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Brian's Adventures Ch. 06


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"Captain, prepare a whipping detail, you are to lead it, understand." Councillor Palpetone said in his commanding, superior manner and without saying a word the Captain understood.

Then the Captain shouted some orders and while most of the Guards disappeared into the building, some returned with a whipping post and a whip. It was quickly set up so that my back would face away from the crowd. The crowd started to filter back in when the mood turned less tense as the Guards had sheathed their swords once more. When the crowd had settled back and was more or less quiet, Councillor Palpetone stepped forward and raised both his hands. A hush fell quickly over the crowd and he held that hush for a moment longer than he needed to.

"Citizens of Tania. I come before you with news of a grave injustice that has now been righted." He said with a warm smile and indicated me as he continued. "This man was wrongfully sentenced to death. While it is true that the full penalty of his crime is death, we were not informed of all of his actions. If we had been given all the information and not stretched truths and rumours we would have made the right decision much earlier. It is because of the brave actions of these fine Guards here." He said pointing to the Captain proudly and paused to ensure he had everyone's attention.

"They put their lives on the line to see justice served and we owe them much. Now that The Council has learned all of the pertinent information I can proudly say that the right sentence will now be carried out. In recognition of his actions and service to Tania so far, the prisoner Brian Westlock will be given ten lashings." Councillor Palpetone finished with a pleased smile, and the crowed cheered.

Two guards I didn't know led me to the whipping post and removed my shirt before binding my hands high above me head. The Sergeant-at-Arms stood beside me to and off to the side about twenty feet. The Captain of the Guard unfurled the whip as she stood behind me about twenty feet and prepared her stance.

"Brian Westlock, having been found guilty of spying by The Council, you have been sentenced to ten lashings." He said loudly, mostly to the crowd than me. "Captain, carry out the sentence." He said to the Captain who then nodded back to the Sergeant-at-Arms.

I can still hear the whistling sound of that whip as it traveled through the air and struck me that first time. I shouted and tensed up when it hit, more from shock than anything else. She was not supposed to hit me and she said later that she 'barely touched me'. Let me tell you if that was 'barely touching' I never want to feel the full force of a whip. It hurt and stung like hell's fire!

"ONE!" The Sergeant-at-Arms called out.

CRACK! Another crack of the whip but this one did not touch me at all. I jumped and shouted in fear and remembering how the last one felt.

"TWO!" The Sergeant-at-Arms called out.

CRACK Again I didn't feel it, but jumped and shouted anyways.

"THREE!" The Sergeant called out and so it went until all ten were 'delivered'.

I was only touched that first time but still my back hurt as if all ten had landed. I must say I was still a bit jumpy as you can guess. If you can't imagine, well you try getting whipped and see how you feel afterward. So when they came to release me I almost jumped out of my skin when they drew near. Pellenica and Jealile supported and helped me to stand a few feet in front of the Sergeant-at-Arms.

"Brian Westlock, your sentence having been carried out to completion and to my satisfaction; on behalf of The Council, you are now released from custody." The Sergeant-at-Arms said in the same dry monotone he had used to address The Council the day before.

With that one phrase, I was a free man and I felt a great weight lift from my shoulders. I looked up at the sun and suddenly the day felt warmer, the breeze smelled sweeter, the world was alive with colour and texture once more. I heard the sounds of a bustling city that surrounded me, birds chirping, leaves rustling, mothers calling their children, people living their lives. I was a free man once more and even though the only thing in the world that I owned was literally the clothes on my back, I felt rich! I was alive again!

There was no death sentence that hung over my head, and nobody wanted me dead, except The Mistress. I figured with Lochel hot for her head, she would have larger issues to deal with than little old me. Even if she did make trouble for me down the road, none of that mattered now. I was enjoying the simple pleasure of breathing fresh air as a free man.

"What are your plans Mr. Westlock?" The Sergeant-at-Arms asked curiously with an attempt at a smile.

"Well since I have no way to go home and you wouldn't let me leave even if I could I'll have to make a home for myself here." I said with a light chuckle and a smile.

"No, I wouldn't advise trying to leave." The Sergeant said with a smirk.

