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Breeding the Help Ch. 04


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Benigno was clearly unhappy about Maria's pregnant state. His attitude towards me wasn't as welcoming and warm as Liwanag's, but he seemed to at least appreciate the gesture of the gifts and the respect I paid him and his house. Talk turned to the wedding, which looked like it was

"Tomorrow?" I blinked.

Maria sighed, rolling her eyes. "Carl, babies come any time now, you know! We have priest already come from Butuan. Make my parents happy."

It wasn't exactly a shotgun wedding, but I did see Benigno eyeing this big machete leaning against the wall over by the kitchen area.

"Where's it gonna be, like a chapel or something?" I asked, not sure why I was feeling nervous.

"I want on the beach," Maria said happily. "At sunset. I already take care everything. It will be SO ro-man-tick!" she giggled.

"No shit. Romantic? That's my specialty," I smirked, my lopsided grin wide as I wiggled my eyebrows playfully at her. I could almost feel Benigno's eyes burning through my skull from behind me, so I settled down a little, clearing my throat. "Alright. Sounds perfect."

Maria was practically bouncing in her chair and hugged me tightly, squeezing my ribs and nearly cutting off my air. Her mom hugged me next, and when I looked at her dad, Benigno nodded, smiling gruffly, which was good enough for me.

I learned that tonight Maria's parents were throwing us a big lechon feast with all the relatives in the village. They were roasting an entire fucking pig in our honor. Like a Hawaiian luau, I guess. If I died of food poisoning out here, I'd die happy.

I asked my lover what our accommodations would be, as there clearly wasn't enough space for all of us to fit in her parent's place. It looked like I was going to be in Joy's old room while she slept in hers. Once we were married, we'd have our own place and wouldn't have to play Pinoy Puritans or whatever. All it'd take was one night of celibacy.

Maria excused herself to go out to the outhouse to piss yet again, leaving me alone with her parents. They kept averting their eyes as the awkwardness returned. Maybe I shouldn't have said it, but I'd rehearsed something else in Tagalog that I wanted them to know.

"Um, Tito, Tita, pangako, aalagaan ko po ang anak ninyo," I suddenly said. I promise I'll take care of your daughter.

Liwanag smiled at me warmly, touched by my words, though Benigno just gave a grudging grunt of acknowledgment. The two of them started to talk, but I couldn't really understand what they said. I wasn't sure if Benigno was unhappy at me being white and young, or how I banged and knocked up his daughter out of wedlock, or both. It seemed like his wife was trying to make the best of it and convince him to give me a chance.

I guess it'd just take time.

As evening approached, the rest of Maria's tribe was much more accepting of me. There were no ostracizing looks, no shaming. Just a lot of curiosity. Aunts, uncles, cousins, distant relations, all staring, all smiles, all eager to meet me, affectionately calling me puti and kano, though Maria quickly corrected them that my name, in fact, was Carl. She definitely enjoyed the attention more than I did as the big feast got underway in the backyard. I could see where Maria got her personality from, surrounded by a big happy family, laughing and dancing and singing along to the music thumping from a boombox playing Manilla Sound Hits and Macarena. It was infectious as hell.

The lechon was basically pulled pork, but like, seriously pulled pork. It was just this big freaking pig roasted in banana leaves and set on a table filled with food. The relatives were eating it with their bare hands and using a big mound of rice to scoop up the meat with. Maria had been watching me closely since I'd arrived, her eyes concerned that I'd be squeamish about the local food. It'd be a big insult if I didn't partake, so I didn't hesitate, dipping a scoop of rice and lechon in this really hot, peppery green relish. It was probably one of the best things I'd ever tasted.

All eyes were on me and a wave of joy rippled through the crowd as they saw how much I loved it. It was like they'd won something. They clapped me on the back and shook my hand, Maria beaming as I dug in and finished two helpings. The coconut milk and sago pudding was so creamy, and I got a second helping of that too, with a banana on the side.

"Carl!" Maria laughed, giving me a teasing kiss. "You like it so much, ah?"

Liwanag had been hovering over me with a pitcher of water the whole meal, ready in case I couldn't stomach spicy food -- I found out this was a prevailing preconception about all foreigners. We were bombarded with questions the entire night and Maria would whisper translations.

"Are you a good provider?" asked the middle-aged woman on my left.

I said I hoped to be, if they gave me the chance.

"What will you do?" asked one of Maria's cousins.

