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Brand New Pleasure

Story Info
Strange phenomenon causes a small town to go mad with lust.
14.9k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 11/26/2023
Created 09/24/2023
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AUTHOR'S NOTE AND A WARNING TO READERS: This story is rather kinky. Please make sure that you are comfortable with the rosa-blanca.ru before you continue onwards. You CAN skip over a bit that you don't enjoy and still grasp the story, I believe - but I still think a warning is in order. The story also contains some paranormal elements so don't expect full-on realism from this one.

I got the core concept and idea for this story - and the sexual pairings - from on the 'Story Ideas' forum, and a few other posters that contributed with ideas within that thread. Big thank you to all of them.

All of the characters in the story are eighteen or older.

All of my stories are copyrighted, including this one.


The building looked completely run down. The gate was chipped and battered, the gatehouse door hanging from a single hinge. Beyond the entrance was a weed-choked path, and to either side of it was a double row of tall poplars. In between them was nothing but open ground. The woods lay beyond. The house itself looked empty and abandoned. There were no lights anywhere, and every single window seemed to have been completely boarded up. The place might have been nice once, a lifetime ago, but time had obviously dealt it a terrible blow.

"You can't be serious.." Lucy - or Lulu as most of her friends called her - said with a whine. "Is this even the right address?" She looked up at the building with a look of disappointment and defeat, holding a bucket of paint in one hand and a roller brush in the other. She knew right away that this was going to be a long week.

The four friends, Elenore, Johanna, Lucy, and Ivy, had all taken this summer job together. It was a government gig for the municipal council, doing maintenance work on government-owned houses and buildings of their little town, before they fell into disrepair. The first two weeks had been rather smooth, with simple tasks like cleaning gutters, window washing, and repairing old siding. Even weeding in the public parks. And although the summer sun could be brutal at times, and working outdoors was a challenge in itself, they had held their spirits high. Until now.

This house looked like a complete mess, and would need extensive repairs to be liveable - and the town's population of only 5000 people or so was already declining year by year. Elenore sighed as she read off the paperwork from the council. "This is it. Right address. We just need to get started." She glanced around, a small frown forming on her lips. "Though I cannot fathom why they would try to salvage this place."

"It looks like it has been abandoned for quite a while." Ivy agreed. "Maybe it has historical value?"

"It's not even within the proper town limits, is it?" Lucy grumbled. "There must be almost half a mile to the nearest neighbour."

Elenore stuck the paperwork inside the rolled-up sleeves of her blouse, pulling them down so that it was covered. "Well, the house does belong to our town." She nodded towards the her friends, a sudden determination in her eyes. "So we can't be choosy on what we fix up. We get paid hourly anyways. Let's just get on with it." She gestured to their respective buckets and tools.

The young women sighed, each one wearing an expression of frustration and distaste. "Yeah... I guess..."

This was Lucy's first summer job. She had recently turned 18 and would be going to college in the Autumn, and she needed to scrape together as much money as she possibly could before then. So when Johanna had mentioned this summer job, in which they could all hang out together all summer, she had jumped at the opportunity. It was reasonably good pay too. So it wasn't that she was ungrateful. This task just seemed very daunting.

"We just have to paint it, right? For now, anyways?" Ivy asked Elenore. She was the responsible one that usually kept track of their projects and progress.

"Yes," Elenore said. "Just the paint for now, although it's possible they'll send us back out here to fix up the rest afterwards." Lucy let out a sigh, glancing up at the old house with a grimace. She had a gut feeling they'd be out here for day after day after day. This was a large property, and everything was in disarray.

"I'll go get the ladder from the truck" Ivy said, and then they all got to work.

--- 2 ---

They were out there all day, and it was the warmest day of the summer yet. As the late afternoon came around, they sat in the shade under a nearby tree, taking a break. Several empty water bottles were strewn around them. Ivy had unbuttoned her shirt completely, her tanned skin glistening with sweat as she laid down with a heavy sigh, her dark hair spilling out on the grass around her head like a crown. Her bra was on full display, but she didn't care. She was proud of her body, and certainly the most confident one out of the bunch.

Elenore had rolled up her sleeves again, but she was so hot that the white blouse was clinging to her skin, showing off the ample curves of her breasts and her hips. She was a tall woman, almost five-nine, and had a thin frame that still carried the weight of her big chest with ease.

