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Brides Pt. 01


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The girl soon stopped struggling and it felt like she was beginning to return the ministrations, sucking and kissing at Corruption's clit.

Nearby, the other girl was coming around, still recovering from the shock of the earlier impact. Corruption swung her tail, catching her in the side of the head and sending her plummeting back to the ground. The demon roared in revelry of the chaos.

The girl at her knees groped at her hips, hungrily and sloppily swallowing her juices.The girl's ministrations soon brought Corruption to orgasm. The demon let loose an unholy roar as a torrent of slimy juices erupted from her cunt, coating the girl's head in a thick layer of slime. She held the girl steady in her clawed grasp as the climax continued, her charge coated from head to knees.

The slime was hardening around the girl, becoming high-viscosity membrane. Corruption released her and the girl obediently knelt still as the demon finished coating her. The membrane became opaque, hardening into a fleshy shell. Corruption pushed the girl over onto her back and coated her lower legs and feet. She watched with perverse interest as the membrane expanded, seemingly filling up with some kind of fluid.

"What's going on here ... what the fuck?"

Admidst her orgasmic revelry, Corruption hadn't noticed the police officer approaching. Stunned by the site of this impossible creature, the officer was clumsily fumbling for his sidearm. Corruption snarled and leapt, landing on him with all fours, digging her finger and toe claws into his flesh. She silenced his screams with a vicious bite to the neck. His blood was warm and delicious.

Corruption helped herself to several more chunks of meat, but she knew she was too exposed where she was. She approached the egg sac in the place where the brunette had been, lifted it effortlessly and deposited it in the dumpster. She scooped up the unconscious Asian girl in one arm and the police officer's corpse in the other, fleeing into the night.

The rush of adrenaline Cindy had felt in town slowly faded as she made her way back to the waterfall. Her two burdens had gotten increasingly heavier, to the point where she was forced to abandon the cop's body in the woods. The girl remained unconscious, but her dead weight made her difficult to move. A twinge of vaguely familiar fear had crept into the back of her mind. She'd killed a cop. They were going to be looking for her for ... no, they wouldn't be looking for a supernatural creature and they certainly wouldn't connect it to her human name.

Human name...

Cindy dragged her charge to the edge of the pond, her destination, the waterfall, finally in sight. In the pale moonlight, she caught site of her reflection. Something was different. Her repitlian features were losing their angularity. Shocked, she looked at her claws and saw that they had receded to scarcely more than long nails.

What's happening to me? I have to get to Master...

She reached for the girl, but hesitated. No, what was in that cave was wrong. What it had done to her was wrong.

No, Master would fix this. He had to! With a snarl, she hoisted the girl over her shoulders and waded into the pool toward her Master's lair.

"Very good, Corruption," Master said, his praise an aphrodisiac. "This one will make a fine addition to my harem."

"Master," she said meekly. "What's happening to me?"

Her scales had become mottled, soft flesh becoming exposed in growing patches. And it was accelerating. She was becoming more ... human by moment.

Master's inhuman face was inscrutable.

"It appears my jailers took precautions. They must have put a ward on the seal when you broke it to protect your soul from me."

"I'm sorry, Master. I don't understand."

"Don't fear, my little beast. I'm not displeased with you," his grin, if that's what it was, was a terrifying display of jagged fangs. "In fact, you've done very well considering the terrible curse that was placed on you."

He approached her predatorally. Cindy took a step backward, feeling the strange fleshy ground with the now-soft skin of her soles.

"I'm cursed?" Run. Run, you idiot, a voice in the back of her head, growing louder, more urgent told her. Just make it to the hall. He can't leave.

"I won't be able to make you a true demon until I'm free," he took another step forward. ""

Cindy felt her balance shift as her tail receded into her spine. She knew she had to run. She spun as quickly as she could, hoping the beast couldn't sense her ambivalence. She bolted toward to portal with everything she had, expecting at any moment to feel the creature's immense weight bear down on her.

But it didn't. Somehow she was staying ahead of him and she dare not look back to see why. Cindy could almost smell the mist of the waterfall, the moldy stench of the cave a welcome beacon...

A fearful snarl tore through the air palpably and Cindy felt all her muscles seize up, her breath caught in her throat. Moisture trickled copiously from between her legs. She felt herself turning back around against her will, a prisoner in her own body.

Master hadn't chased her, had barely even moved from his spot. Slowly and lithely he hissed and dropped into a feral crouch. Cindy felt her heart race as she found herself mimicking his movements, a hiss escaping her lips.

With one outstretched claw, he beckoned her forward. Her right leg took one heavily labored, awkward step forward, followed by her left. She felt like a marionnette struggling against her strings.

"Come to me, Corruption."

He grabbed her about the waist and lifting one of her legs. In the blink of an eye, his serpentine cock slid inside her still-moist slit. Cindy felt her body quickly submit to his touch, and he cradled her almost gently.

"But don't worry. You're still my bride. My Corruption."

Cindy felt warm bliss radiating upward from her groin. She whimpered. Too late. Too late.

