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But I Don't Smoke - Simon's Story


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What surprized me, we sat down, and she put some bread in the toaster and boiled the kettle for some coffee, we sat there and chatted to her mom about last night, and once she finished her toast, I really hadn't really thought about it or expected it. D then without missing a beat or saying anything to anyone reached for a cigarette and lit it and with what seemed a sparkle in her eyes and amazing pleasure in her face as she hungrily inhaled on it.

Readers, this is where I stupidly put my foot in it, I really should have thought about it before speaking. I said something along the lines of "What you really want another cigarette after smoking all those last night?"

She then got quite defensive towards me. "Domestic #2" She then in no uncertain terms tried to explain- "that it's sort of difficult to get through the day now only lighting Mom's cigarettes." She followed up with "What if I actually decided to smoke properly, like a smoker?" and then tilted her head back and drew heavily on the cigarette between her fingers "Would that be a problem for you?" She asked as the smoke poured out her mouth like thick mist flowing down a valley.

You should have seen her mom's death stare at her, I imagine it would have decapitated many a man over the years, I gulped overly heavily replying that I was just surprized and that it is of course her choice to do what she wants and make her own decisions. I ended it with "if you want to smoke, I will love you anyway." There I said it.

Readers little did I know that those words would work, you should have seen that harsh smoky feminist melt, she smiled as she leant forwards and put the cigarette in the ashtray and then with her breasts swinging in her t-shirt she came over and gave me a big smoky kiss. She then when she left me go, surprisingly quickly finished that cigarette, and suggested I sat on the sofa whilst she showered and got dressed. I asked her mom if I could have another coffee, and she said I could help myself to the coffee, so I sat there on the sofa with a coffee sort of nervously whilst her mom pottered around the house moving paperwork or doing things in the kitchen with a cigarette almost permanently dangled in the corner of her mouth. It explains where they are so many ashtrays dotted around; they probably both need them as its clear they smoke everywhere! It was strange atmosphere with me parked on the sofa whilst we both sort of waited for D to return.

It gave me time to "study" a proper smoker, someone that has clearly been smoking for what twenty or more years? Probably I guess a lot longer? She must have found it strange me interspersing my watching of daytime TV whilst sort of watching her amble around the house.

When her mobile phone rang and it was sitting on the kitchen table she jogged from the other room over to it, she did have to cough and clear her throat as she answered it- is that a smoker's cough. She was clearing her throat a little often in the half an hour or, so I was watching her as such? You can see her wrinkles, or I guess I should be polite, her laughter lines, they are definitely deeper and more pronounced than on my mom, she certainly has "crow's feet" around her eyes...I also noticed at breakfast how many deep wrinkles are above her lips when she has the cigarette perched between them. Her face doesn't look that wrinkly when she isn't smoking- but to be honest readers in the little time I have spent around her, it's not often! Can you imagine over the last 20+ years how many times she has placed a cigarette in that exact same spot between her lips- drag after drag, cigarette after cigarette- hour after hour, day after day? It's scary to think about it!

D's top lip don't wrinkle yet when she lights or inhales on her cigarettes. I wonder when that happens. Guess time might tell if D and I stay together!

Anyway, I am digressing again. D came back out of the bathroom all fresh faced and smelling of her strawberry shampoo. I had used it the night before. She wearing her gym jogging bottoms and fitted t-shirt, evidently no bra  as her nipples and large areola were taught against the thin summery turquoise cotton. She grabbed another coffee for both of us from the kitchen and came across and cuddled up against me on the sofa and we watched Saturday morning TV just enjoying the closeness. After about half an hour, she reached over to the open pack her mom had placed on the coffee table a little earlier and lit a cigarette. Readers I am really going to have to get use to this.

Smokers...smoke! I just can't and must not be shocked and surprized as we are sitting there calmly and relaxed, she had to reach across to the table, get a cigarette, light it, and then spend the next 5 minutes wiggling around as she inhales, exhales, and flicks the ash. Honestly readers, other than having D warmly snuggled into me and in my arms was amazing, BUT the only thing I enjoy of the whole smoking process is when she actually stubs the darn thing out. The air becomes clear, and she stops wiggling. I am going to have to get over this or her...it shouldn't be a shock every single time she has to light one of those pesky cigarettes...is it?

