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Breaking Drake Ch. 12

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Drake angers Raell and he and two others pay for it.
4.1k words

Part 12 of the 17 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 01/31/2015
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Raell looked down at her slave.

"Are you special? I'm sorry, did you not learn from many a previous experience that you are NOT special?"

Drake trembled, remembering the first time his ass had been plugged.

"Yes, Mistress! I am sorry, Mistress. It's just that Aubrey acted like it. He kept giving me cold looks and acted really stuffy."

"You are the newest house slave, and because of this you will be spending lots of time with me, learning new skills. He and others are just jealous of that extra time you get with me."

Drake nodded at the ground, still awaiting punishment for the question. Instead, he was surprised when she told him to go shower in the shower in the showers in the Cave then come back upstairs.

"If you come back smelling like filth at all, you'll be sleeping on a concrete floor, understand? My nose is limited on how much stink it can handle."

Drake nodded, then hurried out. He took one of the hidden staircases down, then showered in the big bathroom downstairs. He scrubbed hard, making sure to get every spot multiple times. He wondered if he should shave his groin, as he had not seen a single slave with pubic hair, or any other body hair, now that he thought about it. Not seeing a razor, he shrugged. If Mistress Raell wanted him shaven, no doubt she'd have him shave. He watched other slaves come and go in the shower room, laughing to himself as he muttered "Don't drop the soap!"

He realized just how used to being stark naked and to seeing other naked guys he was. The thought angered him a bit, but he discarded the thought as he stepped into the drying area and toweled himself dry. He bolted back upstairs, taking the same hidden staircase. He arrived out of breath and taking an extra second, knocked on the doors.


Drake entered, and blinked at what he saw. Slade was at Mistress Raell's feet, licking her boots. Drake bowed down, awaiting instructions.

"Come over here, slave. You should watch Slade, as at some point you will learn how to properly clean boots as well."

Drake crawled forward and sat next to Slade, watching the man's tongue as it slid up her boot in long slow licks, polishing the leather. He started at the bottom of the boot, and worked his way upwards. Drake felt grossed out about the idea of having to lick boots clean. He knew some people had a fetish for that, but he did not.

Slade continued, and when finished with both boots, he gave Mistress Raell a questioning look.


Slade unzipped the first boot, then the other. He carefully set them to the side, the turned his attention to her feet. He massaged her right calf while softly kissing her foot. He traced his lips from her big toe up to her ankle, then did the same with the next toe, working his way over.

After that, he kissed her sole, massaging her calf the whole time. Drake looked up at Mistress Raell, who had leaned back on the bed and had a relaxed smile on her face.

Looking back at Slade, Drake realized he had a huge hard on. Drake quickly returned his gaze back to Slade's mouth-work. He gazed at the tone leg, with the rounded calf and smooth skin. He imagined running his own hand up in, and was surprised when he felt a fire stirring in his lower belly.

Glancing down, he realized his own cock was awakening. Hoping that Mistress Raell wouldn't mind, he returned to watching, deciding that helping his hard on along would result in punishment.

Slade finished the right leg and started anew on the left. Drake watched closely, the fire in his belly building. His fingers twitched, wanting the touch and caress the way Slade was touching and caressing Mistress Raell. God he was horny.

Raell got up, waving Slade away.

"Thank you, pet. You may go."

Slade shot Drake an evil glare, obviously thinking Drake would get to finish the massage. Instead, she pointed at the cage next to her desk.

"In you go."

Drake crawled in, settling down on the pillow as she shut and locked the door.

Raell eyed her slave's boner, admiring its size. His line had always been well endowed, but Drake had definitely won the prize.

"If I return to a puddle of goo in that cage tomorrow, you will be licking it up, understood?"

Drake nodded. "Yes, Mistress."

She stared at him a second more, then headed into the massive dragon bedroom. Drake heard a loud rumbling yawn, and assumed she was in her scaly form. He drifted to sleep with a severe case of blue balls, dreaming of legs and silver eyes.

Drake awoke to a loud snort and the sunrise.

Looking out the massive windows, he watched as the silver dragon walked outside and stretched. Once again he thought of a cat as he admired the muscles sliding under her scaly skin. She yawned, and Drake shivered at the sight of ivory teeth and a split tongue. Her skin seemed to ripple, and he realized that much like a dog's fur, she could rise and lower her scales at will. Three large cows were being led towards her by six slaves. The cows were mooing in fear, trying to pull away from their handlers. The dragon's head bobbed much like that of a heron's, and she snagged one cow between her teeth. Shaking her head, she broke the cow's spine then swallowed it whole. The next two cows were eaten similarly.

