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Bringing the Heat


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There's a noise on the front porch and the sound of someone fumbling with keys and Ayu is off you in a flash. You get to your feet just in time as your mother opens the front door.

As she puts down the grocery bags she's holding she looks at you. "Are you okay? You're sweating like crazy."

You shrug and stammer something about being okay, but she walks over to the thermostat and turns it down anyway.

Your mother disappears into the kitchen with the groceries and you turn to see Ayu smiling in delight at your discomfort.

Dinner is a surreal experience. After all the teasing and weirdness, Ayu's behaviour is so charming that it's almost like she's a different person. Your mother pumps her for all sorts of information - about her family, her studies. Then suddenly she asks her, "So, is there any man in your life?"

Ayu almost drops her chopsticks. "Man? Oh, no." She blushes, and the look of embarrassment on her face is so adorable you can't help but smile. "I guess I just have no time to meet anyone, with all the training and games and stuff, I mean."

"What a shame," says your mother.

When dinner is finished, she excuses herself to have a bath and go to bed. "You kids don't stay up too late, though," she says with a wink that makes you groan inwardly.

Once she's gone upstairs, Ayu looks at you. That mischievous look is back on her face. "Hey, now that your mom's gone to bed, wanna do something naughty?"

You've got no idea what she really means, but you know it's more teasing. "Sure," you say. She ducks upstairs and come back with a bottle of wine.

You had no idea she drank, but Ayu just chuckles. "Well, I'm supposed to stay dry during the lead up to the game, but what the coach doesn't know won't kill him. It helps me relax, anyway." You go and get some glasses and she pours the wine. "Besides, it seems a shame not to celebrate meeting up again after all these years." she says. She hands you a glass. "Here. This'll put some hair on your chest."

The wine's good. A few glasses later you're laughing at stuff that happened fifteen years ago that you'd totally forgotten about.

"I think your mom was trying to set us up," says Ayu suddenly.

You laugh. "Yeah. She's always trying to set me up with anyone who's available. Don't take it personally."

Ayu glances at you. She seems upset all of a sudden. You ask her what's wrong.

"Oh, nothing. It's just... well, I was kind of flattered. But now you're saying that she does it to everyone and... well." She takes a sip of the wine then swirls it around in the glass, gazing at it.

"Yeah, but you must have a lot of guys after you."

She looks up at you. "Why do you say that?"

That puts you on the spot. You stammer something and she shakes her head. "I wasn't fishing for compliments this time. When you're a giant like me nobody ever looks at you in that way. I mean, I'm taller than most guys, and no one wants a girlfriend that's taller than him."

You tell her that's not true.

"So you'd go out with someone taller than you?"

Of course you would.

Ayu shakes her head. "You wouldn't, really. People would stare, you know. Trust me." She takes another sip. "I'm just lucky I can play volleyball. If I didn't have training or games tiring me out all the time I think I'd die from sexual frustration." She grabs the bottle and stands up. "Let's go watch some TV."

The two of you sit down on the couch. With Ayu right beside you, the difference in your height is starkly obvious. You should have guessed she was self-conscious about it and you sit there cursing your cluelessness. The expression on Ayu's face is uncharacteristically serious, so you quickly turn on the TV, hoping whatever's on will distract her.

Luckily, there's one of those stupid video shows on. The two of you are soon laughing and the awkward atmosphere seems to lessen. With each fresh glass of wine, the laughter gets louder.

"Oh shit," says Ayu suddenly, putting her hand over her mouth. "We might wake your mother and then she'll think we're messing around down here or something."

You chuckle. "I don't think she'd mind. She's always on my back to get out and meet someone."

Ayu gazes at you over the glass. "So you're single, right?"


"Well, you're a nice guy. I'm sure you'll meet someone someday."

A nice guy. Those three words are like a sudden kick to the groin.

She puts the glass on the coffee table and then yawns powerfully, stretching her arms over her head. "Man, I'm beat. I think I'll lie down for a while."

She begins to stretch herself out on the sofa, so you get up.

"Where are you going?" she asks as she makes herself comfortable.

"Uh, there's no space," you say.

"Stupid," says Ayu. "Like I want to kick you off your own sofa." She pats the narrow strip of space in front of her. "You'll fit if you lie down too."


