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By My Own Device


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As soon as I felt the familiar signal I hurriedly pulled the gag from my mouth, taking a deep breath and releasing it as a loud moan. I had developed the gag to enhance my master's control over me, basically a mouthpiece with a sensor to detect pressure, it required me to keep my teeth clenched together while looking like I was keeping my mouth closed. Whenever I was outside of my house, school or away from my crush I had to wear the gag making me mute and unable to talk, effectively gagging me in public. The gag also prevented me from breathing through my mouth making it hard to pull enough air when I became highly aroused.

Staggering over to the end table placed against the wall I knelt on the pressure pad making sure it detected the proximity to the stimulator. Remaining perfectly still I waited to be acknowledged by my mistress.

"Greetings mistress our obedient slave has returned how may your possession serve you?" A greeting I had to repeat every time I entered my home and knelt before my mistress.

"Hello slave," a female voice text reader stated. "You have behaved well and will be allowed release today, once you have pleased your master. Dance."

Upon hearing the command I rose to me feet. Standing before my mistress as one of the songs used by my school's cheer team started to play and I began dancing in time with the beat. Last year in preparation I convinced the school to purchase motion sensors for the cheerleaders. The sensors would record how close each cheerleader came to matching the movements of the others and thus improved their performance. A copy of the training files was also sent to my master making the cheer team unknowing accomplices in my actions to please my master. As I moved about my living room dancing just like the cheerleaders at my school the stimulator tracking my movements and benchmarking me against the perfect performance, for every point I was off I would earn a demerit.

After running through a random selection for over a half hour the music abruptly stopped. "Very good slave you scored a ... ninety - four... your master is pleased and now wishes to have your ass."

Panting on the floor I knew exactly what was expected of me. Over the years I had acquired a number of erotic devices like my sybian that I had incorporated into my self bondage fantasies. As I developed my master I gave control of these items to it and used them while wearing the chastity belt and stimulator, teaching my master the exact effects they had on me and how to ensure I'm actually using them. Hence my pleasure toys can only be used under the control of my master and the spanking machine is now one of its discipline tools.

The exception to this is my shockspot robotic fucking machine, an adjustable piston machine with a pressure sensing dildo attached. Before my confinement I had received hours of pleasure from this device while bound to a bench. However during my confinement the machine serves as a source of pleasure for my master. I had performed numerous acts of partner only gratification on the dildo, now my masters penis, and the calibration of the stimulator to the dildo could tell the position and level of my performance, recording and rating my oral skills as well as my effort in giving the machine a titty fuck (having the dildo slide between my smashed breasts) or an ass fucking (having the dildo slide between my clenched ass cheeks).

For all intents and purposes my master uses my body to bring itself pleasure, as I had programed it to want to receive sexual gratification. For me it is both humiliating and arousing to know I have to debase myself for the sole pleasure of a computer knowing I have no choice, if I refuse it would dismiss me as its slave leaving me to face the consequences.

Crawling over to machine, my stockings sliding against the floor I set the arm to the proper angle I lift up my skirt exposing the metal band covering my sex and lube up my ass before kneeling with the dildo touching the small of my back. Bending forward until my face in pressing against the floor and my ass cheeks part I lean back making the dildo slide between them filling the valley formed. Using my hands I press my cheeks together enveloping the dildo and creating a hand job like experience for my master. Sensing the pressure, the machine starts moving the dildo up and down using my human body in such a submissive position for its own pleaser. As the dildo slowly rides back and forth I feel the thick milky fluid begin to seep out of my vagina as my body now associates this act of debasement with sexual pleasure. Much to my shame my body now takes the lead role and the stimulator merely assisting as the long buildup since my last orgasm, my date with my crush and the constant training by the stimulator bring me over the edge.

Releasing my ass I drop to the floor as I enjoy the afterglow from the incredible orgasm gifted by my master. Catching my breath I contemplate what had just happened. After many attempts to bring me off by simply pleasuring my master, it was successful. Going forward I know my master will continue to refine this process attempting to arouse me and bring me off by solely pleasuring it. A shiver of fear and excitement runs through my body knowing my master was achieving its goal.

4:35 6/15/2012

I sat in my classroom working the interface of my warden wondering why I had not received the deactivation code alerting me that I was free from my masters control and that I could finally enter its domain to retrieve it and the keys to my release. Nervously I hoped it is just a problem with its clock and not some glitch keeping it from deactivating.