His slick, slimy member was moving tortuously slowly, but her body was in complete rebellion, obediently rocking back and forth to his rhythm. She wanted to curse him, but all that came out was an impotent little whine.

"Good girl," he hissed.

Master dipped her downward right as he ejaculated. She moaned through clenched teeth, her fingers crooked as her nails darkened and lengthened.

"This is only the beginning."

Cindy's ecstatic howl filled the cave as she felt the hunger rekindle inside of her.

"Native American monster myths? Not really my area of expertise," Professor Carthwright peered down his nose at the sketch Rachel had given him. The college's history department had been culled by budget cuts as of late; the Native American studies program was among the casualties. Carthwright, her U.S. History professor, was the closest thing she could find.

"The wendigo is one of the more popular ones. Certain manitous were also said to be somewhat demonic in nature."

Rachel protested, "The statues, they didn't look like anything in the collections. Well, there was this one up front that kind of did, but I think we might have broken it."

"That's unfortunate. It's possible that the other statues you saw are more recent, perhaps colonial or even 20th century. The town did have several eccentric millionaires around that time. It's possible you found a secret art stash, which could explain the discrepancy between the various pieces."

Rachel still hadn't heard any word from or about Cindy. She'd held off filing a police report, but between this and rumors of a strange attack in town, it was looking like a better and better idea.

"Who else knows about this?"

"Just Cindy and Joe. Why?"

"Just curious." There was something unconvincing about his tone. "Why don't I see what I can find out. Come by my office tomorrow afternoon."

Kari's head was throbbing. She'd had the worst dreams, a mix of a terrible hangover and a thing out of one of her brother's hentai. Her vision was blurry and there were unpleasant sounds coming from nearby, not to mention a powerful musky odor was distracting to the point of dizziness.

She was somewhere dark - not her room. Something was moving nearby. Kari felt a sinking feeling in her stomach when it came into focus.

It hadn't been a dream. The thing that had attacked her was hanging off a larger creature. To her disgust and horror, she saw that her assailant was ravenously bouncing... herself upon the larger creature's cock, snarling and panting.

She stared transfixed at the sight, her brain refusing to believe what was going on in front of her.

The male came with a thunderous roar and the female fell to the floor in spasms where she lay shivering and snarling. The male inhaled deeply and turned a single reptilian eye on Kari.

He ducked into a feral crouch approaching her slowly, his slick member flicking about between his legs, it's tip a fanged horror.

Her head still throbbing, Kari wobbled to her feet, but couldn't find her balance. She fell over as the monster approached, sniffing the air.

Then it spoke, it's breath hissing through fangs. "The old holy men never understood."

Kari froze as it stalked forward on all fours. What was this thing? How could it speak?

"Please don't eat me, please!" she stammered.

"They thought woman the keeper of morality, chaste and pure, a check on their own wicked impulses."

A sharp claw tore the laces of her sneaker to ribbons and the beast slid the shoe and her sock off almost tenderly. Something about the air, that scent, his voice was making her sleepy.

"They were fools. Inside every female is a beast more fearsome than they could imagine. But I can smell them." The creature sniffed at her toes noisily, seeming to savor the scent. Kari knew she should be running, screaming for help, but she couldn't take her eyes off this creature, it's strange words and its fascination with her foot. She felt gross for it, but she was a little turned on.

"Mmm, I can smell her. Smell her anger and lust. She's shackled, living a life that isn't her own." His tongue slid between her big and index toes, slimy and moist. She felt delirious, her skin flushed, an impossible amount of sensation running down her leg. Whatever this thing was, wherever she was, it had to be some kind of bizarre dream. She had to be laying in an ER bed, her head wrapped in bandages, Ashley sleeping off her own injuries a bed away. They'd been mugged and ...

Kari gasped as she lapsed into euphoria, feeling moisture building up between her legs. She was in the ER, yes. Her father was there with a bouquet of flowers, a concerned look on his face that seemed so out of character. She smiled weakly at him, sweat running down her brow.

Why was it so hot in here? The lights flickered, browning out before returning to normal luminescence. The air conditioning must have failed.

Father placed the flowers beside her bed, emiting a prolonged sigh as he lowered himself into the nearby chair. "I knew this would happen."

Kari felt a familiar tension in her temples. Somehow, he was about to make this all her fault again. "Dad, I ..." The lights browned again and she briefly caught sight of a pale white figure in the hall watching them. She thought about calling out to the nurse and asking for some aspirin, but the lights returned and the figure was gone. She ended her sentence with a moan.

Cindy watched the girl stare off into space, mouth slack as Master attended to her feet, his forked tongue leaving them slick and shiny with his drool. She felt her clit stir and writhe as she recalled her first meeting with Master and how savagely he'd taken her. This was different somehow. The girl appeared to be in trance, perhaps drugged, whereas Cindy remembered her rape vividly. By comparison, this could almost be mistaken for tenderness, or seduction. The girl let out a whimper, her hand disappearing beneath her pants.

"There were better schools. In better neighborhoods," Father chided.