Johanna, however, did not feel comfortable showing any of her skin. She was slightly overweight, and very self-conscious about her body. So she kept her clothes on and her sleeves rolled down, despite the scorching hot temperature. She had a look of displeasure on her face.

As for Lucy, she was a tiny little thing. A petite and spunky little redhead, with freckles across her nose, grey eyes, and often seen with a mischievous little smirk on her lips. She wasn't quite flat-chested, but not far from it either - though she did have a shapely and round butt that looked even bigger than it was due to the rest of her being small.

The girls sat in silence for a while, exhausted from working all day. Then Johanna glanced around. "Do you guys hear something?" She frowned as she listened intently, squinting at the large building, and then into the woods beyond. "What's that noise?"

"It's just your over-active imagination again, Jo.." Ivy quickly replied. Johanna was easily scared. She believed in ghosts and ghouls, goblins and trolls, the Sasquatch and the Loch Ness Monster. One time, she insisted she had seen a leprechaun, or maybe it was a gnome - she wasn't sure. But she thought that every story had an element of truth to it, and that the tooth fairy might really exist, though the real version was far more sinister in her mind. Probably colluding with dentists somehow. She really hated dentists.

Elenore's head shot up suddenly, and she gasped as she heard the noise too. It was a sound that echoed across the skies, subtle but haunting, and yet almost completely indistinct. Almost. There was definitely something familiar about the sound, but it took her a while before she finally recognized it. It sounded almost like a scream or a chilling moan. But the tone was different from one scream to another, as if multiple voices were intertwined and overlapping. A multitude of cries for help? Or perhaps a chant or a prayer? But then it slowly faded away into nothingness and went silent, as quickly as it had come. It was all over in ten seconds or less.

"L-Look.." Johanna said, pointing towards the sky. Piercing through the few merciful clouds, stretching slowly across the heavens like waves of light, a phenomenon not too different from the northern lights was shimmering and flickering. A myriad of colours, dancing across their vision, in broad daylight. Sanguine, chartreuse, lime and indigo - so intense it almost seemed unreal. But there were no aurora borealis around these parts, just a warm southern climate, and it was broad daylight. This must be some trick of the light. Some weird optical illusion, perhaps? It was truly mesmerizing and strangely beautiful. But mysterious.

"Oh my god.." Ivy whispered, her dark eyes wide as she stared in awe. "W-What is that?"

Lucy stood up as if the additional height would give her a better view, despite being less than five feet tall, shielding her eyes against the sun-glare. Her eyes were glued to it, as if mesmerized. "I've never seen anything like it before.." Elenore said nothing, only nodded, her eyes fixated on the tendrils of light drifting slowly through the sky. The phenomenon soon disappeared. It had come, and gone, in less than a minute.

But Johanna was freaking out by now. "You realize that wasn't natural, right!?" She got on her feet, walking towards the truck. She was getting the hell out of there. "Let's go, guys. Before we get snatched by an alien or something!"

"Wait, Johanna. Let's all just take a minute." Elenore got to her feet and went over to her. "We've only got an hour left until our shift is over. Let's just get it done, so we don't risk getting into trouble?"

"Ha! Ha! Haaa... no.." Johanna laughed nervously and sarcastically. She spun her head around to glance at the sky, as if she was certain it would open up at any second. She was on the verge of panic. Her skin looked even paler than usual, her expression fraught. "Nope! I'm done for today!"

Elenore took hold of her hand, preventing her from running away. "Calm down. Let's just paint a little bit more before we call it quits for the day? Please? The others are agreeing to stay too, right?" She looked over at Lucy for help.

"I thought it was beautiful," the petite girl said, her grey eyes sparkling still, like silver coins. "But it seemed odd, I guess, coming from nowhere like that..."

Ivy seemed to be on the fence. "Hmm.. Is it possible it could be something dangerous? Like.. Err.. A chemical reaction or something? Or, uhm.. The wind can cause some strange optical illusions like that, you know?"

Johanna didn't hear anything they were saying. She shook her head frantically. "We need to go home. Now! That was not normal!" Her voice had taken a slightly shrill edge to it. She glanced around as if she expected to see flying saucers or giant tentacles or something descend from the heavens. "Guys, please, I'm freaking out..!"

"That's nothing new.." Ivy muttered under her breath, but got on her feet regardless, and sighed. She brushed the grass out of her clothes and hair, then buttoned her top back up. "Okay. Let's pack up our things, then call it a day early. Maybe nobody will notice."

