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But Does It Change Anything?


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Cameron abruptly pulled his wife off his cock and pulled her up to him, kissing her deeply. With a rugged growl he flipped her face down, pulling her to her knees. With little time wasted he was behind her and once again slamming into his wife's wanting cunt. Only this time he was reaching into the nightstand for the lube, generously applying its contents to his wife's puckered asshole.

"Umm, I sure hope you're going to be easier on me back there than you've been with me everywhere else." Megan softly pleaded.

"I'll do what I can." He murmured as he lined his slick cock up with her slick asshole.

She lay under him, legs straight back with arms braced against the headboard. Cameron straddled her thighs, left hand between her shoulder blades to hold her in place while his right hand guided his swollen cock between the cheeks of her ass, targeting the crinkled orifice nestled below.

He placed the head of his cock against its goal and firmly pushed past the widening ring, drawing a sharp gasp from his wife as she involuntarily tried to move away only to have Cameron hold her firm. Applying more lube before moving forward Cameron pushed again, tenaciously, burying himself half way home. Megan jumped forward with intention this time, only to be securely pulled back in place by her husband. With one more dollop of lube and one more push Cameron had fully impaled his wife's ass on his bloated manhood.

"Oh, fuck! Dammit! Ow! Please get this over with." The skewered young wife implored her determined husband.

"I intend to. And I want you to play with your pussy while I fuck your ass."

"Wha..? You want me to what?" She was distracted and breathless as she adjusted to the invader in her backside.

"Play with your pussy while I fuck your ass." And he began gently rocking back and forth, bracing himself against the wall as he used his wife's ass.

Megan whimpered and grunted in response as she fingered her clit with one hand and steadied herself against the headboard with the other. Curling her feet back she kept her heels pressed to her husband's buttocks as he rocked back and forth in an increasing rhythm as she better accommodated having her ass speared.

As the rocking and rhythm increased the pair became more vocal, calling out to one another and urging each other on. Megan building to an unexpectedly lustful frenzy as her husband continued to ream her while she diddled her clit and Cameron forgetting all thoughts of taking it easy on her ass as he began to build toward his own release.

"Oh fuck my ass you bastard I'm cumming! Oh my god I'm cumming and you're fucking my ass hard damn you!" Megan lost control as she came, slamming back into her husband and meeting his powerful thrusts as he erupted himself. Both shouting out in delirium as her orgasm trigged his as they continued to pummel one another until they were too spent to move with Cameron collapsing on his wife and her abused behind.

"Husband, please get your penis out of my butt and get off me!" Megan was emphatic.

Megan grunted and let out a quiet "Ow" as Cameron extracted himself and rolled off her once again, landing flat on his back in a euphoric stupor. Megan reached out and punched him in the arm.

"Ow, what was that for?" Cameron was still dazed by their released passion and barely had the energy for a response.

"What part of take it easy on my ass were you struggling with?" Still dazed herself, she just had the energy to gently snarl a reply.

"I must have misunderstood the fuck my ass you bastard part." Cameron finally replied.

"Some things may have been said in the heat of the moment that perhaps should not have been taken to heart." Was her measured response.

"Umm. OK?" Still dazed, Cameron was just hoping to keep feeling good.

"I guess it's not completely your fault. And we both really need a shower. How do you feel about sleeping on the clean sheets in the guest bedroom tonight?"

"Both of us?" Cameron was still confused.

"Yes, both of us." Megan giggled softly as she snuggled up against her husband.

"How about you go start the shower?"

"Does this mean you're done being slutty for me tonight?"

She didn't immediately reply, and was pensive when she did. "You like it when I'm slutty?"

"Oh yeah, you were unbelievable tonight. Incredible. When you got yourself off in the car I almost came in my pants." It was his turn to giggle.

"I'm glad you enjoyed your slutty wife. We'll have to do it again some time. Now, about that shower..."

"I'm going, I'm going." He turned and pulled his wife to him, lovingly kissing her and wrapping his arms around her. "I'll never regret our first night together. It was the beginning of the rest of my life and the rest of my life has been amazing."

