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But It Happened Years Ago

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Proud but helpless Father gets the last word.
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Jerry Kilroy answered his cell, "Hello?"

"Jerry! Its me."

It was Kelly, Jerry's older sister. She sounded tense.

"Hi Kelly. What's the matter?"

"Its Dad. He's taken a turn for the worse. I had to call you."

Jerry cringed. His Father just turned 68 when he suffered a heart attack three months ago. He had a successful triple bypass operation, stayed in the hospital for a week and then was discharged when he stabilized.

"What happened?" Jerry asked. "He was fine when I was there."

"I know. But, its...he's gone into a depression. The Doctor said he had a stroke."

"A stroke! Oh shit." Jerry cried. "But just last week the Doctor was sure he was doing well. I thought he recovered and was doing well at home."

"He is home. I mean, at Uncle Tony's of course. The stroke was supposedly a minor one, but with his bad health even a minor stroke is serious."

"Oh yeah...thank god it wasn't worse." He replied. He knew his folks moved in with their friends the Blaylocks after his surgery.

His Father had always been the stronger partner in their marriage. He was the rock that his emotionally fragile Mother held onto. Jerry remembered from a young age that Mom never handled stress very well. So when her husband went down with a heart attack, it was no surprise she turned to her old friend Agnes Blaylock and her husband Anthony.

Though not related by blood, they've been family friends forever. Jerry, Kelly and his other sister Katie, considered the Blaylocks almost part of the family. They all grew up calling them Uncle Tony and his wife Aunt Agnes.

"Yeah. Its bad Jerry. I've never seen him like this. Can you come back. Dad really needs us right now, Mother too."

"I'm sure they do." He agreed. "All right, let me get things sorted out with Olivia. I'm not sure she can get more time off from her job though. It might just be me coming back."

"Okay. Hurry if you can. Dad's not doing well."

"How's Mom doing?"

There was a pause before Kelly replied tentatively, "She's okay."

That sounded weird, Jerry thought. He expected her to explain further. Instead there was another long pause before Kelly said in a serious tone, "There's something I need to talk to you about. It's pretty important."

"Really? What's that?"

"I don't want to talk about it on the phone. I'll see you when you get here. Just text me before you arrive. I need to speak to you in private first, before we see Dad."

"That sounds mysterious. You can't give me a hint?"

"Just come soon. I'll fill you in when you get here."

"Okay. See you in a few days then."

"Thanks Jerry. We really appreciate it. I can't wait to see you."

"Me too Kelly. See you soon."

Jerry hung up. That was a strange ending to their conversation. He couldn't imagine what she needed to tell him that she could say on the phone. He'd just have to find out later.

Jerry knew his Dad's health hasn't been good lately. He never was much for going to a gym, and he didn't have an exercise routine. He did work hard over the years though as an auto mechanic. He was drafted right out of high school, trained in the service and fixed military vehicles during his tour in the Vietnam war.

Despite being in a non-combat role, Frank Kilroy was always proud of his military service. He never talked about it with anyone out side the family. Even with the family it was only rare occasions when he'd mention something about it. If asked, he always said it was his duty to serve and made him proud to do so.

Once Jerry asked if he was ever tempted to evade the draft. He said it as a joke to jerk his Dad's chain a little. The harsh glare and the firm, "Never! Not in this damn life!", his Dad shot back made it clear that was never an option. Jerry never joked about it again.

Jerry did know a bit about his time in Vietnam. Frank was stationed away from the main combat areas. But apparently not far enough, because after a couple years he was involved in a fire fight. He was seriously wounded when an explosion sent shrapnel into his neck and legs.

The neck injury cleared up, but his leg injury was complicated. He has walked with a pronounced limp ever since. Frank finished his four year tour in a hospital bed in Saigon, before being shipped back to the States. It was a few years later when he met Edith his wife. They married and had Kelly right away. Two years later they had Katie.

They decided that the two girls were enough. So Edith went on the pill and for the next ten years they were a family of four. It was a surprise to find that Edith had gotten pregnant again when she was in her mid thirties. Along came their accidental pill baby Jerry, who they loved as much as the other two kids, despite it being a surprise.

