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Brian's Adventures Ch. 04

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The Mistress.
10.9k words

Part 4 of the 17 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 03/16/2002
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Chapter Four: The Mistress

"I thought she would throttle you for sure!" Pellenica said in disbelief as she entered the cell.

"You losing your touch or something?" Valencia inquired with a slight frown on her face as she also entered the room. "I thought for sure you'd have her legs in the air by now." She finished with crossed arms as she looked at me with a disappointed yet frustrated look about her.

"I'll try harder next time." I quipped back, I was not at all impressed by her attitude. "I have feelings you know! I care for Jealile a great deal I'll have you know and I won't mess that up for anything!" I snapped and looked away from her feeling the genuine hurt and disgust that I had for myself.

"Who said anything about Jealile? I was talking about the Captain." Valencia said with a puzzled look on her face.

"Well I don't think Jealile would be too impressed to hear that I had sex with another woman, do you?" I urged, trying to convey the distress and anguish I felt. "I don't know how I'm going to explain Yeoline to her." I said shaking my head dejectedly for the moment as the emotions welled up in me.

I felt like a first class heal, I should have kept better control of the situation and I knew it. I had sinned once with Greta, then with Jealile and now with Yeoline. I know that it was not right to be doing what I had done with these women, whether they were willing or not is not the point. Apart from Greta, I cared deeply for the two other women I had sinned with, I only hoped that God would take that into account and forgive me.

It all happened so fast and before I knew it I was in the thick of it. I mean how can a man tell one woman that he loves her one day and then sleep with her best friend the next. That was not a real man as far as I was concerned, I was not being true and faithful to the woman I loved. I knew that I now ran the risk of ruining something special with Jealile all for the quick tryst with Yeoline.

"Hey, don't worry about it." Pellenica said tenderly as she stat down beside her. "I don't think she'll care, as long as you still love her." She said as she put her arm around my shoulder in an act of compassion and friendship.

"If I lose her because of a moment of weakness." My words trailed off as a tear rolled down my cheek and I looked away from her in shame.

"Don't worry about it. Honestly I don't think she'll mind." Pellenica said reassuringly as she squeezed my shoulder.

"I don't see why she wouldn't care! I betrayed her trust by sleeping with someone else, and a friend of hers to boot!" I replied still not consoled, still hating myself for what I had done.

"I thought you were planning on marrying both of them anyways?" Pellenica inquired, looking a little puzzled at the moment.

"What? How can that be?" I said shaking my head now completely confused.

"Well, at least that's what Jealile told us." Pellenica added calmly, now a little confused herself.

"WHAT?" I replied, shocked to hear that from Jealile.

"That's what she said alright." Valencia added assuredly. "I remember specifically asking Jealile to marry me but I don't remember proposing to Yeoline." I said scratching my head trying to figure it all out. As you can guess it was a little confusing to me at the time.

"That first night you promised to select them at the Harvest Festival didn't you?" Pellenica inquired and awaited my response, reading my face for any reaction to the news.

"Well, not in so many words, I promised to remember them at the Harvest Festival. But what that has to do with marriage I don't know?" I responded with a furrowed brow and a confused mind.

"See, you admit that you promised them!" Valencia said accusingly. "So what's wrong with Jealile and Yeoline? They're good friends and will get along fine, they'll be great Fellowives." Valencia said now curiously confused at my reaction.

"But I can only marry one!" I stated the obvious again in shock and exasperation.

"Why?" Valencia and Pellenica said in a confused chorus.

"What do you mean why! That's the way that it is! One man, one wife!" I replied stunned almost silent.

"Why would you be so selfish?" Valencia shouted, sounding hurt and turned away from me. "I thought you were better than that!" She said now facing away from me. "I thought you were different." She finished quietly, not looking at me and she seemed genuinely upset with me at the moment.

"But that's the way it has always been; I can't change that." I replied now looking to Pellenica for support and found her demeanour was calmer than Valencia's, but no less hurt.