"Do you really want to leave?" Treabilla asked curiously, and the other ladies listened intently.

"Y'know, even after all I've been through, I don't want to leave." I said after a bit. "You have a beautiful island and the people I have met are a good and friendly lot. Well most of them, but there are always a few bad apples in the bunch. Just toss'em aside and keep the good ones I say." I laughed and then fell serious after a short laugh. "I would like to find some way to make myself useful I suppose. Do what I can, where I can and all that." I finished with a thoughtful scratch of the chin.

"In that case you should see Councillor Palpetone when you're feeling better in the Council Building. He's the one you already met and I'm sure he can find something suitable for you. Good Evening" The Sergeant finished and then went on his way.

"I still can't believe all that just happened. Did it really? Am I truly a free man?" I said with shock and disbelief. "I don't know how to thank you. I am truly in your debt, all of you!" I finished, trying to hold back the tears of joy and the emotions of the moment.

"I can think of a few things." Valencia said under her breath; there was a quiet pause as the ladies looked at each other. After a few seconds though, the rest of them snickered at first and then burst into laughter. "Well he did offer!" Valencia chuckled in her defence.

"Trust you to think of that!" Pellenica laughed and shook her head.

"Like any of you wouldn't like to either?" Valencia chuckled as she gave everyone there a mildly defensive frown in return. "I don't mean to be rude ladies but I would love to get cleaned up. I haven't had a bath or shave in forever." I said quietly looking all of the ladies in the eyes one after the other.

"True enough, and we do need to get that wound dressed." Jealile said as she ran her hand over my back near the wound and I flinched when her hand neared the wound.

"C'mon it's just a scratch, I barely touched him." The Captain of the Guards said as she approached.

"Deep enough though." Jealile said as she withdrew her hand, showing a drop of blood to the group.

"Why the hell did you actually hit him anyways? I thought you were just supposed to make it look good?" Treabilla said with scorn and a sneer.

"I had to hit him once to give him a taste of how much it really hurt so he could scream loud enough. Besides, we needed to see some blood. After all he was supposed to have been whipped ten times with full force." The Captain said, defending her actions and the logic seemed sound to me, even though my back was still hurt.

"How do you feel Brian?" Treabilla asked with concern.

"Oh I feel well enough. I still hurt, but not as much as before." I said confidently with a reassuring smile.

"Well enough to raise a few pints with the gals?" Valencia asked with a tempting smile as she put her arms around the shoulders of Treabilla and Yeoline.

"Don't be daft, after the whipping everyone thinks he received, he should be in bed for a few days at least!" Pellenica scolded. "How would it look if the same night he was 'whipped within an inch of his life' he was seen carousing in the local pub with the gals?" She finished and paused. "No, he should not be seen in public for a few days at least."

"But we've got to celebrate!" Valencia finished with a half shout, squeezing Treabilla and Yeoline around the neck briefly.

"And in a few days we shall! But for right now he needs to keep a low profile." Jealile said with a strained low voice.

"Well, we have plenty of space at our place. He could stay with us as long as he needs sure enough." Pellenica said confidently yet with a slightly uncomfortable look underneath the surface of her cool exterior.

"Terenium might have something to say about that!" Yeoline said curiously and playfully.

"Oh, I don't think he'll mind and besides if he does, I'll talk him into it." Pellenica said with a charming smile.

"You're not the only one with extra space you know!" Jealile said with an indignant frown.

"I do believe that we have more space than the lot of you!" Treabilla interjected.

"I'll take care of him tonight, you can all decide what to do with him tomorrow. Tonight, he's my guest, as agreed." The Captain said unusually quietly and meekly looking each and every lady there in the eye once.

Silently they all nodded and agreed without protest or another word to discuss the matter. I gave them each a hug and kiss goodnight. Valencia sneaked in a pinch of my bum when nobody was looking so I pinched hers back. The shocked look on her face melted into a playful 'I'll get you later' expression. The small crowd disbursed and the Captain and myself were left alone in that now darkening street.

"Can you walk?" The Captain asked plainly.

