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Brand New Pleasure


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"My sake? I'm fine. I enjoyed myself too." She nuzzled closer to El. "Let's go back to sleep now, hmm? I'm staying here with you, though.. I need to be close to you from now on.."

Elenore glanced over at Ivy, who looked at the both of them, as if unsure of what to do now. But then Elenore placed her arm around Lucy and pulled her closer, holding her tightly. It did feel good having her naked body against hers. "Fine, I guess.." she said, blushing deep crimson. Lucy purred next to Elenore, a big smile on her face. Ivy looked a little disappointed that the show was over.

"Goodnight, El.. I'm so happy you are next to me. I don't want to sleep without you ever again.." Lucy whispered lovingly.

"Y-Yeah.." Elenore admitted. "Me neither."

Lucy nuzzled up against Elenore's bosom, and closed her eyes, sighing in contentment as she drifted off into a pleasant sleep. Elenore tried to fall asleep herself, unable to deny the arousal that still lingered within her. She thought about everything that had happened tonight. Her lips were tingling and she could still taste Lucy's pee on her tongue. She licked her lips softly, savouring the flavour, not wanting to forget it. Then she kissed Lucy on the top of her head, and closed her eyes, a smile creeping across her face.

Maybe this had all started with a dream, but Elenore was starting to realize that it was more like a dream come true. Her heart was overflowing with love for the petite little girl, and she took a deep breath and sighed happily, allowing herself to feel at home for the first time in a long while. Lucy and her? Yeah.. Maybe it did make sense after all. In fact, she was becoming more and more certain of it for every moment that passed, and she fell asleep feeling more in love than she ever had thought possible.

But Ivy laid awake. She was touching herself under the covers, yet it didn't seem to give her any satisfaction. What the heck? She touched herself, pinching her nipples hard enough that it made them sting a little, and she frantically rubbed her pleasure button like she usually did, but none of it made her feel much pleasure. Concerned, she bit her lip, wondering what was wrong with her. She had just experienced the show of a lifetime yet it seemed like masturbation gave her no release at all. Then she glanced towards the empty mattress where Johanna had slept. She still wasn't back..? Where had that girl gone..?

--- 6 ---

Johanna climbed into the bed where Ivy's dad slept, and swallowed nervously. She was already naked, her pyjamas thrown onto the floor by the foot of the bed. Unsure of what had come over her, she couldn't resist throwing herself at this man. Not after that vivid dream she had of the two of them making passionate love in all kinds of kinky ways. He was more than twice her age, and incredibly handsome - his chest bare, his big arms strong, and he had a thick beard. Johanna didn't consider herself very attractive, as she was rather chubby, and she knew there was a good chance this man would reject her and throw her out of the room. And yet she felt that she had to try this - try to seduce him. Her urges were simply too strong to resist.

"M-Mister Campbell..?" Johanna whispered, her voice partly stuck in her throat. She made her way underneath the covers, and placed a hand onto his underwear. He was already erect - throbbing, even - and Johanna shivered with lust and anxiety. She wasn't entirely sure what she was doing or why she was doing it. This man was like a second father to her, and she had known him for years, and yet she wanted him. Ivy would not approve, of course - but it was as if that didn't matter. It was worth the risk. She would sacrifice it all just to be with him. Resisting was not an option. "W-Wake up.."

She shook him awake, gently, one hand on his chest and the other right on his cock. "What is it, Johanna? What are you doing in here?" He grumbled sleepily, looking at the young teenager who was laying in his bed, naked, beside him. It took several seconds before the shoe dropped, and he blinked his eyes ten times in a second. "Why are you.." he began, but then trailed off. "T-The dream.." he stuttered, as if he had some sort of lightbulb moment.

Johanna smiled, very pleased with his words. "You dreamt of me too? Then I know you want me," she whispered. "And I want you.. And I can't control myself.."

He frowned deeply. "I don't understand, though.. What is going on here? This.. This doesn't make sense? How can we dream about each other at the same time?"

"Uhm.." Johanna lifted up the blanket, exposing her naked body underneath of it. Her entire warm was shaking due to her nerves. "I don't know, but.. I know I'm not the prettiest girl, mister Campbell, but I'm really eager to please you. I'll let you do anything you want with me." She sucked in air audibly. "You can put it in my ass, or face-fuck me, or.." She grabbed his underwear and pulled them down. His cock bounced out from underneath, swollen and hard, almost painfully throbbing as it pointed towards her face. Johanna licked her lips, staring at it like it was the most delicious thing in the world. "Whatever you want, really.." she said breathlessly.