I told them I would probably work in finance, though I wasn't sure if that really impressed them or not.

I told them I would keep Maria happy, and that made them smile.

"How much money do you have?" asked another cousin, a younger woman piping up from the crowd.

That was the first question that made me really uncomfortable. I just told her that I had enough to take care of the family.

"Can you handle her?" asked the uncle beside Maria, looking at my Filipina lover as he said it with a grin.

Maria blushed. "Ay, basta!"

"Hey, I can handle her alright," I winked, giving my lover's big pregnant belly a good-natured rub before Maria swatted my arm, laughing. "Two babies. No problem."

Later, after the festivities died down and we returned home, Maria was over the moon happy as she put me in Joy's old bedroom.

"Carl! That was amazing!" she sighed, her smile dazzling me as she shut the door, giving me a kiss that tasted of salt, sago, lechon, and banana. "My parents and everyone...they really like you. But you already know that," she purred, giggling as she kissed me again and I ran my hands up her smooth belly. Maria moaned softly, feeling me gently fondle her sensitive breasts through her loose dress.

"We can't..." she protested, reluctantly peeling away from me with an apologetic look. My mare probably could have sucked me off or something, but if we spent too much time together behind a closed door, it'd be super disrespectful to her parents -- something I actually cared about with her side of the family. "Tomorrow, tomorrow we do," Maria grinned, teasing me with the words she'd used to placate back when we were in Bangkok and our relationship was a lot more exploitative. "When we marry."

I gave a disappointed sigh but understood.

Maria kissed me deeply, biting my lower lip and dragging it out before leaving me to sleep in her old room. "Tomorrow," she repeated huskily as she shut the door behind her.

The tiny, cramped room was almost completely bare and hadn't been lived in for years. Musty wood; just a bed and lots of boxes all around. The thin mattress was worn out and the frame creaked noisily with the slightest movement. The ocean made the temperature bearable, and somehow there weren't bugs like I'd feared. It was hard to believe Maria was born in this bamboo shack, but as I laid back and listened to the unfamiliar noises in the tropical night, I could hear the calming rhythm of the surf and let my mind wander.

Tomorrow, I was getting married at 18 to my family's pregnant ex-housekeeper.

No. My incredible Filipina fiancee. My sexy little broodmare. The woman I loved.

It was crazy, but so was seducing and impregnating her in the first place. Crazy would have been leaving her all alone and not doing everything I could to keep her in my life.

Just like the night this had all started, I lay awake naked on the bed, staring up at the thatched ceiling in the dark. My big cock was a steel pipe that I gripped and pumped in my hand, lubed up with a palm of spit. But instead of juvenile fantasies, I imagined Maria waiting on the other side of the house for me in her childhood room, lying naked and pregnant in the dark, her smooth, brown skin glistening, her pussy aching and dripping and waiting for my big white cock, just as she always had.


The next morning, Joy arrived from Angeles City.

She hopped off the back of a Jeepney with a pack slung over her shoulder and a beat-up duffel bag in her hands. Joy had grown up from the girlish 13-year-old in her photo into a pretty, nubile young woman. Maria's pretty little sister was just as lithe but slightly taller and more athletic-looking; her skin tone was lighter and her braided hair was dyed blond, dark roots starting to show. She was wearing a faded, red hoodie with cutoff jean shorts and high tops -- a clear indication of her urban upbringing and Western-style education. Her face had been spared from the pockmarks, acne, and scabs I saw on the beggar children in Davao and some of the youth here. Joy looked healthy and had a friendly, youthful face that was vaguely elfin, like Maria's, but with a smaller nose, and thinner lips. Deep, dark brown inquisitive eyes.

While the other Filipina women of the village weren't unattractive by any means, their bodies svelte and toned from hard work, Maria and Joy were definitely the prettiest females in Barangay Alon I'd seen so far.

Joy was embraced by her mother and older sister while Benigno and I hung back on the porch. I'd dressed more casually for the meeting in cargo shorts and sandals, a black tank top and unbuttoned linen shirt over it, sunglasses in my hair. The two siblings preened over each other -- Maria, clearly taken aback at how much her little sister had grown while Joy was shocked over my lover's heavily pregnant state. Her expression waxed from excited to concerned, with an uncomfortable glance over at me.

But when I approached Joy and extended my hand, the first thing that flashed through those eyes was the same animalistic instinct Maria had looked at me with all those months ago when she'd first seen my naked body in the gloom of the blackout, the outline of my big, naked teenage dick aching for her. Joy blinked a couple times, blushing deeply as she looked between my hand and face, hesitating as if trying to remember to speak.