After a while and a couple of cigarettes later she helped her mom make us all some lunch, and we sat there and had lunch together, and after both of them had their post lunch cigarettes I suggested that I headed home and got changed, saw my parents etc, etc, and that we could meet up again in the evening.

All I know is that once I got home and before I chatted to my mom, I headed straight to the shower and threw the clothes from today straight in the washing machine; they so stank of D and her mom's cigarette smoke!

Anyway, I picked D up at about 8 this evening and we headed to the cinema again.

There was the latest summer blockbuster, you will have all seen it, and even if you haven't, I won't spoil the plot. Anyway, it was on the late showing, which was a good excuse as any to go. As we talk about D's smoking journey it was evident tonight...we had to stop outside the front before going in and have a cigarette. The other day we just walked in to get in the queue, so it just meant hanging around in the cool evening air whilst she hungrily sucked on the cigarette. To be fair to D, it doesn't take her that long to demolish a cigarette when she wants to. Drag after drag.

We got the tickets; sadly, as we were running late, we only got seats to the side of screen rather than in the middle, I guess that's the downside of not pre-booking- bad boyfriend!

However, in hindsight Readers, I think for D it was rather fortunate that we had the side seats...yup you can probably guess, after an hour and half of the film, other people around us were getting up and coming and going, she whispered that she also needed a wee. That was understandable we had bought one of those very large cokes to share. She slowly wiggled out of the seats and slowly made her way around the back of the auditorium. I must admit that I didn't clock D wasn't with me during the exciting car chase, they are so formulaic, but how come they are so exciting?

I digress. I could smell D coming before I could see her, she came back just the main character climbed out the burning car, so she had to get past me at the key plot point, but hey ho. Anyway, she stank of a fresh cigarette- can I say that- okay D had gone for a wee and then clearly just also felt the need to go for a cigarette too; it was much more obvious in this non-smoking environment that you could tell there was fresh smoke on her clothes. As I obviously looked concerned at her as she sat down, she shrugged her shoulders and made the sign for 1, as in to say, "look I only had the one quick cigarette" and she turned and picked the drink off the floor and carried slurping and watching the film.

After the film she just had to have another cigarette as we left the cinema before getting the in car. Readers this smoking thing is getting serious, isn't it?

So, I couldn't stay over with her tonight as she had to get up early and help her mom with her arm and the doctors.

But we had a passionate kiss in the car and then I watched as she headed into the house. Oh, she is so sweet, but then she can be rather sour to taste. ;)

August 1 st

The plan was not to see D today; she has been with her mom, at the hospital then out on their afternoon deliveries.

I will apparently see her tomorrow though.

She was messaging me all day though, so she hasn't forgotten me.  But the main thing is her mom's arm is ok!

August 2 nd

Well last night was "interesting" and a slight change of plan! D last minute asked me to come over late at night, which was convenient as I had to help my parents move some things around in their office and bring filing cabinets home, so we didn't have dinner until late- around 830- and then had to help sort things out it was getting late. Great thing was that D had asked me to stay over once everything was sorted at home. I made my apologies for leaving them and headed over to D's house around 10.

She had warned me that, let's call her F, was over for meal to celebrate her mom's cast coming off but they didn't mind me turning up late.

I rang the doorbell to be polite and a dolled up, but rather drunk D opened the door, she had an unlit cigarette in one hand and half-drunk glass of red wine in the other. She invited me and then as I stepped forward, she then practically fell into me of kiss and hug, she tasted of red wine and of course cigarettes! As I got accustomed to the fog of smoke in the room there were two streams of smoke coming from both F and D's moms cigarettes up against the ceiling, I tried my best not to cough, but failed as I followed D in to the house, she looked so cute in her short floaty skirt, with a wine glass and cigarette in hand, she looked much older than she actually is.

Her Mom invited me into the dining room to sit at the table to have some wine or coffee and I gratefully accepted a glass of wine.