"I'll manage alright." I said with a smile, "I just wanted to look a little more injured than I was in case someone was watching."

"Good plan." She said simply and put her arm around my shoulder and I put my arm around her waist.

We took mostly the quiet streets and dark alleys in the hopes to disappear into the shadows. Eventually we passed through a plain door and into a small room. There was a fire roaring in the fireplace and the room basked in the warm glow of it. I could see a black pot of some kind with stew bubbling and keeping warm on the hook by the fire. It was a plainly decorated place that somehow did not suit her station as Captain of the Guards.

There was one room off to each side of the main room that we now stood in. On the right was the bedroom and modest bed. To the left there seemed to be some kind of trophy room or study of some sort. Near the fire was a simple table with four chairs around it. Off to the side and near the fireplace was an assortment of cupboards and counter space in one corner of the room.

"Take a load off while I fetch some water." The Captain said as she picked up a pole with four notches near each end of the long pole.

She picked up eight empty buckets and arranged them so that the handles rested in the notches in the pole. She stood up and placed the pole across her shoulders and went out to the local well. I opened the door for her and she left, I stood there and kept an eye out for her to return. Shortly she was back and placed the water buckets on the floor opposite the fireplace, out of the way. She walked over to the fireplace and looked in the pot and smelled the bubbling stew.

"Do you always wear that armour?" I asked curiously and she looked down at herself, then over at me and chuckled. It was the first time I had ever seen a smile or light expression on her face.

"I guess I do, I don't even feel it anymore." She finished with a chuckle.

"You don't sleep in it do you?" I asked with a suspicious tone and a smirk.

"Don't be daft!" She laughed out loud heartily as she walked over to the trophy room and undid the side straps as she went. "Well only once." She sheepishly snickered "But that was after a very long shift mind you." She defended with a chuckle.

"Would you like some dinner?" I asked as I walked over to the stew.

"Sorry, help yourself." She shouted from the trophy room.

I took that as a yes and found two bowls and served up two helpings of the stew. After that I poured two cups of water and served them up as well. As I placed the last cup on the table she emerged from the trophy room with only her brown pants and white shirt on. She was still an impressive sight as she stood there; her muscles were plain to see under the shirt that clung to her body. Clearly, she was a very strong woman and her torso was bulging with the muscles that her armour had hinted were there. She noticed me looking her over and blushed when our eyes met yet she said nothing as she sat at the table.

"This is good stew." I said after we had been eating for a short bit.

"Thanks, but I didn't make it. I have one of the local housewives come in during the day, clean the place up and make dinner. She does make a good stew though." The Captain said with a smile.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked plainly.

"Sure." She replied cautiously casting a curious eye in my direction.

"I have never heard anyone call you anything other than 'The Captain', you do have a name don't you?" I asked curiously with a smirk.

"Sometimes I think I gave up my name when I became Captain of the Guards." The Captain chuckled. "Felleona, my name is Felleona, it means 'timid flower'." She finished with a smirk and a chuckle.

"That is a beautiful name but somehow unfitting for you." I replied with a smirk and I tried my best to stifle a laugh but when our eyes met, we both burst into laughter.

"Not exactly what you would call a 'timid flower' eh?" She laughed as she flexed her arm muscles a bit.

"Not in the slightest. Without a doubt you're the strongest woman I've ever seen." I said with a smile of amazement on my face but it changed to friendly curiosity before I continued. "Tell me about yourself won't you Felleona?" I asked warmly and she looked at me for a moment and smiled at me before she answered me.

"Well, I grew up on one of the more distant, rural Estates. I guess I was rather a small child so that's why my Father named me what he did." She said and paused. "As I grew older and 'filled out' it was clear to everyone that my name didn't fit. 'Flower' was what they would call me growing up and it became an inside joke."

"Can I call you 'Flower'? I asked with a chuckle.

"You try that in front of the others and I'll swat you something awful!" She playfully threatened but the smile on her face and the chuckle that followed made her look less menacing.

"I'll try to remember that Flower." I said with a light smirk and she only shook her head and smiled at me. "Please continue." I said as I took a gulp of water.

