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Slut on a Bus

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A boyfriend is tempted on a bus ride home.
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This smutty story focuses on the theme of cheating and unfaithfulness, which can entail a myriad of details and fetishes including, but not limited to, lust-based attraction, illicit acts, feelings of dominance and superiority, betrayal, corruption, humiliation, as well as thrills of a cuckold/cuckquean.

If such things are not to your liking then please do not read further. These are just fantasies to be enjoyed by those who find them appealing.

This particular one is in the line of cheating men and seductresses who get involved.


The bus, driving down the street with moderate speed, shook mildly together with its passengers. Tom reflexively strengthened his grip on a support handle as he stood close by the bus' middle door, his back to it. His girlfriend Sarah, however, kept to her choice of holding onto his arm to avoid falling down. For one reason or another, she always elected to rely solely on her handsome boyfriend for support.

"Baby, look, I don't mind, but the least thing you could do is grab a handle with one hand. Do I want to see you slip and then hurt?" he asked, feeling a mixture of boredom and amusement at her bus-riding antics.

"Uh-hm, nope," she hummed, then looked up at him with her eyes and smile glowing with adoration.

Sarah might've not been the prettiest girl around, but Tom found her very cute indeed whenever she just couldn't keep her love for him from showing on her face. And so, being over a head taller than her, he leaned down to give her a small peck on the lips. To show her he very much loved her as well, and would never want to see her hurt.

The bus was already rather full of people. That was the reason the young couple was standing, as almost all seats were taken. And over the course of the next several stops people just kept pouring in, resulting in quite the jam-packed crowd.

"So many people getting in," Sarah remarked jokingly. "You think it was movie night for everyone else too?"

Tom chuckled lightly in response, then looked around. It was getting late, around 6 PM, but the high amount of passengers was rather unusual. He didn't particularly mind, but at the same time wasn't overly happy about it either. They still had an over half-hour ride home and, as such, weren't looking forward to spending that long without seats.

Sarah went back to leaning on Tom's arm, her head against his jacket-clad shoulder. It wasn't an unusual day. It was kind of routine, really. Work, food, exercise and then an occasional trip to the cinema or some other activity a couple could enjoy. Tom didn't feel much rush or pressure in his life ever since graduating college. He had a stable job, a stable relationship, and a stable life. It was peaceful. In fact, it might've been too peaceful.. It was kinda boring. But he tried to dismiss those kind of notions. After all, shouldn't he be glad everything was going nice and predictable?

As the bus was arriving at the next stop, something, or rather somebody, caught his eye. He only saw something in the corner of his vision, but he turned his head further, drawn by the sight over his shoulder.

There was a woman getting on the bus. She looked young, likely a couple years younger than Tom, who was in his mid-twenties. But what drew the loving boyfriend's attention the most was, frankly, the immense sex appeal she was exuding.

To start, she was gorgeous. Supermodel-level beautiful. Her light makeup, including a crimson-colored lipstick over her full, pouty lips only highlighted that. She had her medium-length dark hair done in a ponytail. And clearly she didn't stop at her looks, as her outfit proved. She had a jacket open at the middle, revealing a tight tank top with a deep cleavage into her above-average chest. Actually, that was an understatement. In fact, she had downright massive tits. Huge, perky boobs that could and would make for many envious porn stars. Or jealous girlfriends.

Her tank top wasn't full length, as it ended just above her cute belly button. That resulted in a delicious line of midriff, exposing her flat, taut tummy. Then there were her skin-tight black pants that clung to her legs and ass like a second skin. Well, Tom couldn't see her ass yet, and he subconsciously wanted to at least glimpse a peek before he consciously wanted to protest.

Naturally, a woman this attractive had to be rather used to having men stare at her with lustful eyes. Yet, whether due to an accident or the fact that Tom was quite an above-average man, either due to his height, handsome features or hunky build, she very much noticed his staring and, in turn, stared back at him.

It was in a few moments that their eyes met. On each other's face they noticed a mix of clear interest and careful consideration. She then smiled at him, and that was the final bit of non-verbal communication that made Tom consciously realize what it was exactly that he was doing. He didn't smile back. Instead, he felt a mild twinge of guilt and began chastising himself for doing things unbecoming of a loving boyfriend as he turned his head away from the attractive girl.

