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Brother's Household Ch. 01

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I move into my brother’s house with my hot SIL and Neice.
22.5k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 03/02/2023
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Not too bad, I thought to myself while I sat in my car, looking up at the house that was to become my home. I was sitting in a suburb looking at a large house, almost identical to all the other houses that lined this cul-de-sac. The front of the building was dominated by a large, double garage, and looming above it, two stories of homel. I turned off my car, a decade old Jeep and grabbed my two suitcases out of the back.

The house belonged to my older half-brother, Eddie. He never did tell me how much he spent on it, but I knew that this neighbourhood was very desirable so it had to have been a lot. I shrugged. He had the cash.

Eddie was twenty one years older than my thirty two, and was a powerful corporate lawyer. He told me that he travelled almost two hundred days a year, all over the world, brokering deals for his clients. I knew that he worked hard and was well rewarded for it.

I did not know Eddie very well. We shared a father, but had different mothers. Dad had divorced Eddie's mother well before I was born, and married my mother, a young woman at the time, when he was already in his sixties. Eddie was already in college when I was born, so it wasn't like we would have spent much time together. He had also moved to a different city to start his career.

Still, I had always known and looked up to him. He went out of his way to spend time with me at family gatherings, never making it seem like I was any kind of burden. When I was an awkward, gangly teenager he had given me advice, and encouraged me to pursue my interests in computers and programming. Dad died when I was sixteen and Eddie made a point of taking a week off of work and spending it with me, supporting me when I needed it, despite his own grief. When I ran into some trouble at college, partying too much and letting my grades slip, it was him who took me aside and talked some sense into me. He had been the best brother he could have, given the age difference. Still, that gap had prevented us from being very close.

I was surprised, then, when Eddie offered to let me move into his house when I got a job in his city. I had been building my career since graduating college with a degree in computer science and felt like I was finally taking a major step, accepting a job as a software developer with a company located not too far from where Eddie lived. I was also in the process of breaking up with my girlfriend of five years and jumped at this chance for a clean break. I excitedly texted my older brother, saying that once I was in town we should hang out.

He replied almost instantly.

Nah. You should move into my house. Stay with my family. Why waste money on rent and anyway, Soph and Olivia would love the company.

I was surprised, but the idea was intriguing. I would love to save some money, but on the other hand, I did not know Sophia, Eddie's second wife or Olivia very well, having only met them a few times in person. In the end, the cost savings won out and I decided to take him up on his offer.

I shipped my computer equipment to his address, packed my bags and drove the ten hours to my new life.

Finally, standing there, I walked up to the large door of Eddie's McMansion and rang the bell. It was only moments before the door swung open and Sophia was standing there, beaming at me. I could not help but smile back.

Sophia was Eddie's second wife and she was much younger than him. In fact, at 29 she was younger than me though, thankfully, older than Eddie's daughter. She was, in a word, stunning. I took the moment after the door opened to take her in.

She was several inches shorter than me. She had long blond hair and bright blue eyes that danced when she smiled. Her face was fresh, with just a touch of makeup. My eyes ran down her body. She was wearing a loose, white peasant blouse that, while not tight, fell in a way that showed off an impressive chest, a hint of cleavage showing with the lower cut collar. She had on blue jeans that were tight around her wide hips and nice round ass. I knew that she worked out a lot and the results were impressive. She had simple sandals on her feet and I could see her toes were painted pink.

She threw her arms open and stepped forward wrapping them around me, pulling me against her. I dropped my bags and hugged her back, enjoying the feeling of her breasts pressed against my chest.

"Welcome, Dan," she said. "Welcome home!"

"Thanks Sophia," I said, voice muffled a bit by her hair. "I'm happy to finally get here."

"C'mon Dan," she laughed. "Call me Soph. Everyone does! Let me get a look at you! I haven't seen you for three years!" She pushed me away and inspected me from arm's length.

It was hard to believe that it had only been that long, but that made sense. I had come to stay with Eddie and her for a week during the summer. It had been a fun visit, though Eddie had worked through most of it. That was only the second time I had met Soph, the first was at their small wedding a year before that visit.