They kept the lights dim in the master bath as she joined him in the walk in shower. It was something they immediately fell in love with when they first moved in. It was a shower for two with plenty of room for playing. Right now they were subdued and loving, caressing and soaping up one another as they washed the remnants of sex and sweat from their bodies and massaged one another's tired parts. The warmth relaxed them and their hands on one another soothed their bodies. Toweling dry with her favorite big, fluffy towels they moved past the still messy marital bed and retired to the comfortable, and most importantly clean, guest bedroom.

"Honey, I've got something I'd like to talk about and I'm hoping now is a good time to do that." Megan was apprehensive and her husband was immediately protective.

"Sure, we can talk about anything you like." He reassured her and moved to hold her close, pulling her face near his.

"Can you turn around and let me hold you from behind?" She preferred to have him facing away, not watching her intently as he typically did when they had a serious conversation.

Rolling over, facing away, Cameron reluctantly complied. Megan moved close, pressing her nude body against his and wrapping her arms around him.

"I love you Husband." She whispered in his ear.

"I love you wife of mine." He gently responded, trying to hide his sudden unease.

After a deep breath, she began. "I feel like you like it when I'm slutty, is that right? Even though I'm your wife? And the mother of your children?"

"I like having fun with you and just letting go. I think it's natural." Cameron responded in soft, thoughtful tones.

"I guess you probably understand I may have behaved like that with other people, before we fell in love, right?"

He started to roll over to face her but a hand on his shoulder stopped him. "I understand we were adults, college aged adults anyway, and we both were involved with other people or other experiences that just seemed like a good idea at the time. Neither one of us was a virgin when we met and I'm ok with that." She could sense the concern in his tone as he replied.

"That's a good way to put it, seemed like a good idea at the time. You mentioned our first time together, when you spent the night." She felt her husband tense up as she spoke. "I need to tell you that you weren't the only man I was with that night."

"You mean someone came over after I left?"

"You didn't leave until almost noon the next day. I'm talking about before we got back to my apartment."

"Oh." Her husband was clearly getting uneasy as Megan steeled herself to continue.

"I had sex with someone else at the party before you got there. It was impulsive and reckless and frankly exciting. I'd never done anything like that before." She was obviously nervous as her voice quickened and her story came out.

"OK." Was his only reply.

"I actually had sex with two other men before you got there." Her nerves had her nearly breathless.

" At the same time?"

She was trembling as she responded. "No, not at the same time. Separately, but kind one after the other."

"Oh, OK." He was staring ahead, still facing away from his wife. "Anyone I know?"

"Umm, maybe. Not sure. And umm, there's more."

He was speaking slower now, "OK".

She was speaking quieter and quieter, barely a whisper. "I also gave another guy a blow job."

"You what? You did what?" His head was spinning a little and he didn't quite make out what his wife said.

She nervously blurted out her response, "A blow job. I had sex with two different guys and gave someone else a blow job."

"OK, ok, understood. Pretty sure. I think. Can you tell me who?"

"Not sure it's anyone you know, I ... screwed...Davis Henry and then Brent Edwards and gave Big Country Johnson a blow job." Her voice was fading again.

"You gave Big Country Johnson a blow job?"

She was a little confused by the tone of his response. He sounded impressed.

"Yep, sure did."

This time when he rolled over to face her he didn't let her stop him. "You mean Big Country Johnson the football player? The one who is now in the NFL and likely getting into the hall of fame?"

"Yep, that's the one." She looked at him anxiously as she replied.

Big Country Johnson was a behemoth of a college football player and grew up in a rural part of the state working his parent's farm. He was over six feet seven inches tall and a conservative 365 pounds of very large farm boy. He was famous for being as laid back and nice as could be off the field and an absolute demon of a left tackle on the field. He was also notorious for the number of women he regularly entertained. The ladies loved him.

"Umm, so." Megan could tell her husband was trying to carefully package his reply. "Just curious, but why didn't you screw Big Country?"

The very nervous wife took a couple deep breaths, licked her lips, and slowly blinked. "To be honest with you I was afraid to. He's a pretty big guy."

"No kidding," chuckled her husband, "That guy was a huge human being even in college. He'd crush you if he wasn't careful."

"Well, there's that for sure. But it was mostly his penis. It was, still I guess, very extremely large. And a little scary looking." She hid her face in the pillow as she replied.