When she got home from work, Jerry informed his wife Olivia of his Father's failing health. As expected she'd already used up all of her vacation days on their last visit to see his Dad. She couldn't afford to take anymore time off. So Jerry took a few days off next week, left his home on Friday night after work, loaded the car and kissed his wife good bye. It was a four hour drive to his home town, but he was in a hurry and tried to get there quicker.

A few miles away from his destination he text his sister.

A text came back, "Meet me at Kasson's Diner. You know where right?"

Jerry text back, "Yeah. 20 minutes."

Kelly was already in a booth waiting and waved him over. Her light brown hair and fair features reminded him of their Mother, who was a natural blonde. Katie favored her too, with light hair and a fair complexion.

Jerry always felt he favored his Father, although he was taller than Dad and had darker hair. He was also more muscular than his father, had dark hair, almost black, and could grow a beard in a couple weeks. Even when he shaved in the morning, he had a distinct five o'clock shadow by the time he got home from work.

Kelly jumped from her seat and they exchanged a warm hug and kiss.

"Glad you came Jerry."

"Of course. I want to help."

Jerry noticed the worry in her face. Something serious was bothering her. They ordered coffee and the each had a pastry. When the waitress left Kelly gave her younger brother a sober look and quickly lowered her gaze.

"I don't know how to tell you this..." She said, staring at the table, biting her lip.

"Just say it Kelly. I know its bothering you."

"All right." She took a deep breath and exhaled. "Jerry, there's something you don't know about our family. It involves Uncle Tony."


"You remember that Mom and the Blaylocks are friends from college."

"I knew that."

"Mom and Aunt Agnes used to room together. They all went to the same college and that's where they met Uncle Tony."

"I know that too. A couple years after college Mom met Dad at some party, and here we are. So what?"

"Well, they've all been friends ever since. Mom and Dad married, and a few years later Tony and Agnes married too."

"Yeah. Mom was Agnes' maid of honor."

"Right. I don't know if you know this. Before you were born, Dad had to leave town for a few months to take some classes at that Mechanic's school. He was new in the company and the classes were pretty far from home. The company said he could only come home once during that training session, and only for a couple days. He used his Veteran's benefit to pay for it. During that time he was away, it seemed Mom got depressed and went a little nuts."

"Nuts? What's that mean?"

Kelly shook her head and blurted out, "She did something stupid Jerry. She had an affair with Tony."

"WHAT!" He cried a little too loud. Other patrons looked over so he tried to control his voice and said in a lower tone. "Mom? She had an affair? With Uncle Tony? What the hell!"

"Yep. Mom's an idiot all right. I know that now."

Jerry sat back in his seat and tried to recover from this unexpected news. His Mother cheated on his Father with Tony Blaylock? Unbelievable.

"When did you find out?" He asked her.

Kelly glanced away looking guilty. "I've known about it almost from the beginning."

"How is that possible?"

"I knew she was seeing him when Dad was away at that school. She'd get a baby sitter for us and he'd pick her up at the house. She said they were going out for dinner or to a show. Dad and Tony were friends and he was always at our house anyway. I just thought he was being friendly at the time, trying to cheer her up because Mom was so sad with Dad gone."

"You didn't think it weird for him to pick her up and take her to dinner? Where was Agnes by the way?"

"At the time I didn't think it was unusual." Kelly said, earnestly trying to make him understand. "Agnes was with him a few times. So she was no doubt aware what was going on. They'd show up at the house to collect Mom, and they'd all be laughing and chattering happily as they left. It seemed pretty innocent. There were other times when he'd come over to the house alone, and do some small task Mom needed done. I thought it was just a friend helping her out while Dad was away. That's all I thought it was at the time and Mom let me think that. I didn't figure out she was cheating with him until I was in high school."

"It took you that long?"

"I'm sorry Jerry. I should have said something to you before now. But I guess I was pretty gullible back then. I know better now."

"Don't let it bother you Kelly. You were just a kid and didn't know better."

There was a pause before Jerry asked, "So I take it Katie knows too?"

She shot him a sad look. "I can't have any secrets from her. You know, sisters."

"Yeah. I get that."

Jerry's mind was spinning with the news. He never expected anything like this. He watched his older sister squirming in her seat, her eyes darting around as she took another breath. That was a bad sign.

"There's more isn't there?"

"Yeah. Unfortunately." She replied sadly. "This is really hard. I hate to tell you this. But I'm not going to sugar coat it. There's been too many secrets already."