I chuckled, a bit awkwardly as she looked me up and down. While I might have made my career coding, I tried to go against the perceived stereotype of a skinny nerd. I was 5'10, and worked out several times a week, running almost daily to keep in decent shape. My shoulders, like Eddie's were naturally broad so I looked, if I was giving myself an honest evaluation, pretty good in my jeans and black tee shirt.

My dirty blond hair was long, parted on one side and tucked behind one ear while the other side hung over my face. I had been off for a few weeks, preparing for my new job and had not shaved since, a thick, dirty blond beard having grown in. My eyes were a pale blue.

Soph nodded after her brief inspection.

"You look great, Dan," she said, stepping back into the house. "Come on in. I'll show you which room is yours."

I picked up my bags and followed Soph. I looked around at the interior. I was in a large foyer and ahead of me stairs led up and down. I could see a large kitchen to my left and a large family room to my right. It was all very open, decorated in comfortable, if basic, style. The spaces felt too large. The ceilings vaulted up above. It was hard to believe only three people lived here. Well, four now, if you counted me.

"Is Eddie home today," I asked.

"He should be home later tonight," Soph said. "He usually works late but he said he would try to make it for supper with us."

Soph gave a quick tour of the main floor. There was the kitchen, a dining room, the family room, a powder room, and out the back, a large yard with a full sized pool and a built-in hot tub. She let me know that there were three bedrooms upstairs, one guest, the main and Olivia's room.

"Where is Olivia?" I asked, looking up the stairs. The last time I had seen her she was an angry 16 year old who spent most of the week I had visited locked away in her bedroom. I wondered if she had changed at all now that she was 19 and in college.

Soph sighed.

"Well," she said a bit sadly, "you know Olivia. Or you will get to know her. College just started summer break so she's around all the time but ... She's... not likely to come down to say hi to her uncle any time soon. We still haven't really...connected."

I nodded. When Eddie and his first wife divorced Olivia had moved in with her dad so that she could stay in the same school. For several years it had just been the two of them. Eddie had confided that marrying Soph, someone so much younger than himself, had been very hard on Olivia.

"Well," I said to Soph, "maybe she will warm up to her uncle."

"I'm sure she will," Soph said. "Let's check out your space. It's downstairs. Eddie had it built just for you."

I followed her down and, I have to admit, I watched the perfect globes of her ass as she walked in front of me. It was almost impossible not to, the way that her jeans hugged them.

There was a large room at the bottom of the stairs that had several couches, beanbag chairs and a large projection tv. I remembered not seeing a TV in the family room so this must be where they watched TV and movies.

"Do you still work out?" Soph asked me.

I nodded.

"Good. Well, you will love this then," she said and gestured to a corner of the large room that had been set up as a small gym. There was a weight machine, a weight bench, yoga mats, a spin bike and a treadmill. Everything you would need to keep in shape.

"That's awesome," I said, happy to see that. It would save me from having to put out for a gym membership.

"I like it," Soph said. "We can work out together some time. I don't use the treadmill much. I prefer to run outdoors."

"Me too. But I guess it's good for rainy days."

Soph smiled.

"Sure. But I don't mind getting a bit wet. You are through here."

She opened a door off of the room and I followed her through. It was plenty large enough. There was a king sized bed, a dresser, a couple of end tables and a desk against one wall. At the desk was a chair that I knew must have cost thousands of dollars. The boxes of my computer equipment were stacked around the desk.

"I didn't unpack those," Soph said, gesturing to the boxes. "I figured that you would want to set them up yourself."

"Good idea," I said. "I'm particular about how I do it." I looked around the room. "This is amazing. Too good. I hope that you don't mind me being here."

"Eddie had it built for you. It used to just be storage, but we have another storage area on the other side. There is a full bathroom off of the TV room. I'm sorry it's not an en suite. But it's the one I use after workouts."

"That's fine. I've never had an en suite so I'm not going to miss it. I don't mind sharing a shower with you." Soph shot me a look and I realised that what I said could be construed as me wanting to shower *with* her. I blushed a bit.

"Anyway," Soph said, ignoring my remark. "That's the tour. I'm going to get some supper started. Why don't you get unpacked and I'll see you up there. You might want to hit that shower too. Must have been a long drive."