"Oh, right. I guess that could be a problem too." Cameron was trying to hide the fact that he kept picturing his little wife on her knees in front of that massive football player getting a cock shoved down her throat.

"To be honest with you, if I had screwed those other guys first I might have been willing to give Big Country a try." She was more than a little mortified at her response but felt like honesty was the best policy for the moment.

"So, and maybe it's none of my business, but how did you get into those ...situations?" Cameron was clearly reluctant to ask but also wanted to know.

"OK, so, I need to know. Are you mad at me?" She wasn't tearful but she was clearly concerned about how he felt.

He fixed his gaze on his wife's anxious face, gently stroking her hair. He was starting to understand how difficult it had been for her to confess something like this.

"No, I am not mad at you wife of mine. I love you. I might be a little stunned at the moment but I am not and will not be angry with you about it."

Her relief cast a glow over Megan as she buried her face in Cameron's neck. It was then she finally noticed her husband's condition. It seems his well worn penis was back at attention. As she cautiously reached down to grasp his erection and stroke it, she spoke.

"It sounds like you're curious about what happened. Why?"

"Not really sure," he laughed, "it's just kinda wild picturing you doing that kind of thing."

"It wasn't exactly intentional, at least not on my part." She answered wryly.

"You think they set you up?"

"Probably not Big Country. But we weren't exactly discreet when we stepped away for a little privacy. I'm sure the others were making assumptions about what was going on in that back room." Megan was trying to be matter of fact about her response as she absent mindedly stroked her husband's erection.

"They just waited around for an opportunity I guess?" he was certainly curious.

"I guess so. I was a little drunk, I had smoked a little weed with Big Country, and he said something along the lines of 'I love your mouth'. Pretty sure he was more stoned than I was. He just sat down, opened his pants, and put his huge hand on the back of my head. I knew what he wanted so I just leaned over, opened wide, and managed to barely get the end of his erection in my mouth."

Cameron quietly laughed and his wife gently punched his shoulder.

"It wasn't funny. I was leaning over this huge person with the tip of his huge penis in my mouth and I had no idea what I was going to do with it."

"You were wearing that yellow skirt I always liked that night weren't you? The short one that swished back and forth when you walked and almost showed your butt." He fondly recalled her skirt, causing her to grin just a little.

"It took a lot of practice to get it to do that." She blushed and pretended to hide her face in the pillow again.

"I'm assuming you figured out what to do with Big Country's big dick."

"Pretty much. I used my hands on his shaft and my tongue on what I could get in my mouth and he 'helped' by pushing on the back of my head a little bit. Not much, he was nice about it, but he did what he could to help me test my limits."

"I bet he did." deadpanned her husband.

She looked intently at her husband's erection as she continued to stroke it. "It feels like you might want to test my limits. Even more than you already have." Her voice was getting quiet again.

He didn't reply, he just palmed the back of her head with his left hand and guided her face first toward his cock in that universal signal women have come to understand means 'open your mouth', so she did. He thrust his hips up as he felt her mouth on his cock and palmed her head with both hands as he pushed her even further onto his shaft. She didn't protest.

After a couple of minutes of pushing and thrusting he pulled her head up and kissed her roughly on the lips, shoving his tongue in her mouth before abruptly breaking the kiss and shoving her back onto his erection. They cycled through this routine maybe half a dozen times before he pulled her up next to him and flipped her face down. He pulled her legs apart and shoved a finger into her wet sex from behind, quickly finding that sensitive spot just inside her vagina that made her squirm.

She groaned and sighed as he fingered her quim and bodied up next to her, one arm wrapped around her and one between her legs.

"I'll just take it for granted you swallowed when Big Country came in your mouth." He breathed in her ear.

"Ohh, I did my best." She groaned back, "it was a lot."

"I'm sure he was happy. He seemed to be in a good mood when we were leaving." Chuckled Cameron.

"Oh god, I almost forgot about that. I was really embarrassed and afraid he was going to say something but he didn't. I knew Davis and Brent would say something for sure."

"I thought you were in a hurry to leave because you wanted to be alone with me."

"I did." She giggled, "Very much so."

"How did you end up with those other guys?"

