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But What If I Like It? By I.A.2

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A wife enjoying sex with a well hung man.
9.9k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 09/11/2022
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That is the question my wife Donna asked me. Little did I know how giving her an honest answer would change our lives. I had been trying to get her to have sex with other men, well hung men to be exact. Off and on for a few years by the time she asked me the question. We had been married for twenty-seven years when she asked me this.

It all started one day when I found a copy of Penthouse Letters. I read the stories in that issue a dozen times.

When the next issue came out, I bought it, this continued for a year and a half. At that point I realized the only stories I was reading where about wives that were having sex with other men. The ones I enjoyed the most were ones in which the husband gave his approval for his wife to enjoy sexual pleasure from other men.

I further came to see a pattern that these husbands wanted their wives to have sex with very well-hung men. And wives that were enjoying having sex with these men with huge cocks like it much more than they ever did with their husbands.

Then one day I found that as I was reading about a husband watching his wife being fucked by a guy with a thick ten-inch cock. I was picturing Donna, as that woman enjoying his big cock, as she had one orgasm after another. The more I read these stories the more I wanted my wife to know the pleasure she could enjoy having sex with a very well-endowed man.

My problem was how to bring this up with my wife and then get her to try it. So, like a fool I just went ahead and told her that I would like to watch her having sex with a guy with a big cock, that I thought she would enjoy it.

At first, she just laughed at me, then when I said I was serious, she didn't talk to me for a week. Two weeks after that I tried again, same result.

I let it go for a couple of months, then tried again. This went on for a year before she finally started to answer me.

She would say: "If you loved me, you wouldn't ask me to do that. You are all the man I need. A good wife only has sex with her husband." Or my favorite: "You only want me to do this so you are free to fuck other women."

What I didn't know at the time was, a couple Ted and Connie we were friends with, were into wife swapping. They had been trying to get Donna to give it a try. They wanted Donna to bring me to one of their parties. That as long as I was getting to enjoy one of the other wives, that I would be all for it.

Donna had refused them and when I brought up the subject of her having sex with well-hung men. She thought our friends were now going through me to get her into wife swapping.

After Ted and Connie moved away. The next time I asked her to have sex with a guy with a big cock.

Donna told me: "I thought that you had been saying that because you wanted to swap wives with Ted, Connie, and their friends."

I asked her: "What are you talking about?"

That is when she told me: "They are into wife swapping."

I told her: "I didn't know that. How did you find out?"

Donna said: "Connie called me one Saturday afternoon when you were golfing to come over and let myself in that she was down in the playroom. When I stepped through the door to the playroom the light was dim. I asked her to turn up the light. When the lights got bright, I saw Ted naked getting a blowjob from a woman I didn't know and Connie was being fucked by one guy while she was blowing another. A guy came up behind me and reached around and grabbed my tits."

Next, she said: "Ted told me two of the wives had to work so we are short on pussy and he had always wanted to fuck me."

Donna told me: "I stomped my shoe on the bare foot of the guy behind me and pulled away. Ted moved away from the woman blowing him and I saw his cock. He is very well hung and I had thought Ted was the guy you wanted me to have sex with,"

I remembered one day after golf years earlier when I found her crying.

She said: "I never wanted to see Ted and Connie again. They are not really our friends."

But she wouldn't tell me what happened. I few weeks later Donna ran into Connie,

Connie told her: "I am sorry but I really thought you would be into it."

Donna asked her: "What gave you that idea?"

She told me: "Connie said to my wife: "You use to flash your tits for beads at festivals and entered wet tee-shirt contest and would be one of the first to take your top off. With very little coaxing.

My wife is very well endowed with 40 DD tits. Donna has never been shy about showing them.

My wife told Connie: "Showing is not touching and it certainly doesn't mean I want to have sex with other men."

Connie again said: "I am sorry and would you please forgive me?"

Donna did, but from time-to-time Connie would ask her if she would just bring me to one of the parties. Just to watch and see how much fun sex can be with other partners.

