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Breaking Out Bk. 01 Ch. 08


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She giggled, "OK babe I'll give it my best shot... and I love you Greg."

"I love you too babe."

"I've never doubted it for a single minute my beautiful man... and here are two photos just to get you going. This is Shanti, my new PA."

"Holy shit, she is gorgeous... I wonder what my PA will look like?

"I hope that she is twice as good looking as Shanti so that you will spooge your pants every time you see her."

"Oh Helen you are becoming such a dirty girl... and I'm loving it! "Is that an incoming call I can hear?"

"It is but I'm busy talking to the hottest guy, with the biggest wet spot in his pants, that I know... so I'll call them back."

"Babe... you keep sending me photos of you getting fucked and that wet spot is going to get even bigger."

They laughed and didn't want to end the call but then it was Greg who had to go... they were being called onboard the game fishing boat to stow their gear and get ready to sail.

Helen looked at the number that had been trying to call while she was talking to Greg and she was about to call it when it began to ring again.

"God I loved the way you fucked me the other night," she had never answered a phone call like that in her entire life... but Greg had suggested that she go all out to be the hottest slut in porn so...

Serge laughed, "So my sexy slut, if you like it so much when do you want more?"

"I'm sure you will find time over the weekend."

"Why wait for the weekend when we can do it in the limo on the way down the coast?"

Helen laughed, "That sounds like fun, I'll be ready for you Serge... maybe you can both have me?"

"But then your friend would feel left out," she could hear the smirk in his voice.

"I'm sure there will be time for you guys to do her too... so why are you calling me."

"We were going to start shooting tomorrow but we with you two in the car... and me feeling horny... well we have a chance to shoot something simple this afternoon on the way down so I need to know if you are prepared to do a very short intro scene outside your house when we arrive.

"There will be no sex but there will be some passionate kissing that could continue into some serious groping. Alex will be using a small camera to capture the action and then we will carry on with it in the limo on the way."

"Right out the front of my house?"

"Yes," he chuckled, "we thought that we would show them what a slut you really are. There's no way that any of them would confuse me with your husband."

"Hmmm... our street isn't very busy and none of the neighbours are particularly nosey," Helen couldn't really think of any good reason not to do a little scene like that out the front of her house... and if someone did see them... well there was a good chance at least some of her neighbours would see her videos and spread the news sooner or later so why try to hide anything now?

"I'll do it," she laughed, "what should I wear?"

"Nothing, we want you naked?" He sniggered when he thought he heard her gasp.

"Not happening Serge... not out the front of my house." Did that mean that she would do it in front of some other house? She was surprised to find herself thinking that maybe she might.

Serge laughed, "OK, if not naked then short skirt... very short... tight t-shirt, no bra or panties, but heels... maybe 3 or 4 inch." He then went on to explain what would happen when they arrived... but he didn't explain everything because he knew that she might refuse if he did.

When Serge ended the call Helen ran to find a skirt and top that would come close to what he wanted. The t-shirt was not a problem but she knew that she had nothing like the skirt that Serge had asked for... but her daughter did have some denim skirts that might fit her.

A little searching produced two short denim skirts that Amy had left behind when she moved out and for a moment Helen was horrified that her daughter had worn skirts that were so short... but then she laughed. How could she complain about the length of the skirts when she was going wear the same ones?

She glanced at her watch and saw that she had less than 20 minutes so she grabbed both skirts and ran up the hallway to the main bedroom. She stripped out of the skirt she was going to wear and tried on the first denim skirt... it didn't even come close to cover her ass and left a good four inches exposed... maybe that was one for another time... but she took a quick photo of herself in it and sent it to Greg.

'Do you think this is slutty enough?'

A moment later she got a reply, 'A guy was looking over my shoulder when I opened your photo and he asked me if I was your pimp.'

'You can pimp me to him if you like... sounds like fun.'

'You would give him a heart attack and I'd get charged with 2nd degree murder.'

The second skirt was a little longer but she could still see just a hint of her ass cheeks peeking out below the hem of the skirt. She took a photo of her wearing that skirt too and then sent them both to Serge's phone with a text asking him if the second skirt would be suitable.

