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Brother, Sister & Mom have Sex Ch. 10


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Jason held out his hand. Refusing to shake his hand or give him his name, the man gave Jason a sneer before returning his focused attention to stare at Jennifer.

"Hello," said Jennifer.

She smiled at the man as if he was a judge who she needed to impress to vote for her in a wet T-shirt contest.

"Well, hello to you too, Hon," said the man more closely ogling Jason's naked sister before he looked at Jason with shock. "Wait. Back up. Hold on. Your sister? Seriously? This is your sister?"

The man looked from Jennifer to look at Jason.

"Yes," said Jason. "Jennifer is my big sister."

The man stared back at Jennifer before staring at Jessica.

"Man, that's fucked up." He looked from Jason to look at Jennifer before looking at Jessica. "Wait. Hold on. And this is your mother? Seriously? This is your mother? This is your sister and your mother? You're jiving me."

The man looked from Jessica to look at Jason.

"Yes," said Jason. "Jennifer is my sister and Jessica is my mother."

While holding the gun on Jason with one hand, he scratched his head with is other hand.

"Wow! This is really fucked up. This is like incest, right?" He stared at Jason. "You didn't just cross the line, you fucking jumped over the incestuous line. I've seen people like you on Jerry Springer," said the man with a boisterous laugh. "That show is so fucked up that it's good."

Jason gave him a proud smile.

"Yes," said Jason with a sexy laugh. "Guilty as charged. You caught us. We were having incestuous sex."

The man looked at Jason, Jennifer, and Jessica with disbelief.

"Damn, you white folk sure know how to play. I need to get me some of this," he said with a big, dirty laugh.

He reached out his hand to feel and fondle Jennifer's naked breasts and finger her nipples before reaching out his hand to feel and fondle Jessica's naked breasts and finger her nipples too. With a face full of shock mixed with obvious sexual excitement, he stared from Jason's sister to stare at his mother.

"Pleased to meet you," said his mother as if being introduced to a man at the cocktail lounge where she worked.

He stared at her big, naked tits before staring down at her trimmed tuft of brown, pubic hair. Then, he stared up at her face before staring back down at her tits again.

"Likewise, I'm sure," said the man with a big smile. "Turn around and bend at the waist. I want to see your asses and your pussies from the back," he said giving Jason a smile. Jennifer and Jessica turned and bent at the waist to show the man what he wanted to see of them. "Wow," he said. "With asses like that, if you were my mother and sister, I'd be hitting that all day, every day."

The man looked at the naked women with sexual excitement before looking back a Jason with disbelief. While holding the gun on Jason, he returned his focus to stare Jennifer's and Jessica's naked bodies. Then, reaching out his hand again, he felt their tits and fingered their nipples, first Jennifer's nipples and then Jessica's nipples. Not done sexually abusing them yet, with mother and daughter smiling at the man when they'd rather kill him, he reached down to finger their pussies and reaching around them to feel and squeeze their asses.

Even while keeping one eye on Jason, the man never removed his eyes from Jennifer's and Jessica's naked bodies. Jason was ready to go for the gun until the man quickly turned to look at him. With the gun pointed squarely at Jason's chest, a fatal shot, the man stiffened his arm along with his resolve.

"We've never done this before. This was our first time having incestuous sex," said Jason trying to make light of what could be a bad and even fatal situation. "I beg you. Please don't hurt my sister and mother, Mister."

Briefly distracted from the money again and from Jason, the drug dealer stared at Jennifer's naked body as much as he stared at Jessica's naked body.

"Mother and sister, huh? How could I ever hurt women who look as good as they do," he said with a laugh. "You two look more like sisters than you look like mother and daughter. I wish I had a sister and a mother who looked as good as you two looked. You two look good enough to be twins," he said. "If I had a sister and a mother who looked like you, I'd be having sex with them every day. I'd be banging their hot bodies night and day, twice a day."

Seemingly forgetting about the money for a minute, the man continued ogling Jason's naked sister and naked mother. As if a cat ready to pounce and in the of a soon to erupt volcano, Jason continued to summon up the courage to make a grab for the gun in protection of his sister and his mother. Only, not wanting to die, waiting for the odds to be in his favor, it had to be the right moment.