I assured Donna: "I had no idea that Ted and Connie were into wife swapping. Plus, I don't want you to have sex with men we know. The reason I want you to have sex with other well-hung men was because my dick is so small 5inches and thin and that never achieved an orgasm from my dick."

Again, she gave me her usual reasons why she didn't need a big cock. But this time she wasn't so emphatic.

I didn't bring it up again for about six years. Then we started to have sex less often. So, when she would have too much to drink, I would ask her again. Then a video store opened up near us which had a section behind a partition that was adult videos.

One night after we had been out for dinner and drinks; Donna had had more than her usual two drinks.

As we neared the video store, I asked her: "Do if you want to rent a movie?"

She said: "Yes."

I pulled into the parking lot. As we neared the adult section my wife nudged me and was giggling.

Then pointed to a couple and said: "They just came out of the adult section and they are each carrying a video."

Still giggling Donna then told me: "I know her, she is in my church group and she always has a holier than thou attitude." "

I asked her "Do you want to go into that section?"

She surprised me when she said: "Ok."

She seemed the most interested in the videos of women masturbating.

I asked her: "Did you find anything you would like to rent?"

She said: "No. Let just go home."

It was shortly after that night I changed my tactics. I found a book, a murder mystery that had a character that was a woman whose husband was older and no longer was into having sex with her. She meets a man with a wife that refuses to have sex with him.

They start having coffee and just venting their frustration to each other. Long story short both of their spouses are murdered. The cops find they have been seeing each other and think they killed their spouse so they can be together.

Now the reason I picked this book. The detective finds the woman's diary, in it he learns the woman still loves her husband and the other guy is just a friend. She feels sorry for him but would never conceder him as love interest.

She works out her sexual frustrations each night with a large cucumber. When I read this, I decided to tell my wife that it was a great book and she should read it.

For those that care the murders turned out to have been done by the man's daughter and her boyfriend.

She had seen her father with the woman having coffee and started to keep track of her father when he went out. She hated her parents and figured the cops would suspect the father after she was the one who told them he was having an affair.

When Donna was near the part of the book about the cucumbers, I made sure I always had one or two large cucumbers in the fridge. Then one night I came home and one of the cucumbers I bought the night before was out on the counter. When she didn't cut it for the salad that night, I got my hopes up. That she had used it on herself earlier or would ask me to use it on her that night.

After we had sex that night, she said: "I know why you wanted me to read that book."

Then she told me: "Go and get the cucumber off the counter."

When I came back with it, she had a condom in her hand.

Donna said: "Even thou I washed it I would feel safer with a condom on it."

I asked her: "Where did you get the condom, we are not using them."

She pointed to her nightstand and said: "I bought a dozen."

I knew then this was going to be more than a one-time thing. After about five minutes she had two thirds of the cucumber inside her. She was moaning like crazy; she never did that with my dick in her.

When she had three quarters of it in, she had her first orgasm. Donna fucked herself with that cucumber for over an hour. At times slow and some of the time hard and fast which led to a powerful orgasm. Finally, she had the entire cucumber inside her and her pussy lips closed around it.

She put her fingers in to her pussy and pushed the cucumber further in. When she did this, she had her biggest orgasm. When she pulled her fingers out the cucumber shot out behind them.

My wife received more sexual pleasure from that cucumber in one hour than I gave her in all the years we were married. As she drifted off to sleep, I picked up the cucumber and got a ruler. It was nine and a quarter inch long and so thick I couldn't get my fingers all the way around it.

Two weeks after she started to use the cucumbers, I went to an adult bookstore.

I asked the girl behind the counter; "Can you help me? I want to get my wife a vibrating dildo to use."

She showed me a twelve-inch-long dildo that plugged in. It was as thick around as an English cucumber.

I asked: "Why a plug in?"

She told me: "Nothing sucks more than having the batteries go dead just before you cum."

Also, she told me: "It is advised that you use condoms with the dildo. That it makes it easier to clean up after."