"You really want to hear this?" the hesitancy and reluctance in her voice was clear.

"Sure, why not?" Cameron was gently and persistently fingering her sensitive snatch.

"I don't want you to feel jealous...or think poorly of me." His fingers brought a gasp from her as she spoke.

He softly laughed again, pulling her close while tenderly continuing the work with his fingers. "I know you too well to think poorly of you."

"ohhhkay", she breathed, "if you say so. After Big Country...was done...he thanked me, kissed me on the forehead, and suggested I use the attached bathroom to 'freshen up'." She took a deep breath as her husband continued his work. "I needed to freshen my...lipstick...and wipe my chin." She briefly buried her face in the pillow. "I can't believe we're having this conversation. So anyway, I freshen up, found some mouthwash, and came back into the room to find Davis standing there with a couple of shot glasses and a lit joint, just smiling at me."

"Ohhhh, now I remember him." Her husband blurted, she just gave him a sideways look. "Never mind, keep going." He chuckled again.

"So anyway, I figured a shot of tequila would help wash down the mouthwash and I was so nervous after you know who I figured a couple hits of that joint couldn't hurt either."

Cameron spoke up again, "I miss smoking pot."

"You probably miss it even more when you think about how it made me feel." She giggled, and then moaned again as his fingers worked diligently.

"So anyway, I can probably guess how he got into your panties."

"Well, it was really good pot. It was probably too good considering what I did after a couple hits."

"And just what did you do?"

"It was probably more of a case of what I didn't do. I didn't stop him from kissing me, or feeling me up, or sitting me on the bed and laying me back, or pulling my underwear off. And I didn't stop him from pulling his own pants and underwear down and climbing on the bed with me. You see where this is going?"

"Been there done that. Recently."

She stretched her arms out and opened her thighs a little more as Cameron worked between her legs.

"Ohh, mmmm," she moaned, "still doing it."

"Yes. I. Am." He responded. "What did he do after climbing on the bed with you?"

"Ohhh, what do you think he did?" she hid her face between her outstretched arms as she replied.

"I think he climbed between your pretty legs and fucked your pretty pussy."

That was all she needed to hear as she clamped her thighs around the hand between her legs and thrust back at the fingers playing inside her and came hard one more time.

"Ohhhhh, he did, he crawled on top of me and fucked me. Hard. Ohhh fuck mmmmmm." She fumbled reaching back for his hand to pull his fingers from her twitching body. "Take them out, I'm going to be sore enough as it is." She pleaded.

Cameron complied and pulled her close again. "Feel better now?" he asked.

"I didn't think I had another one of those in me." Her breathing was beginning to even out.

"Speaking of having another one of those in you..." he trailed off.

She managed a soft laugh, "You are bad. And nosey. But I guess I started this didn't I?"

"Yep, you did." As he rolled her over and climbed back between her legs.

"Again? Really? You're going to have to carry me tomorrow. Ohhhhh", she managed as he entered her one more time.

Firmly in place between his wife's legs he encouraged her to continue.

"I'll try. So after Davis was done, a little faster than I was hoping for to be honest, he rolled off, pulled up his pants and left me laying there. So I found my panties and went back into the bathroom to clean up again and this time when I came out Brent was there. Same thing, a couple shots and a lit joint. I was awful, I just walked up to him, took both shots and downed them one after the other, took a nice long hit off the joint, and kissed him. He took the hint and pushed me back on the bed. This time I ended up on my hands and knees. He didn't even pull my panties all the way off, just far enough out of the way to get the job done. I didn't even look at him but I could hear him fumbling with his belt and his zipper and then he was in me. Didn't last much longer than Davis but between the two of them they finally got the job done. This time I left the bathroom through the adjoining bedroom, walking in on another couple screwing in that room."

"So why did you leave out of the other room?" he was curious, and still moving inside her.

"I was afraid if I didn't I'd spend the rest of the night on my back." She responded dryly, rocking with his thrusts. "And then I saw you and one thing led to another and I ended up spending the rest of the night on my back, and on my knees, and on you, and bent over that couch...", her giggles gave away her fond memories of that night, and the many nights since then. "Come to think of it, you've had me on my back a lot since that night." She groaned.

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