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But I Don't Smoke - Simon's Story


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Anyway, when D's post swim cigarette was stubbed out, I quickly suggested before she was offered the pack and yet another cigarette that we really should just slope off on our own. She quickly agreed and after we both had a swig of water from the bottle to wash her throat of smoke. We got up and hand in hand- romantic hey? Walked along the beach and discussed how pretty it was. We were walking along in just our swimming stuff. It was extremely romantic. Eventually we got hot again, the sun had come out from behind a cloud, and it was such a sunny day, and conveniently for me this happened just as we reached the secluded end of the beach, everyone else was much further up the beach near the bars and ice creams so we headed on our own into the water.

OMG it was amazing, she hugged, splashed each other and then Reader's things got excited. She is definitely no prude. Standing there with the water sploshing around us, she started groping my erect penis through my shorts. Her bikini bottoms had the strings on the side, I smiled at her and gently teased at them between kisses, it didn't take long for them to fall off . Readers she has a neatly shaven largish runway down there. Also, the collar does almost match the cuff-nice little dark blonde curls down there! I couldn't help but look! She squealed and gently thumped me before she grabbed her bottoms before they floated off. The apology came as she pressed her bikini top covered breasts hard against my chest and kissed me deeply. Readers her breasts must be B or C cup, they are not huge, but a nice handful. If time could have stopped there and then, I would have demanded it. Sun, water, and a sexy girlfriend- What more does a man need in his life?

I was rather tempted to drop my shorts but as the kiss finished, she smiled at me and as a large wave broke over us and after she had squealed from the wave she said with her eyes sparkling and water dripping off her nose "I will ask my Mom if you can over for dinner tomorrow night, after that you know we can spend some time alone in the bedroom?" It was said with a wry smile, which readers could only mean one thing!!!!

She was standing there in the water in front of me with her bikini bottoms in her hand, saying we could spend some time alone in her bed- Let's all hope it's a double. 

"Are you sure your mom would allow that?" I asked to get confirmation and she replied that she will be.

I was grinning like a Cheshire cat. And yes, my swimming shorts were up like a two-man tent. I pulled her close and kissed her as I had a quick squeeze of her bare backside before suggesting that she put her bottoms back on before leaving the water and after a bit of faffing with the waves and strings we then we headed arm in arm back to the others. Again, we received some wolf whistles, but apart from that they ignored our return.

No sooner had D sat down on the towel, had she accepted yet another cigarette from T, to be fair to her it must have been nearly an hour that we down the other end of the beach and she will have "needed it" the cigarette I am guessing. The cigarette was lit quickly and then (sadly for me!) she straightened her bikini bottoms out a bit more and with her index finger deftly flicked out her camel toe just as if nothing had happened between us down the other end of the beach. They then we all just sat there and continued to chat and of course the girls smoked.

After their final swim/splashing session they had their last cigarette, or in T's case two as they packed up and cleaned all their rubbish and considerately picked up the tens of cigarette butts off their bit of the beach, putting them in a bin and we set off home.

I dropped D off at her place with a kiss and then watched as she almost sprinted into her house, I then headed home for my own shower. About 20 minutes later, as I got home, my phone vibrated, I got the text saying 'All good for tomorrow night, and it's very much my turn to undo your shorts! D Xxx '

24 th July

Readers, finally after what seems like months, we are now we in for the juicy bit of the story with my smoking hot girlfriend- I guess I need to check that we are boyfriend and girlfriend, I am sort of accepting we are. I keep saying we are, and I think we can say that we are!

Either way as I rocked up her place, she was still in the bathroom getting ready, I stood there a little awkwardly with her mom. Even she stylishly had a cigarette hanging out the corner of her mouth- yes Readers I did write that! You can definitely see where D gets it from; I am getting worried that I can say that it looks good. Only a few weeks ago I used to think it was the worst thing on the planet making girls look cheap and awful. Anyway, as I had to wait, D's Mom suggested that D had only just got back from the gym.

Of course she had.