With him not faster than the man could pull the trigger and certainly not faster than a bullet fired from his gun at close range, he had to plan his move. He didn't want this bad situation going from to dire to deadly. He didn't want his mother or his sister being the unwilling victims and collateral damage of his fool heartedness, especially if his struggle for possession of the gun failed.

"Thank you," said Jessica playing along with him while seemingly knowing what she hoped was about to happen to the drug dealer.

A family that looked so nice on the surface, yet just as Grandma was crowned the Queen Bitch, and with all of them having street smarts, they weren't anyone's easy victims. As if they were beat cops, able to read every situation to their benefit or detriment, they all had eyes behind their heads. No one grew up in this neighborhood without learning how to fight and without learning how to think fast on their feet. Even when the odds were stacked against them, even when a man was holding a gun on them, there was always a way out without dying.

With the drug dealer apparently so distracted by Jennifer's and Jessica's naked bodies, anything could happen in an instant to reverse their unfortunate and possibly fatal circumstances. Then, apparently wanting to join the naked party, with his sexual needs taking precedence over his good sense, the man unzipped his fly with one hand, reached his hand inside his pants, and pulled out his big, black cock. That was the opportunity that Jason was hoping and waiting to happen for him to make his move.

# # # MyMomChristinetheIncestWhore # # #

"As soon as I saw your brother," he said to Jennifer staring at her naked body. "As soon as I saw your son," he said to Jessica staring at her naked body. "I had planned on shooting him dead for stealing my money," said the man. "Only, with him having such a sexy, beautiful sister and such a hot, pretty mother, I won't shoot him now, unless he causes me trouble," said the man looking over at Jason. "You won't cause me any trouble and force me to shoot you, will you?"

Jason stared at the gun before staring at the man.

"I won't cause you any trouble, Mister," he said lying while waiting for his opportunity to disarm the man.

Jessica looked from her son to look at the man.

"Please don't shoot my son. I'll do whatever you want," said Jessica acting afraid while staring up at him with tear filled eyes. "Would you like me to blow you? What if I sucked your cock? Would you like that? Would you like to cum in my mouth? I swallow," she said. "You have such a big, beautiful cock," said Jessica staring down at the man's already erect prick.

In protection of her children, with her willing to do whatever the man sexually asked of her, Jessica moved, got down on her knees, and positioned herself in front of the man. Then, taking his cock in her hand, in the way she had taken so very many cocks in her hand before, she fondled the head of his big, black prick while stroking him and while staring up at him with her big, beautiful, brown eyes. A huge understatement, his cock wouldn't be the first cock or hopefully not the last cock that she ever sucked.

Jason gave his mother a nod. If nothing else, his mother blowing the man may give Jason the opportunity that he needed to wrestle the gun away from him. As if they had rehearsed this plan, Jason knew what his mother would do. No doubt, while occupying him with a blowjob, she'd grabbed his balls and squeeze. When she grabbed the man's testicles and squeezed, he'd make his move for the gun.

"I won't kill your son but I'm going to have to hurt him a little. I have a reputation to uphold in this neighborhood. I'll just pistol whip him a little bit," he said with pride and a contemptuous laugh. "If I don't get respect, I'll never be able to collect my money."

With both naked women keeping the man sexually occupied, Jennifer moved to her knees beside her mother.

"We'll do whatever you want," said Jennifer staring up at the man with her big, beautiful, brown eyes. "Please don't hurt my brother," she begged. "We'll suck you and you can fuck us, one at a time or the both of us together."

The man laughed.

"Suck my cock. Blow me. I want to cum in both of your beautiful mouths."

While Jennifer cupped the man's testicles, Jessica took the man's cock in her hand to stroke him before taking his stiff prick in her mouth to suck him. Taking turns, Jennifer took the man's cock in her hand to stroke him before taking him in her mouth to suck him too. Jason's cock when from flaccid to erect while watching his sister and his mother blowing the man.

"Cum, cum in my mouth," said Jessica sucking the man.

Both mother and daughter stroked and sucked the man.

"Cum, cum in my mouth," said Jennifer sucking the man.

While holding the gun on Jason with one hand, the man put a hand behind Jennifer's pretty head with his other hand. When he wasn't humping Jessica's beautiful mouth, he was humping Jennifer's beautiful mouth. Ready to squeeze the man's balls, Jessica caressed his testicles while Jennifer sucked man's cock.