As for her, she was startled. She wasn't used to men brushing her off, especially after she had shown her own interest back. The bus doors then closed and with a sudden, jerky movement the vehicle resumed its journey. She managed to grab something for support, and proceeded to look at the handsome, hunky man that was blatantly checking her out moments ago.

Her eyes slid over his frame, reassuring her the man was quite well built. He had a tasteful, quality outfit which conveyed enough about his status. Then, as she noticed somebody leaning against him, she finally figured the reason for his conflicted interest.

She frowned and squinted her eyes. Of course. An attractive man who is attracted to her as well and he just had to be taken. Without masking her hostility, she critically assessed the woman, who for that matter did not even notice the busty newcomer.

Tom could feel her stare, together with the gentle pressure of his girlfriend against him. The busty girl must've noticed Sarah by now, so hopefully she wouldn't bother them. Last thing he needed was temptation from some random female stranger with huge, heavy tits and...he caught himself from finishing the thought as well as the mental picture that was forming. He chose to dismiss and ignore the naughty notions.

However, the dismissive boyfriend had no idea just what kind of a person that attractive girl was. He didn't know she found him very attractive whilst being rather horny as of late. He didn't know her friends knew her as a grade A selfish bitch, not to mention a homewrecker. He didn't know she was exactly the kind of person to act on her spoiled, selfish whims utterly uncaring of consequences.

She smirked smugly as she placed his girlfriend as a total joke of a competitor in her mind. Sarah wasn't as busty, in fact she was rather flat. She wasn't nowhere near as beautiful and her body, unlike the smirking slut's, was not fit from regular and intense workout sessions.

A delicious fire of lust, its flames as if gently licking her up from the inside began in her abdomen. She always got this kind of thrill when teasing or seducing men she wasn't socially supposed to seduce. Such as hunky boyfriends of plain, boring girlfriends.

She realized she had to act quickly. She wasn't in a hurry to get home, especially now that she saw a fantastic prospect for an intense fuck-session. The busty, young slut felt her pussy sweat from the fires of lust as she thought how loving, studly boyfriends always fucked extra hard, as if to make up for all the misguided, faithful resistance to her heavy, direct flirting.

She didn't, however, know where the couple was going, and so needed to use the time as well as she could. At least until she could gently and oh-so-politely convince him with well-reasoned, round, juicy and perky arguments that he'd much rather spend the rest of the evening and night with her instead.

Tom heard some rustling from behind him, but elected not to turn to investigate. Then a couple mutters. Until finally he felt things that were clearly big yet very soft press into him from the side.

His eyes shot wide and he glanced at the source. He saw the gorgeous, smugly smirking face of the new, female passenger. He didn't say a word, and she only mouthed 'excuse me'. Not that he noticed it, his subconscious was busy with guiding his attention into the cavernous cleavage of her fantastic rack. He couldn't help but think how rarely he got to see boobs this perfect.

The brazen slut widened her smirk. She realized she had a real fighting chance. And one look at his handsome face made her certain she wanted to see it buried between her legs, pleasuring the only woman he should ever concern himself with.

She carried on moving forward, under the pretense of finding a more comfortable spot in the packed bus. She slid her hip against his for a noticeably longer period than it was appropriate, but he didn't budge from his spot.

'He must want me real bad,' she thought. 'Just as I do.'

Tom was determined to ignore all that, however, suppressing each and every illicit thought. He elected to stand there and pretend that nothing was happening, nothing at all. That was what he kept thinking as his eyes got glued to the woman's ass. And there was what to glue them to -- it was a perfect, juicy bubble butt, filling her tight pants in all the possible places. It was even better than he imagined. Well, subconsciously imagined, but still. And the firmness of muscle he felt when she pushed her hip into his told him all about just how tight and springy her bottom had to be. He struggled not to picture just how good the sounds of their flesh slapping against each other would be, never mind everything else that would entail.

