?"

"Not really. No girls my age live anywhere close. Maybe after school starts..."

"Too bad. A teenage boy needs a girlfriend to play with."

He gave her a funny look, like he wasn't sure how to respond. She decided to keep him off balance.

"Too bad I'm so much older."

"Yeah," he said, looking away.

"I used to be a high school teacher. I was very strict. My students had to obey me and behave."

"I'll bet you were a good teacher."

"I still am."

Brain shifted his feet. She laughed and handed him the glass of water. "Come sit at the table," she said. "Relax. I want to get to know you."

She poured herself a glass and sat across from him. "Tell me about your teachers in school. Are they good?"

"One is. The others let the kids do what they want. We don't learn much."

"So, one is a good disciplinarian. Is it a man or a woman."

"A woman. She teaches English. You can't get away with anything in her class."

"I take it you like a strong leader?"

"Yeah, I guess I do."

"That's good, because that's the kind of person I am. You will have to obey me without question this summer. You think you can do that?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"You do what I tell you and I'll teach you some things this summer. Now finish your water and get back to work."


Elizabeth knew she had Brian thinking about sex. Why wait? she thought. I should try him out before Julie gets here. Worse case, he runs away, and I have to find a new yard boy. Sooner or later, I'll get the right one.

From under the bed she removed a box containing toys she had brought on the internet. Back in town she would have been afraid of revealing her fascination with such things, especially the BDSM items, but not here.

She took the box into the dining area and placed it on the table. Then she pulled out one of the chairs and turned it facing the living room. The scene was set, just as she had been imagining it for weeks. She crossed the room to the open front door.

"Brian, come here," she called harshly.

"What?" he responded, looking confused.

"I said, come here. And bring one of the plants you just killed. Don't you know the difference between a weed and a flower?"

Sheepishly he looked at the pile of little green stems on the ground. "Oh. I'm sorry."

She smiled. "You will be. Mistakes like that have consequences. You must be punished. Now if you want to keep you job, you will obey me and come here."

Brian took a deep breath and let eyes moved over her. "Yes, ma'am," he said and walked toward the steps to the porch.

Elizabeth opened the door wide and backed into the room. "Take off those dirty shoes first," she ordered.

Sheepishly he knelt and removed his heavy shoes, darting glances up at the sexy woman in the doorway. Elizabeth stood with her hands on her hips and her legs apart, a slight smile softening her stern countenance.

"Good," she said when he pulled off the second shoe. He wore no socks. "Now stand up and follow me."

She walked to the dining alcove and sat in the prepositioned chair. He stopped a few feet away, a quizzical look on his face. "Come closer and turn around," she said.

He did as he was told. Elizabeth extended her arm behind her and opened the top of the box. She reached in and extracted a pair of soft leather wrist cuffs. "Put your hands behind your back and turn around." she ordered.


"I won't tell you again!" Her voice was harsh, insistent. "Young man, put your hands behind your back this instant!"

Brian shifted his weight from foot to foot as if he didn't know what to do. A moment later he lowered his arms and grasped his hands together behind him. The Velcro tabs on the cuffs made it easy and quick for Elizabeth to secure his wrists together.

"That's better," she said kindly. "But you are a strong boy, and there's one more thing I need to do to make sure you are under control."

The ankle cuffs were also secured with Velcro, and they linked together with one foot of light chain. Brian was effectively hobbled, able to shuffle, but not run or kick. Elizabeth sat back with a sigh of satisfaction. She had a strapping young man physically under her complete control. Now she could go to work on his psyche, especially his lizard brain.

"You can turn back around now," she said.

He shuffled around and looked into her eyes. "What are you going to do to me?"

She smiled. "What is the normal punishment when a boy misbehaves?" she said. "He gets spanked."

His eyebrows went up. "I'm too old for that," he stammered.

"Oh no you're not," she laughed. "The right kind of spanking is often used on adults who need to be controlled. And some adults receive more pleasure than pain from a proper spanking. Do you understand what I'm telling you?"

"I'm not sure."

Elizabeth stood up and put her arms around the boy's neck, pressing her body into his and looking up into his eyes. "We can have such fun this summer, Brian. I can make you feel really, really good, and teach you a lot. But you must submit to me, do what I tell you, and accept your punishments. Most important, you must promise me right now that you will not tell anyone what goes on here. Do you understand?"

Brian appeared stunned. He looked down into her smiling face like he was mesmerized. She came up on her toes and drew her breasts across his chest, rubbing the hard nipples through her T shirt onto his bare skin.

"Aahhh...," he moaned.

"You fell that?" she murmured. "My nipples are hard because I like teasing you. Would you like me to take my shirt off?"

"Oh, yes," he stammered.

"Do agree to obey me and keep our secret?"

"Yes, yes..."

"You promise not to tell anyone?"

"I promise."

"Good boy. Now are you ready to accept your spanking?"

"Whatever you want," he breathed.

"Good answer. It will be whatever I want all summer. I'll make sure you like it. You will call me 'mistress' and do as I say."

"Yes, mistress."

"You learn fast. Now I'm going to sit and you will lie across my lap."

She lowered herself onto the chair, moving her shoulders to highlight the cleavage on display in the scooped-necked T shirt.

"Are you going to take off your shirt, like you said?" he whined.

She laughed. "Not yet, my boy. I'll decide how and when you get to see my tits. I may even let you play with them. I'll bet you'd like that."

"Oh, yea."

"First things first. Now stretch out with your butt on my knees."