--- 3 ---

Ivy drove the truck into town. She was the designated driver, partly because she was the only one out of the four that felt truly comfortable behind the wheel. Her dad was a mechanic, and she had grown up driving go-karts, and knew more about cars than most. The others had gotten their licenses as well, but Johanna already had a warning from bumping into a police officer's squad car about two weeks after she got it. And this particular truck had a manual transmission for some reason. Why the government had bought them, even though most people were far more comfortable driving automatics, they had no idea. Maybe the local Toyota dealership had given them an offer they could not refuse. Either way, Ivy was the natural choice behind the wheel.

As they got into town, they pulled into a burger joint, starving after working in the sun all day - and it quickly became clear that the townsfolk had seen the same phenomenon as they had. People were gossiping about it all around them, speculating about what it could be. A handful seemed scared, but most seemed to feel it was beautiful and somehow romantic. Johanna certainly appeared the most freaked out, though. Not even a large plate of fries could calm her nerves.

"I'm scared," Johanna said, finally. "I've seen strange things before, but this is far creepier somehow." She looked at her friends, with pleading eyes. "Can we have a sleepover tonight? I know we're a bit too old for it, perhaps, but I'm frightened. I don't want to be alone tonight. What if I get abducted or something!?"

Ivy and Elenore exchanged looks, but decided to be accommodating. "Of course we can. Why not?" Ivy nodded. "It'll be nice to hang out for a while and chat about this stuff, and then just do something distracting to take our minds off of it." She wasn't entirely sure that it was the right thing to do, but she did feel bad for her friend. Johanna's nerves would be shaken for hour on end, most likely, and leaving her alone might not be the best choice.

"You know we'd love to come over and stay the night!" Elenore added to show her support, looking at Johanna. "Your place..? Or..?"

Johanna shook her head. "No.. Not my house, please. My dad's drinking a lot lately. Can we go to yours?" She looked at Ivy, her eyes full of hope.

Ivy considered this for a moment. She still lived at home, but her parents were divorced, and her dad was almost always out in the garage whenever he was home, as he was quite the workaholic. She was also an only child. It was likely they would have the most privacy there, and the most space. "Okay, my place should work! Lucy, you're coming too!"

"Sure, but can we swing by my place and get my laptop and some other stuff?" Lucy asked. "I want to try to figure out more about what we saw. Maybe we can find some information on the internet." She was quite intrigued by the phenomenon and wondered if there was any videos of it anywhere online.

"Yes! Great idea. Let's try to do some research. There must be some explanation!" Johanna looked a bit better already, nodding excitedly.

--- 4 ---

It was raining that evening. The water drops falling from the sky made everything feel peaceful, soothing, and serene. Ivy had lit the fireplace upstairs, and the crackling of the flames along with the thunderous sound of raindrops against the window created a cosy atmosphere. The fire cast shadows onto the walls, dancing rhythmically, like a silent musical theatre that only existed for their own amusement.

Lucy's laptop was open on the coffee table, showing a web page. The girls were sitting on the couch in the living room, looking at pictures from old newspapers on the screen. Even after hours of research, they had not really found much of value. The closest thing they had discovered was a bunch of information on something called 'airglow', which apparently could strike during the day on some occasions. Wikipedia described the phenomenon as "faint emission of light by a planetary atmosphere" and was apparently caused when "atoms and molecules in the upper atmosphere, excited by sunlight, emit light to shed their excess energy".

However, what they had witnessed was far more intense than any of the pictures they found, and moved much quicker. "Maybe we should just come to terms with the fact that not all mysteries can be easily solved.." Elenore suggested, growing tired of the research. "How about we watch a movie instead?"

"A horror film?" Ivy suggested cheekily, and laughed. Johanna frowned and rolled her eyes, still a little riled up.

Ivy put the television on and flipped over to the Netflix app. "Hmm.." she said, as she was browsing through the selection. "How about something animated, then?"

"Yeah, maybe a kids' film? Something silly, with lots of colorful characters!" Elenore smiled, but no one else looked too enthusiastic. "Aw come on guys! Don't you want to laugh and have some fun after such a long and stressful day?"

"Fine, fine.." Lucy agreed, and closed her laptop. "Let's go with that."