"Um...hello..." Joy smiled shyly. I took her hand and gave her a friendly handshake. It felt warm and soft, her fingers clasped with rings.

"Hey there, I'm Carl," I said.

Joy smiled and laughed quietly in response, glancing at her family, then down, trying to hide the interest that flitted in her eyes, the awkwardness that passed over her face. I suddenly felt self-conscious as Joy took back her hand, which she immediately folded in front of herself.

"Ah...you...I mean...nice to meet you, too..."

Joy's English was much better than Maria's, probably on account of her education and life in the city, tones only lightly accented with that Tagalog cadence. Her voice was a little lighter than her sister's sultry, sometimes smoky pitch.

Maria rolled her eyes at her sister's embarrassing behavior as Liwanag chuckled and took Joy's duffel up into the house.

"Ay, he know who you are!" Maria huffed. "Alam kong gwapo siya. Huwag kumilos nang kakaiba."

Joy's cheeks flushed and she gave her older sister a sulking look.

"Gaano ba siya kalaki?" she murmured, glancing over at me again.

Maria raised an eyebrow, but smirked. "Malaki. Ngunit wala sa iyong negosyo."

Whatever it was, it went over my head with my limited Tagalog.

"What are you two talking about?"

Maria waved my concerns away and laughed as her sister pursed her lips into a playful leer.

"Just that you're a lot more handsome than I thought you'd be, like you were some creepy old white man," Joy explained.

"Nope, just me," I smiled.

"Where are you from, LA?" Joy asked curiously, peering at me.

"New York, originally," I replied.

"Woah, cool. How do you like our village? It's not much, right?"

"It's got a beautiful beach and the people rock," I said honestly. That seemed to please both sisters as we dropped off Joy's bags and went on a short stroll through the neighborhood. The people here were poor and lived in huts, but despite being a rural village, it wasn't really a shithole. People were genuinely enjoying life. Maybe Barangay Alon was in decline, but there weren't trash heaps everywhere like in Bangkok or open sewers and shit everywhere. I might've felt out of place, still, but the people here had worked hard to make me, a foreign outsider, feel welcome.

We all had a pleasant conversation that skirted the more sensitive topics, like how Maria and I met, or our age difference. Instead we just talked about the Philippines and Barangay Alon, which Joy described as backward and boring. Nowhere to shop, nothing to do. No future.

"Maybe you guys could switch from fishing and horses to tourism or something," I offered, gesturing at the mountains and the beach. "I mean, this place seriously gives Hawaii a run for its money. It's paradise. Surfing, diving, hiking? Like, open a hotel or something..."

"The land and sea belongs to the old generation," Joy said coldly, crossing her arms. "They won't give it up to some rich investors and hotels."

"You could always just go local, like build it yourselves," I offered.

Shit, I could invest.

Joy was dismissive, but Maria seemed intrigued. She took my hand, smiling at me, her almond eyes full of love. "Carl, I like."

"You better," I laughed. "I mean it though, seriously. Could really give people here a better life."

"Or maybe they just want to fish," Joy sighed cattily.

"Or maybe they just wanna fish," I smiled. "Nothing wrong with that."

Near the end of our walk, we came by a circle of women sitting on crude boxes and stools in the shade of overhanging palm fronds and chatting outside a dwelling, some of whom I recognized from the feast the night before -- a couple of cousins, each a few years younger than Maria. One of them was a young mother that had a 6-month-old baby with her, a black-haired child in just a diaper and a knock-off Winnie the Poo bib. The baby was fussing, cradled in his young mother's arms as the others admired the infant and unhelpfully tried to make cooing noises at him. The cousin looked exhausted.

Maria came into their midst with Joy as I hung back a little. I didn't want to intrude. The sisters greeted their relatives and talked briefly, some of the women taking the opportunity to touch her big gravid bump appreciatively. The cousin tried to feed her squirming baby with a bottle of formula, but the infant turned his face away in protest. He started crying, eyes screwing up with this awful grinding howl. Maria stepped in as her cousin looked on helplessly, gently picking up the crying baby to cradle him on top of the curve of her abdomen, holding him against her chest and making cooing noises. The child calmed, his brown eyes staring up at Maria's dark, smiling ones as she held him in her arms, bouncing and humming some tune, her voice light. Even Joy looked impressed until the baby, to Maria's horror, started rooting around her covered pregnant breasts. When she tried to give the child back, he began to wail again.