Ayu rolls her eyes. "Oh come on. I just want to relax a bit and watch the end of this thing. You worried about me touching you up or something?"

She's called your bluff. Feeling a bit weird, you sit down on the edge of the sofa then lie down across it, being careful to leave a buffer between the two of you. There's barely enough space and you're in danger of falling off the edge.

Ayu mutters. "Oh, for god's sake." She wriggles herself against the backing and then grabs you around the waist and pulls you flush against her. The warmth of her pelvis is against your butt, and her boobs press against the back of your neck as you play the part of the little spoon.

Your body stiffens at the unexpected closeness. Ayu slips her arms onto yours, hugging you from behind. You can feel the warmth of her breath against the top of your head.

"Try and relax," she says. "You're all stiff." She runs her fingers up your arm and then lets them play along your side, dancing across your ribs. You laugh, partly at the ticklish sensation, partly from nervousness.

"Shh," she says, returning her hands to their resting place on top of yours in front of your chest. "I'm trying to watch TV."

The two of you lie this way until the show ends. The awkwardness gives way to a cosy feeling of comfort. With her arms wrapped around you, your body cradled in hers, you feel safe. But with her boobs pressing against the back of your neck... your dick doesn't feel relaxed at all.

While the commercials play, Ayu's hands start to move again.

"You're a warm little piece of toast, aren't you," she murmurs. Her voice sounds sleepy, and drunk, and there is a thick sultriness to it as well, a kind of lazy excitement. "I should take you to bed with me to keep me warm, but I guess we'd end up doing something lewd, wouldn't we?"

Her hands are over your stomach now and she peels up the bottom edge of your shirt distractedly, as though she's not aware of what's she's doing. Her fingers trace across your stomach. She sighs.

"Your skin is really soft," she says. "You could probably stand to do some sit-ups, but I kinda like it. It feels nice." Then her hands pop back out from under your shirt and drop lower.

You gasp when they come to rest between your legs. You're already hard. She gives you a playful squeeze.

"Wow," she says. "Did I do that? Or do funny cat-videos turn you on?"

You laugh, but it's a nervous one. What the hell is she doing?

"I think I know why," she says. "It's my boobs, isn't it? The way they're pressing against your neck." She laughs. "You know, you're the perfect size for being the little spoon. My boobs are kind of acting like a neck-pillow, aren't they?"

Then she falls silent and her hands start to fumble at your belt. You want to ask her what she's doing, but it's a stupid question, isn't it? She'd just laugh at you. You know it's just more teasing, but the sensations that are coursing through you are incredible. You start to squirm and Ayu whispers into your ear.

"Excuse me," she says.

She undoes your belt and unzips your pants. Grabbing the waistband with one hand she pulls them down a short way while her other hand slips into your underwear.

She says nothing, but you feel her breath quicken, hot against the back of your head.

Her fingers curl around the length of your dick and she begins to stroke it, brushing her fingertips underneath up to the head. You feel yourself jerk and she gasps.

"Wow," she whispers. "This thing has a life of its own."

Her fingertips slide over the head. You're already dripping precum, and she dips her fingers in it and smears it across the head and partway down the length.

You gasp at the intensity of the pleasure that spears into the back of your head.

"Shhh," she says. "We don't want to wake your mom, do we? What would she say if she came down and found me with your dick in my hand?"

She starts to stroke you with gentle but firm, regular strokes. You want to moan but bite your lip to stop yourself.

"Good boy," she murmurs, kissing the top of your head. As she continues to give you a handjob, she brings her free hand up under your shirt and drags her fingers across your chest, searching for your nipples. She finds them and strokes one and then the other.

"They're rock-hard," she says. "And I think you're getting harder down here as well."

Her breath is suddenly hot against the back of your neck as you feel her lips press down. She mouths your skin, the boiling wetness of the tip of her tongue darting out to lick at it.

Her lips explore your neck before making their way up to your ear. Her teeth graze the edge of it and then she dips her tongue inside. You cry out this time, but Ayu doesn't say anything. She just keeps pumping you, faster now. You're so turned on that precum is flowing freely from you now and her hand is slick with it as she slides it up and down. You start moaning, as quietly as you can manage.