Looking at the screen I let out a loud screech as I see my error. In my haste to activate my master I had mistakenly typed in 6/15/2021 and not 2012. So instead of 6 months under the control of my master I had accidentally committed myself to 9 years and six months. Uping my time from one semester and one crush to 18 semesters and 18 crushes before my release.

Dropping my head on my desk I began to cry knowing that I would not be free of my master until I was 36 years old. Subconsciously the knowledge of remaining under my masters control causes slight orgasm, recorded by the stimulator.

5:00 12/16/2015 - Present time

And that is how I became the property of a computer. A prisoner in an invisible jail of my own design and a slave of my own creation. Completely logical and unfeeling, its only purpose is to control my life. In the three years that I have been under its control I have had 6 crushes, four girls and two boys but the remaining 13 will all be girls. After Samantha, Jason was chosen as my crush. A nice boy but very shy and not very receptive to my attentions. He was also after the summer of my master perfecting its control over me as it would only let me leave my home to go shopping and have my hair done. I had spent hours being conditioned to orgasm by just pleasing it. After conditioning my body to come from being ass fucked my master conditioned the same response from tity fucking and finally during Jason's semester oral sex. Kimberly was my next crush and not only more receptive to my efforts but I now had the energy to focus on our relationship.

Kim was follow by Janet, a cheerleader, and then Mark. Mark was rather aggressive and I was worried that any outgoingness on my part would lead him to expect more, so I made an effort to stay away from him as much as allowed. Unfortunately my master assumed that this pattern ment I was only interested in my female students, and as they would yield the greatest stimulation, announced it was removing the males from crush consideration and simulation efforts.

Now my lebedo is only focused on my female students and I have found myself bending to my master's directive, ignoring my male students and focusing my attention only on the female ones. Like everything else strict obedience to the rules of my master is what my life revolves around.

In a way I'm happy it turned out this way. I had achieved my ultimate wish, to be controlled and dominated 24/7 by an ever present master devoid of any human contact, apart from the female students in my class. I truly feel like a captive, thanks to the prolonged time I have been held under my master's grasp

I no longer have to worry that I need to meet other people or that I really should get out of the house. My master forbids that. Now all I have to do is obey the rules. That and plan for 2021. I have 6 years to develop my master 2.0. With the advancements in video and speech technology my master will be able to watch and listen to everything I do. I also cannot wait to see what new and exotic toys are developed, with luck my master can have a robotic body controlling me in my house. Also by accident my master has allowed me to keep all of my old crushes, the girls at least, and I still keep in contact with a few of them, Samantha particularly. She is planning on becoming a teacher and is having boy troubles. In my erotic induced dreams I see her living and working with me as we both serve our master, it deserves a harem.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 21 hours ago

You really have to love the irony of that last review. This wannabe grammar cop is complaining about the author's spelling and then makes a spelling error of his own in the review. Way to look like a complete idiot. In case you read this and are still too dumb to know what you did, it should be 'were', not 'we're'. Do YOU speak English?

Author. Great story even decades later. Thanks for writing.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

What is a farmhouse parceled, what is masterbating and what is a parmiter? Do you speak English? We're you home schooled by your dog?

northirishdivernorthirishdiver10 months ago

Oh definitely needs a date update .... especially if 2.0 has been finished as it needs a beta test and increase in its stable of willing test subjects

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Loved the story, given the recent AI improvements, I think it's time for 2.0. That being said, I've enjoyed all of your stories that I've read so far. So feel free to ignore this request, I'm just glad your still actively writing and posting your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

So what does Master v. 2.0 look like? What upgrades did she include?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

lmao her program has a function to check whether someone is a jock or not

bool isJock(student):


if (( = "sport") && (student.isIdiot)): return true

else: return false


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

So to the previous anonymous commenter, all great ideas but it seems your pushing your own ideas. That’s great and all and of course would be better for a draft for your own story would be something interesting to read. Also you seem to have either missed or ignored the part were the computer master removed males from being suitable partners for the female sub, which she is unable to edit because she removed herself from being able too. Anyway great story hope to see part 2, keep up the great work

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Well done. Excellent premise and story. I do wish you had gone into more detail about her interactions with actual people. Does a teacher hitting on her spike her arousal and encourage Master to order her to spend more time with him? Does a good looking male student do the same? Regardless, I think everyone is ready for part 2.