To escape these naughty thoughts that were rapidly getting out of control he looked up. And he once again saw her looking back at him, her head half-turned and her deliciously kissable lips upturned in a sexy smirk. She knew he was staring, and was brazenly letting him know that.

He ostentatiously rolled his eyes, scrunching up his face with annoyance. He then continued ignoring everything and escaping further by looking at his beloved girlfriend. Her eyes were closed, and her smile content. She apparently was oblivious to what was happening around her.

Something pushed into his groin. Something round and juicy and absolutely amazing. His eyes shot wide again and he saw just what he wanted to...I mean, feared. He didn't have a plan of action for something like that, so he just stood there, rooted to the spot. Well, he did push back into that totally fuckable ass but only a little bit and completely by accident.

His mind was racing to figure out what to do, so he looked up. The woman with a killer body and huge tits was staring at him, clearly annoyed. Her eyebrows were upturned and her lips were in a furious frown.

She even looked hot when angry, giving her an aggressive and challenging sort of appeal. But what was this young, shamelessly bold and ridiculously inappropriate slut angry about? He was the one that should be angry right now, not her, he wondered in puzzlement. Busy with his pondering, his hips didn't budge from the spot as his dick rapidly hardened and pushed into that fantastic ass of hers.

They stared at each other like that for a couple of mute seconds before she finally straightened up and turned her head forward. His half-erect dick didn't feel too good when her juicy ass was gone, but Tom didn't admit that to himself. He was still puzzled about her attitude, so he kept looking at her quizzically.

She then turned back again, and gave him a demanding look, then glanced at his girlfriend contemptuously, before turning forward again and oh-so-inconspicuously grabbing one of her delicious ass cheeks with her hand, her finger doing a tapping motion.

He couldn't believe it. His mind raced. Did she just...was she angry because he 'dared' look at his beloved girlfriend of two years instead of non-stop checking out some brazen, ridiculously hot slut that he had never even seen before? Did she expect him, a loving, happy boyfriend, to devote all of his attention, that should be reserved for Sarah, to this goddess-looking bitch just because she was gorgeous and had a juicy, fuckable ass and a pair of massive, mouth-watering tits?

He was stunned. It was utterly ridiculous, completely insane line of thinking. And yet...

His throbbing dick was rock hard, as if screaming to do just that, and more. And just the mere thought of going forward with that 'plan' lit the pleasure centers of his brain on fire, making his whole body tingle with excitement and pleasant electricity-like sensations. His heart pounded hard and fast in his chest.

The slut, however, was conflicted. Not about what she was doing, but rather about how she was doing it. She felt horny, and thoughts about this hunky stud's rock hard dick, that she felt burning into her ass moments ago, ripping right through her tight pants and sinking into her welcoming pussy, and then stretching it like it needed to be stretched heated her mind with red-hot lust.

That lust and arousal made her aggressive and possessive, as in her mind she already considered this marvelous man her conquest. And when she saw him look at his pathetic girlfriend, she felt pure fury.

How dare he?! She was the queen bitch around here and he ignored her? He should grab her tits and worship her like a goddess, then fuck her like and for long she wanted! And that ugly piece of trash girlfriend, how dare she get in her way?

She didn't care that Sarah was innocent of not only doing anything, but of even noticing the rude slut in the first place. She only cared about making that delicious son of a bitch pay by fucking her while she screamed her lungs out about just how little she thought of his lovey-dovey girlfriend, about just how much she hated that annoying cunt, and about just how much she was loving the intense fucking he would doubtlessly provide.

She had to shake herself out of her fantasies. She wasn't even halfway there, after all. As she calmed down slightly she remembered why exactly she had gotten worried in the first place -- she might've been too aggressive. She might've blew the entire chance she had. Maybe she should've given him some room...

After all, that ugly thing was his girlfriend, possibly for a while now. It wasn't unreasonable to think he'd take a little more convincing than a short dry hump and a glimpse down her glorious cleavage to realize he should forget about his girlfriend and focus entirely on this random slut he had never met.

And so, the impatient slut made a decision. She would give him all the tiny space he needed to cheat on his girlfriend.

Meanwhile, the bus drove on.