She didn't want those schools, or that major. She wanted to be a writer, an idea that her father couldn't utter without contempt. She'd defied him by going here, but he never even gave her the pleasure of being angry about it. He'd just get that patronizing little sneer on his face and remind her how right he was about everything. She tried to argue, but she couldn't form the words, only labored breathing and groans.

"Are you listening to me?" Father squinted at her. "Are you ... are you masturbating?"

Icy fear shot down her spine. Why would her father say that? In public? How could he ... but then she felt it, the warm stickiness on her fingers, her hand beneath her blanket.

"No," she murmured even as she continued to circle her clit with a fingertip.

"I don't believe this," he said, voice still dispassionate. "How did I raise such a little animal?"

"Dad, please. Daddy, don't say that," she felt a tear run down her cheek even as she continued to push herself toward release.

The girl offered no resistance as Master removed her clothing with an application of his claws. He sat down behind her, lifted her up by the arms and licked her neck with his long, forked tongue. Master's serpentine, fanged cock slithered under her between legs.

"Your mother was an animal too," he sighed. "Do you know what she wanted me to do to her in bed? Choke her. Hit her. The most vile things. She found pleasure in the most disgusting acts. She was sick."

Kari bit her lip, rage driving her fingers faster, harder. She'd never been brave enough to curse her father out, but she could feel the 'f' forming on her lips. Before she could say it, the lights went out completely and she saw the figure again, closer this time, just a few feet behind her father. It wasn't a nurse but a pale, dark-haired woman, naked, with her long, straight black hair covering her face. She seemed to be waiting for something.

"You're coming home and we're sending you to treatment, you ... freak."

Kari looked past her father to the figure. Somehow it was the answer to the impossible situation, to her miserable life, to her father's cruel disappointment and neglect.

"Do it," she said through gritted teeth. "Do it!"

Pale white arms raised up, long, clawed fingers wrapping themselves around her father's neck. Father seized up as the nails dug into his diaphragm, pulling the yielding flesh apart. The arterial spray covered Kari in her father's blood as she orgasmed, the hospital filled her moans and her father's garbled screams.

In the afterglow, she looked up at the figure. It loomed over her, bloody, monstrous hands pressing down on the bed. What have I done? A long, dark tongue parted the hair and slithered between her lips, drawing Kari into a perverse kiss.

Kari's body briefly went stiff as Master's cock entered her, but only for a moment until she began rhythmically undulating in time to his thrusts. Her mouth hung open and she appeared to be choking for a moment until she let out a loud gasp.

Kari's tongue lolled out of her mouth in perverse delight, growing longer by the second until it hung down near her small breasts. Corruption's clit licked her drooling labia as she recalled her own corruption and the sensations that came with Master filling her with his evil.

Master cupped her breasts, whispering into her ear as his cock slid in and out of her.

Kari's skin was getting whiter, becoming a deathly white shade.

Kari shrieked with perverse glee, a high-pitched, inhuman sound. Her mouth widened, cheekbones becoming more prominent. She bounced herself on the demon's cock with wild fervor as her arms stretched, becoming thinner between thickening, bulbous shoulder and elbow joints, stretching taught against her skeleton with a leathery creak. Her fingers lengthened with a moist pop. She cooed as thin, black, needle-like claws pushed through her nails, growing nearly to the length of her fingers.

Rivulets of slimy spunk dripped down her legs, running between her now albino toes. She spread them wide as she banshee-shrieked in orgasm, black toenails lengthening, toes kneading the air. Master's eye's rolled around to peer at the frustrated Corruption. With a slight incline of his head, he beckoned her over.

It wasn't right, all that delicious evil spilling onto the ground. She looked at the girl's clawed, slime-dripping foot, then at Master, who grinned in approval. Corruption widened her stance, tongue-clit emerging to lick greedily at the new creature's digits. Each inky slurp that she took inside herself sent burning shivers through her body, muffling that meddlesome voice in her head that protested what had been done to her.

Kari's mouth now stretched nearly ear-to-ear, filled with needle-sharp fangs. Her hair, matted and oily, grew down to her waist. Her irises, now blood-red, rolled wildly in their sockets as she crooked a long arm around behind Master's head for leverage. Slits opened on her forehead above her eyes, deepening and flickering until they burst open, revealing an extra set of crimson eyes.

Corruption, Kari, and Master orgasmed in unison, black spunk spraying and dripping from their genitals. Kari fell forward onto her knees as Master withdrew, hair obscuring her features.

"Corruption," Master chortled. "Meet Nightmare."

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OneWithDComposeOneWithDComposeover 7 years agoAuthor
Part 2 is up!

Finally. Thanks for your patience.

Suiy773Suiy773over 7 years ago
This is delicious

More of this, please, to keep us going

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Please continue this

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
More please

Great story. I need more

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
The devil is in the details

And we can see this in your descriptions.

Your transformations are acutely described and I appreciate that.

Don't hesitate to develop the characters a bit before their corruptions. Give them specific physical and character traits and a situation (a family etc...)

A good beginning. I'd like to see more.

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