"On Tania, women greatly outnumber men by about twenty to one. By your way of thinking, there would be so many people unhappy and lonely." Pellenica started out calmly and paused.

"I had noticed the odd balance men to women here but I didn't know just how off balance it was, why is that?" I inquired curiously.

"According to our history our ancestors arrived here with an equal number of men and women. Soon after they settled here, they found that more girls were born than boys, it has been that way ever since." Pellenica explained then paused to look me in the eye. "Nobody knows why."

"I say that is strange. I can see how that might cause a few problems." I said, conceding the point.

"In our past we used to marry the way you describe but as the women started to outnumber the men the competition to marry a man increased. Women were killed or just disappeared, men took lovers sometimes two or more; in short, a lot of pain was borne by a lot of people. We realized that we had to change the way we love and marry. The result has brought us happiness and stability for generations." Pellenica said and looked at me in the eye seriously.

"When you put it like that, I can see where you're coming from. It makes an odd kind of sense I suppose." I said with a smile. "But only on Tania." I chuckled trying to lighten things up a bit. "So how does it all work, the marriages I mean?" I inquired curiously, anxious to learn all I could about this land.

"The way of things on Tania is that each common man takes eight wives and no lovers. That is why adultery is met with death, there is no reason for it and it only brings back the time of troubles." Pellenica said, as she looked me in the eye to gauge my reaction. I must admit I probably could have reacted better, but it was quite a shock as you can imagine. The last bit of information pushed me over the edge, the shock and surprise was so great.

"Eight wives!" I squawked.

"Yes." Pellenica replied plainly.




"Yes!" Pellenica replied a little more firmly with a queer look in her eye.

"At the same time?" I asked, still shocked.

"YES!" Pellenica shouted shaking her head in disbelief.

"TO THE SAME MAN!" I shrieked my mind unable to comprehend the concept of that many wives.

"Are you deaf or just stupid?" Valencia asked angrily, glaring with an unbelieving look.

"Hold it!" I said giving my head a shake and I took a breath to calm down before continuing. "Are you telling me that you're completely okay with the concept of eight women married to the same man at the same time?" I asked with a look of shock and disbelief "What does they church have to say about all this?" I inquired in a calmer tone but no less stunned.

"It has been this way for generations! The church organizes the annual Harvest Festival where the wives are selected and married. The vows are taken quite seriously as they would be in your land. There is an established system in place and everything works out fine! The only person who has a problem with it is you Brian and I don't know why?" Pellenica said in a huff and turned away from me now quite hurt and upset.

"Don't you like women?" Valencia inquired with a raised eyebrow and a queer look.

"Of course I like women!" I replied indignantly shooting Valencia a dirty look.

"Well then, what's your problem?" Pellenica asked turning back to face me.

"It's a bit sudden if you ask me." I said with a sigh taking a breath "As long as you people are okay with it, I guess I can get used to it." I said now a little more at ease with the idea. "Of course it's all for naught if I can't find a way for your people not to kill me." I said looking down once more feeling the weight of my situation again. Valencia sat down on the other side of me and put her arm around me as well.

"We'll find a way out of this." Valencia said sincerely and tenderly as she looked me in the eye and I could not look away from her gaze for a moment.

"If I can have eight wives as you say; I would be honoured to count two women as nice as you among them. I only hope that I am as fortunate as your husbands someday." I replied with a smile. I had meant it to mean how nice they were to me and to thank them for their friendship. "You are truly good friends." I smiled as I put my arm around both of them and they leaned in to put their heads on my shoulders.

"We'll find a way out of this, we must." Pellenica said without looking at me. "You are not like the other men here." She said as she raised her head to look me in the eyes. "Perhaps you can remind our men of what it truly means to be a man and how to treat a woman like a lady." Pellenica said as she gave me a kiss on the cheek left the room.

"Don't worry, we'll get your pretty ass out of this." Valencia said as she gave me a quick kiss on the lips and pinched my bum. Her eyes danced all over my face and she kissed me again, this time it was a longer, more lingering, tender kiss.