"Well, farming was all I knew when I was growing up." Felleona started out. "I was one of the oldest and expected to do the lion's share of the work. My sisters always came up with one excuse or another not to do the harder, more demanding chores so I always ended up doing them. It mattered little, as I was never one to shy away from hard work and all that hard work paid off as you can see. I even lifted stones and hay bales on a regular basis to keep fit. I was always taller and stronger than most people I knew and I liked that feeling so I have always tried to keep my shape."

"Fit, you certainly are!" I said confidently and got a shy smile out of her.

"Well, it hasn't always been a blessing." She replied with a sorrowful look.

"What do you mean?" I inquired curiously. "I bet you don't worry about walking down dark streets at night." I said with cheerful lilt and a light punch at her shoulder. Her natural reaction was to glare a warning at me for touching her but after a half second of glare she chuckled.

"No I don't, and I can carry more water than most." Felleona said with a smile and a toss of her thumb in the direction of the water pails. "I found myself getting into more fights than others when I was young. I guess when you're the strongest and toughest others come for you just to prove they're as tough. Most people figured I was dumb because I was big and strong. Most men wouldn't come near me, said I looked too much like a man they did." She finished with a pained look and looked at me with a timid look, almost searching for something from me.

"You don't look like a man." I said tenderly and with confidence as I reached across the table and held her hand to comfort her. "Sure, you're larger, taller and stronger than most, but that doesn't make you any less of a woman." I said straight into her emerald eyes as they intently scrutinized my face, searching for any hint of humour. Slowly, her face warmed up into a warm smile and our lips were drawn to each other's. When her lips were just a few inches from mine, she paused and looked flustered. I read in her eyes that part of her wanted to kiss me but part of her wasn't ready. "So you've been married before?" I asked as I tried to help her out of an awkward situation.

"Yes, I was selected in my first Harvest Festival as a matter of fact." She said proudly. "However, I found out later that my Father had arranged the marriage by giving my prospective husband a few prized cows. He bribed my husband to take me on and he was the only bidder. When I found out that he took me as a wife for the cows I was devastated. One night we were supposed to be together I left one of the cows in my room and went to the local pub." Felleona said with a saddened look on her face as she remembered the rejection and pain.

"I can only imagine the look on his face as he opened up that door." I laughed and she joined in.

"He did not take it well and things went downhill after that." She sighed and then continued. "He put me in the next Harvest Festival and when nobody selected me he took me back only after making me beg." She said with a hardened look of hurt. "It was a hard year and things didn't improve at all, he didn't want me, he never loved me. He barely liked me, and I didn't like him at all. So the next Harvest Festival I asked him to register me, and he agreed. This time someone else selected me and I was happy that someone wanted me. However I found out that he had done so only to say that he had the strongest wife on the island!"

"Oh that must have hurt." I said with a regretful look and she looked at me and sighed.

"It did. This marriage also didn't last one Harvest Festival and neither did the next two. My last marriage was the best but only because he was a wealthy merchant but he wanted me to play the little grovelling wife. When I refused to let him boss me around on a few occasions he registered me for the next Harvest Festival. When I wasn't selected, I chose to simply walk away single and I have been on my own ever since." She finished with a neutral smile.

"How long has that been?" I asked curiously.

"Well if you must know, I have been single for a little over ten years." Felleona confessed, a little uncomfortable with the question.

"Don't you miss it? Marriage I mean?" I pressed into territory that was none of my concern.

"Sometimes, I guess. But it was never what I expected it would be. There are so few happy memories I have of those days. It almost seems like a different life to me now?" Felleona finished with a far off look.

"So what happened next? How did you become a Guard?" I asked; my question pulled her out of the funk she was in.

"Well, when my last marriage ended, the only skills I had was farming and I refused to go back to that life. I wanted more out of life than to farm!" She said with a firm smack of the table with the hand that she was not holding mine with.

"Me too!" I cried out in joy and surprise and she gave me a funny look. "I too grew up on a farm and I moved to the city to get away from the farm life. I also wanted more than to die a farmer." I explained with a happy grin. I was happy to have something in common with someone in this strange land that was now my home.

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