A few moments later she got his reply, 'So fuckable -- wear the longer one -- bring the shorter one -- 15 minutes away." She loved the way that there was no pretence of anything but lust when it came to dealing with Serge. She knew that she was going to have a lot of fun on the ride down to San Diego.

She grabbed the clothes she had been wearing, and the shorter of the two denim skirts and stuffed them in her suitcase. She dragged a white t-shirt with a screen-printed rose across the front of it out that was a little too small for her out of a drawer, tugged it on and got her boobs settled in it and with five minutes to spare she had brushed her hair, found some high-heels, had her suitcase tucked away behind a climbing rose on the veranda and was ready to start playing her roll a soon as the limo pulled up.

Helen stood just inside her front door trying to settle her breathing, trying to slow her heart rate, and trying to think of something other than the fact that she was off to do her first professional porn video.

Wednesday had been a screen test but this was the real deal. She was going to be filmed French-kissing some guy who wasn't her husband. She was going to be filmed with the same guy slobbering all over her tits and his hands up her skirt.

She was going to be filmed impaled on his cock... letting some stranger drive his cock deep into her hot cunt and then blow his load all over her and there would be no hiding her face. She was going to be showing the world that she was a slut and her husband's friends would know that she was more than just a hot wife.

A hot wife? She glanced down at the ankle bracelet her husband had given her and now she was about to go way beyond anything a hot wife would do. Hot wives could be discreet... pornstars showed the world in close up living colour that there was nothing they wouldn't do.

She sighed and was sure that the moment the limo pulled up she would shriek in horror and run out the back door and hide in the back yard and she was so nervous she almost believed that she would do just that.

Almost to the minute a stretched limo rolled to a stop outside Helen's place and Alex got out and, as the limo drove away, he ran up to where Helen was standing and kissed her.

"God you look good," he said softly and then kissed her again before walking back down to the kerb and walking a few yards towards Helen's driveway.

Helen had been disappointed with the limo... it wasn't all that big or glamorous... in fact it looked rather old and she had expected more... a lot more... but Alex was moving... maybe the limo was coming.

When he raised his hand Helen knew that the limo had come round the block and was lining up to stop in front of her house and when he began to focus on the camera she felt a surge of butterflies in her stomach.

'Oh god, this is it... this is where I really start being a pornstar," and she took a deep breath as the nose of the limo came into view and it rolled to a gentle stop with the rear passenger door level with the path that led down from Helen's front door.

She waited till Serge stepped out of the limo and then began to walk slowly down the path... taking her time... not rushing... making sure she was swinging her hips.

God, she could feel her nipples growing harder and she pulled her shoulders back so her breasts were more prominent.

She saw Serge looking at her and she saw the bulge in his pants... growing. His eyes were on the hem of her short skirt... it only just covered her pussy... that pussy that he had possessed on Wednesday night... and she remembered how good it felt to have him buried deep inside her.

The camera was moving away from him... swinging onto her... but she kept her eyes on him... smiling as he stared at her... licking his lips... the fucker knew how much she wanted him and he was playing on it... making her lust for him... making her so damn wet it would be running down the inside of her thighs soon... and he was making her forget about the camera.

The closer she got to him the wider his smile and she knew that he was revelling in the fact that he had waved money at her and she had accepted. For money she would fuck him like he was a god... just as any other woman in the Kalya stable would do.

The bastard could take her whenever he wanted and she would never refuse him because he owned her completely and knowing that made her even more wet.

The last few paces were the hardest... she wanted to be in his arms... she wanted to feel his cock pressing against her... and she hoped people were watching.

She shivered and almost ran into his arms... a tentative light kiss and then their tongues were coming together and she was pressing against him... feeling the bulge in his jeans and the one hand that went down to the hemline of her skirt and then slid it up to show her bare ass to the camera.

He kissed her again and now his hand had come around from her ass and was cupping her pussy as he slowly inserted his middle finger into her cunt, she gasped and twisted as she felt him searching and then he found her G-spot and she sagged into his arms as she lost control of her body.

"Oh fuck... oh fuck... of shiiiiittttt," and right there, in the middle of her own street, as she tried desperately not to make a noise, he made her cum in front of the camera.