I laughed and made a show of smelling my armpit. I did in fact need a shower.

"I'm sorry," I said. "I must be grossing you out!"

"No," Soph said, smiling. "I like it. But you might be a bit more comfortable."

She left and I quickly emptied out my suitcases. It was a bit sad, I thought, that everything I owned now came to be so little. I looked around at the house and the life that Eddie had built and shook my head. I was more than a little bit behind in the life building department.

I crossed the TV room and stepped into the bathroom, my eyes widening. It was more a spa than a bathroom. There was a toilet, of course, but there was also a bathtub, a separate rain shower, and it turned out, a steam sauna. I could get used to this, I thought as I stripped down.

I stepped under the rain shower and let the hot water pour over me, washing away the sweat and grime from my long drive. My thoughts turned, predictably, to Soph. I remembered meeting her for the first time, at her and Eddie's wedding. She had been so beautiful in her white dress. Secretly, even though I was there with Patricia, my long term girlfriend, I fell a little bit in love with her.

There in that shower, I imagined her naked with me, the water pouring over her tanned body, sluicing off of her perfect breasts. I was quickly hard and jerked off to my imagination of my sister in law before finishing my shower and stepping out, getting some clothes on and heading upstairs.

Soph was in the kitchen getting food ready. Every appliance was top of the line, and I thought that they could make food enough to feen dozens in here. Soph had an apron on over the outfit she was wearing before but she had put her hair up in a loose bun.

I sat down at the large marble island across from her and offered to help.

"It's ok,' Soph said. "The hard part is mostly done. Do you cook though?"

"Sure," I said. "I always liked it. I'm pretty good at it, too. I did almost all the cooking for Patricia and me."

Soph frowned.

"What happened there, by the way?" Soph asked. "I know it's fresh so you don't have to talk about it if you don't want."

"No, it's ok," I said. "I'm fine. It was... I guess we weren't the same people at the end as we were at the start. We seemed to have less and less in common as time went by. It was harder and harder to remember why we were together. Until neither of us could anymore. Its too bad. I thought we were going to get married. Have kids." I shrugged. "It just didn't work out that way."

"That can happen," Soph said. "It's too bad, but at least you figured it out before you fully committed and had those kids. That would have been worse."

"True. You are probably right," I said.

"I'll just have to set you up with one of my friends," Soph said, smiling.

"Ah, you don't have to do that," I said. "I'm taking a break from dating for a while, I think."

"Who said anything about dating," Soph laughed. "Most of them remember you from the wedding. If you hadn't been there with Patricia at least one of them would have jumped your bones! Maybe a few of them! Nothing wrong with getting some now that you are single!"

I raised my eyebrows. It was a bit strange hearing my sister in law talk about sex like this. But she was probably right. There was nothing wrong with 'getting some'.

"Sure. Eventually," I said. "I'm going to take it easy for a bit."

"Ok," Soph said. "But let me know. My girlfriends can be a slutty bunch and now that they know you are here they might knock down the door trying to get at you!"

This made my eyebrows raise again. I wanted to know more about how slutty her friends were, and just how Soph fit in with a slutty bunch. Before I could push the conversation any further, Olivia walked into the kitchen and walked to the fridge, ignoring us both, earbuds in her ears.

Three years ago my niece had been a surly sixteen year old, and as such had barely registered on my radar. She had had no interest in me so I had ignored her, spending time with Soph and Eddie, or lounging by the pool.

Back then, she was angry and, frankly a bit plain, but in the meantime she had, it seemed, become a goth, which was a bit surprising to me. I hadn't even known that that was still a thing. Her hair back then was the same dirty blond as Eddie and mine, but now was dyed jet black, except for streaks of emerald green. It was long, hanging straight past her shoulders, except for the severe bangs that cut across her forehead above her eyebrows. She had on black lipstick, and heavy makeup around green eyes. She was even shorter than Soph. I guessed about 5'3.

She was wearing a large black hoodie several sizes too large on her, so that it hung to her mid thigh. Her legs were bare as were her feet. I couldn't help but wonder if she was wearing panties under it. The way that her clearly large breasts moved under the fabric of her hoodie, she definitely wasn't wearing a bra. I shook my head, trying to remind myself I was an uncle.

