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Brian's Adventures Ch. 04


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"Nobody." I repeated and again the slap stung my face.

"WHO!" The Mistress screamed.

"Nobody." I replied calmly and my face stung with two slaps, one on each cheek, one after the other.

"Tell me what I must know! Tell your Mistress the truth!" The Mistress snarled with demon fire in her voice.

"Nobody, I haven't slept with anybody!" I replied forcefully glaring back at the holes for her eyes.

I expected another slap but instead there was another hand signal from the Mistress. The assistant than knelt in front of me and took my cock in her hands and proceeded to tease it. She would lick the head, blow kisses over it and lick the shaft. In short she did everything to keep me in a constant state of just about to blow but not able to let go and cum.

"Tell me the truth my dear Disciple." The Mistress said sweetly. "Tell me her name and I will give you this one until the morning." The Mistress finished in a sultry voice. "I already know the answer, I already know the name. Your silence saves nobody. She will be dealt with in any event. Save yourself the pain of your continued disobedience. Savour the rewards of pleasing your Mistress." She said in the sweetest and sultriest voice she could muster. "Tell your Mistress the truth!" The Mistress finished with a commanding and demanding tone.

It was about now that my resistance was at it's weakest, I was about to crack but I knew that I must not. I knew that any secret that she wanted that badly I could not give her. If she truly knew whom I had slept with she would not be talking to me. I could not live with myself if I had betrayed the two people who had risked much to befriend me. I remembered Jealile's promise to remain true to me and keep me from harm and my resolve was steeled. I would endure, for her if for nothing else. No matter what The Mistress did to me, I would not betray Jealile!

However the teasing and exquisite torture of this assistant had my blood boiling and my lust at a fevered pitch. What I did next was out of character for me and I am a little ashamed of it but it felt like the right thing to do at the time. When this assistant was licking and kissing the head of my cock I grabbed her head firmly in my hands. I pulled her head forward toward my groan, like a trooper she swallowed all of my cock, sucking hard.

"STOP THAT!" The Mistress screamed. "I COMMAND YOU TO STOP SUCKING THAT COCK" She bellowed but the assistant did not hear her and neither did I.

I heard a moan around my cock as I raised and lowered her head on my cock. Strangely she did not fight me but let me move her lips up and down on my cock. As the pace increased she even sucked harder than she had before. Her movements were faster than my hands could thrust her head so I released her head and she kept on sucking hard and fast.

"STOP THAT THIS INSTANT YOU BITCH!" The Mistress screamed.

Just then the other assistant leapt from the desk and immediately tried to pull the cocksucking assistant off of me. I fended her off as the other one firmly held her ground and continued to blow me. Then it happened I erupted down the throat of this dutiful cocksucker. I came so hard and so much that it hurt, I almost saw stars as more and more cum erupted down the throat of this assistant. She swallowed all of it when it was over the smile on her face was euphoric as she licked her lips looking up at me.

"That was delicious, I needed that." The assistant said quietly with a warm smile as she sat back on her heels.

The other assistant grabbed the first one by the back of her hood and threw the first one down onto the floor in front of The Mistress. The one that had just swallowed my load was on her knees and had her face pressed to the stone floor. The Mistress signalled the other assistant who moved the cloak out of the way revealing the bare ass of this cowering assistant. With another signal the kneeling assistant raised her hand and brought it sharply down on the ass of the other assistant.

"Thank you my Mistress, I beg your forgiveness, may I have another." The assistant on the floor said quickly after her ass was smacked hard. Again and again one assistant spanked the other with great force. Again and again the other assistant would repeat her line, only to have her ass smacked again, hard.

I could not stand to see this nonsense any longer and resolved to stop it! My Father had always taught me not to stand by and watch someone getting beaten, especially a woman! I only did what I had to do, what my Father would have me do. I never realized how much effect my Father had on me until that moment. I never realized how his teachings and instructions stayed with me and made me the man I am today. For the first time I was proud of him, proud to have him as my Father.

