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Brother, Sister & Niece Make 3 Ch. 01

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A mountain cabin, brother, sister & niece what more you need.
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This is the beginning of a fun, sexy brother -- sister -- virgin niece triangle. Who knows what could happen in a remoted mountain cabin? Can they trust an eighteen year old to keep her mouth shut and not tell her mom- their oldest sister? Can brother keep it in his pants for his niece?

As always emails welcome! Thanks for reading. xo

* * * * *

"Hey sis, your bro is feeling a little nostalgic." Just hearing my brother's voice on the phone gave me the warm fuzzies.

"Tommy, nice to hear your voice," I said, trying to remember the last time we talked. "Now you got me feeling nostalgic," I sniffed. Growing up we were close, but he went to college across the country and stayed. Our jobs kept us busy, and I was just as guilty of not staying in touch.

"You're not crying, are you?" I could hear the smile in his voice.

"No!" I dabbed my eyes. "Just been so long."

"Eight years since we've seen each other, Leah. And that's sorta why I called. I have lots of vacation and access to a cabin in the mountains. Hiking, relaxing, and of course reading for you."

"Sounds nice. Real nice. I can take time off." I said, not even hesitating. I loved the idea of a getaway and more so, seeing my brother. After our parents' divorce, we had all scattered. Our older sister Sarah moved south, I was west, and Tommy was east.

"I was also thinking about flying Elia in for her graduation. She has the summer before she starts college."

"That's a great idea," I sniffed. I had rarely seen my niece as she grew up.

"Okay, now you can cry," he laughed.

"Shut up butthead."


Tommy navigated the winding, washed out rutted trench they called a driveway.

"That's a cabin?" I said when the beautiful log structure came into view.

"Pretty impressive, eh?" He pulled up near the front entrance in front of massive stone steps that led to the carved double doors.

"I'd say." I met him at the trunk where he was pulling our bags out. "I never got a hug at the airport pickup." Tommy was a head taller than me with the same blonde hair. We were often mistaken as twins when we were children.

"You haven't changed, Leah. Well, your hair is blonder and longer and you may have lost weight since I saw you last, and-"

"Okay okay," I cut in laughing and stepping back to give him the once over. "You're even more handsome. I thought you'd be married by now and beat me to it."

He laughed and set the bags down to dig the key out of his pocket. "I thought I might be by now too, but it didn't work out."

I heard the sadness in his voice that told me she had the problem and not him. "That's tough, sorry."

The door swung open to a soaring entry that, thanks to the floor to ceiling windows, allowed the sun to slant in and warm the dark wood stairway to the loft. The view out those windows going up the steps was phenomenal with mountain vistas as far as you could see. Four bedrooms lined up and after a quick check, they were all similar. Tommy took the end room, and I took the one next to it, which gave Elia two rooms to choose from.

The bedrooms overlooked a similar mountain vista out the glass wall. I stepped out and noticed our rooms shared the same balcony. This was going to be two weeks of bliss, I thought to myself, breathing in the pine scented air.

I did a quick tour of the house and found coffee in the freezer. I got a pot started and went back into the living area to check the mammoth stone fireplace. The high hearth fireplace was surrounded by overstuffed soft leather chairs and sectionals.

"Do I smell coffee-- Whoa, that fireplace!"

"Right? It's gorgeous."

"My boss told me where to find the wood, so we are good to go. I'll get it started in a few minutes."

Elia flew in tomorrow, so we made plans to pick up groceries on the way back. Tommy brought a cooler filled for us tonight, including two bottles of wine.

"Important stuff!" He held up the bottles and I laughed.

"You do have your priorities straight anyhow, butthead." He laughed at the old nickname I had for him.

"This is going to be fun, Leah." He came over and bear hugged me, and I wrapped my arms around his waist. I did not realize how much I missed him. Sarah was so much older than us that we were never close, unfortunately.

I brought out the wine, cheese and smoked meats on the table in front of the sofa while he lit the kindling. We sat close, drank, snacked, and talked about everything. One thing that came up was Elia. Neither of us were around her after her junior high years, so we were going to be surprised. Knowing how modest her mom is, we laughed about how Elia might be, and decided she could go either way.

I fell asleep on his shoulder, and after the fire flickered low he woke me up. Tired from the trip and relaxed from the mountain air I fell into a deep sleep at once.