"As soon as I saw you naked bitches, I was going to rape the both of you for your brother stealing my money," he said looking from Jennifer's naked body to look at Jessica's naked body. Being that you're both already naked and acting so sexually accommodating, there's no reason for me to be so violent with your sister and with your mother," said the man to Jason while smiling down at Jennifer and Jessica.

"I love sucking your big, black prick," said Jennifer briefly removing the man's cock from her mouth to speak.

The man stared down at Jennifer on her knees sucking him.

"Your balls are so big, huge really," said Jessica getting ready to squeeze them with all of her strength.

The man stared down at Jessica caressing him.

"Now instead of shooting you, when they're both done sucking me, I'll just tie up your wrists and ankles," he said to Jason. "Then, after I fuck your sister and your mother, depending on how well they sexually treat me, I may not kill you for stealing my money," he said to Jason. "Now, before we have some sexy fun, where's the rest of my fucking money? Go get it now before I shoot your mother and your sister."

# # # MyMomChristinetheIncestWhore # # #

Unbeknownst to Jason and Jennifer, Jessica had returned home with her mother, Grandma Jean. Grandma had been napping in the car from the long ride back was resting before climbing the stairs. Jessica forgot about leaving her mother in the car when she happened about her naked son and daughter having sex. Then, with one thing leading to another, she was more concerned with being paid money for stripping off her clothes and having incestuous sex with her children than she was with her mother napping in the car.

Still resting in the car, grandma awakened to see a big, black man enter their apartment without knocking or ringing the bell. A common occurrence in that neighborhood, she saw him look one way before looking the other way and before jimmying open the front door to get in without having a key. When she saw that, obviously knowing that he was up to no good, Grandma Jean to the rescue, she sprang into action in the way of Linda Carter playing Wonder Woman.

Unafraid of anyone, man or woman, never leaving home without her deadly weapon, her preferred, legal weapon of self-defense, she grabbed her heavy, cast iron frying pan from her overnight bag. Maintaining her distance, she stealthily followed the man in the house. Accustomed to cooking with such a heavy pan, in case of trouble, she knew how to wield it. She had knocked out more than one man who had dared tried to harm her. She wasn't averse to using her heavy pan on any man who tried to harm her or her family.

Quietly opening and closing the front door, Grandma Jean stood at the bottom of the stairs. Careful not to be seen, she peeked up and around the stairs while waiting and listening to the man standing in the doorway of her granddaughter's bedroom threatening to hurt her family. She waited and listened to hear what was happening before silently creeping up the stairs in the way she used to creep down the stairs after having sex with someone's husband back in her heyday. Slowly but surely, step by step, she quietly ascended the stairs as if she was a shadow or a ghost.

As if she was a burglar in her daughter's own home, she quietly snuck up the steps without anyone knowing she was there. Too busy with their own dire and deadly situation, no one heard her or saw her coming. As if she was a Ninja assassin in readiness to kill someone with her heavy frying pan, as light afoot as she was as the exotic dancer that she used to be, she didn't make a sound climbing the stairs. As if she was an intruder who wanted to remain undetected, she made it to the second floor landing and, avoiding all of the squeaky floorboards, she silently walked along the landing without attracting the attention of anyone.

No one saw her and no one heard her, not Jason, not Jennifer, and not Jessica and definitely not the man. Busy taking turns sucking the man's prick, she saw her daughter and her granddaughter naked and on their knees in front of a big, black man. She saw her naked grandson standing to the side and in front of the man with his back turned to her with his hands in the air. No doubt, she wondered what the Hell was going on with her daughter, her grandson, and her granddaughter all naked. Nonetheless, with the man occupied with his cock in her granddaughter's mouth when not in her daughter's mouth, it was a good time to attack now and ask questions later.

She was much quieter than Jason was when he slowly crept up the stairs to barge in his sister's bedroom in hopes of seeing her in her bra and panties, topless, or naked. Assuming her role of an angry woman, Granny Jean acted as if she was Daisy Moses, played by Irene Ryan, and better known as Granny Clampett of the Beverly Hillbillies. As if this man was an agent of the government threatening to take her still and confiscate her moonshine, she moved in place behind the man. Then, as if she was a Knight in the Games of Thrones ready to lift and swing a heavy broadsword, using her legs and back to strengthen her blow, she squatted down low in readiness to give the man an upward, lethal swing.