I leapt to my feet, pulling my pants up before I rushed to the aid of the assistant who had pleasured me so. I grabbed the assistant by the shoulders and pulled her to her feet and rushed her to my bed and tossed her on it roughly. I turned to face the others and held my ground firm. The one on the bed didn't move or say anything; she was clearly in shock over the events of the last few minutes. The Mistress rose to her feet and walked toward me with the other assistant right beside and behind her.

"Don't get involved in business that you have no right to concern yourself with. This is a simple matter of disciplining a misguided Disciple." The Mistress said with a stern smile. "Now get out of our way and let us finish what must be done." The Mistress warned sternly as she took a step closer.

"I will not! You won't touch her again, I swear it!" I replied equally as sternly and held my ground firm as I glared at The Mistress.

"Out of my way you fool!" The Mistress huffed and tried to push me aside but I held firm and pushed her back and she staggered back a few steps.

"Please let her finish!" The voice from the bed pleaded. "I disobeyed my Mistress and I must be punished." The voice finished in an urgent tone.

"Not while I'm around!" I said over my shoulder. "Nobody should be treated that way; I won't stand for it!" I said sternly and refused to be moved from that spot. Clearly this woman was not of her right mind and was under some kind of spell or other kind of influence. She needed saving from herself and The Mistress, she needed help more than she knew.

"She's right, my Disciple needs to be punished. It's for her own good and she knows it." The Mistress replied in a soothing tone trying to charm her way past me. "Now step aside and let us get this unpleasant business over with." She said sweetly. "Then I'll deal with you." The Mistress said in a most displeased tone, surely her patience was wearing thin and she was about to snap.

"I will not!" I snarled. "She's no longer your Disciple! I will not see you treat another person this way!" I stepped closer and snarled an inch from her face.

"I'll see you dead for this! Are you really that foolish?" The Mistress growled not backing up one bit.

"I'd rather die a good man than live as a coward!" I replied confidently and proudly.

"Don't do this! Don't take me away from my Mistress!" The voice from behind me cried out.

"If you want her that badly, you can have her. She's no use to me anymore." The Mistress chuckled and turned to leave then paused. "Perfect! Yes PERFECT!" She laughed out loud in a near cackle. "Enjoy her while you can. You will not live long I swear it!" The Mistress warned in amidst her chuckling as the other assistant gathered up the chairs and the tray and followed the Mistress out.

The woman on the bed behind me began sobbing uncontrollably. "Don't leave me my Mistress! Let me follow you! I'll be good I swear it!" The woman said and broke down into uncontrollable sobbing and was truly inconsolable.

As the door clinked closed I sat on the bed next to her and put my arms around her. She pushed me away, clearly not wanting anything to do with me. I pulled her to me a little harder and after a moment of resisting and protesting, she relented and clutched me tightly. I laid back on the bed and held her tight as she cried for what seemed like an hour. I said nothing and just let her cry, holding her tight and letting her soak my shirt with her tears; I didn't know what to say. Some time later she finally cried herself out and just lay there silently holding onto me. Her steady breathing told me that she had fallen asleep and I let her rest, she had earned it for all that she must have been through.

Thankfully I was not disturbed for some time and my Guards never did return. In retrospect I may have been able to escape but on an island with few allies, I would have not have gotten far. Eventually I would have been caught, after all on an island there are only so may hiding places. I only hoped that friendly and understanding Guards would return, otherwise I would not know how to explain her presence. The truth was far too bizarre for even me to believe and I lived it! Just then I heard footsteps approach the door and the door open up, I swallowed hard and hoped for the best.

"Brian?" Pellenica inquired as she poked her head in and looked around. Needless to say I sighed my relief.

"Over here, be quiet, she's sleeping." I replied as I motioned for her to approach.

"Where are the Guards we were to relieve? Who's that?" Pellenica asked as she approached the bed and knelt down beside me looking quite concerned.

"You never cease to amaze me Brian. How is it that you always seem to have a woman in here? Is there a door that we don't know about?" Valencia chuckled as she entered the room looking around for the imaginary door she was referring to.

"What's going on Brian?" Pellenica asked as Valencia approached the bed and then fell unusually quiet.

"Have either of you heard of someone called 'The Mistress of Tania'?" I asked and by the pale wide-eyed expressions on their faces I knew they knew of her.