My room glowed pink with the sunrise over the mountains. Normally I would never be awake that early, but the colors were spectacular, and I sat up in bed to watch the sun move higher in the sky. After the show I needed a cup of coffee and ran down in my t-shirt and panties knowing I beat Tommy up because he always slept even later than me.

I snapped the light on in the kitchen and Tommy was standing at the window watching the sun. Too late to leave, I went over to pour myself a cup of coffee. No sense in making a big deal out of it. He wore his sleep shorts, so we were similarly attired anyhow.

"Isn't this something?" If he noticed, he did not say anything and turned back to the sun's rise. I dimmed the light and stood next to him sipping my coffee.

"Something you can't see everywhere, yeah. I watched it from my bedroom for a while," I said softly as though speaking louder would break the spell.

Finally, the sun was high enough to streak through the windows into the back of the house.

"This place is evil," he said. I looked at him. "You get here, and you don't want to leave, to actually start interacting with people again."

"Ah, yeah, you're right about that." I rinsed out my mug. "I guess I better shower. We need to leave soon."

"Okay, you first."


The air had turned cold from yesterday, but the sky was clear and sunny. We waited at the curb at baggage claim. The girl that came out was the vision of Sarah at that age, only much more voluptuous, and frankly, she was a knockout. We had quick hugs, bags stowed and back on the road.

She chattered nonstop and neither of us got much of a word in. She was a bright girl, smart and entertaining. We stopped for groceries and headed up the mountain.

"This is beautiful," she walked in and spun in circles. The setting sun was just breaking through the trees into the windows.

"Wait till you see the rest of the place," Tommy said. He glanced at me and laughed as we both watched her walk through the house in vocal awe.

"I can't wait to see my room!" Tommy took her up while I put the groceries away.

A few minutes later he was back. "She's unpacking." I nodded. "Think I'll go start a fire."

I gathered stuff to start dinner and looked for my brother to get his preference, but he must have been out bringing in wood because the fireplace was dark.

Dinner was nearly done, and I was ready to hunt the other two down when they came into the kitchen.

"Smells divine!" Elia said. She had changed into fuzzy lounge pants and crop top. She had pulled her long black hair into a messy bun. Her eyes sparkled and her cheeks were rosy. Beautiful.

Sarah inherited the lustrous black hair, and we got the brown. Although mine was thick and long. We all got the ice blue eyes, but I had to admit they looked better with her black satin hair.

Tommy busied himself setting the table, Elia got drinks and we sat down to eat.

She regaled us with stories of our sister that kept us laughing until we moved to the living room. I took an incredibly comfortable overstuffed leather chair by the fireplace, Tommy, and Elia the sofa.

The flickering flames were so relaxing I dozed on and off to Elia's giggles and whispers. I heard Tommy's deeper voice speaking as low. Through my eyelashes I watched Elia and Tommy looking much more intimate than uncle and niece. She knew all the right moves and used them. And he responded.

Although he would glance my way sometimes, just to make sure I was asleep, he played the same game. Hands were outside of clothes for now, but at the speed they were going, it would not be long until they were in each other's pants.

I should have been shocked, but surprisingly I was not. Elia had come on like a steamroller aimed right at Tommy. Judging by her hand over the bulge in his jeans, I was sure he was not thinking about his sister, her mother, finding out.

I moved a little to get their attention then slowly woke up. "Oooo, looks like I dozed off," I mumbled.

"You did, sis," Tommy said chuckling. "It's the fire. There's something about watching flames."

"I think I'll head up to bed. G'night you guys," I said, heading up the steps. I took one last glance over the rail and noticed she had already moved in closer.

Shouldn't the idea of incest shock me, I wondered, but really knew why it did not. A friend from high school admitted later that her and her brother had hooked up on their graduation trip. A current friend has had an ongoing relationship with her brother but started with her dad. At that I assumed it was more common than I thought. To be fair, we had not seen much of Elia through the years, and she did not seem like family. Or at least close family.

Had I ever had those thoughts about Tommy? He was good looking, had a runners build, and we had always been close, but beyond that. I had to think about it. I found him attractive, and I think his fun personality would add to the sex games. Right time right place sort of thing, I thought.