Before Ivy's father could object, Johanna leaned in and placed a soft kiss on the head of his shaft, then another one right next to it, looking up at him with pleading eyes - truly begging for his approval. She took hold of his cock in her small hand, wrapping it around her fingers as she stroked his length. Her heart was beating fast inside her chest as she slowly licked his tip, savouring his taste before taking the head into her mouth. Her pussy was moist already, and Johanna could feel a slow heat build up within her loins, pulsating in time with her heartbeat, making her wetter and wetter.

"Johanna.. Ohh.." his voice was thick with the raspy sound of sleep, as well as the lust that was building up in him. She heard him take in a deep breath and let it out slowly. His cock twitched in her hand. He was clearly very excited. But as Johanna took his cock deeper and deeper into her throat, gagging slightly, the more his expression seemed unsure about all of this. It worried her. She wanted this. She needed this. And she had to convince him. It was as if her happiness depended on it.

"What is your secret fetish, mister Campbell?" she asked, taking his cock out of her mouth yet swirling her tongue around the glans after she finished her sentence. She stroked him in slow strokes as she looked at him with wide, eager eyes.

He grunted softly. "It's uhm.. Well, I.. Johanna, we should stop this before it gets further out of hand.."

"I'm a virgin, mister Campbell.." Johanna admitted shyly. "Teach my holes what it feels like to be fucked.. Please.. I know you want to do it.." She smirked, her cheeks and her nose red with shame, and her heart pounding like crazy inside of her chest. But she had to show him she was serious about this. "In the dream I had, you put it in my bottom.."

"Oh.." he gasped. "Ohh god.."

"Shh! You don't want your daughter to hear us, right? Tell me what you like.." She grinned at him as she continued stroking him slowly, savouring the taste of his cock on her tongue as she licked his head again. Then she began straddling his stomach.

"Well, you see.." He said, looking up at Johanna with a concerned look in his eyes, even though his cock was standing proudly between her legs. "Your dream makes sense somehow because I really have a strong preference for anal sex.."

Johanna felt a wave of excitement run through her. "Oh, yes?" she asked, giving him a naughty smile. She rubbed her pussy up and down his stomach, slowly, but never letting go of his hard cock. Inside her heart was beating like a drum, and she couldn't believe how she was acting. But it felt so right. "You want to put your throbbing penis into the butt of a virgin girl, mister Campbell?"

"It's uh.. You see.." he began again.

"You won't hurt me, I promise!" Johanna interrupted him, a shy smile creeping across her face. "I masturbate with my butt regularly.."

His eyes widened, but his cock throbbed against her labia as Johanna ran her pussy up and down the entire length of his cock. She was getting wetter and wetter as she realized just how much this turned him on, and how much he was struggling to fight his urges. So she decided to push the envelope. "Just close your eyes and let me take care of the rest.." she said, before leaning in to kiss him on the lips.

He responded instantly. It had been some time since he had any form of affection of this kind from another woman, and the dream he had just experienced had a soft grip around his heart somehow. As Johanna grabbed his cock and aimed it at her bottom, he could barely believe it. "D-Don't you at least want some lube?"

"Your cock is slick with my juices, mister Campbell.. This is lubricated enough already!" Johanna insisted as she took hold of his cock in her small hand and aimed it towards her forbidden hole. Then she pushed it inside, slowly but surely, wiggling her hips a little to get the angle just right. It was a tight, snug fit - and she felt stretched beyond her limit as she went further down onto his shaft. The sensation was intense, overwhelming, and her breath caught in her throat as she pushed it all in - inch by inch.

She gasped as she sat on his lap, completely filled to the brim with his throbbing, pulsating cock. "Oh fffuck.." she whispered, moving around to adjust herself to the sensation. It hurt a little, and yet she had never been more sure of anything in her life. It was as if his cock belonged in her bottom, and she had just opened the door to a whole new world for herself. A world she wanted to live in from now on.