"Uh oh, looks like he's hungry," I said, trying not to look too amused.

"Mayroon ka bang gatas ng ina?" the young mother asked hopefully, encouraging Maria by cupping one of her own breasts. "Painom siya!"

My bride-to-be looked like a deer in headlights, her cheeks flushing. "Ako, pero..."

"Painom siya!!" the cousin insisted, practically trying to shove Maria's dress aside. I thought it was pretty adorable that my broodmare, the sex goddess I'd conquered with my huge, white teenage cock and knocked up with our young, was now being embarrassed in front of her family about the prospect of feeding a baby relative. I watched her nipples go hard, pushing up through the material of her dress and start to leak through on instinct, making my own cock begin to grow as I recalled the taste of the sweet mother's milk that came from her swollen breasts.

The hungry baby sensed Maria's hesitation even as he smelled her withheld milk. He opened his mouth wide and gave this godawful cry like he was dying, tiny face scrunching with fury and indignation, ready to explode into another full-on wail. Maria gave this endearing little sigh, her cheeks flushed deeply as she glanced between me and the others before sitting down and carefully slipping her arm through the shoulder of her dress. Maria's luscious tan breast was bared as she tried to cover her nakedness as best she could while exposing the long, fat dark nipple and big areola.

I could see her discomfort but I could also see in her eyes a measure of pride and even arousal. I had made Maria pregnant and this was one of my broodmare's tasks -- to nurture young with her fertile body. To feed them and make them strong. It was her nature that I'd coaxed out of her with my lust and insatiable dick. Maria gasped and smiled falteringly at the infant as he greedily latched on and suckled her engorged nipple, making the whole breast bulge, as his little fist clenched, holding onto the tit for support.

Maria's face changed, pupils dilating. It was a maternal, sensual look I'd never seen on her before; a deeply erotic cross between a virginal schoolgirl and a porn star as she felt the infant's tiny mouth drawing milk from her dark teat. She trembled a little as the baby suckled, and I knew that she'd just came a little from the sensation. It was an altruistic, but somehow extremely vulgar scene, my woman being the village wet nurse, was pressured into feeding her infant cousin on the dirt road while the other women looked on expectantly. Joy just stared with wide eyes, dumbfounded. Maria glanced over at me nervously, her face fully flushed with embarrassment.

I could tell from her look she was asking permission, like, 'What do I do?' But the expression was tinged with arousal, with submissiveness. I just gave her a smile. The baby, near-starving after rejecting the formula, ended up draining both breasts before he fell into a contented, milk-drunk stupor.

My broodmare had never looked sexier -- the peak of her fertility, nursing her own cousin's baby while she was so massively pregnant with my twins. My dick was steel-hard in my pants by that point and throbbing. I thanked fuck that I was wearing my baggy cargo shorts for the day; I just tried to look like I was casual with my hands jutting in my pockets to hide my obvious bulge. My mind went to darker places as I fantasized about railing Maria from behind while our two children were laying on their backs on the floor, gripping and suckling from her big, swaying teats.

Later, while we walked home, Maria was smiling with an afterglow as Joy teased her, but Maria was happy about it.

"You're a natural," I grinned. Of course, I'd given her plenty of practice since her milk came in, with my demanding lips and teeth and tongue. I could tell Maria felt good, her body radiating with the warmth of motherly pride and her hairy pussy probably soaked as we headed back to the house. Maria gave a little chuckle and rubbed my back as I slipped my arm around her waist, squeezing her body into me. Looking at her smile, her beauty, her sexiness, and all that we'd been through, all my anxiety about the wedding just melted away.


Pretty much every single person in the fucking village showed up for our wedding, which was a simple ceremony on the beach as the orange sun hung low, dappling the calm ocean green and yellow, setting the sky ablaze with fiery purple. The priest from Butuan, Father Ernesto, was there to officiate in a loose white cassock with a red stole.

Maria stood barefoot and radiant on the sand in a simple, white dress her mother had made for her, a gauzy thing with lace around the arms, her bump even more obvious at the waist, which was a little too tight in the front. My bride's makeup was minimal -- some dark shadow around her eyes and glossy lips, though the ends of her flowing black hair were streaked with henna. Maria carried a small bouquet of wildflowers in front of her and was smiling so widely as I approached. She looked absolutely gorgeous.

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