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Breaking Out Bk. 01 Ch. 09

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Part 10 of the 27 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/24/2021
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He watched her come into the room and his eyes roamed over her as she came towards him. She was naked except for what he thought of as a large scarf that wrapped around her right hip and rose diagonally to be tied off in a small knot low on her left hip.

It just covered her pussy but it was almost transparent. She was obviously proud of her nakedness and the way his eyes were devouring her and she could see the way his cock was growing harder as she approached.

She came straight up to where he sat on the couch and without hesitation, she leaned in and their tongues met before their lips were close. The kiss went on and on as his hands roamed over her tanned body and as she slowly moved to straddle him without breaking the kiss and she slowly rubbed her pussy up and down on the bulge in his shorts.

She moaned softly into his mouth as his fingers found her nipples. They were already hard with desire and she felt pleasure ripple through her body as he gently tugged and tweaked them.

"God I missed you," she gasped as she slowly drew back from the kiss, "I couldn't wait to get home to you."

He chuckled, "I could tell my beautiful lady... in the end I was getting a text every couple of minutes. It's a wonder Alex wasn't getting jealous."

She giggled, "They were all asleep... almost from the time we left San Diego... while I could hardly sit still knowing that I was coming back to you."

His hands cupped her face and pulled her down to another slow kiss that again ended with them both trying to catch their breath.

"What is this you're wearing?" he asked as he touched the material around her hips.

"It's called a bikini skirt... I picked it and a couple of others at a surf shop near where we were staying in San Diego. I also bought a couple of skirts... long and short... and some tops too."

"I'm surprised you had time to go shopping." It seemed almost surreal that Helen, his wife, should go down to San Diego to star in some porn videos and then just go shopping in between shooting those videos.

She sat down next to him and snuggled against his chest, "It wasn't all fucking... well at least I wasn't getting fucked all the time I was there. Adele and I had a chance to get out and do some shopping while a couple of other girls did some scenes too."

"Ah... I thought that it was just going to be you and Adele."

"Oh no, someone had organised a couple girls to come up from south of the border and do three scenes and a couple of others came with them for screen tests. The guys had two cameramen, two sound guys, a makeup artist and some male talent so they didn't need us around when we weren't in the scene."

"So how many scenes did you end up doing my love?"

Helen smirked, "Do you mean that or how many times did I really get fucked?"

"Oh so you mean that you had more sex than just what happened in front of the camera?" He looked serious and Helen searched his face to try and see what he was thinking.

"Greg, you knew that..." His finger on her lips stopped her in mid-sentence.

"I'm sorry my love... I was only joking... although it probably didn't sound like much of a joke... tell me about the fun you had down there."

She almost sighed with relief... for a moment she thought that he was going to give her a hard time about the guys she had fucked while she had been away... and then he had smiled and apologised but she still watched to make sure that his apology was genuine.

"Well there was a short filler I guess you would call it. It started out on the sidewalk when they picked me up... I ended up with my t-shirt pulled up and my naked boobs on display. Alex filmed that part from the sidewalk out the front of our house.

"So you didn't actually get fucked like you said in that message you sent me?"

Helen giggled, "Well... his dick was still in his pants but his fingers were pretty deep in me and I was making a lot of noise." She slipped one hand onto Greg's cock as it struggled to escape from his shorts... god she loved how hard it felt.

"Once we were on the move in the car Alex filmed a follow-on of Adele and me having a threesome with Serge on the seat and on the floor of the limo. That got really wild and I helped Adele discover that she is a squirter."

"A squirter? You made Adele squirt?"

"Oh yeah... she went off like a fire-hose... but she was riding Serge hard at the time so it kind of sprayed out everywhere... even on me and I was behind her."

"When we got to Alex's penthouse down there a crew was waiting for us and filmed Adele and me in a foursome with Serge and James Knight. He's really well known in the industry and lots of girls love working with him. We've seen him on some of the video's that we've watched."