Drake felt his hair rise as he looked at the massive beast, her muzzle bright red with blood. The six handler slaves stayed far away. The dragon walked over to a pond and dunked her muzzle in, moving it side to side to wash the blood off.

Satisfied, she then roared and loosed a banner of flame, effectively removing any flesh caught in her teeth.

She stretched one more time then shook like a dog, rumbling with pleasure. Thanking a few running steps forward, she dove over the edge of the platform, and Drake stared. He heard a loud thump, and she reappeared climbing into the sky. Drake flashed back to his own flight in her paw, and remembered how happy she'd seemed flying through the air.

He watched the dragon all morning, laughing softly at the sight. She was truly a being of the skies, weaving shapes into the clouds and chasing the sun as it rose. His stomach rumbled, reminding him of his hunger, but he knew he wouldn't be going anywhere until the dragon came back.

Noon was nearly arrived when Raell landed. The sun felt good on her scales, and she was tempted to stay in her natural form. However, things had to be done and she couldn't do them as a four story tall dragon. Switching forms, she strode back into the house.

Drake bowed as Mistress Raell entered, and hissed softly as his stomach rumbled. Mistress Raell only laughed.

"Go get food in the kitchen. Meet me down in the PR when you are done eating. Don't take too long though, slave."

She released him, and he followed her out. She headed to her main office on the first floor, and Drake went to go eat. The kitchen was bustling with slaves, and Drake stood to the side for a second, figuring out where and what he was supposed to eat. He noticed a second area of the kitchen where slaves were bringing food to and leaving with empty bowls. He walked over and watched a man fill a dog bowl with cereal from a pantry. Grabbing a dog bowl from the stack, Drake walked in and poured himself some cereal as well- it looked like a bran cereal.

Walking over into the separate area, he looked at the group of slaves sitting on the floor around a small eating area, laughing and talking. Drake sat to the side and ate his food, remembering Mistress Raell's warning and not eating too slowly. When finished he followed another man out and put his food bowl in the industrial washer with the rest of them. Drake then hurried downstairs.

Drake knocked on the door, and getting no answer, cracked one of the doors open. Seeing no Mistress, he slipped in. Remembering yesterday, he bowed down on the wooden platform and waited.

He didn't have to wait too long before Mistress Raell walked in. He trembled softly, unsure if he was in the right position or if he should have walked in without waiting.

Raell grinned as she walked in and saw Drake bowing on the platform. He learned fast. She wondered how long the submissive behavior would last. Sooner or later anger would override fear, and she could feel every time he had an angry feeling.

"Sacrifice position."

Drake sat up from his bow, so that he was sitting back on his ankles, knees spread, with his hands behind his head.

"Today we are doing whips, paddles, and crops."

"Yes, Mistress."

And so his morning began with Mistress Raell ordering him to get different instruments of pain. He got all the whips correct, but there were twice as many paddles as whips and soon his ass and stomach were a bright red from abuse. The crops weren't as bad as he thought, at least when compared to the canes. Mistress Raell did not go easy with those, giving him the familiar stripes from his time in the training barns. His back was perfectly striped, each strip an inch from the other. At the end of the session he knew all of the non-electric tools. Looking over at the last part of the wall, he recognized some of the stuff, like the cattle prod leaning against the wall. The wires and stimulus pads made him nervous, especially when he remembered the rigging in his body.

Once she was sure Drake knew all of the traditional tools of her trade, Raell wet and grabbed a dog bowl and another can of soup. Setting it down in front of him, she waited to see if he would ask or dive in like last time.

Drake waited, not sure if he was to ask for permission or wait for her to give it. The answer was quickly given.

"You may eat, pet."

She walked away, and Drake devoured the soup.

Raell listened to the slurps, laughing as she grabbed a few things off of the harness wall.

Remembering that she had wanted to remove his body hair today, she went and grabbed another tool.

Drake ate quickly, sensing lunch was really just a reset point for Mistress Raell so she could train him on something else. He winced as he finished and leaned back as the stripes across his back burned.