She looked straight at his face and stated flatly, "Jerry, I'm not sure Dad's your biological Father."

"What? Me? Holy shit! Really?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry. I think you might be Uncle Tony's biological son."

Kelly's voice broke as she made her statement. Then she broke down and her hands went to her face. She began to sob a little as she looked at her dark haired brother who was flabbergasted.

"You're kidding. You must be. My god." A tear came to his eye and he quickly wiped it away before she saw it.

"No. But I wish I was." She replied sniffling. "I'm not sure though. I hope I'm wrong. I spoke to Mom about it the other day. She said she doesn't know for sure either. But she thinks it was Tony that got her pregnant back then. You came along a little more than 9 months after they already started their affair. And your resemblance to Tony is too much to deny. Dad never mentioned it, so I don't think he realized the possibility until..."

It took Kelly a moment to stop sniffling and speak. "...until Mom let the cat out of the bag a few weeks ago. What a silly bitch she is. He was still recuperating from his heart attack when she told him about her affair. Ever since Dad's been super depressed. That's probably why he had the stroke, because he took the news so hard."

"Shit." Jerry snapped angrily. "I know he's crushed. Damn her. After all this time why the hell did Mom have to open her big mouth, especially with him in such a fragile state?"

"It was probably a medication mix up." Kelly said. "That's what we all think. Mom's been on anti depressant medication for a while. You know how she is. But she got a new doctor recently. I think she met him in the hospital when Dad was having his operation."

"A new Doctor? For what?"

"Oh, I don't know. Mom's always been a hypochondriac. She was hanging around the hospital and no doubt met a bunch of Doctors there. She must have talked one into taking her on as a patient. I imagine she didn't tell him all of the medication she was taking at the time, because he got her a new prescription for her nerves, and unfortunately it conflicted with some of what she was already taking. It made her somewhat delusional and she blurted out the whole story to Dad during an argument they had."

Jerry sat back in his seat stunned, his mind working overtime trying to absorb all this new disturbing information.

"So he might not be my real Dad?" Jerry sighed pensively.

"NO! He IS your real Dad!" Kelly exclaimed. "My god Jerry, don't ever think different, please!"

"I know. I know. Of course he is." He replied sheepishly. "You're absolutely right Kelly. He's my Dad and I love him. Whether he's my bio Dad or not, I know he loves me, he's always loved me. He'll always be my real Dad."

"Thank you." Kelly sniffled, reaching across the table to hold his hands. For a few poignant moments brother and sister held hands and shared their grief. Kelly hated to tell her brother the truth. But he needed to know.

After a few moments Jerry said shaking his head, "But what a mess this is. Tony's a jerk to take advantage of her, and Mom's an idiot. Poor Dad. I can only imagine how he feels about her betrayal. His family's everything to him. I can't believe Mom could be so incredibly stupid. A secret she held for decades is suddenly blurted out when Dad's fighting for his life. What's the chance of that?"

"He didn't take it well at all."

"So what's the status now? Is he still at the Blaylocks?"

"Yes. For the time being anyway. I can only imagine he hates it, living under the same roof as his wife's former Lover. But he's pretty helpless and Mom won't go home to take care of him. She said she's upset and needs Tony's help..."

Kelly added in a bitter tone, "...and of course old Uncle Tony is only too happy to help."

She swallowed to quell her bitterness and continued, "But as you would expect Dad hates him now. He made that plain enough to Tony. And he won't let Mom help him with anything, or Agnes either."

"So how is he making it?"

"Not well at all. Of course he needs help. Without Mom stepping up, there wasn't anyone else, so he was taken to the Blaylock's. Tony gave him his own room in his house, and hired a nurse to take care of him. He has a physical therapist too. Of course Tony can afford it."

"Yeah. The fucker's loaded. We all know that."

"Its so sad Jerry. I've been over to see him regularly. But he doesn't want to talk to me or Katie either. I think he found out we knew but didn't tell him. Now he feels that the whole family betrayed him. He's so down that I nearly cry when I see him."

"I can imagine. The poor guy. What a sick payback for all his hard work. He's been a faithful husband and great Dad all his life. Honest, hard working, a great provider, and look how that turned out. Shit."

Brother and sister sat staring at the table, deep in thought. After a bit Kelly looked across the table to hold her brother's gaze.