They were all smoking a different cigarette to the one that I was used to seeing D with, I made a brand faux par by thinking it was some sort of white cigar, but they are 'filter-less' and a nice 'treat' apparently. God help their poor lungs! You should see, and it's not difficult to look at the large brown stains the D produces at the end of her normal 'filtered' ones when she stubs them out in the ashtray...sorry readers to be so gross, but you really can't help but notice the dark brown stain in the middle of the end of what was before inhaling was a pure white filter. This evening all three women were dragging their smoke deep in to their lungs with seriously hard inhales on these 'filter-less' cigarettes. I really can't see what enjoyment there is to get from it, it must be gross, but I guess they must do?

D was all defensive towards them; I just shrugged my shoulders and sipped my wine politely hoping to defuse the situation. I don't really want to attempt to be a connoisseur of cigarettes- but the way things are going I think I might have to!

Anyway D, her mom and F were clearly very tipsy. When D first tried slowly stroking her shoeless big toe up and down my leg until her mom and F took in turns to go the toilet, I pointed out that she was doing it to the chair leg she giggled, shook her head and then she then took my hand under the table and placed it on her inner thigh; I knew exactly what she wanted me to do....and I was not going to refuse. I soon got my finger between her warm thighs.

I guess over time I forgot, or did I just get used it? The ever-present grey cloud of smoke over my head, if outside I would think it would rain! It was like a scene from the movies, where all the gangsters are around the card table with their cigarettes burning away in a dark room. Except that we were in a bright dining room. They were all being considerate and exhaling their large exhales of smoke away from me which was good I guess...But the combined cloud of dense throat tickling smoke coming off the three burning cigarettes was difficult to avoid. Drinking wine helped with the throat.

As we chatted, they poured more wine and the women smoked and smoked. Christ how many cigarettes did those three women burn through that evening? It was noticeable that as one cigarette finished the pack was offered and another lit, F didn't even bother waiting to stub her cigarette out she just used the end of her current one to light another. The wine glass didn't empty after every gulp or two it was topped up and her cigarette didn't actually finish the whole hour and half or so I sat with them. It explains why she coughs so much, it most obvious when I tried to be funny and they all laughed, F almost always coughed when she laughed.

I had a little fun and I don't think D noticed, I guess as man you do, F was quiet evidently braless, every time she laughed and then coughed her huge tits bounced in her semi sheer black blouse. It was almost a game for me to see if I could get them all to laugh, especially as they were distracted. I could then wiggle my fingers deeper in to D. 

I think D was enjoying what I was doing with my fingers between her legs she was gently swaying and squirming in a less that subtle way, and she was leaning against me more and more as the night went on, but F and her mom didn't say anything, as I gently ran my fingers over her gusset of her knickers you could feel the moisture and heat coming from her vagina. She was hot and wet! I was a bit sad that she was actually wearing knickers, compared to our previous nights together, I guess Readers you can't have everything!

I forgot how crude, rude, and hilarious drunk older women can be; it was a great late-night session with them, the conversation and F breasts bouncing all over the place and not really following any story to completion before they distracted each other. It was great fun to be with them, and the three women didn't seem to mind me intruding.

I was having fun with D gently wiggling her hips against my fingers under the table and she was clearly enjoying what I was doing and as I have written many times she does seem to enjoy inhaling extremely deeply on her cigarettes and even more so these 'filter-less' cigarettes. I was actually surprized when F finally finished her wine and didn't go and open a fresh bottle from the cupboard, she also stubbed a cigarette completely out. I was genuinely shocked. She stood up swayed slightly and giggled and did that sort of move from line dancing where you take a step sideways and backwards before standing up properly- I don't think I've seen an woman old enough to be my Mom, let alone two of them quite so happily drunk before. F grabbed the table in process for support and stated that she needed to go the toilet yet again to freshen up and then she really ought to think about going home.

As F staggered off, I looked across as D had two long lung busting inhales, it is still amazing how much smoke she can get into her poor lung from a cigarette and then as she exhaled, she gently removed my hand from her crutch and stood up. She giggled and swayed too as she tried and failed to rearrange and straightened her skirt, she span it around three times. All three of them were "fucked" they had been drinking a lot of wine all evening!