Mistress Raell strode back across the room, holding a handful of straps and a strange wand-looking thing.

"At attention."

Drake stood, placing his feet at slightly wider than shoulder width and his hands behind his head. He kept his gaze straight ahead. Mistress Raell slid a harness on him, locking every strap down but the Y-strap. Drake felt his stomach drop. He'd gotten used to not having a buttplug in. Mistress Raell walked off for a second, then returned with something in hand.

"Bend over."

Drake obeyed, his temper rising. He yelped as something brushed the back of his legs, than moaned as she pushed a plug into his ass. He flashbacked to his high school years where he had discovered that he liked the idea of a girl fucking his ass, but he had never considered the plugs that spent so much time in his ass.

Raell finished bucking the ass strap in, laughing at the sight for her slave.

"Kneel, slave."

Drake kneeled down, and she picked up the second set of straps and rings.

"Open your mouth."

Drake complied, and she slid something in. Drake felt the cold metal with his tongue, and realized with a shock that it was a bit. The bit slid into the slots where they had pulled his teeth months ago, fitting perfectly. She buckled the bridle onto his head, and grabbed the reins.

Motioning him up, Mistress Raell walked him over to a full sized mirror. Drake stared at himself, wearing one of the fancier harnesses, with a matching black bridle on. She turned him, and Drake noticed that the buttplug had a horsetail attached, which is what he had felt against his legs.

"Good little pony boy." Raell sneered, laughing.

Drake remembered the big slave... 4 something, back at the training barn. He recalled the big man's broken look, and Drake's own promise to never look like him or the other broken slaves. He yanked his head back against the reins and bridle, snarling.

"I am NOT a pony!"

"No? Then why do you have a bridle and tail of a horse?"

"Because you put it on me!"

Raell just laughed, which made Drake angrier.

"How about this. If you can run all the way to my bedroom, grab a pen off of my desk, and come back within two minutes, I'll undo it. Understood?"



Drake snarled as a crop slammed into his sore ass.


Drake kept his mouth shut, trembling in anger.

"Well then, I guess the deal is off."

She tightened her grip on the reins, and started pulling him over to the wall, where a rack was attached. Drake struggled hard, groaning as the bit cut into the edges of his mouth. Raell's strength won out though, and she managed to bring him over to the rack.

"ALL RIGHT ALL RIGHT I'LL RUN!" Drake bellowed, eyeing the crop still in her hand.

"A little late to change your mind, slave."

Gritting his teeth, Drake begged.

"Please, Mistress. Please let me go get you a pen off your desk."

"Fine, since you asked so nicely."

She tied the reins to his harness, then started to count. Drake stared at her, then realized she was counting out his two minutes.

Drake shot upstairs, and remembering the main floor office, he went there instead of upstairs. Grabbing a pen, he bolted back down the stairs, moaning the whole time as the butt plug rubbed against his prostate.

"One Thirty Five, One Thirty Six..."

Drake burst in, triumphantly holding the pen.

"One Thirty Seven, One Thirty Eight..."

Drake stared at her, wondering why she was still counting. Seeing the look, Raell stopped.

"I said a pen from my bedroom, not the study, you idiot slave."

Drake snarled and threw the pen at her. It halted its path right in front of her face, obtaining the silver nimbus as it floated in place. Drake swallowed, his memories of shards flashing back. Raell's eyes had turned nearly completely silver, same as the last time he had pushed her limits.

"You would dare?!"

The quiet, cold voice terrified Drake. He was determined to stand up for himself, however.


He defaulted to smart ass, his fear and anger making him reckless. Grabbing the reins, she dragged him over to a post shaped like a "t", where she tied him by the reins. She forcefully clipped his arms to the horizontal beam. Taking her crop, Raell smacked it hard against his lower belly, only inches from his groin. She went up and inch and hit him again. She continued until his whole front was striped and red. Seeming to decide she wanted to inflict more pain, she switched out the crop for a cane, which she sliced across his thigh in the same one inch pattern.

Drake did not keep count, instead yelping at each SWACK the cane made against his flesh. This only served to make Raell madder.

"COUNT, slave! You ALWAYS count."

She went and grabbed a black box and a handful of wires and sticky pads. Connecting everything, she stuck the pads on the interior of his thighs and above his groin. She turned the electricity up, and Drake's body jerked unwillingly.