"C'mon we should be standing outside looking like Guards and not lounging about in here looking like prisoners." Pellenica said urging Valencia to join her outside the door.

Valencia then tore herself away from me and walked to the door. "Lucky little shit Jealile is." She said under her breath almost inaudibly. After a moment I was alone again and the door was shut tight. Nothing more happened that night and I was left alone in my cell. I don't need to tell you that I slept like a baby that first night on a real bed.

I awoke feeling better than I had in some time and I was ready to take on all of Tania if I had to. After my morning meal I had another visitor come to me. This one seemed more mysterious and intriguing than the others.

I heard loud and sharp footsteps approaching. I could see though the bars in the door that a small crowd of five tall figures in black cloaks now stood momentarily at the door. With a few soft-spoken words my Guards opened the door and then disappeared. The lead cloaked figure then entered the room and was followed by two other cloaked figures. The first, taller cloaked figure stood in the centre of the room and waited for something.

One of the other figures placed a tray on the desk and then closed the curtains on my window that until now had been tied back. This figure sat at the desk and prepared the papers, ink and quill to write something or take notes I presumed. The other of the secondary cloaked figures placed a folding chair that they were carrying near the desk. They took the other chair that they were carrying and placed it near the bed. The two chairs were facing each other about ten feet or so apart. This figure took me by the hand and directed me to sit in the chair near the bed without saying a word. I could tell by the feminine feel to the hands that this was a woman who brought me here. She then silently walked over to the bench and sat down without saying a word.

The lead cloaked figure now walked over to the vacant chair and sat down. I could not make out just who this person was. Not only were they wearing a long black cloak, but also their face was covered. A black sheet was sewn inside the hood of the cloak; there were two openings for the eyes and one slit for the mouth. There was a regale quality to this person as they sat there quite clearly in charge of everything in the room and beyond. The sense of power was about them, evil power to be exact and I didn't want to cross them and waited quietly to see what they wanted.

I could see through the bars that the two last figures stood directly on the other side of the door. I found it curious that they were watching the outside rather than the inside of the room. There was an ominous feel to these visitors and I didn't know just what to make of it. First of all my guards were dismissed and another pair placed in their stead. I presumed that this was done to keep anyone from interfering with whatever was going to happen in this room. I feared it was not going to be to my liking or to my benefit.

The seated cloaked leader pulled open their cloak at the waist and opened their legs I could clearly see a silver-haired pussy presented before me. The two other figures in the room knelt in front of the cloaked and seated woman in the chair.

"I am your faithful and humble servant Mistress, do with me as you wish." The first kneeling cloaked woman said as she leaned in and kissed the silver-haired pussy on the lips and then returned to the desk. The second female, cloaked figure repeated the same phrase and did likewise then sat back on the bench. The Mistress closed her legs and covered herself again, looking regal and composed once more.

"Hello Brian Westlock of the English countryside; son of a peasant farmer who sailed the open ocean and was washed upon our shores." The woman in the chair said with a sweet voice, yet an evil air about her lingered, and was impossible to shake.

"You know much about me, please tell me something about yourself." I inquired politely, hoping to find out as much as I could about this mysterious woman and her followers.

"I am the Mistress of Tania, through whom God will soon aid in the saving my children from the yoke of The Council." Said the Mistress in the chair in a deep, proud yet still feminine voice. "Serve me well and please me and you may yet survive the coming storm my child. Please me not and you will suffer with the rest of the disbelievers!" The Mistress said with a snarl and a commanding tone to her voice. "I am your only friend, I alone can get you out of this mess that you have landed yourself in!" The Mistress paused for a moment and with a grin in her voice she said "I hold your life in my hands. That is all you need to know."

I could hear the smile that must have been on her hidden face. I responded by nodding my agreement. I was not about to upset someone of this kind of power. I felt like I was somehow making a deal with the devil and feared that my soul was the price of my promised salvation.

"For now I have some questions for you my new Disciple. If you answer them correctly and honestly, you will be rewarded." The mistress replied plainly.