She was still deep in an orgasm when he turned her so that her back was almost towards him and she was facing the camera as he pulled her t-shirt up, with his free hand, and let her naked breasts flop out. Part of her knew what he was doing but most of her was too drugged by the orgasm to care. She had no shame and he could go on and even fuck her right here in the street

She didn't have to ham it up for the camera... her pleasure was genuine and the camera was capturing her intensely personal and private moment for all the world to see.

Somewhere in a tiny recess of her brain a little voice was telling her that she needed to get into the car, to pull her top down, to push him away but he hadn't finished with her and there was no resistance when he pushed her back against the limo and leaned down and sucked one of her naked breasts.

There might not have been any resistance as he sucked her breast but there was noise.

"OH FUUUUCCCCKKKK SOOOOAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH," she wailed as another orgasm smashed into her. Serge had to grab her as her legs gave way beneath her and he held her while Alex let the camera roam over her and then focus on the fluid that was running down the inside of her thighs.

The camera caught her left thigh panned to her right thigh before backing out till both thighs were visible. It held there for a few moments before backing out even more and catching her bare ass as Serge helped her climb into the limo.

Once she was inside the limo she greeted Adele with a quick kiss as the driver ran up to the front door of the house and picked up Helen's bag and deposited it in the trunk. Alex climbed in and gave her ass a gentle slap as she tried to turn and sit beside him but Serge pulled her back onto his lap and then closed his big hands around her breasts.

Alex leaned out and pulled the door closed as they heard the thump of the trunk being closed and a few moments later they were on their way to San Diego.

It was going to be a three-hour trip but there was still work to be done, although Helen struggled to think of getting fucked as being anything like work, and even before the limo had reached the nearest freeway Alex had the camera lined up for the start of the next scene.

"I can't believe I just did that," Helen was laughing and giggling and squirming on Serge's lap as his hands were all over her. They massaged her breasts and then plunged between her legs and as one set of fingers teased her clit three fingers from the other hand pushed into her cunt and she arched back and pushed hard against his fingers as another orgasm exploded through every nerve ending in her body.

Helen glanced across at Alex for she wondered what he was thinking but he was busy filming the action and once she realised that the camera was rolling she made less effort to escape from Serge's hands.

"And you, you wicked man, you finger-fucked me right there on the sidewalk and then bared my tits to the world and sucked on them. Why did you stop there? You should have just bent me over the trunk and fucked me!"

The big man laughed, "I should have but you're such a noisy bitch... but don't worry, there's a lot more to come... get your t-shirts off girls and sit on either side of me."

"OK," Alex said as he put the camera down for a moment. "Girls, make out with him... then Helen you take his jeans off and suck his cock while Adele kneels on the seat beside him and lets him suck and play with her tits.

"Just don't make him cum Helen." Helen was having a lot of trouble concentrating on what Alex was saying because she was now sitting close to Serge and he had his right arm around her and was busy tweaking her nipple.

Little darts of pleasure were shooting through her, she was leaking even more pussy juice and her need to fuck him was so strong that her cunt was throbbing. Helen also knew that Serge had his other arm around Adele and was doing the same thing to her.

Maybe more experienced girls wouldn't be so turned on by this but right now everything was new for Helen and it felt so fucking good.

"OK... I think I've got that Alex," she gasped as Serge chuckled and tweaked her nipple harder.

"Then you can ride him and make a lot of noise but I want him to finish off inside Adele and then you can clean Adele out and do a cum swap with her. Adele will give you the signs to stop sucking him and then stop fucking him.

"When you get off him stay on the edge of the frame and play with Adele's ass and if his cock pops out you can feed it back in."

Somewhere in her pleasure-fogged brain Helen wondered what he wanted her to do when she played with Adele ass but Serge was now pulling on Helen's nipples and tweaking them at the same time and she could hardly speak.

"OK, is everybody ready?" Alex picked up the camera and turned it on.

"I'm always ready to give you girls a good fucking," Serge smirked.

Adele laughed, "I'm ready," and Helen was about to say something similar when Serge tweaked her nipple again and the sound that came out of her mouth was a thin squeak.