I used that time and looked around the house briefly, it was nice, you could tell it was a smoker's house; there was glass ashtrays dotted around the place almost every single one had a brown stained butt surrounded by a black ocean of ash in it.

Her mom offered me a beer whilst I waited. I accepted and D eventually came out of her bedroom and her mom offered us both a beer and she even turned the cigarette pack around towards D, she clearly rolled eyes! She was refusing to smoke at home. So confusing or what? It's obvious her mom clearly knows she smokes. And is allowing her to do so...She just offered her a cigarette! D refused to take it, even when she is just about to have a beer!?! It can't be that she is being considerate towards me. As I said yesterday D and her friends lay there on the beach and smoked like they were coal powered power plants with me there?

Anyway, I think to get us out of the kitchen and to have some 'us time' her mom then suggested that whilst we wait for dinner to be cooked that we headed out the back with the beers on to the sun loungers.

We pulled the chairs closer together sat out there with the nice cold beers, again she took my hand and placed on her upper thigh, and just as with previous meet ups she let me explore under her skirt, I must admit I did double and triple check around us to make sure her mom wasn't watching too closely as my pinkie stroked her.

Readers here is the big surprize.

The little hussy was commando under the short skirt. What a tease! Clearly hadn't bothered to put some on after her shower. It was just so frustrating that we couldn't do anything until later, so I kept my hand high up on her thigh and my fingers reciprocated the tormenting with my little finger gently stroking her short pubes as we chatted and sipped our beers. You should have seen her wicked grin when I got to a coarser one and it tickled her. 

Readers I was sitting there enjoying myself chatting as she discussed her deliveries and how her day went, I must admit I felt sorry for her mom trying to cook one handed. However, the resulting food was delicious. We came in from outside, her mom opened a bottle of wine for the three of us and I sat there with a glass of wine, amazing food and girlfriend playing footsie beside me.

When we had finished the food, I was gentlemanly and helped do the dishes and tidy up the table.

D then smiled and nodded a sort of no so secret code at her mom that we were going to shortly disappear, I nervously waved goodnight- it was like only nine and still very much daylight! D then literally grabbed my hand and dragged me in to her bedroom.

She stood there and grinning at me very quickly unzipped and dropped her skirt to the floor. This was even before the bedroom door had even closed properly. We kissed passionately and then she took my hand and pulled me to the bed, you could see clear tan lines from her bikini bottoms across her cute bottom; it is a really lovely firm 'edible' arse.

I digress readers, she lifted up her top dropped it on the floor and then unhooked her lace green bra and then stood there naked whilst looking at me, before she pulled me on top of her. We kissed we fondled we wiggled, and I battled to get my clothes off. Before I entered her, she did stop me and asked for protection, she had a pack squirreled in her beside draw.

We sat cross legged on the bed smiling cheesily and nervously at each other on the bed as I slid it on. Then we paused and then giggled at each other she pulled me on top we kissed, and boy was she moist I was soon very deep inside her, she was so wonderfully wet. Readers she had been wanting me as much as I had her.

It was clumsy, it was our first time together, but very much enjoyable  we lay there with her on my chest, we were both breathing heavily, and I admitted to her I was infatuated with her and very much falling in love with her. She smiled at me and admitted that she was having exactly the same thoughts and snuggled deeper into my chest.

The conversation meandered between how much we 'loved' each other, interspersed with kisses, we briefly mentioned that we were both leaving for college soon. Those thoughts were then ignored, and we kissed again. Sadly, as Monday was her "busy" day at work lighting cigarettes for her mom, at about 2 in the morning I rolled out of bed, quietly got dressed and slipped out the house. Readers, it must be said here I volunteered to leave, I wasn't thrown out!

Readers she managed to go the whole evening without a cigarette. I really don't get her, some days she has a white stick almost permanently superglued between her fingers, other days I don't see one at all. It's all rather confusing!

Either way, I rolled out of bed at about two in the morning, and scarpered, I didn't want to face her mom at breakfast after having amazing sex with her daughter...not just after the first time!