I came down to breakfast and walked in on her sitting on the edge of the counter and him between her thighs. She was grasping his shirt and had been kissing. Tommy tried to step back, but she held on to him.

If she was trying to shock me, it failed. I grabbed a mug and went to the coffee pot. "Anyone need a refill?" Elia said she was heading to the shower.

"Please," Tommy said, standing next to me and holding out his mug. "Are you mad, sis? I should have been able to resist her since I'm older, but damn..."

"She had you by the dick," I said smiling. He looked relieved. I shrugged. "I guess my only concern is if it gets back to Sarah."

"Yeah, it's my fear as well. I mentioned it but she said don't worry, I wouldn't tell."

I glanced down and saw the tent in his sleep pants. "You might want to join her in that shower and get that taken care of," I grinned.

"That's not for her." His eyes searched my face for a hint of what I was feeling.

"You have your hands full upstairs," I said, not ready to go there with him yet. It also was not anything I wanted to explore with Elia here anyhow.


I had brought my online reader full of things I have been wanting to read. At one end of the house, a glass walled porch extended over a drop off which gave a one hundred and eighty degree spectacular view of the valley. I stretched out on a chaise and read while they went out to enjoy the day. I was not a cold weather fan and was content to stay indoors. Unless it snowed, but at the time of year it was unlikely.

Elia was past the point of hiding her intentions with Tommy. She hung on him as though he was a boyfriend that she brought with her. It looked as though she was keeping him happy judging by the constant bulge in his pants.

Three hours later they were back, she went up for a nap, and he sat on the edge of my chaise.

"Sis, I'm not fucking her."

I blinked. "Okay. Because you or she doesn't want to?"

"Me. I don't want to fuck her. Sarah would kill me if she ever found out and I don't think Elia is up to keeping it to herself."

"Okay then..." I wasn't sure what he wanted me to say.

"I'm aching."

I giggled and he frowned.

"That's what hands were invented for?"

"I've been doing that but as soon as it's down, she gets it back up again."

"Maybe her hand?"

"Seriously Leah, do you really think she would stop at that?"

"Guess you're right. You could just stick it through your zipper so she can't touch anything else." I laughed.

He lunged forward and started tickling me, and old game we used to play. But now we were adults, one had a raging hard on that was zeroed in on anything that could bring him relief. My thigh was between his, his between mine so his cock ground into my hip.

"Oh god Leah," he stopped, and whispered. He was on top of me. I ground my pussy into his thigh, and he pushed his hard mound into me. His breath was steamy in my ear. I had my hand on his ass pulling him into me. "Don't stop baby, please," he whispered, nuzzling my neck.

He pressed his thigh into me at the same rhythm and I softly gasped each thrust. His hips rocked harder and faster, and he took me higher with him.

"Yesssssss," I moaned and panted, my cunt clenching while an orgasm hammered from my cunt to my limbs out the top of my head.

His hard shaft pulsed each pump of seed. His groans muffled at the base of my neck, and I wove my fingers through his hair as his body spasmed the last time.

"Jesus Christ, Leah," he muttered. "What the hell."

"That was intense."

"That's an understatement." He lifted his head a bit. "Phew."

"You needed the release after all that teasing. And hey, thanks for the ride!" I grinned.

"I can give you a ride," he smirked.

He snuck upstairs to clean up giving me time to ponder this new situation. That was the least intimate, but the strongest orgasm I have ever had. And with my own brother. That was something I had to process. My girlfriend always tells me her brother is the best and I never thought too much of it because some guys do it for you and others do not. But I get it now.

Tommy was the first to head up to bed. Elia was reading too and after a while she went to bed. I followed about a half hour later.

I just walked out of the bathroom and heard a tapping on the glass. "What in the world are you doing?" I pulled the slider open.

"She's been knocking on my bedroom door ever since she came up." He said, shivering with his arms wrapped around him.

"You're freezing. Get in bed and cover up." I went over and silently turned the lock on my door.

"What the hell am I going to do?" I turned the light off and slipped into the other side of the bed.

"Well, she's not staying the whole time. Leaving in a few days. You might just have to suck it up hot stuff."

"Not sure my dick can take it." His teeth chattered. I slid across the bed and cuddled my warm body next to his. "Mmmm, you're warm. I'll probably get pneumonia because of her now," he grumbled.