Without taking her eyes off of me she beckoned the woman behind her with her left hand. Immediately the woman on the bench moved forward and knelt beside The Mistress with a bowed head and waited. The Mistress placed her hand on the head of this woman and patted her head like you would a dog.

"Why did you leave England?" The Mistress asked.

"I didn't do so willingly, I was kidnapped." I replied straightforwardly and the woman at the desk started scribbling. She continued scribbling the entire time I was questioned.

"How then did you get on that ship?" The Mistress inquired.

"Like I said, I was kidnapped." I replied, hoping to avoid the whole 'Greta' story.

"How were you kidnapped?" The Mistress asked curiously. "Were you attacked in the street?" She finished posing the question and dangled an easy answer.

"Yes, exactly." I answered, grasping at the less embarrassing answer.

With a pat on the head of her assistant the assistant stood up and tossed the cloak off her shoulders and it fell on her back like a cape. Her whole front and sides were exposed to my view. Her tight, trim and delicious looking body was very nearly naked as she stood before me. The only clothing she wore was a pair of small black boots on her feet, a very thin pair of black panties that covered the barest of her privates and a black bra. The bra was also as small and cupped the bottom of her large breasts and only came up to cover the nipples. Most of her breasts were uncovered and indeed most of her body was proudly displayed. The gold chain around her neck held the cloak on her but did not choke her. The hood remained on her head and took the majority of the weight of the cloak. The top of her face was covered in an inner hood like the Mistresses but instead it only came down to just under her nose revealing her mouth and chin.

This assistant wasted no time in walking over to me and drew her hand back and slapped my face with tremendous force. My head flew to the side; the force of the blow was so great. I was shocked and angry and was about to hit her back but I was unable to. My Father had always drilled into me that you don't hit a woman no matter what. It was now that I cursed him for that; clearly she had the advantage.

"That was a lie and you know it! Care to tell me the truth this time?" The Mistress said with an agitated voice. I knew then that the previous question was a test. She knew the answer and tested me to see if I would admit the embarrassing truth. I sighed and resigned myself to tell her the truth that she evidently already knew.

"I was seduced by a woman. While we were 'getting intimate' I was hit on the back of the head. When I came to, I was on the ship at sea. It is not something that I am proud of, it was a foolish mistake and I don't like mentioning it." I said sheepishly as I tried to rub the stinging of my cheek away not looking at anyone.

"I understand that it was hard to mention, but I won't stand for lies!" The Mistress snarled and then paused. "However The Mistress is fair to her Disciples, lies are punished but the truth is rewarded." She said and waved to the half nude assistant near me.

The assistant near me knelt in front of me without hesitation and pulled my pants down to my ankles. My cock had already started to rise from seeing her almost nude form. Her outfit did leave nothing to the imagination and she was a spectacular specimen of a woman. She grabbed my cock by the base and swallowed my cock whole in one motion. She bobbed her head up and down on my cock for a full minute and then abruptly stopped. I had not yet cum and I wanted her to continue her wondrous work on my cock. She stood and stepped back a few steps and waited patiently for The Mistresses next command.

It continued in much the same manner for a long time yet. The Mistress would ask the questions, one by one and I would answer them. She asked me a great deal about England and the journey, going over each and every small detail of my journey. Even the ship I came on, what it looked like, how big it was how it was put together, thinks like that. She asked about my life at home and the farm and all manner of things.

If I answered a question in a way that she didn't like I would get another swat from the assistant. After a few answers that she was satisfied with, the assistant would pleasure my cock for another minute. I was never able to cum in all this time, the starting and stopping was aggravating. While she did a wonderful job of giving head the fact that she never did allow me to cum was unnerving. I would have given nearly anything to blow my load down her talented throat; perhaps that was the idea.

"Have you had sex with anyone since you arrived?" The Mistress asked in a commanding voice.

"No." I replied, not wanting to betray Jealile or Yeoline. Another forceful slap across my face reminded me of the price of that faithfulness. "I know different! Tell me the truth! Who have you fucked? Which of my Disciples has betrayed me?" The Mistress spat at me demanding an answer.

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