Donna loved the dildo, and used it with and without me being with her. It took her a couple of weeks before she was able to take the whole twelve inches.

One night after she spent an hour pleasuring herself with the dildo. It was about six months after buying it.

I told her: "If you liked the dildo so much, you should try the real thing. That I would be happy to help you find a guy with a very big cock for your sexual pleasure."

She got pissed at me like before for bringing it up. She got out of bed and through the dildo in the trash bin in the bathroom. In the morning she picked it out of the bin and wrapped it in newspaper and put it in with the rest of the trash from the kitchen and had me throw it in the trash barrels in the garage.

For the next two years we were back to the same old once a week and her only having an orgasm when I would eat her pussy.

Then one Saturday I came home early from golf, my partner got a call from home and had to leave. We were only on the fourth tee so being that I don't like to golf alone, I called it a day.

I was back three hours sooner than Donna would expect me. As I approached the bedroom, I heard her starting to have an orgasm, and the head board hitting the wall. I peeked around the door and saw Donna was on the bed on all fours slamming her ass against the head board. When she finished cumming she sprawled on to the bed.

It was then that I saw she had been fucking herself with a large dildo that had a suction cup end that held it to the headboard.

As I continued to watch she drifted to sleep. I waited five minutes to make sure she wouldn't wake up.

I went to the headboard and removed the dildo. What to do was my next thought. I went to the kitchen got a beer and realized I should have left the dildo where it had been. So, I went back to the bedroom and stuck it back to the headboard and sat on the edge of the bed.

I leaned over and kissed her cheek, which woke her up.

At first, she said a dreamy: "Hi."

Then sat up in a panic and looked at the headboard. She looked at the dildo then at me and said: "Oh fuck."

I told her: "Don't say a word to just sit and listen."

Then I said to her: "Don't try and tell me this is the first time you have done this."

I pointed to her night stand, on it were a bottle of lube that was almost empty and a box of thirty-six condoms that only had three left in it.

I said to her: "It is obvious that you like having a big cock. As I just watched you fucking yourself with that dildo (as I pointed at the headboard)."

Then I started to question her: "Do you have others?"

She told me: "Yes."

I asked her: "Where are they?"

She lowered head and said: "In the closet in one of my shoe boxes."

I said: "I want to know! How many?"

She told me: "Two more."

I asked her: "Where did you get them?"

She said: "One is the vibrating dildo you bought me. Another is like one I got from our daughter after I caught her using one like it on herself."

I asked her: "Why are you using that?"

She said: "I so horny and I need relief> I am not ready to have sex with my boyfriend."

I told her: "I understand and if she would get me one like it. It would be our little secret. She did ask me why I wanted one? I told her that I needed more relief than you could give me."

I told her: "Go get them."

She came back and put them on the bed. In deed the one I bought was one the other was small with a bunch of little nubs on the end.

Donna said: "It is for use on a woman's clit and gives great orgasms.

Then I said to her: "Why not enjoy the real thing instead of that fake cock. You know I am not only ok with it; I want you to do it. Just the thought of you fucking a guy with a big cock turns me on."

That is when she said; "But what if I like it?"

There it was, the big question. The wrong answer and it would never happen. I knew I had to answer her quickly. If I took the time to answer her, she would think I was not sure. With great confidence in my voice.

I said to her: "Like it? Sweetheart I think you are going to love it."

I pulled out several back issues of Penthouse Letters and showed her letters from wives whose husbands enjoyed the wife having sex with well-hung men. She was surprised that the wives all seemed so happy that their husbands allowed them to have lovers and how much they enjoyed big cocks.

That next night after supper we went online and I showed her sites that were about wives enjoying other well-hung men.

She was surprised how many sites there were and how many different themes there were. Hot wives, slut wives, Cuckold, Slave wives, Escort wives, Wives that were prostitutes, Amateur porn wives, and Black cock wives.

After an hour I told her: "I will leave you alone to surf the web and see what you find interesting.'

I took a shower and laid down to read a book while I waited for her to finish and come to bed.