"Was the sex good with him?" Greg wasn't sure that he really wanted to know the answer to that question but he knew that he had to ask it.

"Oh fuck yeah!" The little shiver, the husky voice and the way her nipples sprang to attention told Greg all he needed to know... or didn't want to know. "Adele told me that he was good but she didn't tell me just how good he is.

"I think he liked working with me too because he asked me if I would have dinner with him when he is up here in LA next week and I told him to give me a call."

"Anyway, I started off with Serge and Adele was with James but halfway through we swapped and that ended with a facial for Adele and a creampie for me." The thought of her pussy leaking cum was too much for Greg, he had to change the subject.

"What was it like working with a full crew?" Greg knew that having a crew present meant that Helen was getting into the big time and, if she found that having a lot of people around watching her get fucked, she might quit, and he would get his wife back.

"Oh it was scary... before Wednesday you were the only guy I had ever had sex with and suddenly I'm way out of my comfort zone and doing the most personal things in front of an audience... but Serge and James were wonderful.

"They both helped me focus on what we were doing and I forgot about the others... and the crew were focused on their jobs so I needn't have worried.

"To be honest, James fucked me so well I spent most of the time getting thrown through one orgasm after another." Greg smiled but that smile hid more than just a twinge of jealousy.

"The camera guys left after that and we had pizza and beer and I was in bed with Alex by 11pm," she didn't have to add that she and Alex had made love for another hour... Greg knew that it was a given than she and Alex would spend some time together... he had even told her to see where she and Alex might go as lovers.

"In the morning Adele shot back-to-back scenes with two really rough looking guys in the first scene and a milf fucks stepson type of scene with an 18-year-old guy from Mexico. I can't remember his name, but he is hung like a horse and has done scenes with a lot of mature stars.

"Once Adele had cleaned up we went shopping and had lunch and while we were out the others did the scenes with the girls from Mexico. They didn't finish till about 6pm and after that the guys took us out to a restaurant for dinner and then on to a club that Alex owns."

Greg couldn't help but notice that Helen's nipples got very hard when she mentioned the club, "So what happened at the club?"

Helen laughed, "You might be disappointed in me... because nothing much happened at the club... at least not to me.

"You know me lover, I've never been to a club, we were always too busy being good to go to somewhere like that and I kept telling myself that I was only there to do a little research... to look at how the club functioned and maybe see what improvements could be made to boost the bottom line... you know, for our consultancy work with them. And I did a that... and that's all I did before Alex and I went back to the penthouse and fucked like rabbits.

"Adele and Serge stayed and had a lot of fun... plus they found a couple of girls who might be interested in working in front of the camera... but Alex is a bit of a home body, and I was tired too.

"It was a bit of a shame really because this is what I wore," Helen leaned back and grabbed her phone from the coffee table and then slipped down and snuggled up beside him as he turned and kissed her. She was enjoying sucking his tongue when she felt his hand between her legs and without hesitation she spread them to give him full access.

Helen groaned as his fingers slowly slipped between her lips and one finger pushed into her, "Oh fuck you are such a cheeky man Greg," and then she was squirming out of his arms again.

"While I find a photo that Adele took of me you take your shorts off." Helen giggled when she saw how fast Greg could strip and when she had found the right photo she moved back to straddle him and slowly impaled herself on his cock.

"Now lover, doesn't that feel good inside me?" she asked as she slowly rocked backwards and forward son his cock

"Since I last saw you on Friday five different guys have been where you are now and, while James Knight was undoubtedly the best of those five, he doesn't come close to how it feels when you're in me."

Maybe she was telling the truth but for some reason he was beginning to feel like a good friend with benefits rather than her husband.

She rocked backwards and forwards on his cock for a few more moments and then sighed, "So good... so very, very good." She took a deep breath and turned her phone so that Greg could see it.

"This is the dress I wore."

"Holy fuck!" Helen giggled, she knew what his reaction was going to be because she felt his cock begin to grow inside her before he had a chance to say anything. "Is that dress even legal?"