25 th July

Spoke for like an hour with D on the phone, she had done her deliveries with her mom in the morning, and now her mom was going to pick up her friend from the airport. We agreed to meet up in town the evening. Trying to be creative I took her to the cinema, a bit gutted she was wearing jeans, but she stated it was always cold in the cinema, with their over enthusiastic air conditioning. Readers, it has to be said that her legs and bum, do still look extremely impressive in skin tight jeans. I think it makes her legs even longer. She is so lovely to look at.

She chose to watch a cheesy romantic film; well one has to when you are both trying to be cheesy and romantic?

I was half expecting her to stop outside and smoke a cigarette before sitting down for what could be two hours of a movie, but no, she didn't. Women can be confusing, can't they!

We bought the customary large cokes and far too big a carton of popcorn which we had practically eaten before the trailers had really finished!

Once the movie was finished I was sort of hoping to get back to her place again, even though it was good film she was a little grouchy with me as we left the cinema and on the drive home with everything I suggested wasn't right, we did agree that we would meet up maybe later in the week and as I dropped her off at home we had a very quick, but passionate goodbye kiss.

Hot and cold, smoking or not, she is confusing. Readers, do I continue with this strange relationship?

Let's see how things are later in the week!

30 th July

Date Night 2 

Sorry haven't updated you for a while, well I didn't get an opportunity to meet D, but we have been sneaking time mainly on Facetime together as I have been busy in the evening with my job and during the day she is busy still lighting cigarettes for her mom by day. I genuinely think she has a rather cushy job of being chief cigarette lighter to her mom, not sure its "good" for her, but she is happy! Not quite sure how she writes it down on her CV. 

Anyway, all I can say is a week is clearly a long time with D and her smoking "journey". It's like a cork has popped! On Sunday night I didn't see her even look for a cigarette once. Tonight, it was date night, I picked her up in the car, with all intentions of leaving the car in the carpark as I wanted drink more than one beer, you could tell she was distracted or missing something. She looked absolutely gorgeous, and she smelt delicious. She had clearly just put some really nice perfume on- I think I could smell strawberries or something fruity. Her top really showed off her amazing firm breasts and muscular arms, it was a bonus when she leaned forward to either drink or light her cigarettes (yes, she was), you could just about see the silly little pink bow they put on the middle of bras down the V of her top.

As I drove her along, she was fidgeting the whole way to the restaurant. It was like she was desperate to go for a piss. I actually asked her if she wanted a comfort break as we passed a McDonalds, but she laughed and told me she was fine.

It became clear of her fidgeting when she subtly suggested when we arrived at the restaurant that as we were both going to be having a glass of wine or two that we should definitely sit outside. The unopened cigarette pack was out of her bag like a shot. I am not sure I really clocked her when she physically opening the bag and retrieving the pack, but suddenly it was there sitting on the table in front of her. She looked at me and with semi raised eyebrow with amazing, cute smile, her bright freshly painted red lips and perfect white teeth below her wonderful nose sort of asking me permission for her to smoke. I grinned back at her and just had to nod. I wasn't really going to stop her- was I?

The cellophane was off the pack, and it was opened extremely quickly, my god readers you should have seen her cheeks collapse around the cigarette. Her face almost looked like a hourglass her cheeks went in so far. I guess she was extremely desperate for it, whatever "it" is mind you, that is for sure! I think tonight she confirmed to me that she was certainly my 'smoking' hot girlfriend.

The waitress served us quickly and promptly, and after a couple of glasses of wine it got a little distracting for me, the waitress had- sorry D- rather large nice-looking breasts and her lace décor of her white bra and underwire was visible in the little gap between her black work shirt buttons. Plus when she walked away she had an equally large "grab-able" arse. With more than a hint of her large cut knicker VPL in her tight black trousers. I had to make sure I didn't stare too long, I am rather lucky that D is so pretty to look at, and such an interesting person to talk to!

I splashed out. We had a three-course meal, which highlighted her "new" routine that I discovered this evening. It meant that D lit a cigarette as soon as the plates were cleared; at least she wasn't smoking whilst we were eating, and that was considerate of her. But you see what I mean readers about her "journey": on Sunday we had two courses with her mom- who kept smoking not caring that I was with them, and D didn't even flinch for single one. Tonight, the pack was open in front of her, and cigarette removed and lit at every opportunity.