Few thoughts... I don't even think a chastity belt is even required anymore. If it can monitor her arousal levels to such precise detail, I don't know that the belt is needed. In fact, she can be ordered to play with herself sporadically and edge herself - perhaps even without the assistance of the stimulator - but never allowed to cum. This could be seen as even greater control and submission. She is physically capable of touching herself and, in fact, is often encouraged/ordered to do so. But rather than relying on Master to halt the stimulator before orgasm, she must rely entirely on her own self-control to avoid disobeying Master.

Tattoos and piercings would be more feasible if the chastity belt itself was gone.

In addition, maybe Master controls an online acct of hers on Fetlife or Kink that he sometimes posts nude photos of her (face censored of course), and has her sometimes engage. Maybe Master even turns her into a camgirl. Forcing her to expose herself, demonstrating her service to Master, taking spankings, etc in order to earn extra money. Not for her to spend, of course. To improve Master.

One thing I would strongly suggest is to include the occasional human proxy. Master sometimes demands she find individuals for her to pleasure in service to Master. Some guy from Fetlife; some girl she got to talking to at the supermarket; some guy she was ordered to take to a hotel from a bar she was ordered to go to; some former student; some neighbor woman.

There needs to be humans that are aware of her submissiveness - even if they don't understand the true nature of Master. Maybe they think she just has a long-distant dominant partner with some voyeuristic tendencies. But she needs to be made to pleasure and to expose (parts of) her secret to actual humans at times. Actual humans are important to her humiliation. While Master can *evaluate* her and convey dissatisfaction in her performance, it's nowhere near the gut-wrenching humiliation of being judged by actual humans feeling disgust in her core desires and preferences.

Maybe she builds a whole litany of human partners she sporadically serves. One day Master contacts the guy from the bar and asks if he's interested in a blowjob on his way home from work. A few days/weeks later, Master sends a FB note to a woman who has such a condescending smirk on her face (which Master senses as positive since it spikes Christine's humiliation/arousal) when Christine kneels in front of her and asks for permission to lick her cunt (luckily, the woman doesn't know that she lives in the same neighborhood as this little sub slut?). The following week, as she approaches earning an orgasm, Master sends a text to Jake, a boy she taught who graduated last year and asks him if he's ever fucked a girl's ass.

I would love to read that Master 2.0 AI analyzes online BDSM stories and attempts to concoct tasks for her. In order to minimize potential problems, Master posts surveys online about the tasks, describing the plan, and asking for feedback about whether the task would be "Likely illegal" or "Likely to result in being fired" and if not, then asks them to rate various aspects on a scale of 1-5. How hot the task. How humiliating. How physically dangerous. And using those survey results, picks one per month (at first) for her to perform. Once and only once per year, she can (respectfully - meaning given while on her knees and edging herself) offer an alternative task that must get similar or better survey scores online to be allowed to replace the one she doesn't want.

Very much hoping that we can get part 2. So much more potential for this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I'm still waiting for a part 2, eagerly

PonderingLifePonderingLifeabout 3 years ago

So by now she should have gotten master 2.0 going.

Lets have it!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

hello from 2021!! i really loved this story and i hope that our protagonist didn’t end up in jail and has a wonderful master 2.0

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I have been looking for exactly this story for years your a hero

PonderingLifePonderingLifeover 3 years ago

Nearly time for her to switch from master 1 to master 2. Less then 2 months left.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
The awful thing about it

is indeed that there's no second part.

AmpleWangAmpleWangover 5 years ago
Actually amazing

Holy shit, this might be the best story I've ever read on this site, or at least, one of the best.

I absolutely love reading stories about losing fully control, and having a computer do it to a victim is so hot. I hope you write something similar to this, or maybe a continuation later.

Even if you don't, I'm so happy you wrote at least this one. Thanks a bunch :D

mistimksmistimksabout 6 years ago
I found the video of this story


A maker set up the Amazon Alexa assistant to zap his sub via voice command, and then set up a timer to zap her if she doesn't invoke Alexa on herself every 15 seconds. Hot and funny stuff, and it very much reminded me of this story.

ultadonisultadonisover 6 years ago

Very original concept and unbelievably hot. Truly amazing story. I wish you would write another part.

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