Helen woke to the feel of someone rubbing her shoulder and saying, "It's time to wake up beautiful babe and freshen up... we're almost at the hotel." The words were followed by a soft kiss and as the lips that kissed her withdrew, she followed them and stole another kiss as she slowly opened her eyes.

Across the other side of the passenger compartment Adele was waking up to the soft dance of Serge's fingers across her bare breasts, "Hi lover... nice fuck... was the video good?"

'Oh yeah, the video,' Helen squirmed as she remembered the way she had impaled herself on Serge's cock and rode him hard while she tried her best to smother him with her boobs.

'Oh fuck that had been good... yeah, Adele was wrong... it wasn't just nice... it was so fucking good that he brought me to a screaming climax not once but three times before pushing me away and taking Adele in my place.'

Alex had told her that when they reached that point she was to say on the edge of the frame and play with Adele's ass while she fucked Serge... and she had done that... but then she went a little further.

Adele had been really slamming down on Serge's cock when Helen started to tease Adele's anus. At first she was just licking her finger and rubbing it around the tight little hole but she noticed that the more she did that the louder Adele's cries became... so Helen decided to take it a little further.

Helen looked to see where Alex was and found that he had moved right across the rear seat to get a 45 degree angle shot of Adele riding Serge. At that angle most of Helen was in the frame and she knew that she should move... but if she moved she wouldn't be able to do what she wanted to do... so she stayed put and slipped her middle finger deep into her own dripping cunt.

That got Alex's attention and she saw him tilt the camera down just a little to catch what she was doing. After a few quick strokes in and out of her cunt she started teasing Adele's anus with the fingers that were covered in her own juice... and the next time Adele came down on Serge's cock she also came down hard on Helen's finger.

Serge's cock went deep into Adele's cunt and Helen's finger went deep into Adele's ass just as Adele was fighting to keep a lid on another orgasm.

"HOLY FUCKING MOTHEROFGOOODDDDD.... SHHHHIIITTTTT SERGEEEEEFUUUCCCKKKAAAAGGGGHHHH." She arched up and twisted to the left and then the right and Serge followed her with his cock and Helen's finger went along for the ride too.

"OH GOD... OH GOD...OHYOUFUCKINGBASTARDS... OH... DAAAAMMMMNNN... SOFUCKINGHARDDDDD... SHHHHIIIITTTT... OH, OH, OH!" Adele wrapped her arms around Serge's head and slammed her boobs into his face and crushed his face against her as she twisted and writhed and ground her hips down on his cock.

Serge's cock wasn't exactly small but it wasn't enough to totally plug Adele's pussy either and when she began squirting her pussy juice found every gap and poured over Serge's balls down onto the seat and even onto the floor.

It sprayed all over Helen's face and breasts and the camera even managed to catch a couple of drops as they dripped from one of her nipples.

"OH FUCK... NO MORE... AMBERLEA... GOD'S SAKE... STOOOOPPPPP," she screamed and as Helen began to slowly extract her finger from Adele's ass Serge lost control and began to drive his cock up into Adele with each spasm.

Serge's cry of triumph as he bred with Adele was muffled, but unmistakable. He was claiming her as his woman and he wanted to let the world know.

She was sobbing and laughing and pleading with him to stop driving his cock into her but he had no control over his body and every time his cock sent more cum deep into Adele his body would thrust up and drive his cock deeper into her and that would keep the orgasm firing.

Eventually Adele had gone limp and simply rolled off Serge, slid off the seat and ended up on the floor whimpering as the orgasms continued to ripple through her.

Helen knew that she didn't have time to hold her friend or comfort her... she had a job to do and even though she had never gone down on a woman, she attacked Adele's pussy with wild enthusiasm.

Adele screamed at the first touch of Helen's tongue on her clit and she tried to speak but she was so far gone... so deep in pleasure... that her words were just a meaningless jumble of sounds.

The taste of the cocktail of Serge's cum and Adele's pussy juice still lingered in Helen's mouth and she remembered the way that Adele had thrashed about as Helen had licked and sucked the mixture out of Adele's cunt but she had lain still when Helen had leaned over Adele and allowed some of the cum in Helen's mouth to drip down into her friend's eager mouth.

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