"Here's Granny," she whispered under her breath as if she was Johnny Carson. "Granny's home," she said as if she was Jack Nicholson as Jack Torrance in The Shining.

Hearing her behind him whispering, the man turned his head to expose his right temple to her. Pushing up with her legs as if she was a spring when she reared back and swung, as if she was Serena Williams serving, with one quick, hard, forehand swing, she hit the man hard on his right temple.


When heavy metal hit solid bone, it made a musical sound that echoed throughout the hall. When heavy metal hit solid bone, paper, scissors, rock, heavy metal always wins. There was a sound of a crack. As if breaking an egg after being hit in the temple with a 100 mph fastball, she cracked his skull.

No doubt never knowing what hit him, dead before he even hit the floor, the man hit the unforgiving, wood floor hard with a loud thud. Jason checked him for a pulse. There wasn't any. He checked to see if he was breathing. He wasn't. Perhaps, bringing him back from the dead, had Jason given him CPR, he could have saved the man's life but why would they save someone who wanted their found money and who wanted them dead?

"He's dead," he said reclaiming the bag with the one-hundred-thousand-dollars from the man's dead hand.

Accustomed to seeing dead people in their neighborhood, no one was upset or even surprised to happen upon a dead body. No doubt, if anything, glad that he was dead, Jason had the attitude, better him than us. A defining moment of this family coming together as one unit, Jason, Jessica, Jennifer, and even grandma all looked relieved.

"Take him out back and dump him in the alley," said Jessica to her son. "With him just another black, drug dealer found dead, the police won't even bother to investigate his death. Besides, with no one seeing nothing, hearing nothing, reporting nothing, and with no one talking even if they did see or hear something, they'll just chalk him up to another victim of drug wars and gang violence," said Jessica.

# # # MyMomChristinetheIncestWhore # # #

"Okay," said Jason.

Jason quickly put on his pants, his shirt, and his shoes.

"Here," said Jessica handing her son the man's gun wrapped in a facecloth. "Stick his gun in his front waistband, then lay him face down in the back corner of the alley behind the dumpster, and away from our house. No one goes out there but bums taking a piss. The cops won't find him for days, if not weeks, if at all."

Young, big, and strong, Jason picked up the man as if he was a bag of dirty laundry. He tossed him over his shoulder as if he was a side of beef and went out the backdoor with him. Away from the line of sight of anyone walking by the alley or even walking in the alley, he stuffed the dead man behind an unused dumpster. With the alley littered with trash, he lifted a discarded mattress and an abandoned wooden skid to cover him. He rolled over two discarded tires mounted on steel wheels to hold the mattress and the skid of wood in place.

With the dumpster no longer picked up, the dumpster was once used by a construction company that had since gone bankrupt. A public health hazard that attracted rats and roaches, it was filled with rotting, neighborhood trash. Reported to the city, the dumpster remained a disease filled eyesore. Not even the police, no one dared come to this neighborhood who didn't have to, who didn't work here, or live here. There was nothing left of the deceased drug dealer but for a pool of urine on the hall carpet that his mother had already cleaned up with cleaner, disinfectant, and bleach. With the snows of winter coming, they may not find the man's decomposed body until Spring.

After Jason returned from dumping the dead body in the back alley, with all four of them acting as if nothing had happened. He washed his hands before stripping himself naked again. Watching him undress as if he was a woman and she was a man, his grandmother stared at him stripping off his clothes in the way that he had stared at his sister and mother stripping off their clothes. She stared at his naked cock and ass with the same incestuous lust that Jason stared at his naked sister's and naked mother's pussies, tits, and asses.

With Grandma out of the incestuous, sexual loop, she was obviously waiting to confront her grandson to find out why they were all naked and being held at gunpoint. Until now that he had sex with his sister and mother, Jason had always been closer to his grandmother than he was to his mother and/or sister. Always giving him advice and confiding in him, even though she was quick to discipline him, obviously he was the only one she trusted to tell him the truth. Besides, right from the start, his grandmother made her incestuous intentions known that she wanted to have sex with her grandson in the way that he wanted to have sex with his sexy sister and MILF of a mother.

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