--- 5 ---

At night the dreams began. Intense, vivid, sexual dreams about people that they knew but didn't necessarily have a sexual attraction towards. They did not know it yet, but everyone in town shared in this fate, experiencing dreams that were strangely erotic - and most people would find their dreams rather disturbing, filled with kinky scenarios that they were puzzled their own minds were even able to conjure up. But no one was aware of the full scope of it all, that almost every single person in their sleepy little village experienced this at once, and that the vivid experiences people went through in these dreams were shared between everyone in it.

Elenore dreamt of Lucy. Her best friend since they were nothing but children. It was an odd sensation, because she was quite certain that the both of them were straight, and she had never looked at Lucy in that light before. But in the dream, Lucy was simply irresistible - her freckled skin glistening with sweat as she wiggled her butt back and forth like a wild bunny - hypnotising and inviting - and Elenore's hands held on tight to her friend's bottom, digging into her flesh as Lucy moaned loudly and sprayed her juices onto her friend's tongue. It was a blissful experience, and it felt so real. Elenore could almost taste her friend's sweet nectar on her tongue. What was happening!? This was not something she should be feeling for her best friend! It felt so wrong. And yet oh so right..

Elenore woke up in the middle of the night, feeling warm and.. What was that? She lifted her blanket in shock, finding Lucy underneath, placing little kisses on her inner thighs.

"Lucy!?" She gasped, trying to sit upright. Her heart was pounding hard in her chest, the vivid dream still fresh in her mind, as she looked down at her friend in disbelief. "Lucy, what the fuck?"

Lucy didn't say anything. She continued with what she was doing, planting kisses all over Elenore's soft, sensitive skin. Her fingers were stroking the insides of Elenore's thighs, caressing them gently, feeling them up as if she had been missing them all of her life. Elenore looked around and noticed Ivy was asleep in her bed, but Johanna was missing from her mattress on the floor.

"Lucy?" Elenore hissed, sounding unsure of what she should do. "What are you.. Lucy!?"

But then Lucy lifted her head up from Elenore's thighs, with a sweet smile on her face. "Schh.." She said, and crawled up on top of Elenore, pushing her down onto the mattress as she placed a passionate kiss on her lips, then another one right next to her ear, sending tingles down Elenore's spine.

"S-Stop it, Lulu.." she gasped, unable to hide the obvious arousal in her own voice. What was going on? She had known Lucy since they were kids and they had never once shared an intimate moment like this. She was almost certain that Lucy was straight too. "Lucy! Lucy, listen to me!"

"Shh, just let it happen, El..." Lucy whispered as she kissed her way down Elenore's throat. The petite girl pushed her hands underneath the taller one's nightgown, caressing her belly, and then her voluptuous breasts. "You want it.. I can feel it.. Your body is telling me everything I need to know.." Her fingers circled around a nipple, playing with it softly, teasing it gently. Her lips kept kissing and nibbling at Elenore's neck, making her moan quietly, involuntarily. Elenore tried to stop her, though she put no real effort into the attempt, and as Lucy's lips nibbled onto her soft skin, she moaned in delight, a feeling of ecstasy surging through her entire body.

"Take off your night gown.." Lucy said, her voice playful. She grabbed hold of Elenore's gown, and lifted it up, tossing it across the room, until all that covered her gorgeous being was a simple pair of white panties. Elenore was feeling completely exposed underneath Lucy now, trying to cover herself up with her arms. She had a nice sized bust, and her nipples were puffy. Petite little Lucy hovered over her, and she could feel her heart pounding inside of her chest - and between her legs - as she gazed into Lucy's eyes, filled with lust. Her panties were damp already.

"Lucy..?" she whispered, putting her hands on her friends shoulders. "I think there might be something wrong. D-Did you also have a weird dream?" She moved her arms, but Lucy grabbed them and pushed them back down onto the mattress.

"You don't understand.." Lucy whispered, leaning forward. Her face was very close to Elenore's ear now, her hot breath tickling her skin, sending shivers down her spine. "We belong together, and I'm going to make you cum.." She kissed Elenore's throat again, then lowered her head further, until her face was pressed into Elenore's large bosom. Elenore felt the soft kisses on her breast, and couldn't help but caress her friends red hair gently. The moment felt so intimate, despite how awkward it was. But the warmth of Lucy's tongue on Elenore's skin made her weak, unable to resist as her friend kept planting soft little kisses down Elenore's chest, across her belly - and then she reached the waistline of Elenore's panties.

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