"I've heard or her but I thought it was just rumours and ale-talk." Pellenica said as she looked at the sleeping woman beside me. "Is that her?" Pellenica asked wearily and disbelievingly. I explained the whole tale of what happened. I told them of the whole visit of The Mistress up until they walked in.

"But who is she?" Valencia asked as she looked the woman over and reached for her mask.

"No! She will remove it herself when she wakes." I insisted stopping Valencia's hand. If she was going to be respected as a person, the first thing was to respect her privacy and I knew that.

"You'd better wake her quick, we have to get her out of here before anyone sees her here." Pellenica said sensibly and I knew she was right. I shook the sleeping beauty in my arms and slowly she awoke with a start looking at the two Guards, then at me in near panic. She was quite upset and ill at ease for waking up and finding herself still there.

"It's alright! You're among friends, you're safe now." I said reassuringly as I held her soothingly.

"My Mistress! I've lost my Mistress! Why did you take her from me?" This woman said with a shaky voice and threw her head on my chest and pounded my chest with her fists repeatedly. "Why?" She cried out with each pounding of the fist. Each hit grew weaker and weaker until she stopped all together and lightly sobbed.

"I've never seen such behaviour." Said Pellenica shaking her head in disbelief, the expression on her face echoing her sentiment.

"Neither have I. I couldn't watch them abuse her for just being nice to me, I just couldn't!" I said with conviction and sadness as I remembered the cruel treatment I had witnessed.

"So you risked your life for an ungrateful stranger?" Pellenica asked incredulously still shaking her head.

"I am already a condemned man. If I must die, then I will die for something honourable at least. Besides, I could not sit there and watch that senseless beating." I sighed for and paused for a moment. "Such abuse!" I repeated with sincerity and a tear came to my eye as I remembered the beating. "I couldn't do anything less and call myself a man." I said and looked away.

"It wasn't abuse, it was discipline, out of love! It wasn't your place to interfere! I didn't ask you to save me!" The still cloaked woman said as she looked into my eyes with what I could see was a pained look in her grey eyes.

"But he did save you! He did interfere! He took you away from The Mistress! He won you your freedom!" Pellenica sternly said to the woman. "The least you can do, is say thank you!"

This woman who was still clinging to me looked at Pellenica for a moment and then back to me. I could see a confused look in her eyes as she looked back and forth from Pellenica to me a few times. After a moment she wiped her tears from her covered eyes and cleared her throat in preparation to speak.

"You're right. He did take me away from The Mistress. I no longer belong to The Mistress because of what he did." She said looking at Pellenica and then scrambled out of the bed and knelt beside it facing me. "I am your faithful and humble servant Master Brian, do with me as you wish." She said as she kissed my nearest hand and waited with bowed head for my next move.

"What?" I shouted in disbelief and looked at Pellenica and Valencia who mirrored my puzzled expression.

"Oh that's rich!" Valencia laughed heartily. "The condemned prisoner has a slave!" She rolled her eyes shaking her head in disbelief and chuckling, taking a few steps away.

"WHAT! That's not what I wanted! That's not why I did what I did!" I said with a look of horror as it sunk into my head what just happened. "What do I do? I wanted to release her from her bondage not transfer it to me!" I said imploring Pellenica for some guidance.

"She must think that since you stood up for her that she now belongs to you. Just release her, tell her she's free." Pellenica said with an unsure look, I guessed she had no more idea of what to do than I did.

"I release you! Do you hear me? You are no longer anyone's slave. You belong to nobody but yourself." I said warmly as I touched her shoulder.

"What have I done to displease you Master Brian?" The assistant said with tears in her eyes and a genuine pained and rejected look. "Are you angry with me for hitting you? I was just doing what The Mistress Commanded! Please don't hate me for being a faithful servant! I will serve you well! I will make you pleased with me, just give me a chance! Please don't send me away!" The assistant was in near hysterics and I could almost not make out the last of what she said. She had worked herself into a sobbing frenzy.

"Alright! It's okay. It's okay." I said soothingly as I stroked her shoulder. "I'm not mad at you. You are your own person, who must decide for yourself what is best for you. You don't belong to anyone my dear." I continued in the same soothing tone and at the end of it she looked confused and perplexed.