D quickly (she never leisurely smokes- it's almost as if it's a race...) finished her cigarette as she leaned against the table for support as F returned from the bathroom D thanked her mom and F and said good night then promptly took me by the hand and again, she almost dragged me to her bedroom. Okay, I helped her... She closed the door and kissed me hard, as the kiss broke again, I made the mistake of saying how "smoky" she tasted. She had literally just exhaled her last cigarette less than 30 seconds ago, and it was a legitimate statement. She rather tipsily but cutely almost romantically and asked me if I liked the taste of her. I could help but politely nod as I knew that I was about to have sex and there was no way on earth, I was going to criticise her. And before I could properly answer she had dropped to the floor on her knees in front of my and had opened the fly of my shorts. Readers she tugged at my semi that had been bouncing against my jeans for most of the evening and then lovingly kissed it and caressed it, it wasn't long until it was extremely hard! She was about to give me BJ with her mom and friend just metres away the other side of the door! WOW.

After a few minutes of playing, she twigged through the drunken haze what she needed to do she was practically inhaling my cock, and with a squeeze of my balls, my load swiftly came in her mouth! She didn't flinch or spit, she swallowed! As a girlfriend she is absolutely amazing!!!! She looked up at me lovingly and smiled.

She then pulled down my trousers and boxers, I stepped out of them she then pulled me towards the bed and lifted her skirt up above her waist and fell on the bed and smiled drunkenly at me "your turn!" she grinned.

D then quietly explained to me exactly what she wanted me to do to her she was focused and very much in the zone, I pulled down her grey with some sort of print on her granny style knickers, clearly Reader she wasn't planning on this earlier today...the gusset was evidently dark with her moisture as you could see where my fingers had been pushing the fabric in to her . She then asked me to kiss her thighs and my mouth worked its way up her toned legs until my nose reached her trimmed bush, she told me exactly where she wanted my tongue, and she pushed my head and closer and deeper and wiggled and moaned and then I clearly made her come!  She panted hard and made a deep guttural noise as a stemmed scream. 

She pulled me up for a hug and as I hovered over her, she toyed with my cock until it was hard again, and it wasn't very long until I entered her extremely moist vagina. Readers pardon my language but Fuck this was an amazing night! She was sooo wet and juicy, I sadly came again far too quickly for the enjoyment levels and rolled off her sweaty and clammy, boy this had been unexpected, amazing evening!

D panting rolled on to her side and gently coughed a couple of times- I only say this because it was noticeable I guess she had been smoking A LOT of unfiltered cigarettes during the evening and then just had the most amazing passionate sex...she then mentioned needing to go for a piss and rolled out of bed and scampered butt naked out the door. She was longer than I thought, it was difficult not to just fall asleep into a post cum high, but then as I really should have expected I had actually thought about it, she came back carrying what she probably actually wanted! A pack of cigarettes and lighter...

I shuffled up in bed as she sat very much naked on the edge of the bed with her legs crossed, almost hunched over, she is so skinny her vertebra where poking through her back as she bent over and lit the cigarette, she took two long deep drags and then straightened out for one big exhale, followed by another deep inhale before she had the breath to speak to me and straightened up as she exhaled and flicked the ash in to the ashtray on her bedside table. I am sure that the ashtray wasn't there the other day. Guess Readers that is all part of her smoker's journey?

The first thing she said to me after exhaling the third large cloud of smoke up to the ceiling was "Don't look at me like that" -how else was I meant to look at her, I was patiently waiting for her to talk as "she got her breath back?" She explained that she was afraid that she was very much addicted to smoking. You could see the fear in her eyes as a tear trickled out the corner of eye and down her nose as she spoke; she sniffed, coughed, and then said, "I am so sorry you have now got a smoker for girlfriend." - At least she confirmed she was my girlfriend- She then dragged hard again on the cigarette. "I can't deny it any longer!" she said as the waterworks started up and the tears poured down her face.

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