She allowed herself a few moments to adjust to his size. Then she pulled up slightly so that only the tip was inside her before pushing it back down, deep into her teenage butt. He let out a soft groan of pleasure, grabbing hold of Johanna's thighs, sinking his fingers into her soft flesh. "Turn this virgin into an anal slut," she begged, her voice full of desperation. "Make my insides take on the shape of your cock.."

Johanna grabbed onto his shoulders for support, and began grinding on his lap, taking his shaft in and out of her rectum at a steady rhythm. The motion was so intense that it caused her to rub against his stomach, smearing her pussy juice everywhere on his abs. Johanna started breathing faster, picking up the pace, thrusting harder onto his cock. "Ooh yes..! Ohh god!" She started moaning louder, throwing her head back and enjoying the fullness of having his big cock inside of her butt. "Is it good for you, mister Campbell? I love it.."

"Yes.." he moaned in response. Johanna had to admit that the expression on his face was so unbelievably sexy - she had never seen a man look at her with this much lust before. He had lost himself to the sensation, no longer able to resist it. No longer wanting to resist her.

"Mmh.. You have a nice cock, mister Campbell.. I've wanted to do this with you for a while now.." Johanna whispered her confession and picked up the pace even more, getting closer and closer to her climax, her clit rubbing against his body with every bounce. "I masturbate with my butthole regularly.. And it feels sooo good! My butt is my biggest weakness, mister Campbell.."

"I never knew girls did that.." he grunted in reply, his hips starting to buck up towards her own, increasing the intensity of the thrusts, driving himself deep inside of her bowels. Johanna bit down on her lower lip, moaning even louder as she began to shake with pleasure. "But you're a dirty little slut, aren't you, Johanna?"

She started grinding her clit harder against his body, her heart beating furiously inside of her chest. "Uh-huh.. I am your butt slut, mister Campbell.." she moaned in response, knowing exactly what he liked to hear. She leaned forward even further and wrapped her arms around his neck as he took hold of her hips and thrust himself inside her faster and faster, giving her no mercy now. She took it well, but it was intense and overwhelming, and she felt her body go limp against the older man's body, just laying there and letting him have his way with her, as she blissfully enjoyed every second. Her breath hitched in her throat.

"You like that, huh? Little butt slut Johanna."

"Yes.. Uh.. Uhhhnnn.. Uh-huh.." she was shaking like a leaf in his hands, unable to speak anymore as she leaned in and kissed him on the mouth, her tongue eagerly searching for his. She could feel her orgasm approaching fast now, her body trembling and her face turning bright red as she grinded her pussy against him, wanting even more of his cock inside of her butt. Wanting him to keep taking her like this forever. Then it hit her - an intense climax coursing through her body, her thighs quivering as her pussy squirted all over his stomach, liquid pouring out of her and onto the bed underneath them. She moaned into his mouth, and forgot how to move her tongue, her eyes rolled back in her head.

He continued pounding her butt, even as she started cumming, fucking her through her orgasm, slamming himself deep inside her over and over again. He was so rough with her. She moaned, but most of the sound didn't seem to come out, and she just held her mouth open as the overwhelming sensations kept washing over her, leaving her completely breathless. "Yes..! Uh! Uh! Uh!" she managed to whimper, thrusting her hips up, meeting his every thrust, keeping herself full. He came soon after that. His cock twitched hard inside of her, throbbing like mad as he filled Johanna's ass with hot cum. She couldn't believe how much he was giving her; it felt so amazing!

"You dirty little slut.. I never would have imagined you were like this!" He exclaimed as they both laid still, her on top of him and his cock still inside of her butt. Her orgasm was dying down, but she could feel his cum moving around inside her, warming her bowels and making her shiver with delight.

"My ass belongs to you, mister Campbell.. You can stretch me open every day if you want.. I don't mind.." she whispered in reply.

"Wow.." he said, as they remained like this for a while longer, catching their breaths. His hands were still holding onto Johanna's hips as his cock throbbed within her. He had cum so much.. She felt amazing. Her butt was warm and filled with his juices. Her first time had been nothing like she had ever imagined, and yet it was so much better.

"I'll be your naughty little butt slut anytime you want, mister Campbell!" she said and planted a kiss on his lips. He kissed her back, then pulled his cock out from inside of her, and grabbed hold of her upper body, holding her in an embrace.