Ayu stops licking your ear and whispers, "I love the cute noises you're making. You're like an excited little kitten."

There's no turning back now. You feel your balls grow tight and the tell-tale tension gripping the whole of your body. Ayu's stroking grows feverish and then, suddenly, she bites down on your ear. The mixture of surprise, pain and pleasure drives you over the edge and you come. Thick jets of semen start spilling from you, but luckily Ayu's her other hand is cupped and ready underneath to catch them. You pant, your entire body tingling with wave after wave of exquisite pleasure, but a strange humiliation swamps you at the same time. She brought you off so quickly with her hands and you just let her. But the warm delight that fills your body makes up for it.

It feels like you've come about a gallon of semen. Your dick grows soft as the rest of you goes slack from exhaustion. Ayu lets go of you and sits up. She lifts her hand to her face and examines the pool of white fluid glistening there. A smile slips across her lips.

"I guess you enjoyed that," she says. Then she gets up ducks off in the direction of the bathroom. By the time she comes back your eyes have already started to shut. You don't even have the energy to put your dick back inside your pants.

Ayu giggles at the sight and slides herself between you and the backing of the sofa. She runs her fingers over your now-soft dick and chuckles to herself as she pulls your underwear back up.

"Cute," she says. Then she leans over you and kisses you chastely on the lips. "I always wondered what you'd sound like when you came."

Fumbling, she pulls your pants back up and does a pretty crappy job of doing up your belt. By now you can't keep your eyes open and sleep steals over you.

When you wake up, it's the middle of the night. You're disoriented for a while, with no idea where you are. Then you hear the snoring that's woken you up and you turn to see Ayu still fast asleep on the couch and remember everything.

In the flickering light of the TV, you gaze at the full length of her body draped along the sofa. It's not long enough for her and she has to bend her knees to fit her legs on it. She really is beautiful, you decide. Asleep, her face has an angelic cast to it: the long eyelashes, the curve of her cheekbones, her mouth with its full lips slightly open as she snores. You can still see the little girl from your childhood hiding in that face.

But then you notice she has one hand down the front of her pants, as if she fell asleep in the middle of masturbating. You hesitate over whether you should do something about it, since your mother might come down during the night. Well, there's no way you can carry her up to bed and it seems cruel to wake her up. You wonder if you can just pull her hand out but finally decide not to risk it. Instead, you get a throw and lay it on top of her. It only covers her torso and thighs, so you get another one.

You straighten out the throws and make sure she's comfortable. What the hell has gotten into her? Before you thought it was just teasing, but now... You wonder if it isn't still just teasing. She probably isn't taking any of it seriously. You shouldn't either, probably. But watching her sleep you feel a sudden melting of your heart. Maybe you're falling for her.

It's stupid, though. She's more than likely just messing around, an adult version of those pranks she always used to play on you.

And yet... you wish you knew for sure how she felt about you.

You lean over and kiss her on the cheek. She mutters in her sleep, shifting her arms as if looking for you. A smile flickers on her face and is gone.

You switch off the TV and go up to bed.

You wake to what you think is an earthquake. It's Ayu, shaking you.

"Hey, c'mon. Get up already. You promised!"

Huh? You promised?

Ayu has her hands on her hips. She's wearing shorts and a tank-top. Bare, her legs are even longer than you realised. "I kicked your ass yesterday, remember? Now you owe me."

She drags you out of bed and grabs hold of you, trying to pull your pajamas off.

"Hey, wait, what...?"

Ayu clucks her tongue. "Too slow, too slow! We've got a couple of miles to jog and no time to do it!"

You pull on some clothes, grab your shoes and then, still half-asleep, you hit the almost deserted streets of the town with Ayu.

She sprints ahead of you almost straight away and maintains a blistering pace. Your head beats in agonising time to each footfall as you run to catch up with her. You really wish you hadn't drunk so much last night.

Ayu eventually takes pity on you and falls back. "Sorry," she says as you suddenly stop and double over, sweat falling from you in sheets. "I kinda forgot you weren't used to this kind of thing." She sighs. "Catch your breath here and I'll do a couple of circuits round the block and then we can go back home."