Her hand went to the box and returned with a short leather slapper. The business end was made of thin leather, about ten inches long and half as wide, with a handle that tapered into a smooth cylindrical hand grip. The ad on the internet had described it as an easily controlled, sharply stinging tool that would generate a nice blush. Implied in the ad were other uses for the handle.

Elizabeth expected that strong slaps with this tool would be felt even through the heavy material of the boy's jeans. It would be a good way to get started and gage his reactions. She flicked the paddle back and forth in the air.

"Get down," she ordered. "You must learn to be more careful in the garden."

When he hesitated, she curled her fingers in his belt and pulled him toward her. "Now!" she growled. "The more you disobey, the worse it will be for you."

He took a deep breath and settled his stomach over her knees. The top of his head rested on the floor, and his feet dangled in the air. She shifted his hips to position him as she wanted. His ass bulged delightfully in the tight pants, and she couldn't resist squeezing the cheeks as she maneuvered him into position.

"Raise your hands," she said, tapping his bound wrists with the leather. "Keep them out of the way. I don't want to break your fingers."

"Ah...," he groaned as he complied. With his hands and legs tied, he was at her mercy.

SMACK SMACK. Elizabeth thrilled at the sharp sound as she brought the paddle down in two sharp, quick blows. The thin leather seemed to conform to the humps of her targets. Twice more she struck, eliciting a deep moan from the helpless boy.

"Now, now, I know it doesn't hurt that much," she said as she stroked the covered bum with her free hand. "You must learn to take your punishment like a man. The fact is these thick jeans are preventing me from giving you what you deserve. They must come down."

"Please, no..."

"No back talk. Now stand up and face me."

She pushed him off her lap, and he landed on his side, looking up at her like a chastened puppy. Perfect, she thought. He's naturally submissive. Time to give him a reward. A little pain, a lot of pleasure, then repeat--works every time with subs, both men and women.

"Up, up," she commanded.

The boy struggled to his feet and stepped back. The jeans puckered in a long ridge at the crotch. With his hands tied behind him he was powerless to cover his growing erection.

"Come closer," she said smiling. "I'll help you out of your pants,"

"But, but... I don't have on any underwear."

"Naughty boy. But no matter. Nothing I haven't seen before. Come, come!"

Tentatively he moved toward her. When he was close enough, she hooked a hand over his belt, pulling him until he stood between her spread legs. He looked straight ahead with his jaw clenched.

Very nice, she thought, appraising the bulge directly in front of her mouth. I'm going to have such fun with him. Once he's addicted, I'll own him.

"Look at me," she growled. "At my eyes, not down my shirt. I see what's happening in your pants. You should be ashamed of yourself."

"I... I can't help it," he stammered.

"We'll see about that."

A sharp jerk released his belt. Using the fingers of both hands she undid the tight brass button. Then looking up into his eyes she slowly lowered the zipper. His rigid cock flopped out like a rod on a hinge.

"My, my, what have we here?" she marveled. "This part of you must like the view down my shirt. Or maybe it's the humiliation of being tied up and spanked. Or maybe both."

What a fine specimen, she thought as she studied him. His dick has nice shape, well proportioned, long, but not grossly so. And a circumcised head that is an almost perfect dome. And best of all, it's ramrod stiff.

She extended a fingertip and gently lathered the head with the slippery precum that oozed from the opening, massaging him just enough to bring him up on his toes. Then, sensing that he was already close to erupting, she pulled back. She would make it last as long as she could, but she knew the first time would be quick. He had much to learn.

"You know that your reaction is totally inappropriate, don't you Brian?"

"Yes ma'am," stammered the embarrassed boy. "I can't seem to control it."

"Of course, you can't," purred Elizabeth, tracing her fingers lightly up and down the impressive length. "It's mine to control. And through it I can control you."


Her fingers returned briefly to the super-sensitive crown, plucking at it gently. "You have a nice cock. Tell me Brian, have you ever put this monster into a girl? You must tell me the truth."

"No ma'am," he gasped.

She worked the jeans down his legs. "Spread your feet as much as you can. I want to be able to check your testicles. Once the ankle chain comes off, and I'll be able to conduct a more thorough examination."

"OH GOD..."

Slowly Elizabeth reached up between his thighs and teased his balls with her fingertips. At the same time she wrapped her other hand around his cock and gently squeezed. "Has a girl ever touched you like this?"

"OH... OH... OH..."


"No... Once on the outside of my pants. That's all. I swear. I've never felt ANYTHING LIKE THIS."

Elizabeth smiled. He was coming along nicely. Time to set the hook. She took her hands away and sat back, leaving him wanting more.

"You will feel incredible things if you do as I say, Brian. I will teach you about sex with a woman. You think you already know all about it, but believe me, you don't. Do you want to learn?"

His pelvis thrust forward, his cock bobbing as if it were a separate, live creature.

"I take that as a 'yes'," Elizabeth chuckled. "You will show up here on weekends all summer and tell no one what goes on here. You will do whatever I tell you. Do you agree?


"Good. Let's get you out of these pants. I'll undo the ankle chain, but I'll leave your hands tied behind you for now. I may need to punish you more and don't want any resistance."

He stood before her, taking deep breaths, obviously craving more stimulation. His cock twitched like the seeking beak of a newborn bird. Elizabeth leaned in and licked the tip as her hands loosened the ankle chain.

"SWEET JESUS...", he gasped.

She looked up into his hot eyes and worked the jeans down. "Liked that, did you," she teased. "Now lift your foot... there we go... now the other one. Wala, no more pants. Now the socks... up... one more... there..."


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