It was near a stop, so a couple more people got on the already packed bus. Many passengers were standing quite close to one another now. Then it resumed the drive, and shook every now and then from uneven ground or a steep turn.

It was rather quiet, and everybody minded their own business. But a certain attractive woman felt quite tense. It's been a couple of minutes, and she didn't turn around or do anything of note. She just stood, waiting patiently and wishing hopefully for something to happen. And then, after a way too long while, her slightly worried frown got replaced with a wide smirk, dripping with smugness.

She felt manly fingers slide upwards her ass, in the precise spot she tapped with her fingers some time ago. She was back in the game.

As soon as he had touched her attention-grabbing behind, Tom had noticed the female troublemaker lean her head back slightly. She seemed to relax, straightening up comfortably with a sort of easy-going confidence.

Tom wondered why he did it. He knew he shouldn't, he was determined not to, and yet...he went on ahead and had done it anyway. He rationalized that he only wanted to apologize for making her upset and that they should diplomatically end it on a positive note. Maybe she hasn't noticed his girlfriend before, and maybe he misunderstood her looks and butt-taping gestures?

Then why did he so eagerly cop a feel of that amazing ass? Well, she did cause quite a stir in him, it wasn't like she was without any fault. It was just a great ass, nothing real bad from being curious about just how well-sculpted it was. If anything, he deserved it for his troubles, right? His girlfriend hadn't noticed, so what was the harm?

The shortsighted, almost idiotic rationalizations carried on for a bit, pretty much distracting Tom from acknowledging just what it was exactly that he was doing, and what possible consequences could follow.

From excessive brainstorming he soon switched to intense, quiet focus when he saw the attractive co-passenger move towards him. She was ever so quietly and gently walking backwards, one casual step at a time.

He remained rooted at the spot, his heart pounding and his pants visibly tented out in front. It was a very lucky break nobody else had noticed the 'situation' brewing. Especially his beloved girlfriend, Sarah, who still stood leaning against his arm with her eyes closed.

She must've felt sleepy and tired, because she didn't react when he, bit by bit, slid around so that his front would be more, well, in front. After a while she wound up leaning against the side of his arm, not between his shoulder and collarbone.

'What the fuck am I doing?' he thought to himself.

The sexy female was getting closer and closer, her fantastic, tight pants-clad ass on a collision course with the loving boyfriend's noticeable bulge.

'This is so bad, so fucked up,' he panicked in his mind. Sarah was right there!

Then a womanly scent hit his nose. It was there before, barely noticeable, but now, as the source of it had gotten so close, he could take it all. Had to, even. It smelled too good to ignore. It had just a dab of flowery perfume, but first and foremost it was downright thick with raw, feminine sexuality.

It was the most luxurious scent he had ever smelled. He realized that this had to be the scent of a sex goddess -- it was that intoxicating. Or maybe it was just his arousal talking, but he couldn't even remember how Sarah smelled. Definitely not like this.

His reptilian brain recognized the smell. A smell of a hotter-than-hot female that just needed to be claimed and fucked. And so his conscious thinking got forcibly shoved aside.

There was still a very tiny distance between the curves of her ass and the tip of Tom's tent. It was disappearing far too slowly for both of their tastes, so Tom's free hand jumped upwards and without delay slid across the woman's hip and her taut abdomen.

She gasped, barely noticeably. He pulled her towards himself, his fingertips sinking slightly into the firmness of her abdominal muscles, tingling warmly from the sensation of it and of her soft skin. Her ponytail pushed into his face, filling his nose with even more of her arousing scent.

It was a miracle literally everybody in front of them was staring either towards the front of the bus, down at their feet, or had their eyes closed altogether. Because what was happening in plain sight was anything but appropriate.

She didn't require any more guidance as she pushed back her fantastic, juicy butt into Tom's crotch. He met it with as much of a forward push as he could manage without alerting Sarah to the loving boyfriend's unfaithful affections.

The sexy slut exhaled just that slightly bit louder, turning that very natural part of breathing into a shadow of a moan. Then Tom, unwilling to resist, did what he subconsciously wanted to do ever since he first laid eyes on that sexy minx. His hand slid upwards, and he grabbed a strong, rough handful of her massive, delicious rack.

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