"I know this is a shock to you. I hated to tell you." She admitted. "But I love you Jerry. We all do. Don't think this changes anything between us. Katie knows I'm talking to you and she says the same. She couldn't be here right now. She'll be around tomorrow. She sends her love by the way."

"Thanks Kelly. You'll always be my sister no matter what, Katie too."

Kelly signaled for the check and asked him, "You ready to go visit Dad?"

"Yes. I really need to see him and help him if I can. I just hope he doesn't take this too hard. You know how he is."

"Yes. He always had a hard core sense of justice. Its either right or wrong with him, no middle ground. That's why he's so hurt. He can't accept Mom's apology or her reasons why she carried on like that. He is a broken man Jerry. I don't think he's said three words to Mom since they had it out. And he just glares at Tony."

"I can't blame him, even after all this time." He said, "Mom's known about her affair for decades, but for Dad its still a fresh wound in his heart. The love he thought Mom had for him is now tarnished forever."

"Hmph. Mom sure doesn't feel that way." Kelly said sarcastically. "She acts like she just told him she banged up the car. Mom says her affair is all in the past and that she hasn't been with Tony in years. She doesn't understand why he's taking it so hard. I told her that the fact that her affair's been over for a while isn't any less hurtful to Dad. It just hit him a short time ago and he's still smarting. He's still super upset."

Jerry and Kelly drove separately. As they entered the long driveway, Jerry took in the familiar sight of the Blaylock's large home. It was a two story mini mansion, with a huge landscaped yard, a pool and a circular flower garden. Uncle Tony owned three car dealerships and a few other businesses. His home was a symbol of wealth in this small community.

Frank Kilroy and Anthony Blaylock made an unusual pair of friends. Tony's business success, contrasted by the Kilroy's modest financial situation made their friendship over the years unlikely. Of course, now that Jerry knew about Tony and his mother's affair, it made a lot more sense.

Jerry and Kelly were met at the door by a somber looking Aunt Agnes. Kelly and Agnes hugged and kissed, then Jerry hugged the older woman. The hug was stiff and was awkward when they pulled away. She was still a handsome woman, slim, dressed nicely, with her silver hair fixed perfectly.

"Thanks for coming Jerry." Agnes told him earnestly. "I hope seeing you here will cheer up your Dad."

"I hope so too."

As they were led into the living room, Uncle Tony appeared. He stood over six foot tall and his thick bulk was dressed in an expensive silk suit. On his feet were patent leather shoes that looked expensive. Smiling confidently the older man stepped forward, hugged Kelly and shook Jerry's hand. Jerry took note of his slicked back, black hair speckled with grey. It gave him a distinguished look.

"Good to see you again Jerry." Tony said with a smile. "I wish the circumstances were better. But I'm really glad you're here."

"Me too...Tony." Jerry was about to call him Uncle Tony, but held back.

"Would either of you like a drink?"

"No thanks." Kelly answered and Jerry just shook his head.

"Where's Dad?" He asked.

"In the den." Tony said, proudly pointing to a large room. "We fixed it up special for him when he was discharged. Full featured hospital bed, motorized wheel chair, the works. Anything he needs just ask."

"Sure thing."

Jerry and Kelly left the tall man and went to the former den. Jerry was shocked at how small and helpless his Father looked. The sturdy, confident man he looked up to his whole life was a shrunken shell of what he used to be. His head hung to the side as he gazed apathetically at his visitors. He was in his wheel chair by the window. Jerry walked over and hugged him. Frank raised up his arm that still worked and gave his son a weak handshake.

"Hi Dad. Sorry to see you had a relapse." Jerry said trying to start a conversation.

Frank nodded limply. His face showed no emotion but his eyes were locked onto his son's face. He tried to say something but the words came out garbled.

Jerry leaned closer to hear the man's weak statement. He started to pull away at first, nodding as if he understood. But Frank held on determinedly to his son's hand, struggling to repeat himself many times before he saw a bit of recognition in Jerry's eyes. During their stilted conversation Tony and Agnes had left the room to give them privacy.

Jerry finally figured out he was telling him that he loved him and he would always be his son. Jerry felt tears coming to his eyes. He heard a sniffle next to him and glanced at Kelly. She heard what Frank said and started to cry, covering her face with her hands. Jerry started to get choked up too.


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