Drake moaned, as his whole body hurt from the stripes, and now his legs jerked left or right, bringing in new bouts of pain from his skin. His pain limit was being reached, and his voice had broken soon after Mistress Raell had brought out the cane. She reached up and undid the reins, then pulled his head down so he was looking right into her eyes.

"Don't ever try to deceive me again, understood?"

Drake nodded. She snarled, then kicked him hard in the groin.


Drake doubled over as best as he could, trying hard not to vomit and trying harder not to cry.

"Do. You. Under. Stand?"

"Huhuhhhhhhuhhhh... Ahhh... Yes... Yes, Mistress."

Still looking pissed, she strode off, leaving Drake hanging by his wrists. He sobbed softly, his face in pain where the bit had cut it, his chest, stomach, sides, and thighs screaming in pain where the crop and cane had left huge welts, and to top it all off his groin throbbed in beat with his pulse.

Raell was furious. She wanted to go back and run her claws down the slave's chest, but decided that his seeing his own organs would not help his mental state, nor hers. Instead she walked to a side room in the PR, where slaves who had disobeyed orders were kept in cages until she was ready to deal with them. She usually wasn't one for taking her anger out on slaves who had not caused it, but she needed to make a point to Drake, and so far only punishment, whether to him or others, had seemed to work on him.

She hauled out two slaves, both brunettes though one had longer hair than the other. Reading the paper rosa-blanca.ru on their collars, she noted that the buzz cut slave- Jason- had disobeyed a command given by a guest while the other- Nathan- had been caught jacking off without permission. Masturbation uncommanded was prohibited, and any slave caught doing it was punished and placed in a chastity belt.

Raell dragged the slaves into the main room, then tossed them to the floor. Both huddled on the floor, terrified. She went and grabbed a few coils of rope, then threw one end of a coil around a ring set into the ceiling. She turned and hoisted Jason up, then proceeded to tie him from his wrists so that only his toes touched the floor.

She grabbed a spreader bar for Nathan, stringing him up upside down next to Jason.

She gazed at the two slaves, considering different methods of discipline. Deciding a traditional punishment would be easiest, she approached Jason.

"Why are you here, slave?"

Despite knowing the answer she always asked slaves who were sent to the PR this question, having found their acknowledgment of their wrongs helped mightily in the prevention of future wrongs. That and a sound thrashing.

Jason pulled himself off his toes for a second, avoiding her gaze.

"I refused to do an order given by one of your guests, Mistress."

"And what order was this?"

"I refused to bend over knee so she may spank me, Mistress."

Raell snorted.

"You refused to bend over knee due to a spanking? Pathetic, slave."

"I refused to bend because I thought it was degrading, Mistress."

Raell laughed at this.

"Does it not occur to you that you are in fact a slave, slave? Your position is the lowest of the low, and there is nothing that could degrade you further."

Jason simply nodded, trembling as he awaited his beating.

Raell went and picked up the cane that was lying next to Drake, and proceeded to whack at Jason's calves. He yelped and counted, pulling himself up slightly. Raell walked the cane up his right leg. She loved the cane and the welts it left on skin.

Feeling Drake's eyes watching, she paused and turned back to him, jacking up the electricity flowing through the power box. Drake moaned as his body started to twitch and jerk again.

Raell walked back over to the other slaves.

"So Jason, next time someone asks you to do something are you going to obey?"

"Y-yes, Mistress."

His voice caught, and Drake could see the tears running softly down his face.

Raell turned to Nathan, who at the moment was holding himself up using his hands to relieve the stain on his legs.

"And what about you, Nathan? What reason saw you caged down here?"

"I pleasured myself without permission, Mistress."

"Why would you do that, hm? Is serving not enough pleasure, slave?"

Nathan shifted his weight back to his legs, avoiding the question. Raell reached down and grabbed his hair and pulled his head up, forcing him to curl his body up.

"Rather than take pleasure in yourself, you should try to please those above you in hope that they will reward you with orgasm."

"Yes, Mistress."

Drake watched as Mistress Raell questioned the two slaves. They looked absolutely terrified of her, Nathan more so since he was the source of her attention at the moment. She released Nathan's head and began caning his stomach and lower belly, drawing yelps and tears from him. Drake knew that regardless of the punishments dealt out, she was also taking her anger out on the two slaves, which was his fault.


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