She darts off. After passing you by four or five times, she stops, jogging on the spot, and you peel yourself off the little brick wall you've been sitting on, trying to remember how to breathe, and jog back home with her.

She's taking things a bit slower now. She's already broken a sweat, a dark patch across the front and back of her top, locks of her hair plastered to her forehead and the back of her neck. Her legs glisten with a fine sheen.

But most arresting of all is the scent of her. The clean, sharp scent of perspiration and her own body. You remember it from last night, when you were being hugged to her: her individual fragrance, a scent which took you straight back to all those times you spent with her as a kid, crammed together in some tight spot hiding from her big sister.

Incredibly, you feel yourself getting hard again. What the hell is with you? Even exhausted and hung- over she has that effect on you.

Ayu notices you slowing down and turns and glares at you. You up the pace to catch up with her. As the two of you jog side-by-side, she looks across at you. The glare has been replaced by a strange look, half-pleased, half-mischievous.

Once back home she pushes past you and races up the stairs to the bathroom. "I call dibs on the shower!"

You sigh as you crawl up the stairs after her. You can already hear the hissing of water through the bathroom door as you walk past it on the way back to your room.

"Hey, can you get me a towel?" she shouts from inside. You go and get one for her. When you knock on the bathroom door it opens a crack and you hold the towel out for her. She grabs your wrist instead and drags you inside.

Ayu is naked except for the towel she's wearing around her waist like a guy would, although on her it barely reaches down past her knees. Her chest is totally bare, and being at eye-level you find yourself staring right at it. The air is filled with a fine mist, and it joins with the sweat already there to cover her in a fine sheen making the tanned areas of her skin resemble bronze, like the statue of some Greek goddess. But not all of her is tanned. Her skin is surprisingly pale in the places usually covered by her bathing suit, a one-piece given the thin pale lines down her shoulders and the milky-whiteness that extends from her breasts down to her crotch.

Her breasts. Ever since you felt them against the back of your neck last night on the couch, you've been imagining what they'd be like. They do not disappoint. Even with her athletic body, they're ample, but like the rest of her are toned and show a firmness that hints at the power contained in her body. Her nipples are brown, and larger than you expected.

All of these observations rush through your head in the seconds it takes for her to pull you toward her. She's grinning at you.

"You fell for the oldest trick in the book," she says. There's a hungry intensity in her eyes. "You really need to be more careful. Don't you know athletes get all worked up after training?"

Still holding onto your wrist she sits down on the edge of the bath. "I guess you enjoyed what we did last night, right? I mean, you did come an awful lot. My whole hand was sticky with it. And the smell..." She sighs. "It made me horny as hell, but then you fell asleep and I tried to help myself out but I guess I must have fallen asleep as well." She begins to unravel the towel from around her waist with her free hand. "Well, I guess what I'm asking is if you'll help a girl out. There's no way I'll be able to keep my mind on my training today if I'm out of my mind with horniness."

She lifts her butt and slips the towel off and throws it aside. She sits there, totally naked, her eyes flashing at you with amusement. You haven't taken your eyes off her for a second. The contrast between the tanned and the pale skin is arresting, just like she's wearing a cream-coloured swimsuit.

Ayu smiles at you knowingly. "You like my tan-lines? Why am I not surprised? You seem to have a lot of fetishes."

She lies back, parting her powerful thighs. She's neatly shaven, her pubic hair dark. "Hope you weren't expecting me to look like a little girl," she says, noticing the focus of your gaze. "It chafes terribly if you shave it all off."

You shake your head. You've always liked the natural look.

Ayu's eyes are hooded now, that lazy excited look having returned to her face. You don't need to be told twice. You fall to your knees in front of her and tentatively slip your hands onto her thighs.

"I won't bite," she says as you hesitate. It's not that, of course. It's just that she's looks so beautiful lying there, her body so perfect, that you're gripped with some weird reticence to touch her, as if you'd sully that perfection. But your excitement soon breaks through that reverence and you gently push her legs further apart.

Ayu's skin is incredibly smooth, but beneath it is the toned firmness that only dedicated training can bring about. And yet, as your hands slide across her thighs, the gasp that emanates from her is so childish, so vulnerable, that it's almost like it came from someone else. She begins to tremble as you lean forward between her legs.

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