"I would have never imagined that a sweet girl like you could turn into such a sexual vixen." He sounded incredulous, but then shook his head. "But please, do get back to Ivy's room before she notices you're gone."

"No, mister Campbell.. Please, don't send me away. I don't care if we get caught. I just want to be near you.." She cuddled up against his warm body underneath of the covers. "This feels amazing.. Like it was meant to be.."

"... Alright then," he said and gave her a big grin, uncertain himself of why he'd agree to such a thing, but it just felt right.

"Besides, mister Campbell.. I have to clean you up, don't I?" A naughty grin spread across Johanna's face, and she lowered herself down his body once more. She took his cock in her small hand, and began to lick all over it - cleaning the juices that were still oozing out of it, wanting to savour their combined flavour as much as possible.

"Dear heavens.." the older man said, caressing the back of the young girl's head as she ran her tongue all over his cock, lapping up his semen and her anal juices eagerly. "You like the taste of your own asshole?"

She grinned at him. "Uh-huh! I always clean my fingers with my mouth after I've masturbated with my bottom.. The naughty flavour drives me wild.." She admitted this shyly, her cheeks glowing red, but she wanted him to fully understand just how dirty she was willing to be for him. And it clearly affected him greatly, because his cock was twitching at her words, which she noticed - so she decided to really drive the point home. "Your cock tastes nice, mister Campbell - but it tastes even better after it's been inside my ass," Johanna whispered.

The man ran a hand through her hair as she kept licking and slurping at his shaft like it was a popscicle. He found himself loving every second of it, although he couldn't explain why. This teenager was something else. Not just because she was willing to give herself to him completely, but also because she wasn't the kind of girl he would have expected this from. It made it feel extra special. And he couldn't help but grow hard again..

"You want more, mister Campbell?" she giggled, her face naughty. "You want to stretch my ass out again and then make me suck it? Repeat that over and over again until my mouth is overflowing with the flavour of your cock and my butt combined?" she purred. "Do you like hearing me talk about this? Telling you how much I enjoy this?"

"You're incredible.." he sighed, shaking his head at her as if she was too good for him. But the thought of filling her bottom once more turned him on like crazy, and Johanna could see it in his eyes. And so, she sat up on the bed, turned away from him, and place herself in a position where her butt was sticking up and her face was buried in the sheets. Then she spread her butt cheeks apart with both of her hands, and wiggled slightly, as if to entice him.

It only took a few seconds before she could feel his throbbing erection pushing back into her bottom. She couldn't believe how fast she had fallen for this man. She had always had a crush on him, but she would have never dared to act like this with him before tonight. Frankly, she didn't know what had taken control of her urges. She did masturbate with her butt sometimes, that much was true, but she had never pictured her first time being in her ass. Yet, with mister Campbell, it couldn't feel more right. This was exactly what she wanted. What she craved.

"Fuck my bottom, mister Campbell.. Claim it for your own!" She kept encouraging him, shivering with pleasure every time he thrust himself inside. His balls slapped against her cunny as he drove himself deeper and deeper into her bowels. "Oh god.. It feels amazing when you take me this roughly! My pussy is so wet, mister Campbell.. I bet you can feel it dripping down my thighs."

"You're not getting it in your pussy, Johanna. You're my anal slut, understand?" He said, thrusting harder than ever. Johanna was breathless, unable to do anything other than moan softly as he took her from behind. What did he mean by that? Was he never going to put it in her other hole? She couldn't stop grinning. This felt too good to ever stop doing. It felt right. She belonged to his cock now, and if that meant no vaginal sex then she would happily live without that forever, if that's what he wanted. If she dared to be honest with herself, maybe that's what she wanted too..?

"Oh god, yes..!" She cried out, starting to get close to her second climax. "Ignore my pussy. Anal feels so much better! Mmh.. Your big cock is stretching my poor butthole wide open! It's so good, mister Campbell.. Let me prove what a good little slut I can be for you.." She wanted this moment to last forever, so she tried to hold back her orgasm as long as possible. But his thrusts became faster and faster, harder and harder. He pounded into her bottom, filling the room with the sound of their intense love making, and maybe their noises even echoed throughout the rest of the house. She didn't care. Johanna knew she had never experienced anything as blissful as this. It was as if it was meant to be. Like their dreams were one.

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