"Oh yeah, it's legal babe... it's actually even a little modest compared to what some of the girls were wearing at the club."

"But... but I can almost see your nipples... I can see the brown around them!"

"Babe if I had got as far as the dancefloor you might have ended up seeing all of my boobs!

"Don't be fooled by the word 'dance'... there was no way that you could have described what was happening on the floor as dancing

"It was just a writhing, twisting mass of people making out. I'm sure that there were even a few couples in the midst of all that who were actually fucking. I didn't see that but I did see girls with their hands down the pants of the guy they were dancing with... guys with their hands inside girls' tops... cocks being stroked and pussies being finger-fucked... and more than a few sets of bare boobs.

"And that dress was just perfect for that place." Greg groaned and Helen made a grab for the base of his cock, "Not yet lover," she giggled, "there's more story to come."

Helen's dress that night had basically been a dark-red satin micro-mini skirt with two narrow pieces of material attached to the front of it to form something of a halter-neck that covered a small amount of her breasts. Greg could see that she looked so sexy and desirable that guys would have been drawn to her like bees to a honeypot.

"Damn you look good in that and maybe next Friday or Saturday you and I go clubbing and you can wear that dress for me. We can call it research if you like because Alex has a club down in the warehouse district here in LA."

Helen looked into Greg's eyes and he could almost feel her passion, "I am so going to do that with you Greg... but be warned, we're going to end up dancing with others and if some guy wants to put his hand up my skirt I'm probably not going to stop him."

Greg chuckled as he began to push up into her, "I wouldn't expect you to."

"But what about you," her breathing was becoming just a little ragged so he slowed down.

He laughed, "Oh I'll be fine and if I can't find a girl to dance with I'll just watch you."

"Oh great," she giggled, "I'm making out with a hot guy who decides that he's going to let my boobs go free by undoing the tie behind my neck and as soon as he starts mauling my girls I have to warn him that my husband is watching."

"Damn right you do!" For a moment she thought that Greg was serious and then she saw the grin begin to spread across his face so she did her best to smother him with her naked boobs.

"Or maybe I won't tell him till he has at least fingerfucked me... that way I won't miss out on all the fun."

"Yeah, I wouldn't want you to miss out on all the fun." He did want to say something else but it was a bit hard with her boobs mashed into his face... but she couldn't stop him playing with her ass. Those two perfect ass cheeks felt so good in his hands.

He was laughing when he finally came up for air, "OK so I think we've reached the stage where you and Alex are fucking like bunnies," and he felt a flush of pussy juice wash over his cock.

"He turns you on doesn't he?" he asked softly.

"Oh yes he does... he is not as confident as Serge and yet I like him a lot more than Serge... maybe because he thinks of what I need more than Serge does. The other night I told you that I thought that something was growing between us and now I know it is."

They had talked openly about it in bed on Saturday night and even discussed what their relationship might look like. Alex wanted more of her while Helen was reluctant to reduce her time with Greg... but not entirely against the idea of spending more time with Alex.

She just had to find someone who would be willing to use that extra time to build a relationship with Greg. It was all well and good to say that you could love two guys equally but the idea of equality became a real weight on both relationships when the people in that extended relationship began to think about time together.

"The thought that something is growing between Alex and me really shouldn't bother you... but I guess that it probably does."

Greg smiled, even though he didn't feel much like smiling. Of course he was going to be bothered by the thought of some other guy falling in love with his wife. He had never shared her with anyone before so why wouldn't he be bothered by what was happening.

He knew that his words were not going to align with his thoughts but he was working on achieving that, "I'm OK with it at this point... and I am so pleased that you have a lover who will take care of you when I can't be there to do it.

"I know that your connection with him is going to take us both into some interesting places in the years ahead and I know that I could never stop you... but that doesn't mean that I'm not going to get at least a little jealous and apprehensive too."