"She does come on strong doesn't she." At eighteen, she was just discovering her power over men, and I suspect that Tommy was the first older man she had a chance to practice on.

"Holy crap I forgot about the hormones of an eighteen-year-old. I couldn't keep up with her anyhow," he groused.

I rolled and he spooned behind me. His forearm was under my breasts, his cock was hard and cozy against my ass. I had not had a boyfriend in a while and I admit, this was nice. Very nice.

I fell asleep almost immediately and woke up sometime in the middle of the night with my tit in my brother's hand. By his breathing, he was asleep, but my nipple still hardened against his palm.

My breath became erratic as did his. He was awake. His fingers lightly flexed against my tit. I was a D cup, so he had a handful. My nipple poked at his palm, and he moved it in tiny circles. I could hear his breath become more irregular.

The heat from his cock increased, feeling as though it was burning my ass. He moved his arm under my head and angled it across my chest, his hand covering my other tit. At the same time, he slid his hand down over my stomach to cup my mound and pull me back against him.

I had showered before bed and only had a light short cotton gown on and that served as no barrier between his hand and my cunt. He began tweaking and twisting my nipple in his fingers. His breath was hot and steamy near my ear.

"Baby, you're so sexy," he whispered, kneading my tit, and slipping his hand under my gown on my bare pussy. I reached behind me but could only reach his briefs on his hip, but I began to tug at them.

He quickly moved back and slid his briefs down, then bared my ass for him to press against me again. I sighed. He managed to pull my gown over my head and then we were naked against each other. My arousal shot higher, and my pussy dampened my inner thighs.

A finger stroked between my smooth soft lips. "God, you're so wet, Leah."

I pushed my ass back as the tip of his finger strummed my clit. I jerked and whimpered as he began the rhythmic tune that would take me higher until the fireworks exploded in my head, and I moaned out an orgasm loud and long.

He moved and his hard shaft slipped between my legs, the head probing my still sensitive clit. It was wet with precum, and I pushed his hand away to press his cock head between my slit and rubbed because I had not come down from my first orgasm, and his cock head was now shooting me back up again.

"Oh Tommy," I whimpered as all the tension left my body and I was limp.

He leaned up a bit and breathed in my ear. "I want to be inside you." His hips rocked pushing his cock deeper into my wet folds.

He moved. Positioning his cock at my entrance he pushed the head in and from somewhere a low moan escaped my lips that grew deeper as his cock stretched my cunt agonizingly slow. I heard my pulse in my ears and from somewhere far away I heard my brother's husky growl as he pushed his cock in deeper.

"Oh god, Leah," he growled when he was into the hilt.

He rolled me on my stomach while we remained joined. I spread my legs wide and pushed my ass higher and he began to thrust. His knees dug into the bed, and he pounded his cock in harder and harder. His balls slapped my clit.

He supported himself on one elbow and reach other me and squeezed my tit. I moaned. He pinched and twisted my nipple, and it was like jolts of electricity straight to my cunt.

"Roll over," he commanded. I rolled onto my back, and he drove back into me in one hard thrust. I dug my heels into the bed and met each drive into me. My breasts jerked on my chest as our bodies beat together. The sounds were obscene. Our heavy breathing was lewd.

He dropped to his elbows and sucked a nipple into his mouth. It was hard hot, and I whimpered for more. His teeth tugged and pulled, and I arched. He ground into me, and I rocketed off into another mewing orgasm.

I held his head to my tits, my fingers gripping his hair. His cock pulsed hard. He grunted, rose over me, ground in and released shot after shot of his hot seed. It filled my cunt. My pussy clenched his throbbing meat. The tendons stood out on his neck, he grimaced and shouted. His body relaxed and he collapsed on the bed next to me, taking him with me.

My head on his shoulder, my leg over him. We both had to catch our breaths. He threw his forearm over his eyes.

"Oh god damn, Leah. My cock fit your cunt like we were made for it."

"I know."

"What the fuck."

"I know."

That was all I could really say. My brother's cock did fit my cunt as though they were made for each other. The why, the how, I had no idea. It just was.

I moved my leg, and his cock was stuck to my sticky thigh, and I giggled.

"We should shower hmm," he asked. I nodded, still giggling. "I'm staying tonight."

I looked up at him and ran my fingers through his hair. "Yes."


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