For a "non-smoker" you should see how much smoke D takes into her lungs, she drags for what seems like ages before holding it for a second or two and then exhaling what seems like less smoke than went it. I have to admit it's impressive to watch, but you do have to feel concerned to what she is doing to her poor lungs! She is of course adamant that she is going to quit this smoking thing as soon as her mom doesn't need her help.

We finished the desert, and she had another cigarette -think we have to be truthful here- she definitely had two cigarettes back-to-back as she then had one with her post meal cocktail. Readers when she starts smoking, getting up a head of steam in train parlance, it's clear she doesn't stop. Thinking back to the other day we now have to say she is no longer a non-smoker, or even a social smoker. Do we say she must be definitely defined as a confirmed smoker?

I was gentlemanly and paid up and then arm in arm with yet another of her cigarettes between her fingers we walked the short distance down the road to the bars. It was obvious that our mutual friends were well on their 'way' from the empties on the table. It was clear that this was their second or more likely third round.

Amongst the girls there was a fuss over the pack that D was smoking, and they all had to try one. I haven't seen such a commotion over a pack since they brought out the limited edition Tangfastics at school.

The conclusion was that whatever D was smoking was stronger than what her friends T and A where smoking. A cigarette is a cigarette? Isn't it? Readers I think I have got some learning to do!

The conversation drifted around to the fact that everyone was going to different colleges at the end of the summer. I tried to assist by saying that everyone still meets up at Christmas, Easter, and summer holidays, but that didn't stop the group being a little sad. There wasn't a moment for the rest of the evening that the girls didn't have a cigarette lit. As soon as one was stubbed out another was lit. Well except when they had to go to the bathroom inside of course, but they smoked up a storm.

I was as expected far too drunk to even consider driving home, so booked an Uber. We sat in the back seat of the cab her hand was on my legs and mine was again up touching her inner moist crotch. She does seem to like me doing that.  She practically dragged me in to the house as quietly as possible as to not wake her mom. She kissed me passionately against the kitchen table, as it squeaked against the floor as our weight went against it, we both stopped and laughed before 'shushing' each other, she then led me into the bedroom.

The sex was drunk, but passionate and hot. The key thing it was ultimately loving and amazing. I was so clammy once I came. I really needed a shower before I fell asleep. I crept out of bed and borrowed her towel and showered. I came back to find her sitting on the bed just stubbing out yet another "last" cigarette of the day out. Not sure how many 'last' cigarettes a girl needs before going to bed? But maybe the same can be said for me and pints of beer!

Goodness knows how many she smoked that evening it seemed like hundreds! We fell fast asleep spooned up in a hug. Her hair stank of all the cigarettes she had smoked, with a fading hint of the strawberry shampoo, it was sort of pleasant, it's certainly her smell now, and maybe readers I can admit I am rather getting used it.

31 st July

So, Readers we woke up, my morning glory hard between her pert buttocks, she wiggled off and rolled over smiled and let me enter her. She shushed me a couple of times and looked towards the door. Yes, her mom was probably having breakfast, but it was almost has she had been distracted, it wasn't like last night where her focus was completely on me.

Readers, it didn't take long until I came, and she kissed me then sort of pushed me out of bed, she didn't want to stay and hug, she pulled on her large t-shirt nighty that was on the floor and looked at me to get dressed. I hurriedly picked up and threw on last night's clothes and followed her out the door.

It was very different to the sensual hugs and kisses we had before finally going to sleep, that was certain.

She pulled me out into the kitchen and was almost presented to her mom, it was just missing the magician's wave and "taadaa". I will confirm I double checked my fly to make sure I wasn't hanging out! Her mom was sitting at the kitchen table with a recently lit cigarette between her fingers and the smoke of recently stubbed out cigarette still streaming from the ashtray. She also had her breakfast a cup of coffee. I really needed one too. But Readers don't say it too loudly even her mom is a good looker ;).

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