"But I want to serve you Master." She said with a confused look. "I want you to be pleased with me!" She continued, her mind still in a muddle but she was talking her way out of it. "I can make you happy Master." She said now more sure of herself. "I know I can, it is my duty. You fought The Mistress and won me. My place is with you." She said plainly and confidently.

"That's not necessary, I released you. You should go home to your family. Your place is with them." I said frustrated and concerned for her well being and sanity.

"Don't send me away Master, I can serve you well!" She pleaded urgently and threw her arms around my waist and hugged me while still kneeling on the floor. "My place is with you! Please let me serve you!" She begged in a most urgent tone. "Don't send me away!" She said and started to shake in genuine fear and terror at the thought of not having a Master or Mistress.

"How can anyone be reduced to this?" I sighed in pain and disbelief, my heart went out to this poor woman now clutching my waist begging me to serve me. "I never wanted this! All I wanted was to save her from that Mistress." I sighed, not sure of what the right thing to do was. "I want her to be her own person, to be in control of her own destiny. I don't want her to belong to anyone, let alone belong to me!" I finished with a frustrated sigh genuinely saddened by this development.

"I know Brian and in time we will be able to do that." Pellenica said with a reassuring look and a stroke of my cheek. "But for now, I fear it would be too great a change for her. Clearly she needs someone to call Master. At least for the time being you should play along." Pellenica finished plainly.

"Play along? I couldn't do that!" I replied in shock at the suggestion.

"I'm not saying to be cruel, just let her call you Master for a while. Treat her with respect and dignity, as I know you will. In a while we may be able to help her not think of herself as a slave." Pellenica said in a calming tone and it seemed to make sense, it seemed to be the kindest thing to do.

"I guess I could do that, but she can't stay here!" I said in shock.

"I don't know; she might brighten up the place a bit!" Valencia chuckled. "Can you get her to polish my armour for me?" She finished with a wink and a playful smile.

"Funny." Pellenica said with a droll look. "She will stay with us I guess." Pellenica said to Valencia and then turned to me. "Well we should find out who she really is." She finished plainly and I nodded my agreement.

"Does this mean you'll let me serve you Master?" Came a trembling question from my lap.

"Yes dear, you may serve me." I replied calmly and she sighed contently.

"Thank you Master, I will serve you well and faithfully. I will make you happy, I know I will." She said with great relief in her voice and clearly her whole disposition was calm and at peace.

I couldn't believe that this person had placed her life in my hands and would do anything I told her to do. She willingly placed herself in my hands pledging to faithfully perform any task I asked her. It was all so strange and yet exhilarating at the same time, the temptation to abuse this power was great.

"So what's your name?" I asked and got no response. I looked at Pellenica who shrugged her shoulders and then I tried again. "My dear, tell me your name."

"Treabilla, Master Brian." She said without raising her head from my lap. I looked at Pellenica and Valencia who paled a bit when that name was mentioned. I knew this name was of someone of significance and now I was curious to see her face.

"Treabilla, remove your cloak. Show me your face." She didn't move from my lap and she tensed up when the command was given. "Now please." I commanded as nicely as I could.

She sat back on her knees again, kneeling beside me and looked up at me one last time with a pleading look. I nodded to signal that I was serious about my order for her to reveal her face to me and she sighed and bowed her head once more. Slowly her hands rose to her neck and she unclasped the chain and the cloak fell further toward the centre of her back. Her hands then slid further up and her fingers slipped under the hood and she lifted it up and off. The cloak fell down her back and pooled on the floor behind her and the face of the black haired beauty was revealed. She looked me in the eyes with a piercing look and her eyes held a look that pleaded me to be kind.

"SWEET JESUS!" Valencia shouted in absolute shock. "Do you know who she is?" She shouted in pure shock and disbelief.

"I know! I know! I can't believe it myself!" Pellenica shouted back in equal shock and disbelief.

"How can this be? How could this happen to her?" Valencia cried out in pain and compassion as she knelt beside Treabilla and put her arm around her. Treabilla didn't know how to react but one approving look from me and she leaned into Valencia's hug with a sigh.

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