At four AM I woke up and Donna wasn't in bed. I found her still at the computer, she didn't notice me and I left her alone. When the alarm went off to wake me for work, she still hadn't come to bed.

After dressing I went to the computer room, she was still on line. I went to the kitchen to make coffee, then brought her a cup.

I asked her; "Did you find anything that you like?"

She told me: "Several I find very interesting.".

Then she shut down the computer and headed to the bathroom to shower and get ready for work.

I turned the computer back on and plugged in a jump drive. Then I copied the Internet history, temporary Internet files, and any chat files. Then I shut the computer back down and unplugged the jump drive and headed off to work.

Work was busy and I didn't have a chance to check out what was on the jump drive till lunchtime. I usually go out to lunch with a couple of the guys I work with. That day I told them I didn't get much sleep and I was going to take a nap.

When they left, I locked my office door and plugged in the jump drive. I found that Donna seemed to find all the different ways a wife could enjoy other men interesting. She had paid for one to three day passes for over twenty sites.

She entered chat rooms at all the sites and the chat files showed she used IM to chat with over thirty women and ten men.

The text of the chats with the men all had the same content. The men were husbands of women that have sex with well-hung men. She wanted to know why they allowed their wives to have sex with other men. All but two of them like myself have small penises and their wives were never able to have an orgasm during intercourse from their small dicks.

One of the others has a good size cock but he is impotent and Viagra doesn't work for him. The other guy said he and his wife were swingers first.

But that after about three years he found that he enjoyed watching his wife with other well-hung men more than his having sex with women.

The women she chatted with all told her to go for it, that size does matter but that not all men with big cocks know how to use them.

These women were all into different types of lifestyles. Some were hot wives that dated men then come home to their husbands and tell them all the details of their sexual encounter.

Others enjoyed other men with their husbands as threesomes. Two were making porn that their husbands were filming the action. Which then they were selling on the Internet,

One called herself a cum slut party girl. She would go to parties where she was used by any number of men in one night. Though she was never paid, some of the men that set up the parties would charge the men to use her.

For some it was part of their everyday life. Others it was a once a month or once a year thing when on vacation. Far away from home, friends and family.

Only one of the wives said she was doing it only to please her husband. That sex was not that important to her and she would prefer to only have it with her husband.

All to quickly there was a knock on my office door. I looked at the clock and saw that I had been going through the files for an hour and a half. After closing the files, I was reading.

I opened the door to find my secretary Lynn. I was late for a meeting, she handed me the papers I needed and I headed to the conference room.

Two and a half hours later the meeting broke up. When I got back into my office the jump drive was no longer plugged into my computer.

Thinking I must have put it in my pocket I was looking for it when Lynn walked in.

She was holding the jump drive and asked me: "Is this what you are looking for?"

Lynn then said: "I came in to put some papers on your desk when I saw the drive. I knew it wasn't company issue so, I thought it would be best if I remove it so someone else doesn't find it. I looked what was on it to make sure there wasn't anything running or downloading."

In my rush I had closed the files that were opened but not the main folder. I must have looked like a deer caught in the headlights.

Lynn is ten years older than me, widowed, and seems very old fashion. She is always chastising the young secretaries for flirting with their bosses.

So, what she did and said next floored me. Lynn locked the door and told me: "I read everything on the drive."

Then told me: "I need to show you something."

She walked around my desk, stood in front of me pulled up her dress and pulled down her panties. Lynn was shaved and right above her pussy was a tattoo that read "Black Cocks Only".

She pulled up her panties and dropped her dress. To say I was shocked was an understatement.

Lynn sat down in one of the side chairs and spent the next half hour telling me that she and her husband. Had lived what she called the lifestyle part time, meaning that when they were away from home.

He became her cuckold husband and she became as she put it "Black cock Slut Wife". She went on to tell me that she would be glad to talk to Donna about the lifestyle.

That she had become what is called a hot wife. After she caught her husband cheating. She told him she would only forgive him if he let her have sex with another man.

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