She kissed him softly, "Thank you for giving me the freedom to try new things... but don't for a moment think that Alex and Serge are giving us these new challenges simply because of me. They have thoroughly researched what we have done and said and that is why they want you and me to do that consultancy work for them... as well as the things that I'm doing."

She felt his cock get harder and she decided that it was time to probe a little deeper, "So lover, it's total honesty time and I know I only asked this the other day but... are you really OK with me suddenly breaking out and doing porn or would you rather me stop and maybe just fuck Dave now and again?

"I know that we've already talked about this but it is such a huge change in our lives that I am going to keep coming back to it to make sure I give you plenty of opportunity to tell exactly what you're thinking."

Greg looked deep into her eyes and he could see the connection that they had shared for so many years. It hadn't always been so deep but it had continued to grow deeper... not because of what she was or did out there in the big wide world but because of what they shared here in this tiny little bubble they were in.

Was their bubble going to change because she was now sharing her body with other guys and wanted to share her life with one more specific guy? But then he put a brake on that line of thought because it wasn't just Helen who was sharing her body with others.

He hadn't sent Carrie away the other night when she turned up at the front door. Sure, he had been a little slow to start but then he embraced the change in his life that had brought Carrie to him and had fucked her with no thought of Helen.

And it certainly hadn't been once and done, Carrie was an enthusiastic lover and he had taken her again and again. Had that wild night with another woman diminished his love for Helen in any way? Was his love for Helen dependent on fidelity? Was he losing anything because she was now doing porn and feeling love for another guy?

"You have changed my love," he said softly. Did she dare ask the obvious question?

"Is it a change for the better?"

"Yes, it is... and I hope there's more of it."

"Really? How have I changed?"

"I'm not sure that I can put the change into words yet... but the way you walked across the room to me when you came out from your shower... that was an example of how you've changed. You aren't so shy anymore... you were, even with me after all these years, but now you're not.

"Now there is a confidence in the way you move... and I think that I'm even seeing it in the way you talk about things... you're open and you're not holding anything back anymore. The way you described the pizza and wine supper you enjoyed the other night made me want to be there to experience the openness and atmosphere that you enjoyed.

"I know that sounds crazy and I'm not really finding the words to express what I'm thinking but..."

Helen smiled to herself... she knew she had changed and she knew how she had changed... she had discovered that she had power over men... and it was fun to use that power. She probably had that power all along but she just hadn't realised that it was there.

Now she knew that men lusted after her and she could use that hunger to her advantage. She was being paid for her body and soon Kalya would be paying her for her brain as well... and just wait till she combined the two.

"I know that I had told you that I could adjust to the situation but over the weekend... stuck out there on that bloody boat... I was not in a good place about us. I couldn't see how what I felt for you could possibly be integrated with what you were doing or with your growing love for another man.

"But just now, looking into your eyes and into your soul I began to understand that my love for you is not dependent on anything but what we share together. We're not tied together because we don't share ourselves with others... we're tied together because we love each other.

"Other couples may have a weak relationship that depends on them being monogamous but we clearly don't and what we have done in the last five days shows that we can go... and go deeper... into this lifestyle... and still have a relationship that is stronger than most other couples we know.

"So to fully answer your question... I am totally OK with what you are doing and I do not want you to stop doing it until you are ready to stop." Greg thought that if he kept saying it he might eventually believe it himself.

Helen leaned forward and kissed him deeply... she had done a lot of serious kissing while she had been away but she put her body and soul into this one and Greg knew that it was something very special.

When she pulled back they were both panting and she could feel Greg's cock throbbing deep inside her so she reached down and slowly squeezed the base of his cock till the throbbing stopped. He reached up and gently touched her face.

"I love you Helen and I didn't believe that it was possible but the love I have for you is getting deeper and stronger every day.

And now, before you tell me about the last two scenes you did this morning, let me ask you this, "Did you recognise anyone in the production crew that was down in San Diego with you?"


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