"Hey Olivia," Soph called out to her. "Say hi to your uncle."

The girl made a show of sighing and pulling one of the buds out of her ears.

"What?" she said, slowly turning around.

"Your uncle. He's here. Say hi."

I smiled at my niece and waved.

"Oh," Olivia said with clear disdain in her voice. "You are here. Great. Hi."

"Hey," I said, trying to be friendly. "How's it going."

Olivia didn't deign to respond to me, instead turning to her step mother.

"I'm going out in a bit. I won't be eating with you guys," she said.

"But I thought we could all eat together," Soph said.

"Right. Like dad is going to show up." Olivia turned towards me. "Welcome, I guess."

She turned and walked back up the stairs towards her room. After she left Soph looked at me and shrugged.

"So that's Olivia these days."

I smiled.



Eddie did not make it home in time to eat supper with us. Soph did not bother setting the table and we ate together at the kitchen island, just chatting.

I learned that Soph was a stay at home wife, which she liked, but bored her. She kept busy with working out, taking care of the house and a few hobbies. She read a lot, was a member of a book club and volunteered in the city at a homeless shelter twice a week. She had a group of friends that she had since college and they all kept in touch, though she was the only one married.

I had much less to offer. My life was pretty dull. I worked long hours so did not have much time for anything outside of that. I had always meant to develop some interests, but never got around to it. My ex had hated that and it had contributed to our eventual breakup.

I liked spending time with my sister in law. We got along well, and she was easy to talk to. I realised I was going to like spending time with her.

After supper I cleaned up, insisting that it was the least I could do, her having made the meal, and afterwards went down to my room to set up my computers. I did not start my new job for a few days but I wanted to get it done and troubleshoot any issues that might arise. I would be working from home four days a week, going into the office one day for staff meetings.

It was about 10:30 that night when I heard a knock on my door and found Eddie. He gave me a huge hug and let me know he was happy I was there. He looked older than the last time I had seen him. His hair was thinner and now almost completely grey. He had gained weight too. He was still a pretty big guy, but while he had once kept himself lean, he had a gut now. Age was starting to catch up with him.

"Sorry I couldn't make it for supper. Something came up at work and I couldn't get away. Soph treated you right though, yeah?"

"Sure," I said. "She's great. Made me feel like I was at home. Are you available tomorrow night maybe? We could hang out."

Eddie shook his head.

"Nope," he said. "I wish I could, but I'm flying out mid morning. Paris. I'll be gone ten... wait... No, this month it's twelve days. I should be home for a week or a few days anyway when I get back."

We chatted a bit longer before he let me know he had some work to do before he went to bed.

"I'm glad you are here," he told me before heading up.

"Me too," I said. I meant it.


My eyes opened a few minutes before the alarm I had set started going off. I felt disoriented for a moment before remembering that I was in a new bed, new home, new city.

I groaned and rolled out of bed. I always slept shirtless and in light pajama pants and had not changed this in my new place. I stretched and remembered that my bathroom was out of my room on the other side of the TV room. I stepped through the door and paused.

My bedroom must have been decently sound proofed because when my door was opened I could suddenly hear what turned out to be an instructional yoga video.

There was a smaller TV set into the wall of the workout area and on that screen I could see a man going through a series of yoga poses, narrating the moves as he went along. On a mat on the floor in front of it was Soph.

I had to pause. Her head was pointed away from me and she was on her hands and knees, back arched. She was wearing wonderfully tight yoga shorts and a top made of similar material with thin straps. The sight almost took my breath away.

Whoever it was that designed yoga clothing had to be some kind of perverted wizard. It seemed magical how the stretchy fabric cling to the half moons of Soph's round ass. The Lycra molded around them, making it almost seem like she was wearing nothing at all. I was hit with a sudden urge to charge across the room and take one of her ass cheeks in each hand.

The next position had Soph shift and get up and set herself one leg in front of the other, knees bent deeply as she stretched her arms above her head. Her eyes were closed so she did not notice her audience as she began to lean back, keeping her balance as she arched backwards again. I watched her in the mirror on the wall under the TV.

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